
Eviction / Homelessness Crisis and the Pandemic

Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
With the delta variant on the rise, the eviction moratorium set to expire and very few mitigation efforts left in place. Where do you think we're headed?

The most vulnerable ie the poor mentally ill disabled are now going to be left to fend for themselves on the streets if real estate and developer lobby groups end up having their way.

It's ironic that Biden is the one now fully putting rich people's profits before public safety.


  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Oh gosh. It would be a shame that people that don't pay their rent are evicted. What is this ? Capitalism ? I just cannot imagine if I sign a lease, that I actually have to pay that amount or I'm out ! That is outlandish. Why isn't everything free ? In case you can't tell, that is sarcasm.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    It's not that simple. Many lost the means to pay or cannot pay back rent. Housing needs to be treated as a basic human right.

    We also have unscrupulous landlords evicting the elderly , long term residents etc.

    Imagine being disabled or mentally ill and forced to fend for yourself on the streets. Now add a lande to the mix.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Why is Biden’s actions ironic? Do you actually believe the establishment democrats are for the working class? California, New York, Connecticut and DC are the *top* places for inequality. Red states in the south has a fair amount of inequality too, but even those aren’t as bad as the solid blue areas.

    And where we are headed, my guess, is multigenerational housing getting even more accelerated. This has been a consistent trend since 2011 and the pandemic made it stronger and it’s here to stay for a while.

  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    I don’t know where you live but in my neck of the woods there are plenty good paying jobs available with full benefits that cannot be filled. Get a job and pay rent as the system was designed.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    There's greater inequality in blue states coz there's greater wealth.

    Establishment democrats and Republicans are 2 sides of the same coin.

    Im surprised that biden is doing this coz its so antithetical to his supposed agenda and will be a huge part of his legacy.

    And yeah more people live together coz they can't afford their own place. But people are too dumb to realize they're being exploited and impoverished
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Motorhead keep spreading the myth. Whats bring created are part time minimum wage jobs if that. Workers aren't being recalled. Business use skeleton crews to maximize profits.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ There is also grinding poverty. South side of Chicago, East New York, Compton, Tenderloin, West Baltimore don't have red state equivalents. If progressive governance were so great, why are these places that haven't seen a major Republican in generations not paradise?

    Housing is not a right, because to make it a right would infringe on those who produce the labor and material to wave them. It's a commodity, and it's wishful thinking to pretend otherwise.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    I believe the ending of the mortgage moritoriams will be a nothing burger. Upon deep dive the numbers are not as scary as they appear.

    Ending the rent moritoriam...well..that's a little more complicated. In my life I've often been surprised how motivated and resourceful people become when facing homeless.

    The most vulnerable among need protection. For that there is welfare, SS, disability, section 8, Medicare, ebt etc ...

    The longer we kick the can down the road the harder it's going to be to correct.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    What's happening here is there is a group of lazy bums that want everything handed to them, and they are starting to find out that free stuff has a cost. Seems to me that those lazy bums want to be rewarded for their laziness. Capitalism isn't Darwinism, and we as a society will help those that need that help, but the help offered is intended to address need, not, anything your covetous heart desires.
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    "Imagine being disabled or mentally ill and forced to fend for yourself on the streets."

    Describing yourself phatty? Did the chickens come home to roost?
    There might be some room at the shelter your creepy friend from San jose lives in or you can just sell more fentanyl so you can pay your freakin rent playa!
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    "Housing needs to be treated as a basic human right."

    So who decides which human gets the penthouse overlooking Central Park or the the beachfront mansion in Palm Beach instead of the 4th floor walk-up efficiency apartment on the south side of Chicago.

    This country does offer free or extremely cheap housing to people who qualify for public housing. Why should the government force private land owners to allow people to live in apartments for free?

    In my opinion the government should offer free housing to those that truly are not capable of providing for themselves do to physical or mental disability but any person who is fit to work should be expected to provide for themselves. The free government housing should be just basic housing along the lines of military barracks or college dormitories rather than the current system.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Developers and real estate parasites don't produce anything. They purely profit off the labor of others and profiteer off a basic human need. Shelter.

    Im not surprised at some of the inhumanity in this forum.

    Thing js most of you are closer to homelessness than you are to being rich.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Rich men don't try to bargain with hookers
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    There was about $47 B allocated to help the homeless, but only about $3B was spent. Most of the money flow to those that needed it was stopped by state governments.

    In the meantime, the fed spends over $100B per MONTH [on treasuries and mortgage backed securities] to lower interest rates and to indirectly support a friendzied housing market (for homeowners like me and others here). If you don't give a shit about fairness-- then at least be honest.

    ...more tent cities coming to location near you.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    Interest rates are being kept low so the ruling party can win the next election. That is the only motivation.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Im still hoping something happens. There needs to be a moratorium til the CHAPS funds can be distributed. Were in a worst position than last summer. Florida added 21,000 new cases in a single day... Los Angeles County is averaging around 4,000 a day. Las Vegas over 1,000.

    We need to protect the most vulnerable. Not cave in to the most powerful.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    We are approaching a point where blue states and red states choose different paths. In red states, the end of mask mandates and end of extra unemployment benefits is returning society to something like normal. In blue states, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, closed schools, taxes on success, and excessive unemployment benefits looks a lot like socialism. Blue states will increasingly look to the Biden administration for financial support.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Or maybe we're entering an evolutionary bottleneck.... coz red states....
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    “Motorhead keep spreading the myth. Whats bring created are part time minimum wage jobs if that. Workers aren't being recalled. Business use skeleton crews to maximize profits.”

    Bullshit. You’re the one spreading the myth. My company cannot hire workers. We offer full benefits from day one. Medical (very low cost $30 per week), free dental, free vision, matching 401k, tuition reimbursement, decent wages (not minimum wage as the leftists always say) and do not even get applicants.

    Stop paying attention to those who claim all the jobs are minimum wage service jobs. Get out into middle American where manufacturing takes place v
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ OP isn’t interested in the facts, he’s just looking for drama on a Saturday evening because he’s a broke crybaby who has no friends. If he really wants to do better he’d shut his mouth and do something, it’s amazing that anyone is still humoring this lazy fool
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    A lot of people used the eviction moratorium as an way to live rent-free for several months. There have been more jobs available than people to fill them for many months now, along with stimulus checks and enhanced unemployment, so lack of work is no excuse. Now the tab is coming due.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    ^^^ and based on what statistics? Conversations with the steady stream of whores you write about? We should at least finish spending the money allocated for this purpose. Something like 10M people are behind on rent.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    With home value appreciation, a lot of people who are behind on mortgage payments may put their homes on the market. That could ease the seller’s market we are now in.

    The Fed has been buying mortgages keeping rates artificially low. If they begin tapering ( as rumored ), mortgage rates will jump and affordability will drop.

    Both of these changes could pop the residential real estate bubble.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    But, there’s a bigger catastrophe on the horizon

    “ Internet searches for "liquor shortage" have exploded to record highs this summer, especially in states like Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois, and Ohio. ”

    Liquor warehouses in some areas are reporting record low inventories.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Biden is a fuck up compared to Trump. A national vaccine mandate is going to cause a lot of violence. If the government does this they will deserve it.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    People who pay nothing should live in nothing..
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Mandates aren't coming from the federal government, the mandates will come from private business, you'll see and they will be effective, no vaccine, no job, your threats of violence are just a bunch of hot air.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    ^Biden said yesterday that he is considering a national vaccine mandate. I know he's a senile old fuck, who on his best day was incredibly stupid, but he isn't a liar.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Business is beating him to it and regardless of what you think, the only way we are going to get over this is vaccines, this is becoming stupider by the day, the issue isn't freedom, the issue is how long this country and the Republican party allow themselves to be held hostage by morons.
    BTW the Democrats are to spineless to do what has to be done, and the Republicans are collectively stupider than a bag of rocks.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    This “ vaccines are the answer “ position is simplistic, dangerous and wrong. Vaccines are just one part of the solution. We also need to use therapeutics and natural immunity in the arsenal that will eventually get CoVid under control.

    The CDC and NIH have gone all in on vaccines and downplayed the effectiveness of therapeutics and the important role of natural immunity. It is becoming clear that this was wrong. But, instead of pivoting to a new approach, they are doubling down on vaccines as a panacea.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    The day the federal government thinks that they can order people to get a vaccine is the day they need to be removed.
  • gobstopper007
    3 years ago
    As a develop and real estate parasite I have to say icee is full of shit as usual. I have several friends who own rental properties and they have had to mortgage or sell other properties to pay notes on their rentals. They have built businesses from nothing that are now at risk because they were reliant on those rentals providing income to pay off other loans.

    They are not slumlords and were working with their tenants before the moratorium was put in place. Most of their tenants are honest but a few are gaming the system to avoid paying. They got some relief early on to offset income losses but not enough to cover everything.

    Lenders have had to write off some loans and now they don’t have the funds to make new loans. Fewer loans to developers mean those workers they hire don’t have jobs. It’s not a simple problem and the more the government gets involved the more it gets worse.

    All these bailout programs will eventually have to be paid for and guess who pays for government over-spending?
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Here is a link to the official CDC tally of CoVid deaths. Now that most old people have been vaccinated, deaths are extremely low. That’s the metric that matters most, not the numbers of cases. So, why the panic to get shots into the arms of healthy young people ?

  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ typical mischaracization of the issue as usual based solely on politics.
    This is stupid but I’m sick and tired of dealing with your polarization of all issues
    First this country requires you to earn your way or be satisfied with basic shelter, there are plenty of choices available to keep people sheltered if idjits like Icee & SJG aren’t satisfied with what’s available he t a fucking job, there’s a wealth of available jobs open some paying better than others and offering good benefits no one owes you lazy fucks anything
    Second vaccines and masks are an evolving science leave politics out of it, don’t want to be vaccinated or wear a mask fine don’t expect to be fully welcomed into the world that those of us inhabit, you’ll have trouble getting a job, there will be venues to exclude you with genuine cause, and here’s a point many haven’t been faced with, but as vaccine becomes more common your insurance is going to rise significantly similar to smoking and other unsafe behaviors
    That what’s coming don’t say you haven’t been warned
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Can’t have capitalist expectations of comfort and luxury with a socialist or nonexistent work ethic.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Science lol. Eugenics. The world is flat. Tomatoes are poison. All science, proven wrong.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    “Pain, no matter how minor, is unacceptable. Here’s a 90 day OxyContin script”
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    The left wing media has made this vaccine issue. Whites comprise 61% of the population and have 59% of the vaccines. Blacks comprise 13% of the population and have 11% of the vaccines. I will explain it this way: Progressives are my enemy. I will do nothing they say.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    99% of all statistics are made up by the person posting them without any attribution
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    No matter the evidence, the meme being pushed by the left and the media is

    “ Trump supporters are science deniers who refuse to get vaccinated. That’s the source of all our problems with CoVid”.

    Anecdotally, I’m a Trump supporter, I’ve been vaccinated, and I believe in the vaccine’s effectiveness. I just don’t think vaccine mandates, masks, and social distancing are justified at this point, if they ever were.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ and exactly what does that have to do with being a Trump supporter?
    You continue to make my points so much more eloquently than your own.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Taliban takes over Afghanistan; Iran attacking shipping and going nuclear; Russia and China hacking us; inflation exploding; people refusing to work and the assholes at fault think Americans should listen to them lol. Fuck Democrats. Lets have a covid war and see who survives.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Vaccine mandates from businesses are illegal. The fact that they're trying to do it is disgusting and is simply about money and liability. The amount of power businesses have over our lives is frightening.

    It ties in with the eviction moratorium and the power developers and the real estate lobby have.

    The rich need a Robespierre
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^youre an idiot you don’t have the right to enter or work at any business as long as their discriminating isn’t against a specification protected class
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Were not slaves for businesses to have this much coercive control over us.

  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Quit they can’t stop you.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Telling someone to quit a shifty exploitive job they need to survive is asinine. If someone could do better they would. The rich know we mavk real options. Fortunately the twisted system is falling apart
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    The Babylon Bee has it figured out. To defeat the Delta variant, we’ll do all the things that didn’t work before.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    Icee exploits the desperation of junkie strippers then whines about landlords exploiting renters. Not saying the latter is right or wrong, just saying icee is being highly ironic. 😂
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Those greedy businesses, providing things society needs to run like food, clothing, shelter, and yes, vaccines.

    What's really moral is lying to women, sexually exploiting them, and getting them addicted.

    If you're paying a woman $5,000 to tell you she doesn't love you, you are either rich, or a liar.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^^^The Babylon Bee has it figured out. To defeat the Delta variant, we’ll do all the things that didn’t work before.

    the vaccines work, why are you spinning the same stupid shit over and over
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    Stop being a crying little bitch. Get a job and contribute something positive to the world. Nobody owes you or anyone else anything.

    There is a huge amount of demand for hard working adults and its no myth. Suck it up buttercup put some sweat on that brow.

  • rockie
    3 years ago
    Pretty funny that the OP thinks the only group a non-paying tenant fucks is the rich! In many cases the victim they are abusing are those that are only one step away from them on the financial ladder! There is no one in this country that believes that shelter is free, but there are many certainly that can justify not paying for it!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Youre out of touch with reality. How sheltered are you?
  • rockie
    3 years ago
    I pay all my debts! I don't owe anyone a dime! I am sheltered well, thanks for asking!
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    Some innocent kids will be included in the evictions, right?

    What I still don't understand is why only $3B out $47B approved by congress made it into the hands of people who needed the money. Why? Incalcitrant, stupid, right-wing states? Or just plain ol' incompetence.

    At least our Gov Polis extended the moratorium another month. Good guy.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    I’ve heard speculation before on whether IceyLoco is an alias of RandomMember…I have my doubts but it is amusing that Icey is one of the few members random shows any degree of respect for in posts. And it’s not like he treats the vast majority of other posters in that way, let alone a flaming troll account. 🤔
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    I farted on Randommember
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    And Crazyjoe destroyed all da shitterz
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Coz some fucking idiots can't fathom people not thinking like them or not sharing their sheltered life experiences.

    States lack the infrastructure and programs to disburse the money. They have to create all that.

    The least that should have been done is extend it til the money is all disbursed and more programs roll out
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    "Vaccine mandates from businesses are illegal." Why would it be illegal for a private company to only want to employee people who are vaccinated? A company can, and should be allowed to, choose who they are going to hire as long as it isn't discriminating against any protected class. Requiring vaccination would be no different than a professional sports team having a provision in a contract to prohibit an athlete from riding dirt bikes or other dangerous activities.

    "The fact that they're trying to do it is disgusting and is simply about money and liability." Like most rational business decisions it is about money. They don't want to risk losing money because they have to close down during an outbreak among their workers. It is also about good customer service and protecting their employees. If they have to close due to an outbreak they can't provide their customers with the goods or services they need. If there is an outbreak among employees it puts the health of other employees at risk and if they have to close because of that outbreak it puts the well being of employees at risk because they are not being paid for the time they are closed.

    Will/should all employers require vaccination? No, each business should weigh the positives and negatives and decide for themselves if they need to have such a mandate. They may decide it is worth it or that a mandate would cause them to lose too many unvaccinated customers or too many good employees. One wonderful part of our economic system is that businesses can hire and fire people based on who they believe will make the business successful.

    If you think businesses saying they will only employ vaccinated people is bad just wait. Some business are already starting to require vaccination from their customers before allowing them to enter their business. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/30/nys-broa… I wouldn't be surprised if some landlords start requiring vaccination in new, or renewal, leases to "protect the health and welfare" of all of the tenants in the building.

    Maybe if employers, stores, restaurants and landlords started denying to do business with unvaccinated people the vaccination rate would go up dramatically.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "^^^ and based on what statistics? Conversations with the steady stream of whores you write about?"

    Based upon not only the "whores [I] write about (your words) but also whay I'm witnessing in too many local businesses to count. There are ample jobs to be had and have been for a very long time. The responsible tenants were the ones who communicated with their landlords during the period of legit shutdowns while seeking other jobs to bridge the gap. The ones who are left are the irresponsible and the arrogant - those who felt that they were "too good" to do certain jobs. And here we are.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    Florida lags other states in distributing Federal money allocated to help landlords and tenants. Just 2% distributed as of July 30. Other red states like TX has done a much better job. Truly pathetic.

  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    What is truly pathetic is the United States Government violating the Constitution by taking the income from private property without due process. Democrats are no longer Americans and should all be thrown into the gutter. Democrats are nothing but leeches and vermin and need to be treated as such. My guess is Random is so caring his lifetime contribution to charity is zero: just like the value of his opinions.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Florida lags other states in distributing Federal money allocated to help landlords and tenants."

    That's because FL requires proof of income loss due to the pandemic. FL's shutdown was lighter and shorter than almost everywhere else. The Governor also issued executive orders a year ago which limited individual cities from independently locking down for longer. The result is that less of our underwater renters can prove that the pandemic was the cause. Go figure.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The illegal part nof vaccine mandates is that these businesses are threatening to fire people. And don't provide reasonable accommodation for those who cannot be vaccinated for health religious or whatever reason. They also fail to accommodate the stipulation for older workers who may have more severe responses to saud vaccine.

    This also doesn't fall in line with immunization requirements since this is legally not a vaccine nor an immunization.

    Then if there's a union or collective bargaining agreement there have to be nego.

    Businesses aren't gods and don't hold absolute power. Fuck them.

    And finally an employer cannot demand medical records ie proof of vaccination.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Would it come as a complete surprise to everyone here that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
    Jes sayin
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    States distribute welfare and medical aid from the Federal Government so the idea that they don't have a system in place is sheer stupidity. The reaction to Covid was nothing more than the stated Orwellian goal of the left wing.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    @SKibum: "States distribute welfare and medical aid from the Federal Government so the idea that they don't have a system in place is sheer stupidity. "
    Since you brought up "medical aid," anyone with a pulse knows that Fed money to extend Medicaid has been rejected by many states since Obamacare started in 2008. There are still 12 red states that refuse to take Fed money to expand Medicaid -- despite the obvious cruelty of withholding medical care for the poor. They really don't have a system in place; the idea of extending Medicaid is considered "socialism" and letting the poor suffer is an acceptable choice.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    20fag. You deny the fact that businesses are by law required to offer reasonable accommodation when it comes to health measures and that hipaa protects disclosure of info?

    Skibum. A new program can't be under an existing program. Thats like saying SNAP should be distributed by VA
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Like I said you haven’t got a clue , I’m allowed to gather information on my employees ithe law says that I need to be discrete, and as an employee I am allowed to determine whether or not you can work in my shop, I’m not allowed to discriminate against a protected class of people but last I heard being stupid or being unvaccinated , or both for that matter, was not a protected class
    By telling you that you need to be vaccinated by a certain date I am making an acceptable accommodation and it’s my decision who’s allowed to work in my workplace and whom I want to sell to and like I said the law protects certain classes as long as I avoid banning those I’m good to go.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    You can do whatever you want. Whether you should is a different matter.

    You can suggest the vaccine. You cant threaten employees without opening yourself up to potential lawsuits.

    Also I don't get how some of you have such a problem with public safety measures but think its okay for businesses to fire people who don't want the vaccine or cannot get it for whatever reason ie health religion etc
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Since when have I ever had a problem with public safety measures, as a matter of fact I’ve been mocking those geniuses that equate masks with freedom You haven’t been paying attention son, I know the voices in your head are very loud , but by now you should have learned how to tune them out.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    18 months into CoVid, there is still not a single study showing that cloth masks do any good. Follow the science !
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Where does the employers right to safety leave off and the HIPPA right to medical privacy kick in ? Seriously, I don’t know. Any lawyers want to weigh in ?
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    At the age of 70, there’s about a 3-5% chance of dying if infected by CoVid and ( who really knows ?) maybe a .1% chance of having a fatal reaction to the vaccine. Easy decision.

    At age 18, there is almost a 0% chance of dying from CoVid and less than a .1% chance of having a fatal reaction to the vaccine. A pretty small risk, but it’s not zero.

    And, if you’ve already had CoVid, you have better immunity, probably for longer, than if you got the vaccine. And, the vaccine still has a slight risk.

    Given all that, can someone explain why Fauci says that everyone must get the vaccine ? Because, it’s not science and it’s not math.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    25, I’m curious why you think a healthy 12 year old, who has already been infected with CoVid, and carries the anti bodies, should be required to get the vaccine before being allowed in school.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    “the vaccines work, why are you spinning the same stupid shit over and over”

    I agree, the vaccines work most of the time to protect the vulnerable. However, they do almost nothing to help the young and healthy. Plus, there has yet to be a scientific study showing that masks or lock downs are beneficial. They might be, but there is no science supporting it. You’d think the government would have studied this by now given they forced 300 Million people to lock down and wear masks.

    At this point, having Biden tell us we are morons if we don’t get the vaccine doesn’t feel like following the science.
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    "Where does the employers right to safety leave off and the HIPPA right to medical privacy kick in ? Seriously, I don’t know. Any lawyers want to weigh in ?"


    Medical background, not a lawyer, however HIPAA has been drilled into our heads since the 1990s. It is a HIPAA violation for your physician to divulge that information. It is not a HIPAA violation for employers or businesses to require proof of vaccination to gain mass free access to the building.
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    mask, not mass.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    @Mark this thread is supposed to be about the eviction moratorium. Why don't you go jack off in your own thread?
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    "Where does the employers right to safety leave off and the HIPPA right to medical privacy kick in ?"

    Not a lawyer bit I do know that HIPPA doesn't prevent employers from asking for medical records it only prevents organizations such as doctors offices, insurance companies, etc from disclosing your health information without permission.

    I have had two previous employers that required me to submit medical records. The first was when I was working in construction for a company that was building a water treatment plant in Africa and they required proof of vaccination for certain viruses before I could travel for the job. The second was when I was working as diesel mechanic and in order to be covered under the shop's insurance while road testing trucks I had to submit to annual physicals and eye exams and submit copies of the results.

    A more relevant example for this site would be porn actors being required to submit std test results on a frequent basis. I have no personal experience with this because I pay to have sex (sometimes on camera) rather than being paid to have sex on camera.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Funny thing Mark we’ve been over this too many times you keep saying the same tired shit and just repeating your talking points over and over doesn’t make it any truer.
    For the record I haven’t heard Biden call anyone a moron, he’s been a lot more measured in his speech than your guy.
    The vaccines work, like I said don’t want to keep debating you and your selfish illogical behavior, my take is more and more things will become unavailable to the unvaccinated, so don’t get your shot, iDGAF, that’s your call, you might lose your job, you might be denied access to a concert or a ballgame, your insurance rates will probably go higher than a person who has the vaccine.
    As to Hippa law I’m not an attorney but I am allowed to ask you for proof of vaccination before I hire you or give you access to my place of business my guess is because I’m not asking a physician for that Hippa doesn’t apply.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Biden is more "measured"? Wtf are you talking about. He called Putin a "Killer" which is so fucking stupid that it is almost beyond belief. Hippa applies to medical providers and people with access to the medical information of others. An argument could be made the action violates Hippa by forcing someone to disclose medical status, no for chrissakes, like one of my friends who is so compromised with lupus that they cannot take the vaccine. Why should some rat be able to force them to? Personally I believe in the sanctity of private business so I do follow private mandates and would show proof of vaccine if I needed to be at that business and there was no other option Example: RI Dolls has the right to scan licenses, but because they do I no longer go. Will be the same with every business and not just nazis like Ben and Jerry.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ What’s your actual point it’s obvious you are an angry nincompoop I know that you kissed trumps ass for everything but you aren’t making any sense you’re just stringing a bunch of words together, maybe you’re starting to get a touch of dementia yourself
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The COVID epidemic popped the bubble. Rather than trying to restart the squirrel cage again and continuing with booms busts, and busy work, we need to move to social democracy. Then all these problems vanish, and we avoid the kinds of stuff nicespice delineates. And then the financial sector can just be retrained as grave diggers.


    Suppressing such discussions is why the Neo-Liberal Wing of the Democratic Party (Biden, Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Gavin Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton, James Carville) have promoted hysteria over COVID. And it is this Neo-Liberal wing, along with Republican/Libertarians who are the enemy of the working class.

    Missouri Congressmember Cori Bush


    Knock on Wood · Otis Redding · Carla Thomas
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Me; Vaccines work, and make sense, for the vulnerable
    25: why do you keep denying vaccines work ?
    Me: I got the vaccine. It works for me
    25: why are you afraid to get the vaccines?
    Me: I’m not. I did.
    25: why do you keep denying vaccines work ?
    Me: For chrissakes, how many times do I need to repeat that vaccines work ?
    25: You keep repeating the same shit. Why won’t you admit that vaccines work ? I’m tired of you saying the same thing over and over.
    Me: vaccines wor…….Oh, never mind.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    It doesn't matter whether it works or not, as the vast majority of the population has already been exposed to COVID, and this new strain will not be that big of a deal. The vaccine might as well be just saline solution, as all it is being used for is just like the masking and testing, to foment superstitious irrational fear.


    Knock on Wood, Buddy Guy
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    A top Biden scientist admits, on CNN, that cloth masks do absolutely nothing. So, why are we being told to use them ?

  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ As usual you are gaslighting, that isn't what he said at all, listen to his actual words
    He actually said that there are masks that are effective and work, but every piece of cloth you put in front of your face is not an effective shield, but you keep on trying to misinform us all, it seems to be your calling.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Covid, schmovid, no one cares any longer as Joe Biden declared victory over the virus.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    mr twentyfive y are u arguing wit mr mark and mr dugan?

    arguing with those two is like playing chess with a pigeon. no matter how good u play the game is gonna end with all the pieces knocked over and shit on the board

    after that mr mark will follow u around and continually proclaim victory

    mr dugan is actually more fun becaus the rick the pigeon way is to chug a bottle of flying whiskey, shit everywhere, and fly off thru a red light causing an 8 car pileup

    mr dugan does something analogous. it is fun to watch as long as u wait at least 1/2 hour after his mercury bobbcat has left the area

    your welcome
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    25, the scientist says that N95 masks work but cloth masks do nothing. The vast majority of masks being used by the general public are cloth masks. They are useless except as part of the CoVid Kabuki theater of virtue signaling.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ You can try to spin it anyway you like, you’re still gaslighting us.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    au contraire mon frere twentyfive mr mark doesnt know the meaning of gaslighting

    he is knocking over the chess pieces, shifting on the board, and following u around saying “i win i win i win”
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    A grown man should never use the term "gaslighting" when discussing posts from another grown man. It makes you look like a whiny woman. Just sayin.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    on second thought mr mark may think he understands gaslighting

    I fact I suspect he is holding a match behind his ass rite now trying desperately to fart

    when he does hell say “im gaslighting im gaslighting”
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    Whose facts smell worse? Randommember or RickDugan?
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    mr dugan are u sayin ur never lit ur own farts with a match? i know that can’t be the case

    my posterior predictive algorithm gives a 99.9% posterior probability to the statement “mr dugan lights his own farts and he laffs and laffs and laffs”

    dont take that as a criticism mr dugan lighting ur own farts endangers fewer ppl than most of ur u bein u activities. so fart away my man!
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Btw how did a thread about evictions turn into another endless COVID debate thread? Fuck. None of us knows how this will all shake out, but I suspect that long-term we're going to look back on these moments as ridiculous hysteria. Eventually vaccine, mask and other mandates will quietly go away across the board as things settle down. If the UK is any indication, the Delta variant spreads fast but also burns out fast. In the meantime, I'll just remain grateful that I live in a place where I don't have to deal with ridiculous things like vaccination cards.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    RickiBoi if whiney woman is supposed to be an insult, you need to step up your game a bit, actually your name calling reeks of schoolboy insults, my suspicions' are you haven't actually gotten over being the target of all the schoolboy bullying you must have been subjected to as a small rickiboi, so now you're overcompensating, and coming across as an emotionally fraught weakling with daddy issues.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    A grown ass man using the term "Boi" over and over is even worse. Do better honey. ;)
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Yeah it’s obvious I hit the nail on the head Ricki“BOI”
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Right so I think during the start of this fuckery with a lot of people losing their jobs that the eviction moratorium was the right thing to do... but then shut downs and attitudes were slightly relaxed and job positions were rebounding even in blue states. At that point these added unemployment benefits welfare and eviction moratorium crap should have been ended... I just think they were dragged out way longer than needed when things had gotten easier again a while ago.

    As far as jobs... hmm ok I'll be racist as fuck and also trash the American south. I think the job market is way way better up north. My guess it is all the fucking Mexicans ruining the job market in places like California and Texas and causing the wages to be so much lower... I do believe what some of you all are saying about decent paying low or no qual jobs up north. By decent paying I mean you can live off it and buy houses etc no problem. Actually wa and or used to be like that until real estate prices really fucking exploded. But they still have a lot of high wage jobs vs the fucking south. I have also noticed places like MN, wi, mi make things so so easy.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    As of June, the states with the highest unemployment rates are
    District of Columbia
    New Jersey
    New York
    New Mexico
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The masks are idiotic. Their only function is to keep people scared. And the vaccine is superfluous, also serving to keep people scared. At least they aren't telling people who have no symptoms and who are not seeking treatment to get tested any more.

    We have a broken squirrel cage economic system, hasn't worked since the 1870's. We are working to start it again, and to bring on more booms and busts. The costs of this system go way beyond what it would cost to take care of people's basic needs.

    The reason the NeoLiberal Democrats are promoting COVID Hysteria is to keep people frightened and docile.


    TJ Street
  • EdwardKang
    3 years ago
    Icee mentions the elderly and disabled being unable to pay rent or mortgages due to the pandemic. Retirement and disability benefits from both social security, welfare programs, and private sector continued throughout the pandemic. Section 8 benefits and public housing were not shutoff during this time either. SNAP benefits continued. There is no logic to this part of Icee’s argument.

    Icee had a point regarding the working poor during the time the Democrat governors shut their state’s down. However, now, there are millions of jobs out there right now, including minimum wage and much higher paying jobs. Here in the low-pay South (with a low cost of living which some people who have little or no experience with love to vilify), my employer’s lowest paying jobs are in the mid twenty thousands/year and.we have a revolving door on those jobs because employees with a high school education are getting better paying jobs elsewhere.
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    This thread has taken a circuitous route of twists and turns. But a point to consider that proves it’s fair game to be discussed on a strip club website.

    I general, don’t most dancers “do whatever it takes” to put provide for their kids. Put food on the table and a roof over their heads. Perhaps those facing eviction look a the work ethic of strippers instead of looking for a free handout
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    We have a broken economic system and a health care delivery system which is completely inadequate. The COVID crisis and the resultant down turn have shown this.

    What we need is an economic and health care restructuring.


    The COVID vaccine is yielding a higher death rate in Israel and UK, by their own data.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    What we need to do is get rid of the foreign scum flooding across the southern border.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Immigrants from Mexico and the rest of Latin America are the lifeblood of California. Without them we would have long ago sunk into the Pacific Ocean


    Buddy Guy - Knock on Wood
  • mickey48066
    3 years ago
    Actually not ironic that quid pro joe and heels up Harris aren't putting Americans first. He's the biggest liar on planet earth. Sadly, 80 million fools, deducting the deceased and house pets who voted, wanted this. China is going to prosper like never before and illegals will get free houses, cars, swimming pools, helicopters, jet skis, Rolex watches. We had a good thing going but the pc mob had to throw it away.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    CoVid deaths are at the lowest since March 2020. The UK is proving the Delta variant is a paper tiger that will soon disappear. So, why is the left screaming about the need for ( useless ) cloth masks and forcing people with natural immunity to get the vaccine. It’s almost like they enjoying imposing their control.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Immigration is murdering the United States. Time to end welfare of every type and get rid of all foreigners. Look at the fucking lefties - they look no more american than dolphins. The biggest mass murderers in history were all leftists: Mao - communist; Stalin - Communist; Hitler - Socialist; Khmer Rouge - Communist; Idi Amin - socialist; Whatever the left wants; americans must oppose. If you get Covid - go to one of their protests and infect them all.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    And the CDC extended the eviction moratorium 🙏

    Again most of you are arguing what if scenarios and abstract bs coz you have no real life experiences to fall back on. Hence the lack of empathy with the average American
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    I sure hope when the Fed releases the rent assistance funds it goes directly to the landlords and not the renters that are now up to 14 months in arrears.
  • gobstopper007
    3 years ago
    Gave up on seeing the US get out this Covid debt in my lifetime some months ago and hoped my kids would see this country back on track in theirs. Now I’m afraid it may not happen in my grandchildren’s lives, and they have not been born yet.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    "I sure hope when the Fed releases the rent assistance funds it goes directly to the landlords "

    Actually, the lesson here and elsewhere is to bypass all state governments, which are getting in the way. Send the Fed money directly to those in need.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    When this Republic was founded, it’s purpose was to protect us against foreign enemies and assure peace between the states. Now, it thinks it’s job is to take everyone’s money, tell us how to live our lives, and dole out funds to those it thinks are worthy. And, expect us to say thank you.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Scumbags not paying rent are criminals and therefore progressives and I, being a conservative, fend for myself. Don't care about them at all. We need to make this country a fucking horror show for the poor and get them to leave. Bypassing state governments just results in attacks on the enemy Federal Government. Defend the Constitution by attacking Democrats is what real Americans should be doing. What do you call a parent who votes for a democrat? A child abuser.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Taxes are needed to make an industrial and information economy work, high progressive taxes.

    Real Estate Market going nuts, to me this seems to be a currency collapse and a broken economic system.
    News Hour

    3 years ago
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