
Up The Stairway To The Sex Industry: Adult Films

avatar for Eve
Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]

I’ve never had a regular 9 - 5 job, never worked for an Employer or had the position of anything besides self-employed or an independent contractor. I’ve pretty much always used myself as entertainment - both in general gigs and adult gigs. There are jobs that I’ve done in the past where I was definitely naive, taken advantage of, and rolled with some punches either because I either really wanted the money or was afraid of getting the other person upset. I’ve taken long breaks from said work after getting fed up or finding something better, but then I would eventually return smarter, more efficient, and more assertive with my limitations regardless as to if it affected my money or not.

I get questions all the time as to whether I’ve done anything else besides dancing.

Guys: Enjoy this personal history lesson of living and learning through sex work.

Girls: If you’ve ever considered any of this work, I’d advise you to learn from my experiences and use them to prepare yourself if and when you start.

Both: Feel free to ask me questions after reading, but I won’t answer anything too incriminating nor will I share any personal links.

This is what I’ll be writing about where the order will be when I tried each line of work. I’ll put down my “then” experiences when I was a beginner, then I’ll put down my “now” experiences - obviously referring to how I handle the work now that I’m seasoned enough to know better.

If this segment doesn’t interest you, just find another in my articles to read as an alternative.

This will be a VERY lengthy and moderately explicit article. I hope this entertains or at least intrigues you;

Webcam Modeling


Lingerie/Nude Modeling

Adult Films

Exotic Dancing

4 ) Adult Films

THEN: [Mid 2013]

Did I go off the chain and do some work for Brazzers or BangBros? In my dreams, maybe. LOL. But I can’t say that I didn’t want at least a slight taste of what it could be like.

Shortly after I officially decided to take a long break from the traditional modeling misadventures, I went back to the drawing board (my email and Craigslist’s talent section) to see if there were any other opportunities for getting some money. That ‘modeling’ resume I posted on Craigslist a while back got some responses, varying not only from offers for photoshoots but offers for video and filmmaking as well - primarily erotic themed, which implied pornography. At this point, I was going to assume the worst-case scenario on what the types of shoots could be so that I wouldn’t be surprised or disappointed if I happened to agree to any of them with a different idea in my head when I showed up. There were 2 emails that initially got my attention along with a few pieces of mail from scammers that claimed that they had experience and references in the adult industry and to just check out various nudie magazine issues and mediocre websites to see their work (the problem is they never left a name, producer or model names for references, or even which magazine issues to use for said ‘reference’. Just take their word for it was pretty much what the emails were saying.).

After being entertained by questioning these scammers and getting no legit answers the whole way through, I ignored those and focused on the two emails I got instead. The first was from a solo guy who was aspiring to be an adult actor himself and he said that he was looking out for a potential actress to do some film work with. Said he liked my photos and attached a few of his own - no nudes, just casual clothed full body shots so I could get an idea on what I could be working with - and he would send more information about the shoot if I was satisfied with what I saw/read so far and was interested. The email itself was written neatly and he seemed willing to answer any questions, so I went ahead and responded to him to spill the details. The other main things to know was that he’d also have his friend with him to act as the ‘cameraman’ so to speak (who he also attached a photo of) and that this was nothing official as far as actually filming a scene or anything like that, but just a test to see if the two of us were compatible while being filmed. Regardless, he was offering compensation for the time spent on this ‘trial shoot’ and I was willing to work with him. He gives me the address to the hotel they were staying at and a time to meet up (around noon at an Embassy Suites).

We meet up at the front lobby and they were exactly as pictured in the email. Two AA men where the one I would be acting with was middle-aged and dressed comfort casual while the camera guy was a slightly older man that had some golfer attire on. After exchanging small talk with them in the lobby and getting a comfortable vibe from both of them was when we decided it was time to go up to the room and begin our work.

There wasn’t much set up to be done, really. The golfer’s film equipment was just the camera on his phone and the outfit that I brought was the one I had on to ‘act’ the part they had planned, which was just a tight-fitting and low cut long-sleeved shirt paired with a very flowy flair skirt. The plot that they were going for was just a typical “Picking Up Stranger From [Location]”, but they said they wanted to save the non-pornographic fluff for a later time and just practice filming the ‘act’ for now. Their long term plan, if getting into the big-name porn productions didn’t work out, was to make their own independent page on Pornhub where they could venture about finding willing talent to help make numerous videos and series for the internet pervs to enjoy.

The actor - who I’ll nickname Shades (because he didn’t take his sunglasses off until it was time to get to it - immediately hands me the payment once we’re all settled in the room (about $175 for an hour and some change of filming). The filming man - who I’ll nickname Camera because duh - says he digs the outfit I got on, but it’s time to see what I was sporting underneath it. He had his phone out and at shoulder level, so I assume he’s about to start recording, so while Shades is sitting at the chair behind me, I start slowly stripping off the top I have on and bend over to put it by my belongings on the floor, bending just enough to show that I wasn’t wearing any panties underneath the skirt - which of course Camera knelt down to get a close-up shot of on the phone. As Shades was waiting for me to strip down, I could already see through his dark denim jeans that he was pitching a pretty big tent. I remember thinking to myself “That must be uncomfortable for him… and soon enough for me.”

Once I’m completely naked, Shades asks me to sit in the chair across from him so he can look at my features up close. He leans forward and gives me an inquisitive look. “I’m going out of character, but can I smell it?” Huh? Smell it? This puzzled me, but I say go right on ahead. He gets off his chair onto his knees so that he can get up close between my legs and take a deep whiff. He looks… very satisfied and lets out a vocal “Wow.” He doesn’t take long to explain his motive since he probably read the confusion on my face, but his laughter seems to give away that it may be an awkward topic. “I really wish this wasn’t a stereotype, but there are a lot of black girls that don’t smell clean down there.” Awkward indeed. There were a few moments far in-between where we’d casually comment on whatever, but Camera assured me that they would be edited out… wait. If this is just a test, why would editing need to be done? I guess that means that vid could be on PH or XVids somewhere and I would have never known.

By the time that Shades starts to undress, I’m already on the bed on all fours stretching out like cat looking at him like I’m about to have the most delicious devil’s food cake on the planet when in actuality… I’m also looking at the Magnum XL on the counter as well at his exposed member. Rarely are sex toys a perfect replica of the real thing, but when the real thing is a perfect replica of a sex toy, you might be in trouble. From the time that I spent in school up to this point, I think I’ve only had… one VERY well endowed partner, and since I was a very petite girl you could probably imagine a few of the concerns going through the back of my mind. That thing was probably 9 inches long and probably 3 inches girth. I was moreso expecting this during a real shoot and not at the optional test drive.

We started off with some giving/receiving oral for our warm-up and thankfully, this guy was not straight into sports mode when we got to the main event. He put the condom on and laid on the bed to have me straddle him for some frontal cowgirl. Getting broken into with his size took maybe 5 minutes or so, but I may have acted like it took no time at all. After a little while, he asked me what personally turned me on (maybe he could tell I wasn’t quite comfortable yet), and I shared a few things with him which were pretty much all along the lines of general acts of dominance that didn’t necessarily involve his Mandingo. So as far as that goes, he let me lead him on throughout the filming and had him spank me from mildly to roughly, let him do some choking, he never went overboard with any of the extra stuff and it even got him even more turned on. Once I was truly adjusted and stretched well enough for his dick to not murder me, he got a little faster and deeper with the pacing. We’d go from frontal cowgirl to spooning, spooning to doggy, doggy to reverse cowgirl, and then the finisher was me sucking him off until pop. Camera was moving around during the whole act getting different angles and closeups to genitals and faces.

They said that they’d have me out by 2PM and it was already going towards 3PM when I rechecked the time while collecting my energy back. While I was showering, I could hear the audio from the footage of our adventure being played back while the two men were talking amongst themselves. When I finished cleaning myself off, they asked if I could talk to them for one more moment. Shades pretty much told me that he wanted to keep meeting up on a semi-regular basis (unpaid) to practice shooting some more - not because he thought the sex was great, but because he wanted me to get used to his size for the amount of time it’d take to make a scene (1 - 2 hours). Apparently, we looked too… natural while being filmed?? I don’t even remember what exactly he described it as. I figured I may have been a little slow at the beginning, but once we both got into it, we -really- got into it. Maybe I was doing something that I wasn’t totally aware of while in the act.

I was already put off by the thought that he didn’t want to pay me for this “training”, but once he also brought up that it would just be us two because Camera didn’t have too flexible of a schedule, that pretty much told me that he just wanted to casually hook up every day or every other day. Isn’t that as natural as can be? Well, after this intriguing discussion, we all parted ways and I made my way back home before I could be questioned about what took me so long to get back (the cover story was that I was just running some errands. LOL). Shades texted me probably once a week to see if I was still interested in his offer and I never responded back. After about three weeks, all he would send me were crying emoji faces. It took him a good 6 months to finally stop texting.

The next gig I had was about 4 months later. I received another email response from my earlier posted Craigslist resume from a man that had his own amateur porn pages going. While he wasn’t a part of the big producers that we often see the most often posted on video sites, this guy had a pretty hefty ManyVids and Clips4Sale page, a Pornhub account where he’d post previews for said MV and C4S vids, as well as a ModelMayhem account where he would also look for erotic models to work for him. All of his accounts were around 5 years old and he was an aspiring producer to be, but for now, worked independently. I responded back saying that I had no issues with working with him and that’s when he responded back.

He had a particular theme going on for the upcoming shoots he was looking for girls to perform: sacrilegious/alternative/gothic. He had already done a couple of video shoots, so he linked me to a few previews so that I could see what he was talking about. The girls all had face makeup done varying from KISS groupie to full-on haunted house zombie. It was either that and/or they were dressed up in some intense black leather or latex outfits as well as some sexy/naughty nun outfits. He recommended the makeup if girls were concerned about being recognized, but I said I was willing to try any or all outfit/makeup choices. It was a bizarre yet interesting concept he had going on. He also assured me that condoms were enforced during all penetrative scenes, which at the time was a major concern for me since I didn’t have the luxury of birth control or regular STD testing yet (which he didn’t enforce). With that, he just asked my schedule was like, what my limitations were, then we set up a date and estimated time for my first shoot.

About midway through the week is when he sent me a picture of the male actor that I would be working with; a pale white muscular blonde guy that looked to be around my age taking a mirror selfie with nothing on but tight-fitting briefs with his free hand gripping the obvious bulge. Judging from what I could make out from the photo (it wasn’t the best quality), he wasn’t quite the Mandingo that I encountered months ago during the ‘test’, but definitely wasn’t minuscule either. Regardless, I figured things should go fine. The night comes for the shoot to take place and I tell my mom and grandpa that a local art center was looking for volunteers to help aid a bi-monthly event with cooking food and hosting activities and I was going out for the night to help them. It was the only way that could explain me coming home with the freaky face paint. LOL

My GPS takes me to the destination which is a huge unoccupied warehouse where the producer was waiting outside for me. I get out the car and we exchange pleasantries before he leads me inside to navigate through the warehouse to whichever room we’d be using for the shoot. As we walk, he acknowledged that I’ve never done anything like this before and I confirm. He explains that the way he likes to do his shoots are pretty much a shorter version of what porn actors usually do in a day’s amount of work. But instead of working for a full 6 - 8 hour set, it’s only 2 hours: 1 hour which includes signing the model release, filming the consent questionnaire/interview, doing makeup and putting on outfits, taking regular photos, and then the last hour is for the actual filming and taking still photos while in the act. There were no long plots to go along with, just straight to the dirty acts when it was time to get the camera rolling. He offered pay based on the type of scene the model was willing to do; $100 for solo/toy, $200 for girl/girl, $300 for boy/girl, $400 for anal. Generally, he tries to squeeze in two scene categories in one shoot so the models won’t leave with too little money.

If he REALLY likes you, he may give you a bonus pay for a “producer exclusive” scene - which means exactly what you think it means, and it’s not something he discloses in the beginning or out in the open, nor is it something that I think is a norm in legitimate porn business.

We make it to the room after going through the maze in the warehouse where there are two tables loaded with sex toys and variable outfit selections, and they all match exactly what he was talking to me about through the emails. The makeup artist is already there and greets me but apparently, the actor was running a little late, but we at least gave him the window of time it took to try on outfits and put on makeup for him to arrive. I sign the model release form and before anything else is done he has me sit to do the pre-interview so to speak, which is pretty much something they film in the beginning and the end of the shoot where they ask various questions like “Are you being compensated from the producer of the shoot?” “Are you being forced or coerced to anything in the shoot?” “Did you consensually agree to become an actor/actress for the shoot?” “Did the producer disclose every detail of the shoot in a clear and concise manner?” “Are you being trafficked to do this line of work?” And so on so on. If you accidentally give the wrong answer to a particular question (out of the habit of saying no or yes over and over), the interview has to be refilmed. (And obviously, if you’re seriously saying yes to any of the bad stuff, he can’t shoot you.) Legal stuff like that. The questionnaire takes 2 minutes tops to record, so we go back to the main room where the makeup artist has me sit and pretty much let her do her magic. This by itself took around 30ish minutes to complete, so there was a lot of chatter in the meantime.

For ease of naming, I’m calling the producer Chucky because… he just looks like a Chucky to me. The makeup artist will be called Pinky because she was rocking some long neon pink hair, and then this actor will be referred to as Cocky because… he was pretty cocky. Chucky had hired Pinky to do makeup for his models for over two years, so it was nice to hear some of the feedback they threw out in the air about each other.

When the makeup is done, I go over to the table where Chucky decides what outfit would work for me and my newly painted face the best. He ended up having me wear this fishnet bodysuit with a black micro-bikini that just barely covered the goods, along with a pair of black buckled and chained gloves, and then a pair of high heeled platform leather boots. I guess this the first time I’ve ever worn something considered stripper shoes, and these were 9” triple stacks. I already thought that I looked like a Hot Topic sales associate before dressing up, but this really took the cake. (I still have the shots. You all don’t want to see them.) Once the outfit is put together, we begin doing the normal modeling shots by a plain black backdrop.

In the midst of this is where Cocky finally calls Chucky’s phone and lets him know that he’s here. Since we’re already in the midst of taking the photos, Chucky didn’t want to stop and meet him outside, but apparently, he’s been to this warehouse before, so he doesn’t need anyone to escort him to the room as I did. Not too soon after, he walks in the room all happy to see everyone and gives his excuses as to why he was running late. We take a few more shots in variable poses before Chucky has to go and do the pre-interview for Cocky, but in the meantime, I got to go and pick what toys I wanted to use for the starting Solo scene.

I had a lot of options. There was a Magic Wand, a butterfly vibrator, dildos all ranging from size, material, and originality. The toy that really got me laughing was a very thick grey silicone 9 inch long (just barely Mandingo level) dildo that had a molding of Jesus on a crucifix on it. Yep. This shoot was definitely sacrilegious.

I opted for the magic wand and a pearlescent pink dildo that seemed to contrast heavily with my character, but it was the only selection that wasn’t too small nor was it too big. Some of the toys were massive. Chucky comes back after doing Cocky’s interview to see what toys I picked out, and he said that the crucifix dildo was brand new and that he wanted to see me try it out. I commented that it was a bit big for my capacity and Cocky chuckles. “If you think THAT’s big, wait till you see mine.” Oh geez. Pinky was giggling too, but I think it was at him and not with him.

We finally begin to start my first scene and Chucky at least talked me into giving oral to the crucifix dildo if I wasn’t comfortable with slamming it in myself yet. Throughout the recording, Chucky would be giving out various hand signals which usually signaled to switch from moving the toy from my mouth to my pussy/vice versa, swapping the toy, or switching positions and the angles of insertions. It was pretty straightforward and the only other effort I had to put in was remembering when to look directly at the camera and when to look like I had the best toy in the world. It is an acting job after all. Even if I wasn’t overly joyed by this cute pink toy, I had to pretend to some degree.

This was probably the easiest part of the shoot next to just sitting and getting makeup done. Hah! Now when it was time to shoot the B/G scene, things got a little (or a lot) difficult on Cocky’s end. We’re both on the couch literally feeling each other out and getting cozy while Chucky prepped his filming equipment for the next scene since it would be longer. Chucky gives actors an important note that if at any point they feel like they’re going to cum earlier than expected, then to just go ahead and cum because that footage would be used at the end of the movie anyhow. So if you must pop, then pop, cool down a moment, and get ready for another round.

However, we could barely make it to the first round. Once Cocky gets up to undo his belt and pants to let loose his cock, that's when I lean over his lap to begin giving him some oral. For the record, his cock was not as big as the toys. He wasn’t small, mind you, but he was definitely exaggerating for an ego boost. And the whole time I’m sucking him off, he’s giving his share of dirty talk “Imagine how this is going to feel inside you.” “I cannot wait to stretch you fucking open” etc etc, and I’m looking seductively up and him and periodically at the camera. Once he decided he was hard enough for the main bang, I cease the oral and let him reach over to grab the wrap and get the condom out. As soon as he TOUCHED the wrapper, his hard-on started to go down, which made it difficult to put the condom on. At first, we don’t take this as a huge deal, and Chucky has us do another oral and handjob scene to fix him back up to the way he was. It didn’t take too long to get him back to full erection, so we take it as he is good to go again.

But once again, as soon as he starts to fiddle with the condom, he becomes flaccid. So. This guy had no trouble getting hard, but for whatever reason, I guess because his body was so revolted by the sight or feel of the condom wrapper, he could not stay hard if his life depended on it. After a couple of trials and errors, he had this idea where he’d keep the condom on, but use the magic wand on himself to see if that would help. The vibration initially startled him, but he said it ended up feeling really good. After about half a minute with the magic wand beating against his junk, he is good and hard now but is unsure how long it will last, so Chucky rushes him over to me to start the penetration, and at that point, we just wait and see how much filming can be done with this predicament. We get into a missionary position on the couch where he slides into me and he’s moving unusually slow. I don’t think it’s because he’s trying not to hurt me, but I think now Cocky is dealing with some nerves. I think within 5 minutes of him doing the slow pumps, I can feel him start to lose hardness again.

He pulls out and tells Chucky he seriously doesn’t know what’s gotten into him (or into me) and that he’s never had this issue before. To make matters worse, he said he only brought two condoms with him. At this point, it’s obvious Chucky is annoyed with him because we’re already getting close to the end of the hour and we barely got any footage for the B/G scene. Cocky asks if it’s alright if he can go to the nearby convenience store so he can grab more condoms and an energy shot, and Chucky excuses him. Once he’s out of the room, Pinky slyly comments “That’s the guy we definitely need.”

Chucky apologizes to me on Cocky’s behalf because apparently, Cocky has been borderline begging Chucky to let him be his model for several months now, and clearly, his performance was not matching his enthusiasm to work with us. None of us had time to really stretch the window of how long we could stay and shoot, so what ended up happening was that Chucky called Cocky and told him that due to time that we’d have to postpone the B/G shoot to a later date. Then he verbally states that test results don’t come as quickly as we would prefer, so obviously we couldn’t do bareback as an alternative. The phone call ends and he assures me that I don’t have to worry about working with that kid again and again apologizes for the inconvenience.

So as an alternative for the lack of B/G, he asks if I’m interested in doing a ‘producer exclusive’ instead to at least make up for the money that was lost due to Cocky, and after asking what that entailed - which was just him filming me blowing and stroking him off - I’m like, yeah sure. Chucky wasn’t the most attractive man in my book, but he wasn’t fugly either, and at least he asked me beforehand if it was cool.

That exclusive didn’t take long at all. Maybe 2 minutes tops. It would not be posted on Manyvids or Clips4Sale either.

So as I’m getting dressed in my normal clothes (Pinky already left, so I had to go home with a face full of horror movie clown paint.), Chucky gives me $250 for the solo, a partial for the attempt at B/G, and the bonus for the exclusive, and then asks me to sit tight again for the second consent questionnaire, which was the same exact questions as before.

With that done, we shake hands and Chucky says that he’ll definitely reach out to me again when more shooting opportunities come - with much more reliable male talent.

I ended up working with Chucky two more times. I only had to wait two weeks for the second shoot setup, and this time my partner was an average build but moderately toned Puerto Rican - so I’ll call him Rico. He’s worked with Chucky and numerous models before meeting me, so Chucky was confident there would be no issues with us being filmed. He actually brought his girlfriend with him, who initially seemed a bit tense meeting me, but quickly loosened up on figuring out who I was and actually volunteered a helping hand with taking photos. I learned later that they come to shoots together all the time where the girl just acts as a background cheerleader and a once in a while fluffer for Rico in between scenes. Outside of shooting, they’re in an open relationship and very frequently partake in swinger and sex parties, so Chucky gave me a heads up in case they were interested in bringing me over. It wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, so I was relieved that they didn’t invite me to anything.

Second time around, my scenes were the same as before - Solo and B/G. Rico was a significantly better actor than Cocky was by far. Positions that we shot in included missionary against a counter, doggy against the wall/window, and frontal cowgirl on some sort of (medical?) table. The size of his packaging was just slightly above average but he sure had some diesel fuel power when it came to stamina, and it was probably at least a good 40 minutes of pounding before he finally popped the money shot. He yanked the condom off and came over my pubic mound. Initially, this made me panic because some of it was trickling onto my vulva - and me not having any kind of hormonal protection to block off the swimmers decided to use my fingers to move the substance up and away from the danger zone bit by bit and proceeded to lick it off of them. Chucky got up-close footage of the whole thing. Amazing how that turned out to be a great shot and I only did it as a defense mechanism.

At the end of it, Rico commented that even though I was just starting out in this work, I was probably one of the best models he’s worked with. Cue warmth and fluffiness. Rico and his girl made their way out of the room after wrapping things up and Chucky and I were alone for one last exclusive for the producer. Fun stuff. After that and the consent questionnaire, I get cleaned up and I got $400 for this day’s work. I go home satisfied with everyone’s teamwork.

The third time I worked him was about a month later with another female performer - a slender and tattooed AA girl like myself who was also an active Model Mayhem model - and that was pretty sweet because we made each other legitimately climax between giving/receiving oral as well as toying with a long double-sided dildo. (In general, I find it much easier to orgasm with female partners as we seem to already understand each other’s anatomy, and all the rest of the work is determined by personal turn-ons and such.) Both of us had makeup and outfits done and we looked like black & white versions of Harley Quinn. Another fantastic shoot with $600 in my pocket at the end of the night (For a G/G theme and Anal play [I used several toys on her anally, but I myself didn’t want anything beyond rimming.]) For a random local Craigslist producer, I thought Chucky was pretty generous with pay.

Unfortunately with my current living situation (a lot of the money I earned went to help my grandpa out with some living expenses as neither he or my mom were working) and the lack of birth control, I had to stop working for Chucky. He texts me one night saying that he decided to put an end to using condoms for the shoots because the occasional raw scenes he filmed got significantly more views/payout on his Manyvids/Clips4Sale compared to the scenes using protection. Also, even with his new policy, he still wasn’t enforcing regular STD testing, so it would be a complete gamble as to if whoever you were working with was safe. So. I wasn’t able to work with him anymore beyond that point. Even if I was on birth control, I am pretty skittish when it comes to unprotected sex if I don’t officially know if the other person is clean. He then asked if I would be okay with raw penetration if he gave me money to buy Plan B… each and every shoot. (My stomach hates that pill. Every single time we shoot?? Hell no.) I said no to this, but I was still open for solos or G/G scenes if he needed a model for those, and he said that he’d reach out if the opportunities came for those scenes. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard from him since then. It was nice while it lasted.

(Fun fact: 3 strippers that I worked with also got to work with Chucky because he used me as a reference to his work. Two of them that partnered together said that working with him wasn’t exactly what they expected and probably won’t repeat. The third stripper went on an entire rant on how he was some mediocre porn producer wannabe that just used filming to get some ass for himself. A whole 10 minute rant. She already had a reputation in the club of being a loose cannon and not being right in the head, but I think I knew where she was coming from.)


[TBA . . . ]

Yeah, I haven’t done any porn in recent times or even after I worked with Chucky. Have I considered exploring options and going back to that line of work? Oh, yes. To be 200% honest, there would be times where I’d browse SexyJobs where there would be talent agency postings all over the place (Or going on the company pages like OC Modeling or East Coast Talent), and it was definitely mind tickling to see if I could get back into this. However, with all the research I’ve done and interviews I’ve watched with the porn industry, I know it’s a much bigger commitment compared to just seeing some local producer-in-the-making for 2 hours whenever he called, so it’s definitely taken me some time to think and ponder on the idea. I legit don’t see an issue with trying it out and considering I’ve pretty much touched everything else I could to some degree within adult entertainment, I know that I at least wouldn’t be going in totally blind.

As far as I know for sure, if I agreed to tryout being a porn actress, I’d have to commit to flying out of town to wherever for 2 weeks minimum as stated by the contract (Main locations seem to be San Francisco, CA, Las Vegas, NV, New York City, NY, and Miami, FL.) The first half of the trip is just getting tested and waiting for the results to come back as negative before anyone even thinks of hiring a model to film, then going to the casting where you, of course, have to be prepared to show what you can do and how you act while in the act being filmed. The footage goes to producers, who then decided whether or not they want you to act for their agency. Assuming all is good to go, you go to your first shoot, and the actual shooting of most movies takes… not 2 hours, but usually a whole day, if not a couple of days. Then they take the earnings, deduct the studio/admin/producer fee, deduct the cost of testing, and then you get your payment. Whether it’s cash or check depends on the production, I suppose. Because of this time-consuming process, a lot of models are urged to relocate for work (and most big-time pornstars have.), otherwise, it’s gonna be a hassle to have to travel out each and every time for two weeks at a time (even if expenses are covered) for work opportunities, especially if you have responsibilities at home that you can’t get away from all of the time (ie: kids, work, family caretaking, and such). My only commitments are my two cats, but pet sitters can get expensive!

Maybe one day I’ll give it a go and see where the breeze takes me. Perhaps Kink.com or BurningAngel will take me in. Haha!

I could show them my deranged footage that Chucky posted the previews for on Pornhub. Actually, no I couldn’t because it was done so long ago that I can’t remember what he named the clips. I can’t find them for the life of me. From what I do remember from watching them a while back, they could definitely be better, so maybe it’s not a huge loss. I think he also changed the name of his production and there’s a chance that he deleted his old vids.

If any of you readers can somehow find the footage, I will give you free lapdances for a year. No hints. This is ultra rare treasure.

Good luck to you.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

Nice descriptive write-up.

At this current time, would you still have issues/concerns having intercourse w/ mandingo actors, or you think you've gotten past that?

Also - do you have a preference to a female's ethnicity (i.e. is there an ethnicity that attracts you most); or does it just depend on the girl?

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

I'm past it now. Way back between the time I was at school till this point, even though I was sexually active, it took me a long while to figure out how to be less tense and more relaxed/explorative in the heat of the moment, so there'd be times where even average or smaller packed partners were uncomfortable to handle. So naturally, the 'mandingo' sized terrified me.

I've since then become looser (wow, great choice of wording) and I'm easily excitable because of my high libido, so the well endowed seldom bother me now.

Asian (more specifically; Vietnamese, Thai, and Filipino) women are a very rare treat in my town, which is probably why I'm so attracted to them. Even as a kid and teenager I've found them alluring. My current favorite pornstar is a Japanese girl (Rae Lil Black) and I'd probably last 10 seconds tops if there was the microscopic chance in my life that I got to work/play with her. ⊙_⊙

Outside of that, ethnicity isn't a huge factor to what'll attract me to a girl.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago


avatar for gobstopper007
4 yrs ago

Very interesting write up. You definitely have an inside perspective that few on here could provide. Thanks for sharing

avatar for gobstopper007
4 yrs ago

P.S. pics or it didn’t happen 😉😁

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

I'll humor you.


avatar for loper
4 yrs ago

I enjoyed all four of your articles. Thank you. Take care of yourself.

avatar for gSteph
4 yrs ago

Same here.

avatar for FishHawk
4 yrs ago

Wow! I need to check out the Articles more often. If it wasn’t for Muddy’s interview I would have missed these fine stories, Eve I enjoyed all of these experiences. It gives a different perspective.

avatar for loper
4 yrs ago

It sounds as if there isn't much money in adult films compared, even, to ITC or OTC club action. Is it something that one would do hoping to "make it big?" Or is it more enjoyable or a diversion from other kinds of sex work?

avatar for GoVikings
4 yrs ago

WOW, eve, you are so good at these write-up's.....that i could picture everything in my head as i was reading this.

chucky seemed like someone who was more experienced/professional whereas those first two guys you met up with seemed more sketchy. you definitely took some big risks meeting up with random dudes in a hotel, but i'm glad everything went smoothly and nothing bad happened.

stay safe eve and thanks for sharing these stories. they were a blast to read!

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

Loper/Scrub (since your questions are pretty similar):

This seems fair in the sense that this is the pricing offered by a one-man production in a not too populated town of Jacksonville that (formerly) enforces condom usage (brings the demand of project down by a lot.)... from Craigslist. It wasn't my ultimate goal to be a big time pornstar - and having that expectation with this setup would have been silly anyway. This was just a thing I was willing to do for some much needed money at the time. So it was moreso for the finance than the fame, but I had no issue getting filmed fucking for it.

But on that note: according to what numerous pornstars have answered in interviews about first starting in the industry, the expected pay for the hopeful actresses is much less than what people think. Starting scenes with a lot of talent agencies seem to be between $500 to $800, and depending on what you're willing to do and if you're getting high demand from fanbases or other talent productions, that may raise overtime between $800 - $1500 or more per scene (which is why top performers use a LOT of platforms to get exposure to more fans whether if it's to raise production demand or to raise interest in personal premium content.). What a lot of girls assume is that as soon as they get their first scene production, they're gonna be getting hired for scenes left and right every single day - when it's actually a gamble day by day (or by weeks or months) depending on if producers think you'll have a look and performance that consumers will buy by the masses.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

@Viking. I managed to find Chucky's page. He goes under a new production name now and has completely abandoned all his old work. So now it seems the only evidence of my old shenanigans are in my hands now.

As for the two dudes... ehh. I was sure I could easily floor them with mace. :)

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

I wonder if the supply of girls for porn-shoots outstrips the demand for filming shoots, or if it's the other way around, or if it's pretty-balanced b/w supply-and-demand? May be hard to say at least for someone not as experienced in the field.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

I feel like that would depend a great amount on what exactly the category of the content is. Example; a standard B/G scene with nothing but oral/vaginal sex is pretty high in numbers as far as films go, so because there isn't such a huge demand for it because it's already provided in large quantities, the payout probably won't be as substantial compared to doing, in example, an Anal, D/P, Gangbang or Fetish scene.

The more the actors/actresses have to stretch their comfort levels, the fewer films there may be being produced and distributed, hence raising the demand from consumers that would actually like to see a pornstar partake in such themes.

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