
Comments by footballguy (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Quality vs Quantity Part 3: Once you've had Wagyu...
    I used to have the mindset of getting LD's from as many different dancers as I could and then continuing to get dances from the ones I liked best. I never really understood why some guys spent their whole night talking with one dancer all night. I figured it was better strategy to spread my money out, that way whenever I came in the odds are there would be at least a couple girls who remembered me. I also figured of the dancers saw me spreading my money out they might feel a little more incentive to give better dances so they wouldn't lose my business. Well that has all changed for me now. I've been getting LD's/VIP time from my ATF over the past month and a half. At first I would talk with her for a few minutes before we moved on to the LD's or VIP room, we never spent a whole lot of time talking or anything. But the last time I saw her she was with me the entire time I was there except when it was her turn on stage. So we spent a couple hours just talking at the bar before I even got some dances and eventual VIP time from her. While I still find the other dancers attractive, I just didn't have much interest in watching them or anything. I'd rather just give 100% of my attention to my ATF. I'd say I'm now a quality over quantity type of guy, I just can't imagine finding a better dancer than my ATF. She's gorgeous, great natural body (you would NEVER believe she has three kids), gives great LD's, very friendly, never assumes I'm gonna buy her a drink or anything, and doesn't appear to have any SS, and the dances get hotter and hotter every time. I feel lIke no other dancer will compare, so I don't waste my time/money getting dances from other girls.
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    10 years ago
    kissing in the vip rooms
    I've kissed/sucked the nipples of several dances during just regular lap dances. Most of them told me to suck their tits, a couple I asked. My ATF has kissed me in the VIP. It surprised me, I've never had a stripper kiss me before. She actually kissed me on the lips several times during the VIP time. This was on my last visit with her, I already can't wait to see her again.
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    10 years ago
    So...a dancer fell asleep on me
    @GAC. You got 1 out of 3 right, I'm not completely bald but I definitely don't have much hair on top (and I'm still in my early 30's). I'm above average height and white. No offense taken. As far as your other point, I agree. I wouldn't have minded if I got the extra first and then she slept. I kept thinking that I was about to get the extra (she always has) but then she would doze off again. I did end up flirting the extras at the very end (more than I have ever gotten from her too). She also has never charged me for anything extra than the standard VIP dancer fee. I don't know if this is how she treats all her customers but ive gotten extras from two other dances and this wasn't the case with them.
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    10 years ago
    So...a dancer fell asleep on me
    I agree, that's pretty messed up to take advantage of a stripper that falls asleep. I agree with phantom, that's rape. I hope for your friends sake that he's joking (still nothing to joke about though). Every time the dancer fell asleep on me I just stayed in the position I was in. I didn't grope her or anything either. I just caressed her back. Each time she dozed off I let her sleep for a few minutes before I would either shift around so she woke up or I'd nicely ask her to wake up. If she had just waited till the last 15-20 minutes of our time to sleep I wouldn't have minded at all. I probably would have dozed off with her too lol.
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    10 years ago
    So...a dancer fell asleep on me
    @Papi I agree, but this dancer is in her mid 30's and I think she has a couple kids (but she looks younger). @Rockstar this dancer's page is the same way. It doesn't have any spam posts from random guys. She posts some stuff (and pics of her friends/family) and even tags them and they do the same when they post stuff. I don't see anything at all that could even be considered a subtle hint about her SC job.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    So...a dancer fell asleep on me
    I really think it is her real name. I just find it a little strange that she doesn't use a fake first name when she's in the SC. The name she uses in the club is a common name and not a typical stripper name.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    So...a dancer fell asleep on me
    I'm not looking to have a relationship with this girl outside of the club. I just wanted to friend her on FB so I have a way of communicating with her so I can ask her in advance if she will be at the SC on certain nights. I definitely wouldn't use my real FB account to communicate with her.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    So...a dancer fell asleep on me
    And Im really thinking about friending her but two things are stopping me: 1. It would be rather difficult to explain to my fiancé who this girl is if she saw that we became friends FB. I could try to hide it by deleting it from the news feed and blocking her posts from appearing on my timeline but that's still a little risky. 2. I'd still like to keep my private life private. Even if this is her actual personal account I'm still not crazy about her having access to all my friends and other info. Is it possible she slipped up and gave me the name of her personal account instead of her stripper account? It's the only reason I can come up with.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    So...a dancer fell asleep on me
    That's what I'm thinking. She probably had a long day before she came in and then just got comfortable and couldn't keep her eyes open. Normally I'd be pretty pissed about it, but she make up for it at the end :). I've seen her in the club on week nights but I didn't know if she had a set schedule. I asked her what her schedule was and she said she didn't really have one and then asked me what days I normally come in and then she said she would make sure she worked those nights. Also, I still can't figure out what to make of this facebook thing. It really does look like a legit profile. There's pictures of her family and friends and also comments from her friends. The name could be fake but there's other people on her friends list that have the same last name that also look legit. So it seems like in order for it to not be her actual last name she would have to have other people also using the fake name. I thought it was a given that strippers wanted to keep their private life and work life separate. So why would she be mixing the two together? Like I said, it doesn't appear she is using her profile to bring guys to the club either.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Second Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola
    I agree with zipman, this is important to information to us PL's. Let's face it, if a widespread Ebola outbreak does happen it will affect almost everyone. Think about everything you would have to avoid: the gym (people swear all over everything), restaurants (I know the dishes get washed but would you really know for sure?), and of course strip clubs. And just imagine if you caught it, do you tell your wife you might have caught it from a stripper? What if they ask you who you have been around recently that you may have infected? Are you just supposed to say something like "well I only know their first name but it isn't even their real name, so basically all I know is where they work."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    As an apology to all (especially the jerikson40 dude)...
    Those are too big for my taste but I wouldn't turn down a lap dance from her either.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Shut Down Strip Clubs Now
    I agree with steve229. They claim Its hard to get infected by Ebola even if you are exposed to infected bodily fluids yet somehow these Drs and nurses wearing full protection seem to be catching it rather easily.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    TUSCLer's experience.
    Which also reminds me of another episode: the D.E.N.N.I.S. System D: demonstrate value E: engage physically N: nurture dependency N: neglect emotionally I: Inspire hope S: Separate entirely Anyone ever try this?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    TUSCLer's experience.
    Reminds me of an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia...Charlie was in a wheel chair after being hit by a car. He goes to a strip club with Frank who has s couple girls hanging around him cause he has a lot of money. One of the girls asks Charlie what happened was to him and he says he was run over by his friend. She feels sorry for him and asks him if he wants a dance. He says he doesn't have any money, the girl feels so bad for him she says she will dance for him for free. One of her friends walks by and she tells her friend what happened and of course she agrees to join him for free. They all end up back at Charlie's, it's 3 guys and two girls. Charlie and Mac are fighting over who gets the second girl when Frank asks them to discuss it outside. As soon as they leave Frank locks the door and bangs both girls.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Ebola
    If an outbreak were to happen here in the states, I don't think the government is prepared for it. They say they are and act like they would have it under control, but when does our country ever have anything under control? All kidding aside, I don't understand how so many Drs over in Africa have gotten it. I understand they are in direct contact with infected people but I bet they are also wearing hazmat suits, respirators, etc so how are they catching it?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Ever have a dancer forget about this?
    Nice, I love that feeling when they drop what they are doing to sit with me (yes, I know they only care about the money). Last time I went to the club I was hoping to go to the VIP with 2 dancers at the same time. I had gotten lap dances from both of them separately on previous visits and they were usually joined at the hip when they were walking around. They asked if I wanted to take ninth of them with me to the VIP but I ended up just going with one of them. So last time I went I was planning on going with both of them if they were there. Well I walked in and one of them spotted me almost immediately and came right over to me and started asking about VIP. The other girl was a few seats down talking with another guy. So this first girl asked me if I wanted to take both of them to VIP when I said yes we started walking over and when we walked past the second girl the first girl tapped her and said "he's taking both of us to the VIP room". So she got right up and followed us without saying much of anything to the other guy. I kind of felt bad for the other guy cause that would piss me off if it happened to me but I was only in the VIP room for 15 minutes so it's not like I was hogging her all night.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Yeah I've gone a little crazy the past few weeks. Going to have to take a slight break right now though, I've been spending way too much money.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    How long does it take for a dancer to remember you?
    I came back to this SC the other night when she was working. I hadn't seen her in a couple weeks and this was only the third time I've seen her but she remembered me this time. I got to the club a little bit before she arrived. I was sitting at the bar talking with another dancer. After she changed she was sitting and talking with a guy but she kept making eye contact with me and giving me this incredibly sexy look. She came up to me a while later and remembered me. I was gonna get a couple LD's from her and I had no intention of going to the VIP with her since I had already spent a good chunk of money before she arrived. Well I had forgotten how great her LD's are. I knew they were really good but they were even better on this visit. She was a little more comfortable with me so I think that also made a difference. Well after a couple dances she had me ready to go VIP with her. I know I got suckered in but she's worth it. Had a great time in VIP, and like the LD's, the VIP was even better than the other times I went to VIP with her. On a side note, one thing that I think is funny cute about this girl: she almost always forgets to collect her money. When we were done in the LD booth she was getting dressed and and didn't mention anything about how much I owed. I just took out my wallet on my own and paid her. She laughed about it and thanked me and said she forgets to ask for the money sometimes until she gets to the bouncer area. And she's even almost forgotten to ask for the money after we are done in VIP too.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When a dancer ignores you
    I don't have any regrets getting dancers from dancer #1. Like I said, she was insanely hot and had an amazing body. So while she didn't give me a great LD I still definitely enjoyed squeezing her perfect tits. As far as dancer #2, I did get a couple LD's from her earlier in the night but I didn't want anymore. I definitely appreciated getting the attention from her but I wasn't looking for anything else from her.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When a dancer ignores you
    On a side note, I do love the feeling I get when a dancer gets excited to see me even when I know it's only because of money. The other day I came in and there were two dancers on the stage putting on a show together. I had gotten separate LD's from them the week prior. As soon as I sat down at the stage (no one else was sitting there) they were like "I remember you? Did you come back to see us?!" And then they both gave me lots of attention while they were on the stage and they both approached me at the bar when they were done.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When a dancer ignores you
    The whole supply and demand thing makes sense of the club is busy. But it was a week night and like I said, it wasn't that busy and I didn't see her talking to anyone other guys the whole time I was there (and I was there for several hours). If it's busy then she would have her choice of guys who would want a dance from her. But when it's a choice between dancing for me (once again, there's nothing wrong with me) or not dancing and making no money I would think its a no brainier. It just doesn't make sense. If she doesn't feel like dancing then why did she even come in to work?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When a dancer ignores you
    That's what I figures. I've always heard that the hottest dancers usually offer the least exciting lap dances and you can usually forget about extras. I wasn't expecting the best LD I ever had but it just would have been nice if she actually would have tried a little harder. She had such good tits though that I don't even care. Google image search "Jordana James twistys" and that's pretty close to what they looked like (especially her nipples) except a little smaller and 100% natural. I do appreciate the attention dancer #2 gave me. I wasn't interested in getting any more dances from her and I was annoyed at first when she stood next to me. I would have been able to get a dance from a different smokin hot dancer but since dancer #2 was standing next to me she skipped past me. But she didn't finally get me a dance from dancer #1 so that's a win.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Feel a little guilty
    I don't get dances from this girl cause I feel obligated to, far from it. I love getting dances from her. I just don't want her to think that I've lost interest in her if she sees me coming out of the VIP with a different dancer.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Do you sit back or are you proactive when getting dances ?
    I'm definitely proactive, at least I am when I'm in my regular club. It's full nude and technically two way contact isn't allowed but every dancer I've gotten a dance from has allowed it during the first dance, most of them even encourage it. I start off rubbing their ass and work my way up to their tits. I rub her Rita and then see if I can squeeze them and all of them have let me, some even tell me to squeeze harder. Theres even a couple dancers that put my hands on their tits as soon as I sat down.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Two dancers in VIP
    Part of the reason I only went with one girl is I figured I actually had a better chance at getting extras. On the previous visit I had gotten LD's from both girls separately. Girl #1 didn't beat around the bush and said what we would do in VIP. Girl #2 asked if I wanted to go VIP but didn't say what we would do in there. I didn't take either one to VIO that night. So when I came back the other night, they asked if I wanted to take both into the VIP. I figured if I went with both of them I was less likely to get the extra I was looking for so I ended up just going with girl #1. looking back at it I probably should have gone with both. They were into each other, they are friends OTC (maybe more) and girl #1 introduced girl #2 to stripping. I'm sure it would have been a great show and it had potential to be a great experience but ultimately I still had a great time with just one of them.