All About Eve: Q&A with Ms. ❤️ ly

avatar for Muddy
Eve just came out with a series of articles “Up The Stairway To The Sex Industry” very cool definitely check that out. I thought it would be a good time to have a Q&A post article DVD commentary stuff. Also whenever this Corona season ends you catch Eve dancing at Sinsations in Jacksonville, Florida. Let’s get it started.

1. How long do you see yourself in the adult entertainment world? Dancing, camming, escorting, modeling etc.

2. What is one club you've always wanted to dance at/visit?

3. What is one city you've always wanted to dance at/visit?

4. What is your favorite club? Be it to dance at or as a customer.

5. What is something a customer does that turns you on?

6. Can you talk about a time a customer pissed you off?

7. You took a break from TUSCL in 2019, could you explain how that was for you? What got you back in?

8. Can you give some tips on customers on how to ask for OTC?

9. As a customer, have you ever scored OTC and can you explain?

10. As a customer, what are some of your hottest ITC memories?

11. Would an SO take you out of the game? Or would he/she have to accept what you do?

12. In the bedroom, what are some of your favorite things a guy does?

13. In the bedroom, what are some of your least favorite things a guy does?

14. If you had a threesome, would it be 2 guys, 2 girls, or a guy and girl?

15. For a new girl coming into the Adult Entertainment world in 2020, what realm would you recommend for them?

16. Out of all of them what was your favorite and most lucrative one?


last comment
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
1. For as long as there’s debt to wipe out and/or for as long as the longevity of my physical appearance goes far. Whenever I do retire from adult entertainment, I don’t want to have to worry about student loans, mortgage rates, auto loan, or credit card debt in the back of my mind anymore. Only then could I see myself settling for a vanilla job - but since I actually love this work, I can’t see that happening anytime soon. I think I’ve got enough time. The countdown to 30 has started, but people out in public still mistake me for a 16 year old and I’m still carded at the video game stores.

2. I wouldn’t mind dancing at Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club (in Vegas or St. Louis) or any of the Spearmint Rhino franchises (except the California locations.).
As far as what clubs I want to monger in…All of them? Too many, that’s for sure. Club XTC and Babydolls in Dallas, The Penthouse in Detroit, Upper Brass / Brass Rail in Toronto, Any-And-All-Clubs at Myrtle Beach are what come to the top of my mind.

3. Cities that I haven’t danced in already? I would have to go with Dallas or Houston, Miami, Myrtle Beach, Philadelphia, New Orleans, or Las Vegas. I’ve had fantasies of road tripping and dancing along as I drive around.

4. As a dancer, I feel like I haven’t really explored enough to know for sure what my favorite club is. All of the clubs I’ve worked at had their up and downsides, and I have yet to find one with that perfect ‘medium’, I suppose. Maybe I’m just burned out from the clubs in Jax.
As a customer, formerly Gold Club, but after a roof fire that did massive damage to the property and re-opening once they did renovations, the atmosphere just wasn’t the same anymore. But if we’re talking everywhere I’ve traveled… I’ll have to go with Follies. Because reasons.

5. You just want me to say trench coat.

6. Diamond Dolls in Daytona Beach. I danced for some thuggish kid that was coked or flocka’d out of his mind and was begging for my attention all night while I was busy and already attending to other custies (It was a champagne rooms galore kind of shift). All throughout the dances he’d be complaining and insulting me (You suck at grinding. C’mon kiss me already. Nevermind, your breath smells like dick. Why don’t you have no tits or ass to grab onto? Etc), but for some reason kept asking for dances again and again because he “knew I could do better”. I cut him off at 10 because he was incredibly rude throughout. Then he tried to say he wasn’t going to pay simply because he thought the dances sucked. It took talking to two bouncers, the general manager, and a law officer to pull up before he finally agreed to pay. This was 3 years ago and it still irks me to think about.

7. Business was suffering in clubs in the whole city and I had to prioritize earning money myself rather than throwing it all at the other dancers for the fun of it. That and I had to get my mental health in check because I was dealing with a long bout of depression because of said lack of business, so I no longer had the motivation to write reviews (didn’t have any good club visits to write about anyhow) or really interact with any of the other mongers.
After a while, I found a better club to work at and new medication to start for my anxiety (which I’m no longer taking), and I had a trip to So. Flo around the time my interest in TUSCL recovered. I love writing reviews on clubs when I’m exploring new turf, so after visiting 4 clubs with Papi all with different atmospheres and expectations, I think that’s what it took to press the last button to get me to return to TUSCL.

8. Don’t treat it like a marriage proposal, but don’t be tone deaf either. The humblest way to ask about OTC is simply asking if the dancer “Does meetups/anything outside the club?” usually after giving her some level of legitimacy by feeling each other out and then getting some dances from her first. The worst that can happen - just like dancers offering dances to custies - is that they say no. Some girls are all for it. Some may need a bit of convincing, whether if it’s the money for their time with you or whether or not you’re a serial rapist. Just communicate your proposition like a normal person and not like a creeper that hasn’t shot his load in 25 years or a stuck up Fortune 500 hustler because bragging (IMO) has the complete opposite impression.

9. I’ve had a handful dancers give me personally (and not the guy I was mongering with) their number for playtime outside the club, but nothing has actually happened. I think they give it to me as a way to possibly set a double OTC/threesome date with a guy and get money together since 80% of the time they have knowledge that I, too, am a dancer, or just maybe there’s a slight chance they’re total nymphos when they’re not working and just want to get down and dirty with a couple to release tension.

10. They’ve become numerous. Most recent and best is probably the time a dancer squirted on me after a long, handsy, sweaty, daytime private dance session (EastCoaster is a witness).…

11. Unlikely. Currently in a polyamorous relationship of almost 6 years, and if my partners and I can romantically or sexually adventure about with whomever, it wouldn’t make too much sense to be restrictive if it actually turned into a job (unless it’s for safety concerns, which have come up in the beginning, but have been settled since.). The primary partner I started it with met me at a strip club, and my other partner was/is in the adult industry himself too. I find that by default, it’s much easier for couples to be accepting of sex work if the other partner themself is a consumer or a provider of such.

12. I have very submissive tendencies, so usually, all of my ‘buttons’ get pushed and I get aroused more easily if the other partner is more dominant and assertive towards me - not necessarily during the actual fucking, but to fill the mood or put me in positions all throughout. Roughness/pain to a degree seldom concerns me. (Unless it’s from teeth whitening. You can’t pay me to do that shit again.)

13. When I’m literally T H I S close to cumming and they decide to switch up the technique that got me close to climax in the first place. This drives me up the fucking wall, to the sky, to the moon, and then back. If you already know you’re making me feel good, why make a change? Just why? Justwhyfdvbgnhmjh

14. Done MFF, done FFF, have not done MFM, but really fucking want to (unfortunately, neither of my partners are open to the idea, and it’s not something I’d do with complete strangers.)

15. The industry is huge. It would all really boil to whether she wants to work from home/online or face to face as both are very different hustles. If she’s absolutely uncomfortable with the idea of customers meeting or touching her and possibly violating boundaries or if she wants absolute control of her work schedule instead of committing to however long a shift, I’d recommend finding something online (ie: Webcamming, online seller, filming and posting her own amateur content, or some/all of the above with subscription-based platforms.). Or if she’d prefer to access quicker money, isn’t shy or conservative about her sexuality with other people present, and has no problem providing in-person entertainment in one way or another, then face to face work would be her speed (ie: Dancing, Escorting, Erotic Masseuse, Porn Actress, or a Pro Dom/Sub in the BDSM/Fetish market). Either way she chooses, she has to accept that it’s a very superficial and invasive line of work, there is a big number of predators that look specifically for the newbies to take advantage of them, guys and girls will be cunts straight to your face simply because they think you won’t say or do anything about it, and it requires a very thick skin to work through it.

16. It’s a dead tie between dancing in companionship. With dancing, if I’m not aimlessly throwing money away as soon as it’s handed to me, it’s very easy to build a savings/emergency fund, and it only took me about 6-8 months to get a car and my own place to escape from what felt like the house arrest I was under before I lived out on my own.
With companionship, if I felt the need to take a few weeks or a month off from dancing, all it would take me for my monthly earnings to be unchanged is to see just 1 or 2 clients a week for at least an hour - compared to working 5 or 6 nights a week at the club for 7-hour shifts. I honestly was not expecting the financial success I’ve gained when I first started this a little over a year ago, but I’m happy I didn’t wait any longer to start.

I tried to convince Muddy that my answers wouldn’t lengthen this to the size of a review or article, but you all know that was a big fat lie. LOL.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Great lie then as your post was well worth reading.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
—> “I wouldn’t mind dancing at Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club (in Vegas or St. Louis)”

Can’t speak for Vegas but I have a really good opinion of the St Louis one. Would recommend 😁

avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Thanks Eve for your time. And lmao you know I don’t care if you take 20 pages to answer it’s all good to me. Say as much as you want.
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
Interesting to read, Eve, You may want to consider writing as a post dancing career.
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
I think founder should give her credit for another article after answering all those. Also I have two trench coats. 😎😜😜
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
#17 What’s your favorite general style of club?

Examples: High end, midtier, or dive? Clubs more focused on rooms, stage, or floor dances? High energy or low/medium energy? Where it’s easier to work the crowd vs quality-over-quantity? Prefer a club that has more income potential but may have bigger swings of high and low, or a club where it’s more consistent but difficult to break into high numbers any one time?

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Wb Spice.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
Great job Eve and the interviewer as well. The Penthouse in Detroit is no more and we can only hope that the Flight Club, which should be your next choice, returns to it's pre-COVID glory. Myrtle Beach; Thee Dollhouse was the best thing going of what is left there; damn Bible Thumpers; Read Gobstoppers VIP article. I had a great time at the Gold Club in JAX back in 2010; I had to explain to other customers that it used to be a Bomb Group restaurant / bar as we still have one in my home town. Thanks for all the insight.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Excellent postscript to your articles, Eve, thanks. Muddy too.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
@spice / 17. I'll have to go with mid-tier with a low/medium volume. My social anxiety makes it very hard for me to make money during the weekends where the customers tend to fill the whole room and are much pickier/judgemental towards the selection of dancers. When the club is not that busy and the custies are actually trying to take a few minutes to connect and feel out their select dancer, I can actually focus on making them comfortable without the high hustle pressure, and there's a better success rate for selling dances - and in higher numbers. I find consistency to be much more preferable too. The last club I worked was definitely had high/low business flow and it was not worth the gamble to me.

I've had my share of success at dives because I tend to stand out a LOT more than their average selection of dancers as far as quality goes, but the clientele it attracts is not always the friendliest or have the slightest hint of etiquette when it comes to the dancers, how the club runs, or even to the customers around them. That's why I can only deal with Daytona seasonally. Heh.

@Muddy, thank YOU for giving me another way to distract myself from the lack of entertainment back home.

@Fish. There's a good chance it will be. (:

@Longball. Penthouse is closed?! I've been away longer than I thought... but Flight Club seems to be a highly repped alternative. And I vouch for pre-fire Gold Club 200%. It depresses me how bad business/management has turned out even after re-opening the whole club again. It used to be THE place to be, whether you were mongering or dancing there. I still talk to some of the girls that have been there for 10+ years before the fire occurred. There's no club like it in Jax as far as the vibe and dancer variety/interaction goes. Not even Wackos, which is the busiest club in town.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
Eve, this was great, thank you for taking the time and for the quality responses
avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
Thanks Muddy and Eve for the good read.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I like Eve she’s the first 😁
avatar for rogertex
5 years ago
Another epic Q&A - like the one with nicespice about 3 miles back in this discussion board.
Thank you Muddyam and Eve
avatar for Daddillac
5 years ago
LOL remember when Rick Dugan said Eve Hartley was fake...…
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
@roger. Well, if you focus on *just* the Verified board, that Q&A is only 5 posts away. :D

@Daddi. . . . What else did I miss while I was away? LOL
avatar for Daddillac
5 years ago
LOL about a third of the way down the thread

"And while you're at it, say hi to your imaginary dancer friend Eve Hartley for us, who purportedly worked at DH and with whom you purportedly clubbed in J'ville. Maybe there was a real girl in there somewhere, though I suspect not, but it certainly wasn't a dancer using the stage name Eve. There is only one girl who has worked at the Southside clubs using that stage name in years. She is a local institution who more or less owns that name in 3 different clubs (including DH) and she certainly doesn't know you."
avatar for Daddillac
5 years ago
Eve... those are the best looking imaginary titties I have ever not seen.... LoL
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
Good read, thank you.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
I could be an A.I. where Eve is just an acronym for Enticing Vaginal Entertainer.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Thanks for the details in your answers
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
#18 - In one of your articles I asked what type of girl you were attracted-to, to which you responded. w.r.t. a guy, are there any particular physical and non-physical characteristics that particularly attract you (ethnicity; height; eye-color; hairy or not hairy; hair color/type; muscular or thin or thick; endowedness; very intelligent or avg is better; serious or playful; line of work; etc)?
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
One more from me if you will. While I got you here I’d like to dive into the Jacksonville scene a little bit. Could you describe the strip club world there? Club with best talent. Club recommend for PL. Club recommend for dancer. And one more bonus favorite spot to eat in Jacksonville.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
>> I like Eve she’s the first 😁
She’s not the first but she can be the next 😎😎
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ according to the Bible Eve is the first 🤣🙃🤣
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
@ Eve: All the Detroit city proper clubs were / are on the way out and struggling to survive as Vice raided many of them to enforce a very restrictive ordinance. Legends and Bouzouki downtown were doing OK but, just not as much fun to be had there anymore. The clubs not in the city of Detroit i.e. Flight Club, Landing Strip, Criket..... and so on is where all the action was and dancers could make bank.

Yeah, in that way back I wrote a review on the Gold Club; I was there four straight nights while I was doing a golf training school at Sawgrass; Got to know two of the ladies in particular very well indeed:…
avatar for Daddillac
5 years ago
@Eve... if you are AI then they need to hire whoever created you to a big government contract
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
@Papi / 18. If I was being superficial/watching porn/at a male strip club, usually my attention initially goes to either the tattooed gents, the long-haired gents, the silver (older) gents, and/or the burly (facial/body haired in moderation) gents endowed enough to hit my sweet spots but not so endowed that he punches my cervix each and every pump or makes me feel like I'm wearing a mouth retractor at the dentist.

I'm almost never particularly looking for something serious or beyond FWBs because I've been happy with my two primary partners, but if that's where the breeze just happens to blow me, then call me a sapiosexual. I love it when I can learn something or several things from a guy or if they have a natural curiosity for things outside of their usual interests. I prefer guys that can tell me their past mistakes so that I myself don't make them as I grow, and this usually works out better with older partners. There has always been a 'gap' with age with most guys I've gone out with, but I didn't intentionally prefer older guys in the beginning as I do now.
So . . . I've been with men of all spectrums of shapes/sizes/ethnicity/dick lengths/etc/etc because I'm usually more impressed with their intelligence - so as long as they're not pretentious.

tldr: I'm pretty humble with physical appearances so as long as they're old and smart. LOL
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
@Muddy / 19. Club with best talent: Sinsations Nightshift. I'm not just saying that because I work there, but the night shift probably has the most diverse and hefty selection of girls compared to other clubs in Jax, and management doesn't hire fuglies. It averages between 10 - 16 dancers during a weekday night and up to 30 during the weekend nights, and there's a little of everything for everyone in regards to age, ethnicity, shape, modification/enhancement levels, etc.

Club recommendation for PLs : Wackos Dayshift. This club has decent business and a good number of girls regardless of the time of day, but dayshift has less of the super party girls and Cuban girls that many mongers don't care for (but if they ARE your type, then definitely night shift instead. Heh.). Also, despite that they've been raided a ridiculous amount of times, this is also a good spot if you prioritize mileage just as much if not more than the attractiveness of the talent.

Club recommendation for dancers: Sinsations (either shift?). This club and DH are the only Jax clubs I've personally worked in, but I've asked plenty of other girls at different clubs how their experiences are working in them. All things considered, this club has the best variety of girls, the most chill but serious management, with variable mileage so it's up to the dancer herself what she does and doesn't want to do. So as long as you look like you take decent care of yourself and can provide a fantasy when you want to, getting hired shouldn't be too difficult. Management would prefer being oversaturated than understaffed and there's no set schedule - just a very lightly enforced 3 days a week minimum. There's pretty much no cut off time to how late you can come into work - bar fee starts at $15 before 7PM and then goes up by $5 every half hour until 10PM, and then up $10 every half hour after 10PM until it goes past midnight where the flat fee is $100 to come into work (seriously, don't do this. Unless you know for sure a regular is sitting there just waiting to give you a mass of funds during the last two hours of the night.)
BONUS - More than half the girls have liquor of some sort with them. There's a don't ask (or ask nicely)/don't tell rule with this. I've probably drank more here than I have drinking at a bikini/alcohol bar because someone will offer me a shot every hour on the hour. Even some of the door guys will come in dressing room to smuggle a shot. LOL.

Favorite spot to eat: Probably the hardest question thrown at me so far. Heh. That would depend on what I'm craving:

Asian food: Mikado, a Japanese steakhouse. Or Bowl of Pho, a Vietnamese cuisine restaurant.
Pizza joint: Mellow Mushroom, totally customizable pizzas with a full liquor bar. California Pizza Kitchen, not too high end but not too Dominos.
Burger joint: Ya'll will hate me but, Hooters. I don't care about the girls or the wings, I think their burgers are FUCKING GOOD, GODDAMMIT. If I just want a fast food burger, I'll go to Hardees.
Mexican food: Los Loros. Authentic food with stupidly generous portions and an unbelievable happy hour (1PM to 7PM super cheap draft beers and 2-for-1 margaritas.)
That-One-Place-With-A-Little-Of-Everything-In-A-10-Page-Menu: Kickbacks Gastropub. Steampunk/Victorian themed big ass pub. Seriously. They have everything. And if they don't have something you want, they just might make it anyway. Give yourself at least 20 minutes to decide what the fuck you'll want.
avatar for Daddillac
5 years ago
no Seafood in Jax?
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
Oh, there's plenty of seafood.

But the only fish I eat is sushi and sashimi. :D
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
All right Eve, I am older, smarter and gray on top (rather be a silver fox than a bald eagle). Plus I wear trench coats. It’s fate I tell you.
Also I pose no risk at all to the cervix.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
" . . . Also I pose no risk at all to the cervix."

Yet I have recollections of you claiming to be a "jawbreaker".
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
That is vicious rumor started by me. Also remember that message at the bottom regarding this site and fiction.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
Touché, jawbreaker. Touché.
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