The Tape Measure

avatar for ididthisonce
With all the ruckus about the size 16 model in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition, I was wondering if it was a warning sign the “ideal perfect woman” was making another shift. This video was up and running on the headlines last week.…

I had always heard the perfect measurements were 36-24-36 and the lower half was based on a waist to hip ratio. 36-24-36 waist to hip = .667. In the late 1990s, it appear that a lot of Playboy models were in the 34-24-34 range which is .706. Then we enter into the millennium and a larger booty seems to be chic. Here’s a few examples. What do you guys prefer? I have always thought that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but I ain’t anxious to go back to the tater years of the early 1900s.

By the way, my math skills were learned from the below video (I posted it earlier on the TSCL thread “what’s the square root of 69?”…

Jennifer Lopez 34-25-40 = .625
Kate Upton 30G-25-36 = .694
Raquel Welch 37-25-36 = .694 (some sites listed her at 37-23-36 or .638)
Kim Kardashian 34DD-26-40 = .65
Christy Brinkley 36-23-35 = .657
Karen Velez 37E-23-35 (Lee Major’s ex-wife and playboy model) = .657
Charlotte McKinney 34DD-24-34 = .706 (the Superbowl commercial model)

To me, the quality of what she has up top has a lot to do with my perception of a chick’s body but big hooters simply don’t overcompensate for other areas that might lacking.

Watcha Think?


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avatar for ididthisonce
10 years ago
BTW - The civilian hostess that I was in lust with last weekend was probably in the neighborhood of 34C-23-34. (.676). Nothing scientific, but through many years of experience ogling beautiful women.

The thread:…
avatar for Longball300
10 years ago
Wow, that is a lot of numbers and extremely thorough research; very impressive. I usually go by a somewhat simpler method that involves two numbers:

Does she look hot and sexy? 1) Yes or 2) No...............
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Analysis of preferred body styles throughout history seems to indicate that a waist to hip ratio of 0.7, mostly irrespective of the actual measurement, is perceived by men to be the most desireable. There is some scientific evidence supporting the notion that this ratio is a good indicator of general good health in females, so it's possible that it's an evolutuonary selector.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Sounds like a lot of bullshit. Some like thick, some like thin. Who fucking cares about equations? There is no right or wrong. Its all preference.
avatar for TheProphetJuice
10 years ago
Doest thou liketh the hores of 0.7?
avatar for TheProphetJuice
10 years ago
The LORD mane hath tol me too put a sausage finger up Sharlett McKinnie's asswhole. I must fine her now
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Yeah, science is bullshit. Attempting to understand the world in which we live is bullshit. Attempting to understand ourselves is bullshit.
avatar for ididthisonce
10 years ago
I think what good old George is saying "there ain't no gravity, the world just sucks!".
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Lmao yeah science certainly has its place.....but not in what type of pussy we each like. We like what we like. It really ISN'T rocket science.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
If I check her out and I like...thats what counts
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago


I like the Yes No example.

Would I fuck her?
Yes? She's hot to me.
No? She's not hot to me.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Breeding is one thing fucking is another. Hollywood's Golden age looks Saturday night at Jenny Craig's.
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