
30 min ViP champagne room

Somewhere in the club
What do you expect from a topless dancer in 30 minute VIP champagne room at low mileage club?
Share your experiences also depending on dancers.


  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    naked sex.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    You should expect whatever you negotiated for. Beyond that, depends on the dancer and the club.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    She guzzles down the overpriced champagne you bought.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    With some dancers, a lot of sitting around and talking. Hell, even the ones who will actually do stuff will sit around and talk for a little bit.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I recommend you bring a few condoms. Negotiate with the girl before you go to the room. Make sure you set a price and she agrees to perform for you.
  • bang69
    7 years ago
    I agree with call.Me.Ishmael. And hope she doesn't rip you off
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    I don't expect to do a champagne room in a low mileage club. Why would you?
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    If it’s a non extras club then the most you can expect is a full two way contact lap dance. If you can’t get that then there no chance that I’m paying for a VIP.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Agree with JS69.
  • eyeofodin
    7 years ago
    A vicarious life is one not well lived. Instead of asking others about a low mileage VIP (which has the answer in the question), go spend a few dollars and give it a try and report back.

    6-1/2 years here on this MB... and you want to know what others expect? Hell after only reading a thread or two the expectation level of folks here is obvious.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    I am assuming two way contact means both can touch each other but we can't touch dancer covered parts is it's topless.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    I had only two 30 min champagne rooms so far in my life and they were at low mileage clubs. That's why I opened this thread.I want to have more 30 min vip in future.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    The one before message for JS69
  • eyeofodin
    7 years ago
    Then like others have said, you just need to ask the rules up front and be prepared to get ROB'd.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    It's low mileage club in lap dances.Ot may be high mileage in 30 min vip..Again high mileage is relative here
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I mostly SC at low-mileage clubs that are tightly monitored. Also, I don't do 30 minute champagne rooms, only 3-song VIPs; no particularly strategy here, other than I enjoy my private time 10 minutes at a time, rather than 30 minutes all at once, at these types of clubs. She'll be spending at LEAST an hour with me between each VIP.

    - Each club is different, so you can't have expectations going in
    - Each shift at each club is different
    - If you are on good terms with the manager and bouncer, you will get more leeway
    - If the stripper is on good terms with the manager and bouncer, you will get more leeway
    - Even in a tightly monitored club, *if* the girl wants to get away with it, things like FIV and FIA are easily hidden from staff and the eyes in the sky. In your particular club, as in mine, they may be rare unless you develop a good CF/FC relationship first
  • knight_errant
    7 years ago
    Treat yourself to a trip to a high mileage club
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago

    Of the two 30 min vip visits I had one dancer didn't allow sucking tits. I don't particularly look for anything extra beyond this.
    I was surprised she said no nipple sucking baby.I respected her and continues with just touching.
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^just try another girl. If most of them deny nipple sucking, then fuck that club. That's how I feel about my area clubs. Fuck em. I'll wait till I travel to better areas to go clubbing.

    I agree with JS69. If you can't at the minute get a two way high contact dance in this VIP, why even bother?
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Is this with the one dancer that you're crushing on? It sounds like she doesn't deliver much but who really knows. You can always ask i suppose before the VIP starts instead of being ROBed of $300. I don't think she'll lie about simple requests instead of asking for extras, but again who really knows. She probably prefers lap dances to champagne rooms since she keeps everything from the dances and doesn't have to do as much. I would prepare to be disappointed, either way.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > What do you expect from a topless dancer in 30 minute VIP champagne room at low mileage club?

    The same as in a 10-15 minute champagne room, except she will think you're bigger chump. IMO, 10 minutes is the best. Any longer than 15 minutes and it's too easy to start thinking about what you're not getting rather than what you are.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"^^^^^just try another girl. If most of them deny nipple sucking, then fuck that club. That's how I feel about my area clubs. Fuck em. I'll wait till I travel to better areas to go clubbing. "

    Discussion of this almost deserves its own thread ... I am a strong proponent of figuring out which experiences you value, and finding them at a price you can afford. That said, I think it's important to learn how to work the system -- I might not be SCing at all anymore if I hadn't done that. In the late 2000s, when the extras clubs around here went to shit, it took me some time to figure out how to have fun in the tightly-patrolled no-extras clubs.

    Working the system is key. It MAY be the case that girls in Darkblue999's clubs don't allow nipple sucking in the VIPs no matter what. But it may not be. The girls in the club I go to absolutely DO NOT take out their breasts, or allow FIV, or do stick shifting ... except that they do. For me, getting this has been about 1. Cultivating good CFs (and "failing fast", quickly identifying and firing those who won't work out) who will do more for me than a rando dancer who has no idea how much I'll spend on her, 2. cultivating friendly relationships with manager and bouncers. I'll give you an idea of what that's meant: the bouncer normally walks through the VIP 2-4 times per 3-song VIP; I have not had a bouncer walk through my VIP in several YEARS (except for the occasional new bouncer who doesn't know me). I'm pretty sure the manager does not bother watching the monitors when I'm alone in the VIP, and I time my visits so that I'm often alone in the VIP. My CFs know all this.

    Anyway, I strongly agree that: don't pay for an experience you don't enjoy. But I'm also saying: those who work the system are having a different experience than you are, and it may be worth it to give that a try, rather than just abandoning ship.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ When you say cultivating the managers and bouncers, do you mean greasing them (particularly the bouncers)? I don't think the bouncers will really help you out much just because you're "friendly" to them; they sure won't at the clubs i go to. It is still a job and a business for them.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I tip the bathroom troll a few extra bucks when I grease up a bouncer in the men's room before some hot FIA. The Listermint to get the smell off alone is worth the tip. To this day, I haven't found a bouncer to have BPH. Maybe I'm just lucky.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    Why ask us? Ask the girl. As far as my experience, I never went to the champagne room. If the mileage was that good, I met up later. In my experience mileage has always been higher when you are alone with the girl with no bouncers or anyone else. It's less expensive that way too. One thing I didn't care for was not getting back home until the next day until noon sometimes. Only an hour away so that's a long night out. Us vampires usually fall asleep at dawn for at least a few hours. Vampire dancers included. I got my sleep schedule all messed up without visiting strip clubs, wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night. That seems strange especially on the weekend.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I would likely not get a 30min VIP at a low mileage club, but if I did and based on it being low mileage, at a minimum I would expect a really good grind and a stripper that pays a lot of attention to my dick with excellent one-way contact. Rubbing her tits in my face would be expected if I couldn't touch them. Basically limited air dancing and a lot of dick stimulation. If she does all this, I can usually take care of my own LDK with 30 min to work with so it's all good. And by low mileage I would assume that I could grab her ass and use it to control my own grind a little.

    But honestly, 30 min VIPs at a low mileage club aren't worth the upcharge from cheaper dances. In my experience, when mileage in a club is low it only gets marginally better in the VIP room. In medium to high mileage clubs is where I get 30 min VIPs depending on the price. But then again I'm an LDK only PL and don't want extras in VIP.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ The OP doesn't want extras either (and probably not even LDK), not that he reasonably could anyhow. So he's probably the type of customer that's very important for that club's viability...
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    If I were to do that I would expect making out, FIV, sucking tits, and two way contact.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    What you should be expecting is GFE FS. Otherwise why pay the VIP room toll?

    But the way you get this is via a front room makeout session. Then use the VIP for what can be done, and as a way to say Thank You to the house, and then take her home with you and keep on seeing her regularly.

    Buying dances is a chump's game. Front room GFE session first. Then you invite her to the back room.


    Marxism 101

  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Subraman I believe you are in my general area. With your experience you know a lot more than I do about clubs in this area.

    That said, I (thankfully) don't have the time to be such a frequent customer that I could have any dancer as a regular. If the clubs here were to my liking I still see myself only being able to go at maximum two times per month. Not enough to be a known customer or be steady income for any dancer. Therefore I doubt I'd get the special treatment that you probably do.

    Still, I wish our clubs were like other clubs I've been to out of state in terms of mileage for any old guy that walks in. In SF I had to get multiple dances just to finally find one who didn't freak out when I grabbed her boobs. Whereas in Vegas the girls grab your hands and place them on their boobs within 5 seconds of the dance starting. And don't even get me started on my experience in COI where within minutes of setting foot in the door girls are telling you they wanna swallow your cum.

    After experiencing that, I just can't do it with SF clubs anymore. I see folks talk about going to TJ and how it ruins US strip clubs for them. I already have a trip planned for TJ but I know I still won't stop going to US strip clubs. I just have a certain mileage I expect, even as a non regular. Other area clubs provide it, but in my experience, SF clubs don't.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    SF clubs suck except for crazy horse.Even it went down hill in recent years.
    Also those dances in SG clubs are crazy expensive. Those dancers
  • samsung1
    7 years ago
    Plenty of dancers will lie to sell a vip room. They will agree to let you suck on tits but then limit it to 30 seconds in the vip and say oh we can't do it the whole time.
    Basically if dancer is unwilling to let you do it in dances then she will be unlikely to offer it in vip or limit it to 30 seconds at low mileage clubs.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    It's discussions like this that just reinforce my views about LDs. For me, either she fucks OTC or she doesn't. I just can't sit in a club and worry about shit like whether I can suck her nipple, or stick a finger in her vag, or how much she rubs her ass in my lap, or any of this other half ass shit.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Depends on the club/area - in certain clubs/areas one may only be able to get decent-mileage dances in VIP - in other cubs/areas the mileage in VIP is pretty-much the same as the regular dances
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    That said, I (thankfully) don't have the time to be such a frequent customer that I could have any dancer as a regular. If the clubs here were to my liking I still see myself only being able to go at maximum two times per month. Not enough to be a known customer or be steady income for any dancer. Therefore I doubt I'd get the special treatment that you probably do."

    TFP, especially given how sloooow things have been here, twice a month is **easily** enough to get established as a valued regular, even if you spend rather modestly. At least for dayshift or early nightshift. When in the day do you SC?

    -->"Still, I wish our clubs were like other clubs I've been to out of state in terms of mileage for any old guy that walks in"

    Were you around in the mid-90s to mid-00s? If not, I can tell you stories of the golden age of SF SCing that will make you cry! Ya, wish it was still like that here
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    MBOT in the 90s was a good time for any monger. So sad to hear things changed for the worse.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    SF clubs would change, if there were not so many chumps who bought dances.

    If guys always tried to steer it to front room makeout sessions, and then back room FS, and then taking the girl home with them to continue. These places would become more like all that is written about Mexico.

    But as long as chumps keep DejaVu in business by going along with the dances and extras concept, our clubs will continue to suck big time.

  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    DejaVu SF allowed plenty of front room lap sitting in the 90s. I had plenty of it back then and at MBOT. My CFs at the time would sit on my lap and lightly stick shift me as we watched stage shows of other strippers before we did dances. It was no different at Deja Vu and MBOT. Lap dances and front room sitting were both options. Front room sitting is always an option at any club. Only a chump would use lap dances as an excuse not to get front room time with a stripper.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    If the club lacks excessive restrictions, and extreme restrictions are not necessary to keep LE away, then lap sitting should often lead to front room makeout sessions. Then from there, you can invite her to the back room, when it is time for your own pants to come down. What then ensues should be mind blowing FS.

    From there you can take her home with you and keep seeing her regularly OTC.

    Not every girl who sits on your lap is going to be induced into a makeout session, but if the girls are in competition with each other, and if there are enough of them, and if you have learned to turn on some charm, the odds are good.

    This way, you will never get the bullshit which strippers dish out to the chumps who buy dances.

    DejaVu has different 'business models". One is for their branded clubs, like DV Centerfolds. Others are for those with alcohol, and hence subject to harsher LE actions. The loosest should always be the unbranded no alcohol, and in loose cities like SF.

    And I note that it was in this latter group that there were allegations of credit card fraud, suggesting that even DV is not really able to regulate it.

    But when you see signs about tired dance pricings, and pictures which clearly make it look like lap sitting is prohibited, then I would not expect a good set up, just chumps who buy dances.

    I am 24/7 embedded in highly contentious and public political matters. And I am going after scalps. So getting current again in SF still has to wait. But overall, my interest in those clubs is limited, lots of money, and likely for being a chump and buying dances. The instate place which appeals to me is that San Gabriel Valley, and then of course Tijuana.

    And maybe Club Fantasy Sacramento is good, maybe.

  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^ Says the guy who hasn't DFKed a stripper this century.

    All talk, no action.

    @SJG posted -> "From there you can take her home with you and keep seeing her regularly OTC."

    ^ SJGs fantasy that has NEVER been reality with a stripper. LMAO by his own admission.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    SJG said "... then lap sitting should often lead to front room makeout sessions. Then from there, you can invite her to the back room, when it is time for your own pants to come down. What then ensues should be mind blowing FS.

    From there you can take her home with you and keep seeing her regularly OTC."

    How many times have you done that?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Ishmael, again, my private life is private, if you kept trying to interrogate me f2f, then there would already have been severe and irreparable consequences inflicted upon you.

    SirLapDance, you continue to throw out statements in order to bait, even though you have no idea what is so or what is not. So I give you the same warning given above to Ishmael.

  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    SJG’s hostility towards Ishmael tells me that he’s never taken a dancer otc. He wants to keep his private life private - even though he’s given us all of the intimate details of his interaction with several girls already.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @SJG posted -> "From there you can take her home with you and keep seeing her regularly OTC."

    ^ SJGs fantasy that has NEVER been reality with a stripper. LMAO by his own admission.

    All talk, no action.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    over four years ago at cheetas san diego i did a half hour vip with a girl that promised me everything. and i paid up front. total rip off. $300. she didn't even take her top off.

    shortly afterwards a few months... i was introduced to tj.
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Subraman when I used to club in SF it would be on the weekend. I know, the worst possible time. But it was my only free time and still is.

    Yes I know I missed the golden age of clubs in SF. But mid 90s I was only 17 years old. By 2005 I had still never set foot in a strip club. My first visit was my 30th birthday in 2008. Hit a place called 'Seamless'. I'll never forget it but now that I look back on it since I had no clue what I could do it was a rather weak experience. But drunken, first time strip clubbing 30 year old me thought it was amazing lol. After a few more trips to Vegas and slowly learning the mileage available I really started to love it. Searched some SF clubs after that and was disappointed to find that the mileage, dancer quality, and overall experience was nothing like Vegas. Now I come to find that I indeed missed the Golden age in SF. If only my friends had taken me to a strip club for my 21st birthday!

    Only this year (after finding this site) have I had way better clubbing experiences and trips. Thanks to all you fine fellows, your advice and recommendations, and these reviews, I'm having a much better time.

    And as Justme62 just posted......Hong Kong TJ. I have a trip planned. My body is ready!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Cashman1234, again trying to read beyond the 4 corners of my posts, trying to draw inferences. That gets you absolutely no where. Sorry if you don't understand that my private life is private and that I can post so much because I can and do deploy a privacy wall where needed. Just because you do not understand something does not mean that it is not true.


    Trump and the Republicans are getting me so pissed that its hard to watch today's news.

    My Ignore List:
    DrPhil, DrPhil., IME, Meat72, san_jose_gay, tixtittyfag, JimGassagain, Call.Me.Ishmael, SirLapdancealot

    Portal, please save this some place safe in case there are ever any temporary TUSCL outages

    King Crimson, live in Japan


  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^ SJG just finding excuses for being a strip club POSER.

    He failed miserably trying to take AMP whores OTC.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Kissing and fingering as an extra. Otherwise, just intense high mileage dance
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