
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Skibum is racist af why is he here
    This isn't about birthers RM---it is about people during the course of a discussion throwing accusations based on nothing more than their own insecurities to present a rational response to a discussion. And facts have become a loaded term these days? Whose facts based on what? Like I referenced I ran a political discussion board for a long time. I watched both sides of the political landscape act and react and for the most part the people who take the brunt of the abuse are the middle of the road people or Independents. Playing the race card is a tactic pure and simple and that is what my comment addresses. If you are reading anything more into my statement that is on you. As a side note in my estimation the entire birther issue was played up as much by the left to keep the focus off some of the insane policy and comments they made when in office much the same way a magician diverts attention away from what he or she is really doing to perform their magic. Some of the far right were gullible enough to take the bait.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Skibum is racist af why is he here
    Playing the race card has become an old tired tactic that has been in use at a higher level over the past decade ---if you are a conservative and haven't been called a racist by some left wing loon that means your argument hasn't struck a nerve. I moderated a political discussion board for eight years......typically about the third post in on any discussion about politics the race card was thrown out as a defense mechanism.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Ocasio-Cortez Gets $10 million deal from Netflix for documentary rights
    @ Call Me Ishmael--I know she was so poor she couldn't afford to move to DC--so if any money did change hands it hadn't happened until this month. @ Flagooner--once Paul Krugman won a NPP as far as I was concerned it was worth the same thing Charmin is worth........and serves the same purpose. @ +1 Daddillac & Skibum--they both have it right. One of the comments I make when having the discussion about how far the liberal Democratic wing of the party had gone is to compare them to JFK --who cut taxes because he understood the benefit it would have on people and the economic growth of this nation. Government spending aka stimulus does not expand the economy--it only redistributes wealth. Obama didn't get that--and no matter what anyone tries to say or defend the porklus package he rammed through on fear failed miserably.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Why doesn't the Democratic Party just change it's name to the Socialists Party ?
    twentyfive I can't say I disagree but I'd prefer to be a bit more cautious about change before we change for the sake of change......( as I said when Obama ran and nobody really knew much about him except he ran on he was for change without details) I change my underwear every day --doesn't mean I should be president. As a rule our government tends to complicate whatever they get themselves involved with --more costly--more red tape--more problems . I use to say the one thing we did well was go to war but even in recent years that hasn't been the an exception either. Our government from both parties isn't very good at taking a macro view of how changes impact other sectors and how the changes are typically more far reaching than anticipated. and liberals are worse at it then conservatives from what I have observed. To a large extent it is why everything ends up costing three times as much as what they budget for and think it is going to cost. I don't mind progress but before we roll out the new vehicle for health care lets make sure the tires are not square and we have a real plan in place with a good understanding of what impact it's going to have on everybody and everything else we are dealing with at the present and into the future.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Why doesn't the Democratic Party just change it's name to the Socialists Party ?
    Confucius say, man who run through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok..............beyond that I tend to ignore his wisdom.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Why doesn't the Democratic Party just change it's name to the Socialists Party ?
    Keep in mind that 82% of the independents agreed with what was in the State of the Union speech--granted to all the naysayers SoTU doesn't mean all that much when compared to what gets done.....but it sets the tone and much of what is being said by the talking heads on TV is not what is in the minds of the silent majority. And it is the silent majority that rose up and bit Hillary in the ass in 2016. Pelosi being Speaker was a bad move long term--a very bad move. I'd like to see a competitive race in both parties primaries and a good independent run ( but I also find it very telling that when Mr. Starbucks decided to throw out there he might run as an independent how liberals reacted. )
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Most of the press this week went to the announcement of Elizabeth Warren although for the life of me I don't get it and haven't since she first came on the scene as the next great progressive. My concerns would be the backstory that she seems hard to get along with from some of her own staff members. Whoever gets the nod is going to need to be an excellent "cat herder" not just within their own party but nationwide. As a side note if we aren't going to allow Fox talking points lets keep the MSNBC talking points out as well......unless that is we want things to be as they have been in the media for the past 19 years.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Sex On Amtrak
    I take it into NYC mostly. With the way the three airports around NYC operate, combined with the taxi lines and traffic trying to get into Manhattan it makes sense for anyone living along the east coast. You can always tell when the airports have long delays--the traffic on the trains pick up 3x what is normal.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Sex On Amtrak
    It might be in some places but very doubtful on the N.E. Corridor.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Does checking 2 boards suck?
    Two boards is fine and it isn't that uncommon for sites to have multiple boards. For the most part I look here first and many days I do not check the Main Board.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Girls that leave stuff in your car
    If I've flown somewhere for business travel it's a rental car. If I drive a distance as I tend to do anymore instead of fly ( six hours or less) it's a company car. Very rarely do I use my car near home base. SInce I don't smoke the only thing I ask is not for anyone to in my car.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How did your favorite club do during the Super Bowl week end?
    Stripclubs hype the hell out of sporting events which I've never understood why. If I want to watch the Superbowl and have a couple of drinks I don't need inflated prices for cover charges or women trying to get me to go in the back room for dances and VIP time. I did read where there were a lot of dancers/strippers that went to Atlanta to work the clubs the week of the game. Going to a club the night before or a couple of nights before I get. I lived in New Orleans many years and worked in the Quarter during one of the Superbowls--the entire Quarter was crazy busy and I don't know about the clubs but the working girls make money.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Rate the ebony
    This is more my type: https://www.instagram.com/bossladyhaley/
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    OT crazy woman
    "Thank God strippers and escorts don't feel that way"--we must be meeting strippers and escorts with a different mindset. Trust me they are out there. Not all of them, not most of them, but there are a few clingers I have met along the way.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Girls that leave stuff in your car
    Mostly make-up.....eye liner pencils or lipstick. Pair of sunglasses once a couple of years ago. Typically it's something that falls under the car seat and they can't find it in the dark and then we both forget it was dropped until I am cleaning my car on the weekend. Oddly enough not one girl had ever forgot the take home food from going to a restaurant.......somehow it always is remembered.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    For those looking for news https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-02-06/elizabeth-warren-identified-american-indian-texas-state-bar-registration-card Oddly this seems to have slipped by the informed sources of NY Times and CNN when she announced her intentions to run for president. They both supposedly vetted her background ---correct?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Meaning Random Member......
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Rick and yet he placed the two of them in the same classification. I watch CBS probably more than any other network for news. Yet almost to a 100% level what you hear out of a liberal the minute you comment from anything but their perspective is you must watch "Faux News"......... As a side note when I do watch Fox it typically is the news--not the pundits. Anyone who has ever watched Sheppard Smith's news report and thinks he is Shaun Hannity needs to pull their head out of their ass. A little story about CNN.......I happened to have it on in front of me while I was sitting in a clients office in NYC and they were reporting on a Trump rally in my home town.......they reported the place was basically empty....showed shots of how empty the seats were.....poor attendance...Hillary had this thing.......one of the swing states was leaning her way and this was blue collar union country. The problem was I had a friend attending the rally--so I called him........he sent me pictures of the rally.........talk about a bullshit con job from CNN. In my mind their assess should have been fined and thrown in jail for trying to throw the election and at that point I knew people in the MSM were scared. They were willing to do just about anything to sway the voters Trump had no chance. I have a real long memory when it comes to past attempts to deceive --it's also why I am not a Trump fan because of some of his past actions but trusting the MSM to give him a fair report.........you might as well read Little Red Riding Hood and believe it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    LOL if you are reading the NYTimes and consider them to be what they were 20 years ago it isn't me who is clueless. You need to understand what has happened in the past decades to what constitutes as news. These are the same people who thought Hillary had the election won and repeatedly predicted her victory months, weeks, days before the election. I've been saying since 2008 people are better off looking at things for themselves. What they see with their own eyes and ears means as much as what they read or hear on the news. And mentioning WSJ in the same context as the NYTImes really shows more about your mindset than mine.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    NY Times fact-checks........the irony in this statement alone is enough to stand on its own merit. Where did their sources come from this time....unknown source== from the mens toilet?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Twentyfive I think right now all that anyone is discussing and reviewing is the speech as well as the days leading up to it. Where things go in the future is anyone's guess but I wouldn't put all my eggs in what the MSM is reporting either. A fair amount of people are starting to wonder if at least part of the problem isn't Pelosi---not that I didn't bring this up weeks ago but supposedly some of the people voted back in office or in office were not going to give her Speaker position back--so already there are voters that have been lied to. And if I was Trump I would be actively asking the same question I did......go sit down and tell the people who were targets to illegal immigrants that were criminals why border security isn't necessary. As a side note I heard the mayor of El Paso a few weeks ago on CBS---his attitude is the right one....everyone in DC needs to STFU and let the people on the border dealing with issue each and every day tell then what they are seeing. In his area the wall concept seems to have helped and the border patrol has told him it is part of the reason they are having a level of success.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    OT crazy woman
    I've given up trying to figure out what goes on in women's minds years ago when it comes to relationships and sex. I've just realized my thought process and theirs is so different there is no sense in trying to comprehend. Over the years I've had my share of one night stands, especially since I travel and if I am staying in at the hotel bar in a large city ( NYC, Philadelphia, DC, Baltimore, Dallas). Referencing the ones that come to my mind immediately. Having lived through the early 80's I'm big on carrying and using protection but the majority of them didn't seem to care regardless if they had kids, where in a relationship or not. Even the last SA girl I dated this past year for eight months first meet and greet ( not expecting anything) we end up in bed and she isn't interested in my using a condom........ I've also had them give me their home address and number......I live 500 miles away and I won't be back for months if ever......doesn't matter.......in case you are here is how your reach me........ And for the most part I don't feel I am an overachiever with the one exception that I listen to people and that seems to be in itself a lost art in today's world.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    I saw a few minutes ago 80% of the Independents approved of the speech ( to follow up on RD's point) which should tell "kill with the clap Pelosi" if she wants to remain Speaker and not be de-broomed again she might want to give her actions a second thought. There is a lot about Trump I don't like and I wasn't for him as he worked his way through the Primaries but when it came down to him and the Hildabeast there wasn't a moment's hesitation on my part.