

New York
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 8:44 PM
there was this girl in my office that a lot of guys considered to be the the hottest in the company. she wasn't my type, but I understood why lots of guys wanted to fuck her. anyway for a year she wouldn't talk to me for whatever reason(s). one day asked guy if he was heading on home. where he resides there's a club that you I used to a lot and I figured wtf and make a revisit. the very next day, that dude, the girl and I head outside for a smoke break. so finally not talking to me for a year she goes to me, "so where did you go last night?" me: "huh?" girl: "you heard me. so where were you last night?" me: "I ahh" girl: "you went to that strip club didn't ya?" normally one would think that once a girl finds out you go to these types of places she would avoid the fuck out of you. after that we became buddies until the day I was no longer at that company. go figure.


  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Well I find the opposite to be true. Most girls, the kind that will fuck anyway, like a guy that goes to strip clubs because then she feels like she's being compared to a hot stripper. And wants to know if you think she's as hot (or hotter) than these strippers. Total ego boost on their part.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    I have very few co-workers, and none are female. We did have one in FL, but no longer.
  • wms1066
    9 years ago
    I once went to an amateur night at a local SC, and one of my female coworkers was dancing, and it looked like she was having a fun time, untill she came by the table I was sitting at. Pure panic, not of my seeing her but afraid I might say something at work. Once I convinced her that I wasn't going to report her, things got far more interesting. Fortunately due to my neighbor who danced there and had gotten me "friend of the club" status, nether of us got anythinh more than one of the floor managers telling us to take it into the back room.
  • snowtime
    9 years ago
    I am self employed, but most of my female friends know that I go to strip clubs. All of them that know, want to hear all about the clubs. Since they are my age (60's) I have no sexual interest in them.
  • Jackmd
    9 years ago
    Actually had female co-workers make me take them to a strip club. They were not impressed as they were the best looking women in the club.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    No. I learned long ago not to mix work with strip clubs. This applies to male and female co-workers as well as clients. There is little upside in it and a lot of potential downside.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    I've mentioned it before, but I work with 2 ex-strippers, both of whom know I go to clubs. Actually, the younger of the two will go out to them, but I will never go with her because she is just a stuckup bitch. The other now thinks they're disgusting and thinks I need to stop going to them, as if she has the power to make me stop going. There's a third lady who actually went to my favorite club once, largely because it's close to her original hometown and it was something to do as a teenager who just graduated high school at the time. She thought it was the worst place on Earth, but she doesn't begrudge me going there. FWIW, she said she graduated with someone who's a stripper in Des Moines.
  • TheProphetJuice
    9 years ago
    The femininane aspect of the LORD mane knows that I warship stripers with my holy sausage fingers an she approves
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Not at my current job, but I just started. Give the culture in NYC finance the would probably be more surprised by guys who didn't go though. :-) A couple at my previous job knew. Thought it was amusing.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    "after that we became buddies until the day I was no longer at that company. go figure." Wow you are incredibly stupid. Sounds like she might have wanted to go to the club too. Sounds like you blew a great opportunity.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I'm with Rick on this one. Except for the former dancer who showed up as a temp one year, nobody, to the best of my knowledge, knows I regularly go to clubs. I see no point in making that fact known. Even though Louisville is pretty liberal, most of the people I work with are...less so.
  • mroo
    9 years ago
    I can't imagine a circumstance where that could possibly come up in an appropriate conversation with one of my employees. I don't care what they do when they're not working, as long as it doesn't affect their ability to get things done at work. I want my employees to work when they're at work, and not think about work when they're not- it's better for everyone's sanity, retention, and productivity. My private life is just that- private. I treat them as I would want to be treated.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I've seen male and females from work in strip clubs but do not know if any of the females spotted me. I only saw the females one time and they never said anything to me if they saw me or not. One place where I used to work at at one point almost everyone except in the front office knew I visited strip clubs. I got propositioned for a one night stand by one girl and another girl whom I didn't know walked up to me, told me she was thinking about moonlighting as a stripper, then asked what I thought. I was thinking someone has a big mouth telling everyone it seems.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes, in a lot of work environments I do not think that would be good. But then there are strip clubs and there are strip clubs. The Sunnyvale Brass Rail has always drawn big groups for their lunch hour, coming from Lockheed. I'm sure that it could not work this way at a place like SF's Crazy Horse, known as a "Jack Shack". And then there are different sorts of women in different sorts of work places too. I am getting it set up so that soon I will be entirely self employed and that the women I will have contact with will often be coming from strip clubs themselves. Like I say, it is just a matter of what sort of a life you want. SJG
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