
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Here's the litmus test.........take out who gave the speech and look at the context or better still ask yourself if the same speech was given by someone of the other party how would you perceive the information. Secondly and this is my observation and I freely admit up front I have considered Pelosi part of the problem for decades and that the media is in fact somewhat biased to protect liberals but ask yourself shouldn't she need to explain her actions over the past couple of months. Not to Trump but maybe to the women whose parents were murdered by the "ILLEGAL" immigrant. Face them. Look them in the eye and tell them there is no difference between legal and illegal immigration.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Single vs. Married friends
    There's a reason married guys--especially the ones in their 20's hear bachelor party and think strip club......even years ago before it became more mainstream.
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    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    VIP room warning
    I haven't been around as much due to work and the weather ( last week) but do I need to ask who lacked the common sense and did this?
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    6 years ago
    Single vs. Married friends
    It isn't the first time but it seems my observation is different. Marriage is less of an issue than being a parent. Having kids especially from the ages of 5-15 is when I noticed guys are less likely to mix with single guys. Even single guys with kids in that age range have other priorities and understandably so . I have a fair amount of friendly acquaintances but my group of what I consider true friends is small. Guys I've known for decades not just years. A couple are married, a couple are divorced, and one committed bachelor. We're spread out all of the United States now. but we all still stay in touch and a subset of us are always doing something together.
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    6 years ago
    North Carolina
    Skip the games
    Damn DC I gave you some places to go in your area. As for escorts---I don't trust just EROS---back in the day we would always say that EROS verified meant the girls check cleared the bank. Without some of the web sites ( TER, etc) it is a lot more risky than it once was which is why I keep falling back to SA. Just never send money to someone until you have met them in person and decide that is the direction you want to go. Also rule number one as far back as the 1990's with P4P is use discretionary funds only--meaning money you can afford to lose when playing the game.
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    6 years ago
    Single vs. Married friends
    Most of my friends with one notable exception have been married or are married. Being my age it's rare when people are not --or haven't been I do realize marriage is happening later in life today than for a long time and there is a larger block of people who simply don't date in the 20's age range and maybe never will. As for keeping activities separate there are more activities than not that it doesn't matter if your friends are married or not--sports related and work related stuff. About ten years ago I had a group of guys that were all mongers and we tended to do things together that were centralized to being mongers and didn't mix with other parts of our lives but as the impact of social media got larger and the intelligence of the Internet increased for many it got a little scary. I've thought about asking this question on here for some time and maybe it should be a separate conversation but how much of your life is spent inside a strip club or with a P4P relationship? For me I doubt it is 20% in any category meaning not in time, effort, or money. I would think if it is for anyone (male) it would have a negative impact on your overall health and life in some way, shape or form.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    OT: Did you notice?
    I'm not sure how SUPER it was but there was a football game. Geez Daddillac I heard the same thing and actually agree as much as you do............SaS now.............( and yes I am kidding) RM--I don't pretend to understand what other people feel or think if I can't walk a mile in their shoes to use an old line. On the other hand please do not hold me responsible for the actions of people from over 150 years ago, especially when my ancestors were not even in this country yet.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    OT: Did you notice?
    I'd bet on RM as well.........
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    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    OT: Did you notice?
    As a side note when in high school when asked for a homework assignment what I wanted to be when I grew up I said a "PIP"....had to be the easiest, least talented job in the world in my mind......Gladys did the singing and had the talent.....saying "oh yeah" and moving your hands in unison seemed pretty damn easy to me. With the exception of 1 or 2 songs I never thought much of Maroon 5 either and the minute someone throws out white privilege without knowing my background I pretty much tune them out as having any thing of substance to say except excuses for still living in mom's basement.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    So next week I am in DC/Maryland for a few days
    Overall I try and not plot out a trip to a club---not setting expectations minimizes disappointment. I tend to sit at the bar and I will ask the bartender his or her opinion on the dancers if I have not been to the place for some time or if it is a first visit. If I see a dancer I want to meet I'll either ask for an introduction or when she dances on stage I'll walk up and tip her. More times than not it's enough to get her to come to the bar and talk for a few minutes. If I like her I'll offer to buy her a drink. Chances are high it we get to that point I am going to buy dances from her but it is very unlikely I'll go to the VIP room on a first or second visit. I looked at the Gold Club reviews and it seemed the most likely choice. As far as women I'm a leg and butt man. Understand about ymmv--it always does to some extent which is why I take the reviews with a grain of salt. I appreciate the info from all who answered. even twentyfive"clinton".....:--)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Follow up to Rick's question about when...
    I wouldn't mind finding a few guys who you could go to a club with as Subraman describes. The problem is you are perceived as the least common denominator......sort of similar to the old saying only as strong as the weakest link........and at least in my experience once you get above three people someone is going to measure a 9 or higher on the Dbag scale.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Dancers who never go on stage...
    Liwet--I've also heard in Vegas the girls do promos's which basically is to go hang out in a casino and hand out business cards to try and get people to come to the clubs--if they do participate in the promo events they can get removed from the stage dance rotation and or have a reduced day/shift fee. I doubt a promotion of any sort would be something club dancers would do anywhere outside of Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Follow up to Rick's question about when...
    My first experiences were in groups. Actually work related as weird as that may sound and not my idea---ever. I quit going to clubs when I left that company and didn't go back for a long time because I couldn't see the value in going. About three years ago, mostly out of curiosity of finding out a couple SA girls I had met were dancers I started going back. (alone) I prefer alone. I'm not sure why since I was never the "old experienced guy" before but it always seemed like I was the only person in the group that kept his wits and common sense about him. Going by myself I only need to concern myself with my own actions.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    When do you like to club and why?
    Thursday night depending on the time of year between 7 PM and Midnight. I typically don't go into the clubs until it is evening. Most weekdays I am way too busy until 5:30- 6 PM and weekends I am typically with friends or family. I've tried other times but as a rule Monday and Tuesday seem to be too dead for me. Wednesday is better but not as good as Thursday. I've never tried a Sunday before and from what I have observed the weekend nights are for newbies.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    How many pairs of titties have you touched?
    Are there enough spare commas out there for me to use......the answer is one less pair than i want to touch.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    What am i missing regarding VIP?
    I'm a paid member but not verified......and here I am posting.
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    6 years ago
    OT: SA in vegas
    I stay at the Wynn. I've yet to be approached by a working girl in any of the bars. Same goes for the Encore which is attached to the Wynn and a Wynn property. I have no idea about undercover at Caesar's. I do know I have been hit on there multiple times, even when I am with a woman. I haven't stayed at the MGM for years but the last time I did it had become too family centric for me to ever go back. 3131- it depends on the girl and the time of night
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Old guys with lots of money
    Is there any way to accomplish the getting money part without the getting old part?.....make your first million early. After that it's like skiing downhill unless you are a complete idiot and go out of control. As for old guys and what believe speaking for this old guy I believe everything is a transaction ( doesn't mean it can't be fun for both parties) until they give me a reason not to believe it. Younger women do fall for older men --it happens. I've been lucky it has happened to me a few times. Or depending how you look at the situation it can be unlucky as well.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: SA in vegas
    "What's so special about Ceasar's Palace" If I had to take an educated guess it would be that Ceasar's has a reputation for being more tolerant and looking the other way than some of the other larger casino's. Most things in life when you trim them back to basics are risk vs reward.
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    6 years ago
    Old guys with lots of money
    Personally I sit at the bar and lick my eyebrows with my tongue---------seems to work no matter how old I am..
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: SA in vegas
    Escorts are by the hour more times than not....SA girls are by the encounter. I wouldn't by any means call myself an expert on anything Las Vegas related but the couple of times I have been there in the past 18 months I have had no issue with finding someone on SA for 500 per day or less. And I do mean per day. That doesn't mean you are going to be in bed or on every piece of furniture in your hotel room for 24 hours but the amount of "private time" is very good. I did take Max_starr's advice as well and you pretty much can sit at one of the bars in Ceasar's Palace and you will get approached, multiple times but again by the hour.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Ever Set Aside Large Amounts Of Money For Strip Clubbing?
    I set aside fun money and keep it in a separate account but that isn't for strip clubs exclusively. I've always budgeted and what I set aside is normally tied to what I make in a month/quarter/year. I thought Thailand was the place to go for young asian women. Singapore has beautiful women but they also tend to frown on vices in general and are pretty heavy handed on correction.