Lapdances are for chumps
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Tj is the way it should be! It all starts with the frontroom makeout session then you take your gfe chica arriba or vip and she will be into it and show your appreciation by tipping well! Mongers bragging about dances and ldk is absolutely ridiculous. Everytime you pay 200 to 400 to cum in your pants your fucking it up for everybody! Nothing will change as long as their is dumbassed mongers. What a dance hustle bullshit no more 20 30 dollar drinks. No more than the 10 hj charges only for a front room makeout sessions! No front room makeout sessions no vip things will change if mongers make them change! Why does dejavu chain stay in business? Because their is dumbassed mongers! All mongers need to force these changes! They will change or go out of business! The fact is sex tourism is ludicrous. It is our own faults we do not have clubs like hk in our backyards
Paying to makeout with a dancer is just gross. Everyone I know would be grossed out by that.
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
TrapBaby304 - troll status likely
I can't tell if Countryman is trolling or serious. Last time he had me fooled. This time I really suspect SJG has successfully converted him.
Paul Drake, you're my hero lol. Go to TJ just to LDK to piss off SJG. I love it!
And yeah if I went to TJ/Hong Kong, by choice I would only get dances and LDK. PaulDrake and I can 'hold down the fort' while the other chumps go arriba.