Comments by TheProphetJuice (page 3)
discussion comment
10 years ago
I knoweth that she wilt hove a holy sausage finger up the asswhole
discussion comment
10 years ago
Perhaps thou cooldest post images off her someware four all of TUSCL too see. If she is hott enuf I shalt cum an warship her with my holy sausage fingers and joinest thou to brake the holy Kintucky Frie Grown Hogg
discussion comment
10 years ago
Deogol woodest thou do that? Thou art cleerly a discipal four thou hast eeten of the holy KFC. Blesset bee deogol so sayeth the final prophet of the LORD mane
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10 years ago
I am truely sadd four I have loss Shadowcatt perhaps on of my discipals coul retipe all my comments frum the LORD mane four him
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10 years ago
Butt we art the sam been originaljuice it is jest that I herd the LORD mane speeketh too me
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10 years ago
An I giveth all my mooney too hores as an act of warship Shylynne so I needeth not the mooney to live four the LORD mane providith
discussion comment
10 years ago
Thou art truely a warrier of the LORD mane Mikha'el. Thou art blesset
discussion comment
10 years ago
I wilt use the holy KY an frie chicken greese
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10 years ago
Can the final prophet of the LORD mane warship thy wife watchmywife? The LORD mane is sure she woul like my sausage finger in her asswhole.
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10 years ago
In the nam of the Juice, the Duke, and the Holy Shit
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10 years ago
Blesset bee thy hart friend Dougster
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10 years ago
North Carolina
The LORD mane hath tol me that thou mustest prey brother Bang Bang. Blesset bee thy hart
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10 years ago
North Carolina
Jest drop thy pants too the flor and begin preying too the LORD mane in her presence. When thy prophet doesest so manie women ask four his holy sausage finger up there asswhole
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10 years ago
North Carolina
Thou shouldst saye onto her that you wood lik to warship her. Perhaps she is aktually a holy hore of the LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
I also jacketh of wit my holy balloon hands an there sausage fingers. That is how thou shouldst prey too the LORD mane
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10 years ago
That is whye I weer the holy boukett on my holy hed befour I receeveth the wordes off the LORD mane in my holy hart
discussion comment
10 years ago
The LORD mane hath tol me that the oder inside a KFC boukett is very inspiring. Sort off lik puttin your hed up a chickin's asswhole and deep frye it
discussion comment
10 years ago
And that thou shalt need about ten parcent of thy moonthly income too tithe the hores
discussion comment
10 years ago
Tellest her that you must go fourth too warship the hores
discussion comment
10 years ago
North Carolina
The LORD mane knoweth for he knoweth all. His final prophet shalt ask him
discussion comment
10 years ago
Originaljuicebox art thou the voice inn my head that tells me too do the bitting of the Beast mane LUCIFER an not that off the LORD mane?
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10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
The holy Grown Hogg Loveth vajayjay yoghert inn it's holy hart
discussion comment
10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
So sayeth the final prophet of The LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Four too eat vajayjay yoghurt is a sacremant too the LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
So sayeth the final prophet off the LORD mane