Comments by TheProphetJuice (page 2)
discussion comment
10 years ago
Thou rt truely selfless Douglass four thou sacreficest thy time too enliten little Dicky Dugan an Stevie Nicks
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10 years ago
She wilt alow the warship of her holy bodee
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10 years ago
Perhaps Diva75 wilt cum along al cover in lotion an little else
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10 years ago
Didest thou warship her fully? Your prophet wood have inserteth a holy sausage finger
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10 years ago
Thou art truely a preestess of the LORD mane if thou posteth a film of thy lotion cover bodee while fuking thy asswhole wit a nice dildo
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10 years ago
Didd the book on the plane of the LORD mane sayeth that the LORD mane likes it when holy hores posteth a pic of themselv with a dildo up there asswhole?
Iff not it was writ bye a false prophet
discussion comment
10 years ago
My chile the LORD mane hath tol me that thou shouldst rubb the holy lotion on thy hott body an film thyself doing that so al of TUSCL may warshipest thou
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10 years ago
Cum too my house bee on of us
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10 years ago
Thy prophet is singalhannedlee trying too covert strip clubs too houses of warship four the LORD mane. Four thou shalt warship the holy hores
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10 years ago
An bye pictures four al of TUSCL too see I meen hot ones. The LORD mane hath tol me that thou wilt bee blesset four postin a pic of her with a dildo up her asswhole
discussion comment
10 years ago
Low I am a prophet of the LORD mane so therefour I art always serious. In that spirat I ask these sereous questions three
Could thou postest images off thy someware four all of TUSCL too see?
Wood she like me too warship her with my holy sausage fingers?
Kin the holy prophet joinest thou an thy wife to brakest the holy Kintucky Frie Grown Hogg twogether?
discussion comment
10 years ago
The LORD mane sumtimes asks me too put a sausage finger up a chickens asswhole
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10 years ago
North Carolina
The LORD mane hath tol me too put a sausage finger up Sharlett McKinnie's asswhole. I must fine her now
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10 years ago
North Carolina
Doest thou liketh the hores of 0.7?
discussion comment
10 years ago
Trust inn the LORD mane voice in thy brane not the Beast mane
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10 years ago
Trust inn the LORD mane voice in thy brane not the Beast mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
Trust inn the LORD mane voice in thy brane not the Beast mane
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10 years ago
Butt thou art the part off my brane that lissens too the Beast mane LUCIFER an not too the LORD mane. Cum bak too the side of lite
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10 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Take the baffroom attendant into thy hart an tip butt do nott letteth him suketh thy holy dick four thou doest not kno were his mouf has been
discussion comment
10 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Blesset bee the baffroom attendant four he is lik a leper
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10 years ago
New York
The femininane aspect of the LORD mane knows that I warship stripers with my holy sausage fingers an she approves
discussion comment
10 years ago
Trust in the LORD mane that my answers art reel. A holy sausage finger in a womans asswhole is truelee a heeling spearitual xperiance
discussion comment
10 years ago
I woodest bee willing too share insites directlee frum the LORD mane. Woodest thy wife like a holy sausage finger upp her asswhole four that is an act of warship