Olympics - Anybody Watching ?
Anywhere there are Titties.
I just watched the USA volleyball team kick the crap out of the French wimps. I"m worried about our basketball team. Track and field is my sport for the Olympics. I wanna know who the next Carl Lewis is.
It seems like most athletes are about me-me-me, all the stories are social justice divas (like Megan Rapinoe and that hammer thrower) who are long past their sell-by dates. Love for country has been replaced by shame, even in athletes whom America has been objectively good to.
Go Team USA, but I don't plan to watch anything.
Just like here on TUSCL, I support this site dispite the political and social topics on a strip club site.
It’s entertaining at times. Track and field are the events I’m looking forward to as well.
I find the rowing interesting for some odd reason.
Women’s beach volleyball is my sweet spot. I can work up a sweat watching those bikini clad hotties digging and stretching!
It used to be true for U.S. athletes.
Think that’s true for USA basketball?
There’s shitheads on our team who act like they’re ashamed of our anthem and flag. They use it as a opportunity to tear us apart. It’s really ridiculous. Normal Americans better wake the fuck up and demand reform. Tax dollars should not be spent on those who would embarrass and criticize our country on the international stage.
Look, the reason Women’s US soccer is the best is Title IX applied to college athletics. Colleges have to give as many scholarships for women sports that no one would pay to watch, like women’s soccer, as they do for football and men’s basketball.
No other country has hundreds of colleges that basically have a minor league women’s soccer league. That why USA women’s soccer is the best.
And Megan Rapano or whatever the fuck grudgingly now stands for the anthem, but has said she’d prefer not to. Fuck her (actually I’d prefer not to).
One good thing about watching women’s soccer and basketball is it’s like watching the men in slow motion. You don’t need instant replay.
Australia vs Nigeria I believe.
The announcer said one of the NBA players was a free agent and there are several other NBA free agents and the Olympics are a good place to showcase their talent.
So this is what the Olympics have now become. It’s used to be about the pride of playing for your country now it’s about professional athletes using it to leverage even bigger contracts.
Oh boy I can’t wait to see the ratings for these games
POW’s have endured torture refusing to denounce the United States while in uniform.
I 100% agree. It is beginning to look like title IX gave the US a head start and not a permanent advantage as the premier professional clubs and power soccer countries are now investing on the women’s side, but we’ve had a huge historical advantage. Id say it’s similar to our advantages in men’s baseball and basketball now that the pro players go to the Olympics but my point is we are in agreement.
The women will never be as good as the men. They don’t have to be. The women’s game is good to watch and if you ever have daughters or granddaughters who play you may grow to enjoy it. The US success on the women’s side has caused the premier league teams and other countries to invest in their women’s teams and it’s leveling the playing field, which is a good thing. Whether it can sustain itself and become profitable is not certain but it’s looking better. Hell, in 1986 the NBA broadcast a playoff game on tape delay.
My favorite part is catching sports I never think of for the next 4 years. Handball? Sign me up. Fucking ping pong? Let's see it.
Sometimes the shots just don’t fall for the better team and they lose. That’s what happened. That’s why sports betting is for suckers.
“is anyone watching the Olympics?”
Apparently not. Ratings down 37% from 2016 games in Rio
Track & Field, gymnastics, swimming are the type of sports where the Olympics are the pinnacle of their competition.
I always thought of the Germans doing very well in the Olympics. Not in this one so far.
Asses were awesome and the darker one had pretty nice boobs too.
Wanted to watch the woman's beach volleyball, but seems impossible to find it on without cable. Almost every time I've switched over for a few minutes its been mens swimming. They also were showing the mens basketball team in a game I already knew they had won and had no Interest in anyway (even though I do like the NBA).
Have a feeling I'll be looking for that Canadian women's beach volleyball team on YouTube this week! Probably Brazilian team and united states as well.
At least for now they have declared, through captain Sue Bird, that they will cut us all a break to appear as if they’re minimally willing to gather on the court to represent the United States on a world stage during the anthem (even if standing while looking down, away from the American flag), in defiance of their conviction that America is unworthy of them.
Sounds like a compelling argument in favor of Title IX to me.
They graduate, or don’t, qualified to work at a rental car agency
They are all fatties. The Chinese and American contestants in particular look like fucking sumo wrestlers, or professional drinkers with big-ass beer bellies. No visible muscle, just mass. What the fuck is up with that?
If you watch World's Strongest Man competitions, you'll see big dudes, not cut dudes. They look like human boulders.
Could have no impact at all or perhaps some big changes coming
- root against the USA
- root against women because they aren’t as strong or fast as men
- root against women because they are attracted to women (seems like this would be common ground)
- root against USA players who stand for the anthem and have during every game for years
- root against people who want to be paid more for doing their jobs
- root for Canada against your own country’s team, a place where they have socialized medicine, don’t let us travel there and get this have a TRANS player on their women’s team (you must really be conflicted to root for a trans player over the USA
- don’t care about women’s sports (unless a trans player is playing)
That about it? LOL. HATERZZZ!!
Just like I could watch my kids play little league but I could never watch a bunch of kids I don’t know play crappy baseball in the little league World Series on TV.
id also like it if they had a d cups leage too
i am planning to write the IOC with my ideas. u can thank me in 2024 when ur watching topless d cups volleyball
your welcome