
Comments by Eve (page 41)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    In the wind
    "I will not shop at Costco, until you remove your mandatory mask rule"
    I've probably seen 3 news stories in the past three weeks about customers fighting or killing workers for enforcing the mask rule, so I'm at least happy this didn't escalate to that.
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    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Word of the Day
    So today, instead of being PLs, we're PBs. ):
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    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What If Beachgoers Were As Lax About Sharks As They Are The Coronavirus?
    I mean, I could have had it already or maybe I have it right this moment. And if this is the worst of the symptoms I've dealt with, then I'll definitely take this x50 over a shark bite.
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    4 years ago
    Would you meet up with an engaged stripper?
    Shit. Meant "if anyone says no*."
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What If Beachgoers Were As Lax About Sharks As They Are The Coronavirus?
    That made me chuckle more than it should have. But honestly, I'm more worried about like . . . stepping on a jellyfish than getting bit by a shark.
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    4 years ago
    Would you meet up with an engaged stripper?
    I'll be curious if anyone says yes, considering a big chunk of clientele are married themselves.
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    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Up The Stairway To The Sex Industry: Adult Films
    I feel like that would depend a great amount on what exactly the category of the content is. Example; a standard B/G scene with nothing but oral/vaginal sex is pretty high in numbers as far as films go, so because there isn't such a huge demand for it because it's already provided in large quantities, the payout probably won't be as substantial compared to doing, in example, an Anal, D/P, Gangbang or Fetish scene. The more the actors/actresses have to stretch their comfort levels, the fewer films there may be being produced and distributed, hence raising the demand from consumers that would actually like to see a pornstar partake in such themes.
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    4 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Book Recommendations
    Can vouch for the Art of War (Have two different variant copies of it) and Altered Carbon (95% of tv series/movies based off of books are not as good or worse than the book itself. One of the few exceptions I'll make is The Picture of Dorian Grey - where I liked both the book and the classic 1945 film equally. Another being TCON: The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe with their 2005 film.) I foresee this thread becoming the TUSCL Book Club.
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    4 years ago
    All About Eve: Q&A with Ms. ❤️ ly
    Touché, jawbreaker. Touché.
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    4 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    The sex trade... "back in the day."
    For those interested in the sex trade, this really does sound like the time to be alive. All the regulation that clubs are receiving now in comparison to way back then is kinda depressing to think about (assuming nobody was getting hurt or coerced into anything.). But on that note, it seems like a lot went down - even in legit strip club businesses. Was police presence as scarce as it sounds, or were club owners/pimps/girls/etc just careful with their hustle?
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    4 years ago
    Lol at the review queue
    Sounds lit. I'll go. :D
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    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Coronavirus found in semen of COVID-19 survivors; sexual transmission unclear...
    There goes swallowing
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Book Recommendations
    The Lucifer Effect (nonfiction, why people are bad) The Ethical Slut (nonfiction, why people are sexual on so many different spectrums) Sleeping Beauty (Series by Anne Rice, fiction, smutty as fuck) A Delusion of Satan (nonfiction, Salem Witch Trials writings) Norse Myths (mythology... if you dig that kinda stuff.) . . . Everything I read is either really dark or really sexual.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Up The Stairway To The Sex Industry: Adult Films
    @Viking. I managed to find Chucky's page. He goes under a new production name now and has completely abandoned all his old work. So now it seems the only evidence of my old shenanigans are in my hands now. As for the two dudes... ehh. I was sure I could easily floor them with mace. :)
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Up The Stairway To The Sex Industry: Adult Films
    Loper/Scrub (since your questions are pretty similar): This seems fair in the sense that this is the pricing offered by a one-man production in a not too populated town of Jacksonville that (formerly) enforces condom usage (brings the demand of project down by a lot.)... from Craigslist. It wasn't my ultimate goal to be a big time pornstar - and having that expectation with this setup would have been silly anyway. This was just a thing I was willing to do for some much needed money at the time. So it was moreso for the finance than the fame, but I had no issue getting filmed fucking for it. But on that note: according to what numerous pornstars have answered in interviews about first starting in the industry, the expected pay for the hopeful actresses is much less than what people think. Starting scenes with a lot of talent agencies seem to be between $500 to $800, and depending on what you're willing to do and if you're getting high demand from fanbases or other talent productions, that may raise overtime between $800 - $1500 or more per scene (which is why top performers use a LOT of platforms to get exposure to more fans whether if it's to raise production demand or to raise interest in personal premium content.). What a lot of girls assume is that as soon as they get their first scene production, they're gonna be getting hired for scenes left and right every single day - when it's actually a gamble day by day (or by weeks or months) depending on if producers think you'll have a look and performance that consumers will buy by the masses.
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    4 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    You must be a stripper
    I think the only real giveaway that I could be a stripper in the outside world is that I carry an unnecessary amount of bills with me. Other than that, I just look like a stud lesbian with no wig or makeup. It's my stranger repellent.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    All About Eve: Q&A with Ms. ❤️ ly
    " . . . Also I pose no risk at all to the cervix." Yet I have recollections of you claiming to be a "jawbreaker".
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    4 years ago
    All About Eve: Q&A with Ms. ❤️ ly
    Oh, there's plenty of seafood. But the only fish I eat is sushi and sashimi. :D
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Hijacking Threads to Bicker
    @bear. I've been to Canada at least 90 times and can say that most things and places that are Canadian are usually less insane by default.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    All About Eve: Q&A with Ms. ❤️ ly
    @Muddy / 19. Club with best talent: Sinsations Nightshift. I'm not just saying that because I work there, but the night shift probably has the most diverse and hefty selection of girls compared to other clubs in Jax, and management doesn't hire fuglies. It averages between 10 - 16 dancers during a weekday night and up to 30 during the weekend nights, and there's a little of everything for everyone in regards to age, ethnicity, shape, modification/enhancement levels, etc. Club recommendation for PLs : Wackos Dayshift. This club has decent business and a good number of girls regardless of the time of day, but dayshift has less of the super party girls and Cuban girls that many mongers don't care for (but if they ARE your type, then definitely night shift instead. Heh.). Also, despite that they've been raided a ridiculous amount of times, this is also a good spot if you prioritize mileage just as much if not more than the attractiveness of the talent. Club recommendation for dancers: Sinsations (either shift?). This club and DH are the only Jax clubs I've personally worked in, but I've asked plenty of other girls at different clubs how their experiences are working in them. All things considered, this club has the best variety of girls, the most chill but serious management, with variable mileage so it's up to the dancer herself what she does and doesn't want to do. So as long as you look like you take decent care of yourself and can provide a fantasy when you want to, getting hired shouldn't be too difficult. Management would prefer being oversaturated than understaffed and there's no set schedule - just a very lightly enforced 3 days a week minimum. There's pretty much no cut off time to how late you can come into work - bar fee starts at $15 before 7PM and then goes up by $5 every half hour until 10PM, and then up $10 every half hour after 10PM until it goes past midnight where the flat fee is $100 to come into work (seriously, don't do this. Unless you know for sure a regular is sitting there just waiting to give you a mass of funds during the last two hours of the night.) BONUS - More than half the girls have liquor of some sort with them. There's a don't ask (or ask nicely)/don't tell rule with this. I've probably drank more here than I have drinking at a bikini/alcohol bar because someone will offer me a shot every hour on the hour. Even some of the door guys will come in dressing room to smuggle a shot. LOL. Favorite spot to eat: Probably the hardest question thrown at me so far. Heh. That would depend on what I'm craving: Asian food: Mikado, a Japanese steakhouse. Or Bowl of Pho, a Vietnamese cuisine restaurant. Pizza joint: Mellow Mushroom, totally customizable pizzas with a full liquor bar. California Pizza Kitchen, not too high end but not too Dominos. Burger joint: Ya'll will hate me but, Hooters. I don't care about the girls or the wings, I think their burgers are FUCKING GOOD, GODDAMMIT. If I just want a fast food burger, I'll go to Hardees. Mexican food: Los Loros. Authentic food with stupidly generous portions and an unbelievable happy hour (1PM to 7PM super cheap draft beers and 2-for-1 margaritas.) That-One-Place-With-A-Little-Of-Everything-In-A-10-Page-Menu: Kickbacks Gastropub. Steampunk/Victorian themed big ass pub. Seriously. They have everything. And if they don't have something you want, they just might make it anyway. Give yourself at least 20 minutes to decide what the fuck you'll want.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    All About Eve: Q&A with Ms. ❤️ ly
    @Papi / 18. If I was being superficial/watching porn/at a male strip club, usually my attention initially goes to either the tattooed gents, the long-haired gents, the silver (older) gents, and/or the burly (facial/body haired in moderation) gents endowed enough to hit my sweet spots but not so endowed that he punches my cervix each and every pump or makes me feel like I'm wearing a mouth retractor at the dentist. I'm almost never particularly looking for something serious or beyond FWBs because I've been happy with my two primary partners, but if that's where the breeze just happens to blow me, then call me a sapiosexual. I love it when I can learn something or several things from a guy or if they have a natural curiosity for things outside of their usual interests. I prefer guys that can tell me their past mistakes so that I myself don't make them as I grow, and this usually works out better with older partners. There has always been a 'gap' with age with most guys I've gone out with, but I didn't intentionally prefer older guys in the beginning as I do now. So . . . I've been with men of all spectrums of shapes/sizes/ethnicity/dick lengths/etc/etc because I'm usually more impressed with their intelligence - so as long as they're not pretentious. tldr: I'm pretty humble with physical appearances so as long as they're old and smart. LOL
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Up The Stairway To The Sex Industry: Exotic Dancing
    I'm happy that the lot of you enjoyed the readings. If I ever get my adventures published online or as a NY bestseller, you guys will be the first to hear about it. @Papi ; " . . . IDK all the details nor know the state of the club at the time" DH business-wise and financially has been very bad since I left due to a number of factors that have added up until it became the misfortune tower that it is presently. Both shifts were struggling before the virus, so I can't imagine how long they're gonna stay open after this all passes. Many regulars and long-term dancers have moved on from there. " . . . In some clubs and/or shifts extras are so prevalent that it seems many of the regular custies take it as a given that every dancer is down." I will take pro-active over aggressive any time. I feel like the mindset of a lot of custies I encountered at DH's dayshift was that since they're paying regardless, they can just take what they want, then get legit upset/confused/mad if you oppose. " . . . have you thought about a potential next-step in your journey, or are you still focused on getting the most out of dancing?" I want to get the most out of dancing, but I definitely want to expand a lot more in other cities as I've started to become bored with the entertainment scene of Jax. The nice thing about my present lines of work (dancing/modeling/companionship) is that I can work and market myself from anywhere and I know there are much better locations for them because I tend to get a lot more contact/casting calls when I'm out of town compared to at home. This would also be handy dandy for mongering new turf. (I've heard good things about the Inner Room. When things get back to the way they were, I may have to pre-plan a trip to Cocoa Beach to check it out.) " . . . Do you see sugaring as something that would interest/work-for you?" I don't consider sugaring as sex work - just something that a lot of sex workers take advantage of with a great amount of civvie presence, but I've been sugar dating on and off for almost as long as I've been dancing - over 4 years now. Two of my best sugar daddies (who I, unfortunately, have very little contact with now) met me at the club, but I've had entirely mixed experiences with finding a good one on websites like Seeking Arrangement or Secret Benefits. I know that location can have an effect on my success, but it's very tedious having to sort through the fakes, the flakes, and the fuck-and-dumps - both for the babies and daddies. I feel like it's a whole 'nother ball game that could get its own article if I wanted to write about it.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    All About Eve: Q&A with Ms. ❤️ ly
    I could be an A.I. where Eve is just an acronym for Enticing Vaginal Entertainer.
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    4 years ago
    All About Eve: Q&A with Ms. ❤️ ly
    @roger. Well, if you focus on *just* the Verified board, that Q&A is only 5 posts away. :D @Daddi. . . . What else did I miss while I was away? LOL
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    cumming in your pants has a new twist.
    Just when I start to question if I'm being a wild child and doing too much too fast and if I should acknowledge the upward incline my impurity has gone and if I should prioritize having a normal life with little risk or irrationality. . . . . . I see some post like this and think . . . nah, I'm doing just fine.