I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
Comments by EastCoaster
review comment
2 days ago
In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
Excellent review, Sgrayeff -- well-written, informative, and entertaining. Thanks for posting.
discussion comment
2 days ago
Not quite the same thing, but I've been to a few clubs where they periodically ran 2-for-1 lap dance deals that also included a club-branded T-shirt that I was not about to bring home with me. However, at one club the giveaway was a fairly decent socket-wrench set. I kept that and made up a story about where it came from. That was more than 20 years ago, and I still smile when I use it .
discussion comment
2 days ago
I have learned to visit the restroom, just before leaving a club, to take a look in the mirror.
A few years ago after attending a 4-day conference in Boston, I rented a car and drove to Providence RI for a couple of days of sampling the clubs there (my first and, so far, only time I've had the chance).
On the way, I visited Mickey's Valley View Pub and got a few dances from a young-and-charming dancer in what passes for a VIP space there. She surprised me with some light French kissing along with other fun stuff. Before I left, I did visit the restroom, but at the time it had no mirror, and I didn't really think anything of it.
When I got to Providence, I checked into my hotel room, and, glancing at my image in the mirror, I realized my mistake.
I'm an old codger with a gray (or white -- let's call it white) goatee. Except at this time, it wasn't completely white, as it carried the evidence of that light French kissing I had been engaging in earlier that afternoon with a dancer who wore bright red lipstick. The overall effect was that my facial hair was now, to a great extent, pink. I laughed as I thought about what the desk clerk was thinking when he checked me in.
I was lucky my first post-club visit that day was to a hotel and not to my home and waiting spouse.
Like I said, lesson learned.
review comment
4 days ago
Good first review on TUSCL, Alyass; well-written and informative. Thanks for taking the time to post it.
Overcounting dances is a common problem at many clubs. One solution is to ask girls (using Google translate if you need to) to count the dances out loud as you go. Either that, or count them yourself: "That was two songs. Let's do a third one, all right?" etc. I do this all the time and believe me, it helps avoid disputes.
discussion comment
5 days ago
Atlanta suburb
Did you notice under "About this Event" that the first letter of every word in every sentence is capitalized? Does That Remind You Of Anyone Here On TUSCL?
review comment
6 days ago
Excellent review – well-written and informative. Thanks for taking the time to submit this.
discussion comment
8 days ago
Cravemybbc, staying in the US for “plausible deniability for the unsuspecting spouse” does not prevent you from also booking a room in TJ at the club's hotel for the convenience of using it for pleasurable activities while you're there -- an idea I hadn't considered until PutaTester once suggested that to me.
I have done that more than once, even though it increases my trip costs a bit. If you get the HK VIP card and your timing is right, you can get a room at Cascadas for a couple of nights at a 70% discount. (Monday and Tuesday? I forget.) Even if I don't spend the night there, it's great to have a place in La Zona Norte to stash a few belongings, kick back, maybe get some work done if you need to, freshen up, and recharge between arribas.
discussion comment
8 days ago
Cravemybbc, as will surprise no regular TUSCL reader, RonJax2 has given you excellent advice and important things to consider regarding where to stay -- and why.
That said, if, for whatever reason, you decide to stay in the US and make daily trips across the border, staying in San Diego proper adds more additional, unnecessary, and unproductive travel time to your day than it's worth. The US city that is adjacent to Tijuana is San Ysidro (pronounced "san ee-SEE-dro"), which, along with some of the other small towns there, have a number of American hotels where you can use your points and reward memberships (as I have done on occasion to provide me with some plausible deniability with my unsuspecting spouse). They will be a short Uber ride away from the border crossing.
Chula Vista, which is a little north of San Ysidro, has some hotels that are a five-minute walk from the trolley station, which you can ride (for $2.50) to the Ped East border crossing in about 10 or 15 minutes.
Again, this in no way negates RonJax2's excellent advice. I'm just trying to give you a US option as an alternative to staying all the way up in San Diego, which, with traffic, might be an hour away from the border.
discussion comment
8 days ago
Glad to know that folks still find my Beginners Guide helpful, though, yes, a little dated, especially in regard to prices.
Cravemybbc, because you are used to traveling alone in the US and visiting strip clubs by yourself, your self-reliance will help you navigate your first foray into TJ.
Though I've met up with PutaTester there a few times, I mostly have made the trip alone -- including my very first time, which was in November of 2014. Talk about changes! I have always entered Mexico through Ped East (which was the only entry to TJ in 2014), and on that very first trip, the only thing at the border was a fence and full-height turnstile gate with a sign above it that said MEXICO -- and that was it! No building, no Mexican border guards, no FFM to fill out, no luggage scanner. NOTHING. One swing of the gate and I had walked, unimpeded, into Mexico for the very first time!
Anyway, I was not then -- and am still not now -- a seasoned world traveler, but I figured it out by following the few pieces of advice other TUSCLers had posted at the time. In the last year or two, there have been absolutely fantastic additions to the TUSCL Treasury of Terrific Tijuana Tips, and since you've read these, you'll be fine doing this alone.
The one tip I will reiterate today that others have posted in other recent discussions is that for your first time, I would recommend going during the daylight hours (as I did). It'll be easier to see your surroundings, both immediately in front of you as well as to see where you're going.
And daytime is fine. Unlike US strip clubs, you really don't have to worry about arriving in TJ too early -- there are always pretty girls at the Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club, which is recommended as a good place to begin your adventure.
review comment
9 days ago
Smegma Jones
Excellent review – well-written and informative. Thanks for taking the time to submit this.
discussion comment
13 days ago
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Greenland is large, but according to Wikipedia, it's not a continent: "Greenland is the world's largest non-continental island and the third largest area in North America after Canada and the United States."
Just puttin' that out there...
article comment
14 days ago
Excellent addition to TUSCL's Terrific Treasury of Tijuana Tips, OPIllini96. Nice work!
review comment
19 days ago
Nice first review on TUSCL, Bobbalam. Welcome to the strip club world.
review comment
22 days ago
Excellent review – well-written and informative. And horrifying, in a helpful way. Thanks for taking the time to submit this.
review comment
25 days ago
Excellent first review on TUSCL, dunlarp – well-written and informative. Thanks for taking the time to submit this.
review comment
a month ago
Los Angeles
Excellent review – well-written and informative. Thanks for taking the time to submit this.
review comment
a month ago
Strip Club Connoisseur
Thanks, RonJax2, for a well-written, detailed, and informative review (as usual).
Hong Kong has 1,466 reviews, and this place, which is a two-minute walk from HK, has only 25 -- for good reason, apparently.
I reviewed it in April of 2019 after visiting on a Saturday night at 10 PM after leaving a packed-to-the-rafters Hong Kong, and Dulce Gabbana had only one girl dancing on the stage, about six more sitting at the bar with their backs to the bar watching the stage – and not a single customer other than me.
You were there in the early evening on a Saturday, but my conclusion after visiting at 10 PM on a Saturday was that if the club couldn't attract any customers during *the* prime time in La Zona Norte -- especially when HK was packed -- it doesn't seem promising that other times would be any better.
I'll look for your review of Chicago Club, which is a favorite HK-alternative of mine.
review comment
a month ago
Excellent review – well-written and informative. Thanks for taking the time to submit this.
review comment
a month ago
Hank Moody
I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
Excellent review – well-written and informative. Thanks for taking the time to submit this.
review comment
a month ago
Excellent review – well-written and informative. Thanks for taking the time to submit this.
As an East Coast guy, I don't get to SoCal all that often, but I think I've been to every COI-area club (multiple times) except this one. I have always been curious about Bliss, but the reviews of it always make me think the other clubs are better. Your review continues to confirm that.
review comment
a month ago
Excellent review – well-written and informative. Thanks for taking the time to submit this.
review comment
a month ago
Excellent review – well-written and informative. Thanks for taking the time to submit this.
discussion comment
a month ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Several posters have talked about using a VPN to get around the ban. Can't 12-year-olds use a VPN, too? (Asking for my grandson... 😁 )
discussion comment
a month ago
^^^ ilbbaicnl said, "Dancers have bad stories about dancing for couples where the female was talked into coming, is miserable, and wants to spread the misery around."
In my experience, the best way to avoid this is to have your FWB -- alone, without you -- approach any dancer she's interested in and ask about dances. If she's inexperienced, she may need a little coaching from you ahead of time.
Good luck, and please come back and report about your visit.
review comment
a month ago
USA Born and Bred
"Took out my wallet and phone and put them on the table." WTF? No, nuh-uh.
Never do this. Ever.