
When a favorite gains weight

Sunday, December 10, 2017 11:19 AM
Impala's recent discussion about chubby girl usually delivering had me wondering about a few former favorites and regulars who have put on a little or even a lot of weight at some point during their careers. I tend to be very picky with looks and a chubby girl generally is a non starter for me. Depending on how much extra weight and more importantly where it gets distributed, it can lower a girls total rating almost as much as implants (nearly 2 points or more if extreme). In occasional instances, it can noticeably improve a girls rating (say she was bony and flat and is now curvy in the right places and has some meat on those bones) and the overall skin looks tighter and smoother particularly in the face and sometimes the tits. However, some girls are naturally skinny (usually spinners) and/or wear that look very well; any extra weight tends to go to the wrong areas (face, waist/stomach, thighs and triceps) first. Unless they have children or something (and sometimes even then), they tend to look mostly the same throughout their career. Anyway, i am digressing. In my case, the favorites/regulars were favorites/regulars largely because they were physically attractive (not overweight) and already gave good if not usually great dances. When they became overweight, they were still the same girls and gave the same dances (in some cases even better dances out of necessity). But there was a part of me that was turned off a bit or more than a bit. The dances (even with more mileage and contact) just weren't as exciting or as pleasant for me. Feeling and looking at fatty flesh (besides boobs which are nice when fatty) is just not the same as a super nice tight body. I tended to not get as many dances from them and tried to avoid them more on subsequent visits. Having said that, weight gain isn't a permanent/unnaturally unchangeable condition and sometimes this fluctuates as well as my interest in the girl. In this case where she loses the weight and looks great again, if she's used to giving better than previous dances, she usually doesn't forget and usually makes even more money than she ever did, both from me and in general. How do the rest of you guys handle something like this?


  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    fat = no $$$$$ from me
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    I remember a dancer I would have rated a hot 9 at one point. She disappeared for over a year. Suddenly I saw her one night asking if I wanted a dance. Mentioned something about having a baby. She was fat and chubby. I wouldn't have rated her above a 6 or 6.5. I declined and thought, how sad she went downhill so much. Paying money for a lap dance you want to feel attracted to the dancer. If you're not, you're wasting money or donating money to her. I remember other hot dancers who had gained too much weight and started looking way too fat. In at least one case, the dancer lost weight and looked hot again. All this reminds me, a little bit of weight training or resistance training helps keep muscles so that as you age, you don't gain as much weight. I need to start lifting those Dumbbells again.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    If she puts on the pounds, I can no longer get dances with her. Simple as that.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    I always say I prefer thick girls, but definitely not fat ones. To use celebrities as examples: Kate Upton is thick... Rebel Wilson is fat... Keira Knightly is a skinny spinner. And let's say these were the three choices in a hypothetical strip club. I would definitely choose Kate Upton. No question about it. Anyway, weight gain is a good thing if a girl starts out as a skin-and-bones manequin. Take the comedienne Whitney Cummings: she gained 25 pounds a few years ago and now she looks almost human LOL. Weight loss can be a good idea if A) the girl starts out as an enormous dump truck to begin with, and B) if she loses weight slowly and through healthy means. There's nothing worse than a sudden massive weight loss though. It ruins the elasticity of the skin and makes most women look awful. Also, take note ladies, most of the time the tits and ass are the first things to go when you shed the pounds. Because nature is cruel. If a dancer starts out as thick or curvy, but not a fat slob, and then she loses weight for whatever reason, I usually just stop getting dances with her. But I've never seen a dancer gain so much weight that she suddenly became unattractive to me; that only seems to happen to civilians. When you spend hours each day working a pole and blowing dudes, it tends to keep the excess weight at bay naturally.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Don't greet her with a moo.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I like slim girls. IF she gains some weight soon after I met her, I'm probably moving on . If she's my ATF or even a really valued CF, I'm sometimes surprised how tolerant our sexual history together makes me ... Obviously, all this does is move the bar, there's a point where she gets too big and I'm gone. But that point is further down the line for a valued CF, than a random stripper
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    The reason I go to clubs is to see and feel slim women. I'd move on, but that's just me.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    My ex ATF had weight fluctuations. Never was so significant that it bothered me. I'm not as hung up on weight as most but I do have a limit.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I hope that some of these girls are self-aware enough to realize what is going on. The ones that do probably up their dances a bit or have to put a better foot forward. Even then the reality is probably stacked against them. Although there are the chub chasers or the guys that genuinely like BBW, but the girls i'm talking about haven't ever quite reached that point (BBW status). Even then, it's generally such a small niche that they would always have a hard time at most clubs.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    I like girls with some curves, but too much weight gain is no bueno for me. Like many here, I've had situations where former favorites reemerged with a lot of extra weight. As bad as I feel about turning them away, I pay girls for xyz because they turn me on. I'm not running a charity for girls who let themselves go yet still want to strip, regardless of our history.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Weight gain seems to be caused by two primary things. getting pregnant and quitting the use of hard drugs. After having a child some dancers seem to have no trouble getting back that nice figure she has before getting knocked up. With the druggies, they can usually lose that weight by getting back on the drugs. If I am aware of the drug users addiction, I usually stay clear of them even when they have nice looking bodies. The dancers that come back a couple of months after having their babies, I treat on an individual basis. If they are just slightly over weight and not nursing, I welcome them back. But if they still look sloppy fat, I cannot handle them. I'm not 18 any more and it takes more to get my motor revved up.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    The older I get, the less I have had any hangups about a girl's weight. Some of it has to do with the fact most of my favorites over the years were chubby (at least) from the start. A lot of it has to do with the fact that they were always entertaining from the start. And not all the entertainment strippers provide is about taking their clothes off and what they do when they are off. A girl who keeps me interested will probably be able to always do so and that has no relationship with weight gain, or loss. Like Sunshine my favorite fat stripper once said, it's all entertainment.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    When that happens, I look for another dancer. I would never try to talk to her about it, even with the utmost respect. Unfortunately, there's an infinite number of ways for that conversation to go sideways.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    ^^ I"ve been agreeing with Ish shockingly often lately. I'm not sure I would NEVER try to talk to her about it, but as a general rule, I would not. 100% guarantee she knows she's gained weight, she's anguished over it, she realizes she's losing customers (and/or attracting different types of customers, who like bigger girls), and she knows why you've lost interest. At best, this type of conversation only hurts her feelings, at worst, it can go sideways, and neither is anything I'm interested in being part of. I brush her off the same way I brush off any other stripper when I'm moving on: big smile and hug, "hey I'm here to see Mocha today, stop by if you want to do a shot with us!" and then disengage and move on. No hard feelings, no reason to pretend to ignore her, etc.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Sometimes the girls bring it up themselves. They'll say how much weight they've gained (or lost). Usually, i might make some compliment about their boobs (especially if they've gotten bigger) during a dance. And a girl might say they used to be larger/smaller because of how they've lost or gained. Sometimes i make the compliment so they don't get them done (like a stripper would every really listen to a PL).
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’m less driven by the dancers body - and more interested in the service she provides. A skinny dancer who is a freak in vip will get me every time. If I know a dancer is a wild fuck - weight gain won’t decrease my desire to experience her in vip. Bodies tend to move up and down in weight over the years - and I don’t mind a gain. It’s the extras that make the difference to me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I like/prefer well-endowed women -thus thin girls w/ small-boobs and small-asses I don't find as enjoyable (and find them kinda boring personally) - thus for me a weight-gain by a dancer(s) has usually not been a problem and often times I've liked the dancer more. I'm almost exclusively into AA dancers and IMO/IME on avg AA women can put on weight "much better" than white-women - IDK if it's b/c black-women tend to have better/more muscle-mass or just naturally larger-frames where they can often carry more-weight better - i.e. IME many AA-dancers that have gained weight a lot of it goes to the "right areas" (per my tastes) i.e. tits, ass, hips - seen several AA dancers that were either slim or medium become thick or brickhouses where their tits have gone from Bs to Ds and their asses and hips gotten bigger all while still remaining curvy (i.e. their tits, ass, hips, are their most prominent areas/features) - thus in my case it's rarely been a deal-breaker when an AA-dancer puts on weight, although there have been a case or two where I did not like the way they looked when they put on too-much weight b/c their stomach got too-big in comparison to their tits/ass/hips - but usually they still look good enough to dance (in a black club), they are often just thicker. I've also seen some AAs that have lost weight and I have not liked them as much b/c their tits and ass got smaller and at times they felt softer after losing weight - and in some occasions some AAs that have lost weight did look better (curvier and firmer) - but overall I've been more turned-off when they've lost weight vs gained-it (in the case of AA dancers).
  • thedude111222
    7 years ago
    there is nothing worse than when a skinny girl with a tiny ass misses your guy when grinding you lap and it feels like she is using her ilium and head of her femur to stab your thigh. that said if a skinny girl with a tiny ass gets it just right, even a no extra lapper in jeans can be better than your best solo work. a good plump ass has a better chance of making contact with your pressure point, but if she doesn't lean in on the subsequent grind, it makes for a pretty sad tease. in this case you might have to take some initiative and hold her down or put a little thrust into it yourself to get the most out of it.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    It does change things, especially if they were in 9-10 territory before their body plumped up. How do I handle these things? Case by case like everything else in clubland. One time I saw a gal who'd been in my OTC rotation way back when, and I agreed to some regular dances that she quickly turned into something else. Her technique had leveled up to more than compensate for the extra weight. There was another girl at Players Club in Baltimore who was all time hot and delivered the goods on lappers, too. She ballooned so much to be almost unrecognizable. Her I couldn't bring myself around to getting dances from at that size, at least on that night. Never saw her again.
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