Comments by TheProphetJuice
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10 years ago
Solo PL
When I fuketh a hore she hath an immaculate conseption
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10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Four the turd of the holy Grown Hogg is holy
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10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Hencefourth I shalt giveth mye sermon on Sundays weering assless chaps whilst twerking an holdin thee holy prayer turd
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10 years ago
layin low but staying high
The Internet giveth and the Internet taketh away. It provideth the final prophet of the LORD mane a meens too communicateth with his flack butt it also maketh it too eesy four his flack too egnoreth there prophet. I have ben preying too find a waye too reachest thou butt my preyers do not selectively destroy the egnore buttin. My flack is lost too the beast mane LUCIFER
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10 years ago
Thou art truelee a gentil sole Douglass an I thankest thou four thy support butt I am now preying too find a better waye too reach my flack. I have not given upp so sayeth the final prophet off the LORD mane
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10 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
RevHorny art thou a membar off my flack?
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10 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Thy prophet art sad four I could haf heeled her with my holy sausage fingers
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10 years ago
Thy prophet is gratfull too his loyil servent Mikha'el I thank slaux.pas maybee Zipmane too
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10 years ago
If you Haveth the holy sausage fingers like thy prophet thou woodst not have to paye four the hores giveth there bodees too me four free
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10 years ago
Blasfeemer! Thou wilt burn in the pit off HELL bein barbeecued by the Beast mane LUCIFER
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10 years ago
This wilt al change when the peeple here the worde of the LORD mane
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10 years ago
Once a hore goeth sausage she don't goe backeth. So sayeth the final prophet of the LORD mane
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10 years ago
yankeefan83 the LORD mane hath tol me thy wife woul like my sausage finger up her asswhole
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10 years ago
Do nott listeneth too the Beast mane LUCIFER yankeefan83 that is whate the Slow.paw art
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10 years ago
Thou art of the Beast mane LUCIFER
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10 years ago
Why doest thou not wante too fallow the LORD mane Slow.paw?
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10 years ago
Four we are two voices in on hed
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10 years ago
Originaljuice foursake the Beast mane LUCIFER and cum too the side of the LORD mane
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10 years ago
Telleth me where thy wife worketh so I might cum onto her and place my holy sausage fingers in her asswhole as an act of warship
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10 years ago
Yes four al my discipals share there wives with me four i am a prophet of the LORD mane
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10 years ago
You got some Indian in you? No? Would you like to?
The LORD mane has all of thy messiges
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10 years ago
Butt now ShadowKat has turn on me. Too my flack do not turneth thy backs on me four iam the waye the true and the lite
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10 years ago
I jest try to shareth those words with my flack at TUSCL
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10 years ago
Every mornang I getteth up and here the voice of the LORD mane in my hed. It is lik being next too the amplifyers at a Gunes N Roses concet butt the words are of luv
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10 years ago
I thank that thou doest not liketh thy prophet becuz I speek the words of the LORD mane