Greenland or Canada?

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Apparently the orange turd has now expressed his interest in annexing both, even sending one of his genius sons to the former for some kind of stunt/meeting. Trudeau says we have a snowballs chance in hell of getting them to sign up.
The next 4 years will be entertaining for us libs. I predict that the coming level of crazy will test even Rick’s confidence in the superiority of gop management, and that blue state popcorn sales will skyrocket. Once we are done bottling all those tears of course, Puddy!
What good taking on a couple of frozen welfare states could possibly do us is beyond me. There is always the excuse of “he’s just saying that, it’s STRATEGY”, but that seems too convenient.
Will they add a little white maple leaf and a little white polar bear next to the 50 stars on the flag? Will we add loonies and twonies alongside the greenback? Quebec seems like a pain in the ass.
So far this is looking great! Go Brandon!
The next 4 years will be entertaining for us libs. I predict that the coming level of crazy will test even Rick’s confidence in the superiority of gop management, and that blue state popcorn sales will skyrocket. Once we are done bottling all those tears of course, Puddy!
What good taking on a couple of frozen welfare states could possibly do us is beyond me. There is always the excuse of “he’s just saying that, it’s STRATEGY”, but that seems too convenient.
Will they add a little white maple leaf and a little white polar bear next to the 50 stars on the flag? Will we add loonies and twonies alongside the greenback? Quebec seems like a pain in the ass.
So far this is looking great! Go Brandon!
Natural resources and space, particularly on the Arctic.
I still regard these as, well, a snowball's chance in hell (for Greenland) and a snowFLAKE's chance in hell (for Canada).
"There is always the excuse of “he’s just saying that, it’s STRATEGY”, but that seems too convenient."
Except that it fits his MO.
Is the popcorn maker working?
@25 I need to upgrade mine, it won’t make it though the next 4 years
We already have a military base on the continent, which is part of our IBM early warning system. Also, major northern shipping lanes run through its territorial waters. It also holds vast deposits of rare earth elements, some of which we currently have to rely upon China to supply.
The entire continent also has the population of a single medium size U.S. town. And it's not like Denmark is doing much with it.
So in this instance I don't really understand the shrill girly squeals of half men who are already leveling charges of crazy town upon us. But of course, some of us have enough emotional control to actually do 3 minutes of research to understand the issue before we form an opinion on it, lol.
If we could manage to persuade Denmark and Greenland to make a deal, it would be a huge strategic and economic coup. Denmark is also heavily subsidizing Greenland, which provides ample opportunity for leverage and negotiation.
But sure, tell us all about how much you know about Greenland and how we are going to annex it and why that’s good for anyone. Apparently you’ve been “doing your research” (ie googled “Greenland”).
Denmark? France? Great Britain?
Don’t you get the connection? We need to maintain world economic supremacy. Sorry if that doesn’t seem fair but that’s the way it is.
"orange turd"
Just puttin' that out there...
How else do you want me to describe it when you kick off with "orange turd" and then follow it with 4 paragraphs of melodrama? You do it to yourself man. 😉
My argument regarding the benefits and opportunities was very clearly laid out. Feel free to read as slowly as you need to before you respond again. Now he may not be successful, but it's hardly as crazy a concept as you seem to believe - for all the reasons I already discussed.
Here’s a dumb one: “we have a military base on the continent”.
1. Greenland is an island, not a continent.
2. We already have a military base on every “continent”. By this logic, we should annex France and Spain too.
Maybe geography isn’t your strong suit, tiger? 😘…
Jes Sayin.
I could support taking over Miss Greenland
Covfete Baby
I copied and pasted the relevant portions from my posts above to make it easier for you to read. Take all the time you need...
Greenland has major strategic and economic value.
We already have a military base on the continent, which is part of our IBM early warning system. Also, major northern shipping lanes run through its territorial waters. It also holds vast deposits of rare earth elements, some of which we currently have to rely upon China to supply.
The entire [island lol] also has the population of a single medium size U.S. town. And it's not like Denmark is doing much with it.
And to add, the U.S. isn't the only country interested in Greenland. Russia has been running military exercises near its shores and China lobbied, unsuccessfully, to build three airstrips on the Continent.
If we could manage to persuade Denmark and Greenland to make a deal, it would be a huge strategic and economic coup. Denmark is also heavily subsidizing Greenland, which provides ample opportunity for leverage and negotiation.
But this post isn’t about that, it’s about geopolitics, baby!!!
My final word is I still don’t expect anything better from you. What ever you like !
Covfete Baby
Lmfao. Please get real. Nationalism is happening all over the globe, so this is just posturing bs, as always. Funny thing is, nobody that has commented on this thread knows a damn thing, but get their feelings hurt when somebody disagrees. lol!
Thank you. I’ll go one at a time and we can sum up at the end.
2. “Also, major northern shipping lanes run through its territorial waters”
…not really. Greenland is far out of the way of Atlantic shipping lanes, it is very far north. However if climate change continues apace, the NW passage will become more viable as an alternative to the Panama Canal.
But really, who cares? Ships sail all over the world today and we don’t need to annex South Africa, Spain, Argentina, etc. to get them there.
Hasn't he heard that the Panama canal is running out of water?
Who the fuck uses the Gadsden flag to show how "aware" they are? You really know your rights dude!
Fuckin' stupid. Aren't you glad you ignored me? Now everybody else can see my shit talking,
Have you seen the Yacht Rock documentary? It is excellent and has plenty of Cristopher Cross.
"I should probably point out Orange Turd, doesn’t actually count as a personal attack, unless you happen to be the Orange Turd, himself, but one hallmark of a cult is taking attacks on their Dear Leader, personally.
Jes Sayin."
It's only a cult when it's the other side.
This is "pointing out hypocrisy."
Keep my name out your mouth, gramps.
Starting out with "Orange Turd" is just telling everyone you need to stop binge drinking Kool-Aid and take off the Converse.
The Panama Canal was a historic move to Globalization by the Left back in 1979 by Carter. America built the damn thing, 55,000 workers and 5.600 killed. The French failed and failed. We need to push the CCP out of our Region. Start with The Canal. We can pressure Panama with tariffs as they have broken the treaty we agreed to when they took over and gave operational control to a Chinese operations company who reports to the CCP.
Gulf of America: Why not. Lots of things get renamed. We have a bit more coastline than Mexico so do it.
Greenland: The PM of Greenland just kisses the Danish Ring and bends-over to keep his cash flowing. The people of Greenland want to see America make it a US Territory as the Danes take advantage of them. If Russia or China become provocative in Greenland Denmark will be like Poland in WWII. Even if we paid $5T for it, the ROI would be incredible. People poo-poo'ed buying Alaska too.
Canada: I just don't see it becoming a State, ever. However, we can greatly improve trade by getting a better trade agreement and getting Canada to do a way better job of stopping illegals from heading South. For example, Alberta has a known 100T Cubic Feet of NatGas. AI data centers need between 500MW and 1,000MW of electricity. Remote land in Alberta for lights-out AI DCs is cheap and building NatGas power plants is not a big deal until Pebble SMR nukes can be constructed. Building AT DCs on USA turf is not as practical.
What DJT is doing is 100% MAGA, and it is about damn time after the limp-wristed sell-off of America we've seen since the 1970s.
Pucker up Liberals and get ready for some underwear changing. Me, I'm LOVIN' IT!
This morning he said he wouldn’t rule out taking Greenland *by force*. That’s just as cuddly as Vlad Putin’s reasoning for invading Ukraine.
Hopefully he’s just a liar. I’ll remember to quote you on “I’M LOVIN’ IT” when we get a few miles don’t he rabbit hole.
Here's the craziest part: a rising tide lifts all boats. We can expect the GOP and Trump to fix the economy again, restore national security again, hold the everyone - foreign and domestic- accountable again, and make America the leader of the free world, again. The libs will be safer, richer, and enjoy a better quality of life than Brandon/Harris/Obama 3.0 ever offered them and claim to be miserable the whole time.
How is Trump going to lower my grocery bill ?
Your posting history here has always been about supporting the people whose policies helped raise it #DIPSHIT!
...trickle down economics, of course!
Don’t you get the connection? We need to maintain world economic supremacy. Sorry if that doesn’t seem fair but that’s the way it is.'
And yet, there are over 70 countries worldwide that have some form of free or universal Healthcare. Zero of those countries have the largest economy in the world.
Also, LOL at Greenland being called a continent.
1)Trump is crazy
2) Trump want's to see how crazy his supporters are
3) Both 1 & 2 can be true at the same time.
The stupidest people on earth use the phrase: "free healthcare, instead of the truth, that they are stupid, lazy, greedy and feel an entitlement to be supported by those who are superior to them in every way. Fucking progressives always looking for a handout.
Dumb Dee dumb, dumb, DUMB!!
Here's some more information regarding shipping lanes involving Greenland.…
And once again you cherry picked one part of a much broader collection of considerations.
The U.S. has a long history of acquiring territory through purchases. Just because it hasn't happened in the modern era doesn't mean that it never can.…
Most of Greenland is uninhabitable, which is why there are less than 60,000 people on the island. Even worse though, Denmark currently has to subsidize Greenland for it to work even for that small number of people. When you look at this without pre-conceived biases and knee-jerk emotional reactions, it makes sense to wonder whether Denmark might be willing to part with it - for the right price of course.
wild4testes = #DIPSHIT
You have 11 days left to rehearse a good inauguration scream video.
Don't disappoint us.
Puddy, I'm starting to think you're right. Just look at them, flailing about in this thread with so much melodrama and hyperbole, yet nothing concrete to dispute the many amply discussed benefits that could come from actually accomplishing a purchase of Greenland.
They literally cannot put aside their conditioned emotional responses and look at this objectively. They have no emotional control whatsoever. I must say that this is not a great look on grown ass men. It's like they never had fathers to teach them how to behave like men, so they've defaulted to some shrill teenage girl mode.
And I say this as someone who can't stand Trump. I still hold the narcissistic a-hole responsible for the depressed GA special election turnout which gave Dems control of the Senate and, in turn, led to catastrophically inflationary spending bills. But I held my nose and voted for him for policy reasons and now I'm going to evaluate each new proposal on its merits.
I really think that Trump was doing a "look here, look here" when he raised that to make his Greenland proposal look more reasonable by comparison. More of his "Art of the Deal" tactics.
But a tiny population of 50,000 people who may require some modest subsidization (by U.S. budgetary standards)? Eminently doable.
Hold your horses, we are getting there!
“ The U.S. has a long history of acquiring territory through purchases.”
Too late your orange buddy just upgraded: now he won’t rule out taking Greenland by force. Enter the Trumperium!
“ And I say this as someone who can't stand Trump”. …I knew it! You and I not only share a delight in hot young sluts, We also can’t stand Trump.
Let’s get together soon to discuss the new edition of Mother Jones over chai tea and avocado toast! You old lib, you! 😉
29 minutes ago
===> "^ The lefties on this thread (and in the media) need Trump hatred like the rest of us need oxygen. It gives their lives meaning and purpose."
Not just the lefties buddy, most normal folk feel the same way.
In all honesty the MAGA cult won the election, why would they be pushing so hard if they won. My own personal belief is they have a terrible inferiority complex.
That’s the true Trump Derangement Syndrome.
So sorry y’all feel that way
BTW I don’t really care what Trump does, its just so much fun watching the meltdown of the MAGA cult
I voted for trump twice, couldn’t stomach him after his huesteria after losing by the election in ‘20. People show their true character in defeat. Suprisingly as a registered a Republican voter I couldn’t pull the trigger again because I consider myself a normal
Person. Therefore MAGA being outside of the norms. A lot of people here spend way too much time consuming media without much purpose in their lives to occupy them. Sad
It’s a convenient way to explain bad behavior when the alternative is unsettling.
I don't know if Trump actively tries to steal their souls, or if Trump is just their pretext to let their inner freak out. They treat being unhinged at Trump as a mark of pride!
@25 - You're a lefty in denial. Touch grass and you'll see who is melting down. Hint, it's the left.
If you think the US has the highest standard of living in the world, then you don't think. You also haven't done much traveling or simple research. Our healthcare sucks, we're collectively obese, our life expectancy is like 50th in the world and projected to get even worse in the next couple decades, working class people barely get any time off all year and will retire broke, our infrastructure is poor, our education system is bad. I mean sure, compared to third world countries in Africa and the middle east, we are doing great. Compared to other wealthy nations, our standard of living is not the best and is on a decline. Your metric of "standard of living" is obviously not one that's based in reality.
TDS squad gettin' big mad today!
Keep proving me right
Our capitalistic enterprise system makes it so easy to over indulge compared to other fist world nations is why our general population has lower health standards, not because we are lacking anything. People from all over still come to the US to get healthcare treatment if they can afford it, as it is still the best albeit expensive. For educated folks, they live within their means, save, and proactively tasks care of their health to keep them from your mentioned health problems. However Americans are so over marketed with conveniences they don’t need and consume all the crap peddled them, we’ve got a lot of the masses thinking those products are not harmful. I am working middle class, in great health, and have millions of wealth to my name with a high standard of living, yet too many of my peers cave into their indulgences and over consume. I don’t think I’d be able
To attain that kind of standard of living in another country, if so it would be more challenging since I was born here with all of roots centered in American culture. I just can’t buy all the bashing of our culture when you have to take the good with the bad.
Then why are you still here?
Trickle down economics is the best answer so far !
The right wingers in this thread have absolutely no answer for how Trump will lower the cost of groceries. Despite saying over and over the election was about inflation and kitchen table issues more than anything else. All they can do is deflect.
@rick -- that might be true. But threatening to take Greenland by force is unlikely to persuade them. Like I said, he is again embarrassing himself and the entire US by his approach. And creating friction with our allies.
Let's wait and see if he takes it to the next level, and Denmark announces some kind of new deal with China. Don't think China isn't watching all this and looking for opportunities to exploit division between Western countries.
I have family, business, properly, etc here. I actually was going to move to Europe years ago and then the pandemic happened and my plans changed. And I'm doing quite well here. That doesn't change a thing I said, and the "love it or leave it!" retorts got old quite some time ago.
Prove me wrong, then, Gammanu. Refute what I said. I said we don't have the highest standard of living in the world. How am I wrong? I said we, as a nation, are collectively obese. Am I incorrect in that assessment? No. I said our healthcare sucks. It does. Sure America has some of the best health care on earth... for only the richest people who can afford it; our healthcare system makes people who are not financially blessed who might get sick either have to die because they can't afford treatment, or get treatment and spend the rest of their lives as a debt slave. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Am I wrong? Our infrastructure is subpar for a developed nation; are you actually contesting that? We get less educated as time goes by. We're a nation of uneducated fatsos. Working class people slave away for two weeks' vacation time per year and those same working class people have to work until they are old and disabled instead of retiring debt free. Please show me where I'm incorrect here. Please refute any of those statements and please explain to me how and why you think the US has the best standard of living in the world. If I'm so wrong, prove it.
But even if you were right about how "the rest of the world" thinks about Trump, so what? Third world countries are third world countries for a reason and the U.S. continues to heavily subsidize most of the other developed nations in multiple ways.
The world is a much more dangerous place than it was 4 years ago and some of that has to do with a President who worried overly much about how a bunch of gutless European leaders would feel about him. All while they enjoy their military defense at our expense and their people enjoy cheap life saving drugs subsidized by American consumers, among many other things.…
Life expectancy is a shitty measure of the quality of a healthcare system, because it contains so much outside the system. If you take away accidents (we have more of a car culture, Europeans walk and take mass transit more) and homicides, we don't look so bad. If you look at 5-year survival rates for cancers, we're pretty damn good.
The problems with the US healthcare system are financial; doctors can't survive on Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements. If we go to Medicare for All, we're going to see a lot of doctors retire or leave the practice of medicine.
We don't have a healthcare system; we have hundreds of them. That's the problem. We have a ton of middlemen like PBMs that add jack shit, and insurers that don't do much more. Lots of their shady practices coming to light.
Better than M4A would be something like the French or German systems. The former provides basic care through the government with private insurance added on. The latter has private insurers but treats them as utilities. Both work.
The Canadian and British systems are fucked up. I think that's why Canada markets assisted suicide, and tries to make it a euphemism like "medical aid in dying." It saves on costs. That's where they're headed, covering suicide rather than complicated surgeries and expensive drugs. God help us if we end up like that.
Just because those things make YOU personally happy does not mean they're reflective of an entire country's standard of living. "Happy standard of living" because you get to be fat and eat fried chicken is not an actual metric of standard of living. It's also not healthy.
Being so poor that you qualify for medicaid is not a high standard of living and is contradictory to your argument. Neither is going into debt over healthcare because you're not quite poor enough for medicaid. Nothing about our healthcare system is indicative of a high standard of living and it's laughable to try to argue otherwise. The richest people in a nation having access to the best healthcare while others are left to die shows a wealth AND health disparity that is not present in nations with higher standards of living than the US.
The fact that to argue your point, you have to pretend that San Francisco is not a part of the US, only supports the fact that you're ignorant to the argument and can't make valid points. You're driven by emotion only, and armed with ad hominems instead of actual substance.
Lmao at you showing education numbers from the 1940s to 2009 to "prove" somehow that we're super educated today in 2025 compared to the rest of the competitive nations. Let's compare our current education to that of Japan, or Sweden, or Switzerland - I dare you to come back here and say we're the most educated country. Lmao.
How about the working class I was talking about? Let's compare our minimum wage to those other countries. Let's compare vacation time, sick leave, matertinity and paternity leave, retirement, savings, home ownership. Get back to me on that.
Yes, our infrastructure compared to other nations with high(er) standards of living is subpar. Look at our bridges and roads. Oh and our trains are really world class, too, is that what you're going to tell me next?
I remember when I was ignorant like you and I argued for hours with another girl because I really thought the US was far and away the best country in the world with the highest standard of living. Well, I realized I was wrong when I actually researched things. Of course, I was about 16 at that time. Perhaps Google what "standard of living" means and see that your narrow world view can be *gasp* broadened by facts! Or, continue being wrong. Your choice.
Nina, I will accept that as a forfeit as you have no facts or data to refute me on. The next time you want to debate from an inferior position, at least do a bit of research. Your desperate belief to think that America is nation full of "uneducated fatsoes" does not make it so. Feel free to move to Canada.
Off handouts to live half the standard of living like many of our fat asses here do.lifes all about choices, and people have the economic options to sit on their duff. Not so much opportunity to do so elsewhere. Sorry, but I choose to eat a balanced diet and put in physical activity, etc. most normal people do. Walmart serves organic food at decent prices and most people can grow food if they invest time. I can’t support a whoa is me victim mentality.
Fun Discussion !
Cheers @ Canada & Greenland ! ! !
I don't care if we lose all our allies, as long as we own the libs!
From an USA standpoint, traditionally, we strive to have our freedom, our liberty, our own livelihood (i.e. life, liberty and pursuit of happiness). For most western worlds, this is also largely achievable, but literally at a high price in the form of taxes. If they don't get you in taxes, they get you in higher price of goods. Also, salaries are generally lower.
IMO, based on objective facts, USA is the best country in the world, followed by (probably in this order): Germany, Canada, Norway.
Also interesting to note that our prison recidivism rates are high too, so we're not rehabilitating the criminals, either, as the majority of them will reoffend. Not surprisingly, the country with the lowest recidivism rate I have heard of is Norway, which is always ranked highly in standard of living.
#3. The entire continent also has the population of a single medium size U.S. town. And it's not like Denmark is doing much with it.
Population size has no bearing on whether a country should occupy or buy someone else's home. By that logic, the Chinese (1.4B) should invade the USA (343M) because... you know, there's mostly only tumbleweeds and grizzly bears there.
The idea of taking over Canada should make every GOP congressman groan. Let alone everyone else. The politics of Canada are VERY LEFT LEANING. They are going to be more of a boost for Democrats than they are for Republicans in the long run.
Greenland is more manageable, but I highly doubt they are going to fit in to the modern GOP. Both of these countries have more in common with Democrats than Republican. My question to Trump is "Are the resources gained worth it for a possible shift in the Electoral college map 10 years or more later on"?
Personally I would look at this again about 3 years into his 2nd term. If he is being serious.
For those willing to work hard, America is great. For those unwilling to work hard it sucks, and rightfully so.
This thread still shows the left's addiction to Trump Rage. Does anyone seriously think Canada OR Greenland is about to get bought? Annexing Canada was such an obvious troll joke that the autistic SJG could have picked up on it. Greenland doesn't want to be bought, and Denmark doesn't want to sell it. Yet we have most of the lib cope squad here acting like we're Nazi Germany looking for Lebensraum.
Every bit of anger is a dopamine hit, like meth or pussy.
Just noticed this LOL.
By skibum's own criteria - engaging in derogatory name-calling - he is the most worthless poster on TUSCL.
LOL. You don't need our help to make it appear so.
Only 4 years and 9 days to go.
"Yeah, having a president who trolls as a leader is great!"
Biden's brain is too addled to do so.
But you must have loved "Captain Strawman" Obama.
Trump = No Russian invasions, Kim backed down, took out Iran's Terrorist-in-Chief, Abraham Accords, the "quietest Middle East in 20 years" according to Biden's own national security adviser
Obama/Biden = "More latitude after the election," Russian invasions, Kim threatening again, groveling before the mullahs, aid to Hamas
I know which one I prefer!
I agree that insulting political figures is typical here, for example ski has had many colorful comments re Biden, Kamala, Obama, etc.
I try not personally attack tuscl pls bc despite our differences I actually like you guys.
Except for gamma and icey, they’re retards and I can’t see what they say anyway bc I put on founders auto-retard-blocking feature, which automatically hides those two accounts.
Hmm, only under Obama and Biden, but not Trump. Keep rationalizing.
Sarcasm really is a poor substitute for a rational argument. Do better.
Again, sarcasm really is a poor substitute for a rational argument. Do better.
Why should US care more about Ukraine than Haiti? Because Russia wants to reconstitute the USSR, Haiti is a basket case that will not spill beyond the border. Or, you're making an argument that we shouldn't be in Ukraine, very Republican if you.
Again, sarcasm really is a poor substitute for a rational argument. Do better.
Ukraine is looking lovely too. We keep throwing money into a war of attrition that Russia is closer to and more committed to. I guess that's the price of giving the president's degenerate son a well paid sinecure he was in no way qualified for.
Now, We Can Open Up Da' Can Of Worms For Tariffs, Tik Tok Possible Ban, & What Canadian Strip Clubs Would Be Of Interest, Let's Rock!
How Will Trump Handle Alaska With Da' Russian Fighter Jets Commin' In & Flying Over Our Air Space Or So We Just Keep Escorting Them Off?