
Comments by Cashman1234 (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    A great fucking night
    I’m glad you enjoyed a very good night out Rick. It is even better considering it sounds like it was less expensive than a night ITC. Those unexpectedly good nights are fun!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Hotels; sight unseen, regrets, downright fuck ups
    I’ve run into a few - and yet Nina’s story really freaks me out! Bed bugs are miserable. I used to enjoy the Royal Motel for OTC - as it was filthy and right on route 3 - not far from the Lincoln tunnel. It was sketchy on Saturday nights, and there were some unsavory characters around. Back in those days, bed bugs weren’t such a well known issue. I’ve also done OTC at Newark airport holiday inns - that had a guard house and barbed wire fencing. The rooms were non smoking, but the smoke smell was already in the walls and ceilings. The walls were so thin, you could hear the folks fart in the next room. On one road trip south - with a buddy - we stayed in a hotel that was cash only - and there was a strip club out by the road - and a gate to drive into the hotel parking lot. I turned the lights off in the room - and sat watching the roaches run under the door. I used to take a Reading Pa dancer OTC to America’s Best Value inn - because it was very cheap - and it was close to her club. I always would get a room on the first floor - and make her walk across the parking lot wearing only her heels. She called me a dick - but she knew I loved the show - and she loved my money! There are some odd rodents out in Pa!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Does this happen to anybody else?
    It is rough when that happens. Your description is a good explanation for why the dancer is not in high demand. I’ve run into this a few times. Dancers who had great bodies and very attractive faces - but who spoke very little English - and who did a poor job of grinding (and offered nothing more). It might be a logical conclusion - as these are very attractive girls - so if you don’t see them being in high demand - then it might be best to avoid them?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OPEC flips off demented Joe and sides with Putin
    Wild4, you forgot to mention that he also increased the royalties by 6.25% to drill on those lands. That adds to the cost - and that cost will likely be passed on to the American consumers. So, it’s really not helping the situation. The electric vehicle demand is largely due to the spike in oil prices, not because folks love the vehicles. It will take time to change consumer behavior. There is an entire industry devoted to ice vehicles - gas stations, service shops, dealer service locations, and that industry isn’t going away overnight. It’s highly authoritarian to think that governmental regulations will appease consumers. The laws in California are government interference with consumer commerce. That’s not a proper method to allow a free market economy to develop. Look at US auto makers. What percentage of their capacity is devoted to electric only vehicles? Ford has the new Mustang, Chevy has a Bolt or Volt, Chrysler has (?). Tesla has seen increased demand due to the oil price spike. But, electric vehicles don’t dominate the overall vehicle offerings. It’s just not practical at the current time. It’s important to allow for time to adjust. A weak president who is afraid to deal with unfriendly oil rich regions should not push for this crap, as he has no grasp on the challenges it poses to the consumer.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Why won't dancers dance to these songs?
    As long as they play some Norma Jean - I’m ok! Their songs aren’t easy to dance to - but that’s fine with me!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Not cool
    If you have such a wealth of Michigan club information, why haven’t you written any reviews? You know enough about these clubs to go to management and get dancer information. Your discussion still makes you sound like a disgruntled customer with an axe to grind. This is something I would expect to read in the comments on another strip club site.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OPEC flips off demented Joe and sides with Putin
    Wild4 you should read the facts about Biden allowing drilling on public land. It defeats the purpose of helping the American public to have access to reasonably priced domestic oil. Your interpretation of facts is convoluted. The American public will gravitate towards a better solution, to gas burning vehicles when a better solution becomes available and the solution is affordable. Currently, there is no better solution (that is cost effective). Read Tetradon’s comment about this idea. The use of renewable sources of energy must be coupled with tried and true energy sources - as renewable sources are not entirely reliable at this time. We must not cut over to renewable until we have gotten the balance to a sustainable level. California is cutting off its nose to spite its face - with its rash moves to green energy. As bad as it might sound to green lovers, fossil fuels can’t simply go away in 2022. There must be a balance in order for energy needs to be properly satisfied. As much as I would enjoy saying FU to OPEC, it’s not happening so soon. As a nation we must be strong and provide a strong front when dealing with these unfriendly oil producers. Biden doesn’t project the strength that is necessary. He is feeble and weak on every front. His policies hurt our country and our perception in the world.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OPEC flips off demented Joe and sides with Putin
    When Biden killed the Keystone pipeline and stopped drilling - he let the world know the USA is not planning to be energy independent. That means we are heavily reliant on other oil producing nations (and groups). OPEC and Russia became much more powerful due to the foolishness of the Biden administration. Since OPEC and Russia aren’t exactly USA friendly, they are happy to fuck us over. They know Biden is a weak leader, so they aren’t worried about repercussions. Remember months ago when we were told to buy electric cars if gas prices were too high for us? The ports were backed up, because our secretary of commerce was on gay paternity leave, and he let things slide. This administration is incredibly out of touch with the American people! Biden is not in control. The far left loons, that he bent over for, are controlling every policy. Biden can’t even put his own blazer on without help! This will only get worse, as you can’t flip a switch and move a country to renewable energy only. The administration doesn’t get it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Not cool
    Thanks for the awareness Robby. I will check the Detroit news for the report of a strip club customer who bought cocaine from a stripper inside a strip club and snorted it in the club and had a bad reaction - then he told his wife and she reported it to the police.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    I'm from Clueless and I'm going to...
    I think the club layout might be less than fully useful in every review, but it does provide some confirmation that the reviewer actually went to the club. It’s easy to write a review, and avoid specifics, even if you’ve not been to a club. Strip clubs are kinda dark inside, the drinks are usually overpriced, the music is loud, and the dancers are in bikinis - topless - or nude. With respect to getting lap dances it’s very much YMMV.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Why do yall have the nerve to get mad that women get pregnant and have babies?
    If blah’s kid is very tall and has the posture of a praying mantis - I will be registering at KnivesRUs…
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Have any of you read American Psycho? Do you think it would be published today?
    A different question - would Andrew Dice Clay be canceled in 2022? If he was acting like the Dice persona - I think he would be.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Not cool
    Your buddy is an idiot if he uses cocaine - and if he buys it from a stripper in a strip club he’s an even bigger idiot. You should have a discussion with your buddy about his cocaine habit rather than posting on this site. I don’t consider a guy who just joined this site - and has posted two discussions - to be credible.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How would YOU like it a bunch of hot strippers came to your job
    As long as they asked nicely - I would be happy to oblige. Form a line girls! If any ladies have more cash, and want to move up a few spots, I’m open to bribes…
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancer giving out her number
    I have been fortunate in getting many dancers to give me their numbers. It’s understood, at least by me, that it’s for business. If she’s having a slow night, and wants to see if I’ll come in. Or if there’s a possibility of OTC. Texting is a useful method of PL and stripper interaction. After Covid hit, I’ve gotten numbers without asking, as I think it might not be so easy to maintain a consistent stream of income. I know things are somewhat calm on the Covid front. But, as Ishmael mentioned, if things get bad again, it might be useful for a dancer to have a few numbers to contact for OTC, as that could be the only game in town.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ^ sadly they can’t play guitar - or video games - as they don’t have thumbs!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Things change dramatically (with respect to top porn stars) in a few years. I think Riley Reid had impressive staying power. I think she had a kid recently, and may be in a committed relationship now. In the old days, some stars were able to linger as there was a much smaller group of women in porn (and there were far fewer delivery methods for porn). Marilyn Chambers was very hot and she was also talented in other areas. Sadly, the stigma of porn likely stopped her from moving into more entertainment areas. Ashlyn Gere was one of the top performers of her era as well. She tried a few cross over roles, but nothing that really showed her acting abilities. So my all time list is below. 1. Marilyn Chambers 2. Ashlyn Gere 3. Riley Reid 4. Ginger Lynn 5. Tracy Adams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Call of the Wild
    This discussion is one of those cringe worthy reads - and one that we read and think “Thankfully that wasn’t me” - as we know it could have been one of us (when we were still new to clubbing). We attempt to be responsible adult perverts, but when there is more money and booze, it can be a dangerous and expensive experience.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Stripperweb is Dead
    The Reddit sub likely has a decent amount of input. There is a useful customer area to post as well. It might be useful for beginning PL’s.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Stripperweb is Dead
    I’ve not been on the pink site in over a month. I wasn’t a big fan of that site. I considered most of the dancer posts to be less than honest. It seemed that no extras were done by any dancers, and any dancers who may have mentioned extras were largely ostracized.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    It’s not the breed of dog, it’s the owner. Dogs are great companion animals. Specific breeds need more training to avoid the challenges of certain breeds. If you are a first time dog owner, it’s important to be honest in how much you can handle. If you don’t know shit about dog training, don’t get a breed that requires more experience than you have. It’s obvious too many fools have pit bulls. Those owners are likely getting those dogs because they think it will make them look cool (or bad ass). That’s a stupid reason to get a dog.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Your opinion on the economy
    I think it’s going to remain stuck while the democrats have control. I think everyone knows that Biden isn’t in charge. It’s the far left that’s in control - in the Biden administration - and they aren’t looking to move the capitalist machine forward (and out of this recession). My thought is the November elections could give the markets some momentum - and indirectly boost economic output - if republicans gain a majority. If the left picks up seats, it’s a flat or downward turn until 2024.