from the same article, "several other states that can no longer partake of Pornhub’s services include Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah, Virginia and Texas." This is a mix of red and blue states. There are plenty of other sites to choose from, anyway.
get a VPN. Everyone should be using this to protect themselves from trackers and hackers, and it also allows you to get around geo-restricted websites.
Go outside and touch grass. Or touch a real girl at a titty bar.
^ so you’re ok with the nanny state dictating what adults can read, you’re a major hypocrite, who only posts to start an argument.
Go fuck yourself you stupid little boy
Don’t you just click on a box that says “Yes I am 18 or older” to do the age confirmation?
Uhhh…not that I look at porn all day or anything. Asking for a friend.
^^That's right 25, just show the whole world that you're a bitter old man with a chip on his shoulder. What's the problem with going to a strip club? Are you afraid of a little girl in her underwear?
@studme53: The Florida law is going to require an age verification in the form of a driver's license or other valid state ID. PornHub is taking a hard line and cutting off access from any state which has ID verification, instead of installing whatever software and updates would be necessary to implement age verification.
I hate to agree with it, but I do. Pornography, of any kind, is far too readily available to children. When I was a kid, few to no adult magazines even had actual penetration in their photo spreads. Now, children with any access to any internet connected device can watch the most depraved and disgusting Scheissenvideo. Even my school had that one legendary super-hardcore VHS that featured the dirtiest talking sluts who loved sex leading threesome and foursomes and teaching more us more than we were ever going to learn in 7th grade health class. It's not about a nanny state as much as it is having guardrails. There are some things which a guy isn't ready for until his ball drops, and a girl isn't ready for until her first period. Feel free to disagree with me, but try to do it without being disagreeable.
You can't stop the "nanny state" from taking control, it already has. The red side wants to control your mind, and the blue side wants to control your body. The most you can do at this point is to thwart them at every opportunity.
The issue with your last paragraph is that these laws stop absolutely nothing. They really aren't even making it even slightly harder for kids to find porn.
There are thousands of websites out there that have porn and not all of them reside in the US or abide by US laws. It would take several, large countries implementing similar verification laws nation-wide to have any real effect on the availability of porn. And even then, that still would be a small dent.
Additionally, VPNs are a thing. These laws are to "protect the children", but like most laws with the same intentions, they miss the mark. All they really do is inconvenience adults who do not want porn sites of all things knowing who exactly who they are.
This is probably one case where "doing nothing" is better than "at least trying". And that's because they have the same results here.
Imma start this with my obligatory “let’s have fun in the front room and post political shit in the politics room” followed by a simple explanation about Gamma.
What you have to understand is that Gamma is what we lions call an “insano obsessed dingus”. For some reason he loves Republicans. He’ll say it's about policy and whatnot, but he doesn’t really care about that. He has just fixated on loving Republicans and hating Democrats.
Imagine this scenario. Politician comes into Gamma’s house and proceeds to take a shit in his sink. What does he do?
If it is a Republican, Gamma says “thank you sir, you’re brilliant! Would you like to fuck my wife?” Republican politician says “fuck no, I wouldn’t fuck a mutant that would marry you…but I would enjoy seeing you pick up my shit and fling it at her.” The encounter would then end with Gamma flinging politician shit at his wife.
If it is a Democrat, Gamma would go get his gun. If you’re worried that blood will be spilled you shouldn’t be worried because Gamma is insane so he has a squirt gun. The politician would easily disarm the Gamma and then would proceed to give him a swirly or two in the toilet. I mean really…the politician in this scenario is douchebag regardless of party. He entered a house and took a shit in the sink after all!
I hope this illustrates the difference between Gamma and, you know, non-insano normal creatures. ROAR!!!
Joke answer aside (though this lion emphasizes that the joke illustrates the warped and twisted nature of the Gamma) there is a germ of a point in Gamma’s second post. Really sick porno is way too accessible to kids and it warps their minds.
My problem with Gamma is the fact that he pointed this out in his second post. His first post was all “wah wah wah this is both a red state and a blue state thing wah wah wah”. So I don’t think he actually gives a shit about protecting kids. If these laws were common in blue states he’d be all “wah wah wah nanny state wah wah wah feminists wah wah wah!”
But here’s the thing…this lion jokes about some twisted shit. But kids aren’t looking at harmless Playboy pictorials any more. They’re watching some 19-year old Ukrainian girl get gangbanged by fat disgusting weirdos that look like…well, they probably look like Gamma.
And all the frickin’ incest porn is just weird. Every sexy girl is fucking her step dad, step grandpa, step brother, and step uncle. Sometimes they get gangbanged by five step dads and a step uncle. Hell, sometimes they even do threesomes with their step dad and step twin. Don’t know how you get step twins, but I do know that porno likes putting “step” in front of every frickin’ relationship. Also, eating ass may be all fun and games, but trends like choking aren’t healthy when you’re a teen. And, frankly, some of the sick shit isn’t good for adults either. Maybe Gamma is so warped because somebody pulled a clockwork orange session on him but made him watch sick porno!
Perhaps this lion is just being conservative in his own way. I don’t know how to fix this issue. I doubt the current set of laws will do much. But I think our society needs to step back and take a think about all the frickin’ step porn and other crazy shit and then fix some of the extreme shit. Err…I mean ROAR!!!
How many decades have you been 70 for? You are such a fucking girl. You already told us how you got your ass kicked by a low table in a dark club. Give us another joke, weirdo, LOL!
You have already said you would get me on an elder abuse case, because you are a coward. Is that why you stay in Florida? Otherwise, the way you hate it so much you should move back to NY with the highest income taxes that pay for entitlements to illegal immigrants while their citizens are prosecuted by DAs for defending themselves against the scum that make you wet your bed at night. You are tough guy behind a keyboard, but everyone knows that you're just a whiny little bitch. A lonely, bitter old dick with a chip on his shoulder and no one who loves him.
You have already said you would get me on an elder abuse case, because you are a coward. I am not as stupid as you are, that has been repeatedly proven. You are tough guy behind a keyboard, but everyone knows that you're just a whiny little bitch. A lonely, bitter old dick with a chip on his shoulder and no one who loves him.
You don't have an original or meaningful thought in your empty little skull, do you? I have all the room I want to run your retirement and own your worthless, empty life You don't even see how pathetic you are making threats and screaming behind a keyboard. We're all laughing at you and how impotent you are, you're just not in on the joke.
The OP is too broke and dickless to even simp at a strip club, he has to just pretend that he can even remember what sex is. As fat and blind as he is, he can't even get a girl to give him the time of day.
Sounds like a damning insult ‘til you realize it is coming from a weirdo ape that flings feces at his own wife. I’d end with a hearty roar if I wasn’t so busy going eww…
Thank you for giving what is basically giving the most practical answer. VPNs basically make the entire law a moot point.
As I hinted already, there are several sites that have porn that most people wouldn't even bother to look up because it's not mainstream. So factor in that most countries don't bother with porn restriction laws, VPNs still exist, thousands of porn sites that aren't even US domestic, and porn that is domestic but most politicians are ignorant about.
You can even skip the restrictions in some sites by simply turning off your home Internet and watching on your Mobile data. They are relying on ISP to do the heavy lifting.
@ East coaster, yes a 12 year old can use VPN. The only limiting factor is that they typically charge monthly fees (think Netflix Subscription). The free ones can be unreliable.
If this is simply because porn will made God mad then GTFO! That’s making America great again? You same “true patriots” would be tearing the left to shreds with this kind of canceling and censorship. You have to see the hypocrisy.
last commentfrom the same article, "several other states that can no longer partake of Pornhub’s services include Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah, Virginia and Texas." This is a mix of red and blue states. There are plenty of other sites to choose from, anyway.
get a VPN. Everyone should be using this to protect themselves from trackers and hackers, and it also allows you to get around geo-restricted websites.
Go outside and touch grass. Or touch a real girl at a titty bar.
^ so you’re ok with the nanny state dictating what adults can read, you’re a major hypocrite, who only posts to start an argument. Go fuck yourself you stupid little boy
Don’t you just click on a box that says “Yes I am 18 or older” to do the age confirmation? Uhhh…not that I look at porn all day or anything. Asking for a friend.
If you’re under 18 you’ll just have to J.O. to Ginger on Gilligan Island reruns and Suzanne Somers Thighmaster ads like I did.
^ According to the report I included they’re going to require a copy of some form of documentation to prove that you’re an adult
Florida is a fucked-up place on its best day, but if banning Pornhub and leaving Pompano alone is the deal, its all good.
^ 👍
^^That's right 25, just show the whole world that you're a bitter old man with a chip on his shoulder. What's the problem with going to a strip club? Are you afraid of a little girl in her underwear?
@studme53: The Florida law is going to require an age verification in the form of a driver's license or other valid state ID. PornHub is taking a hard line and cutting off access from any state which has ID verification, instead of installing whatever software and updates would be necessary to implement age verification.
I hate to agree with it, but I do. Pornography, of any kind, is far too readily available to children. When I was a kid, few to no adult magazines even had actual penetration in their photo spreads. Now, children with any access to any internet connected device can watch the most depraved and disgusting Scheissenvideo. Even my school had that one legendary super-hardcore VHS that featured the dirtiest talking sluts who loved sex leading threesome and foursomes and teaching more us more than we were ever going to learn in 7th grade health class. It's not about a nanny state as much as it is having guardrails. There are some things which a guy isn't ready for until his ball drops, and a girl isn't ready for until her first period. Feel free to disagree with me, but try to do it without being disagreeable.
^ useless weirdo
You are too stupid to rebut my arguments, so you resort to name calling. You are pathetic.
So, no actual "ban" as your title says.
You can't stop the "nanny state" from taking control, it already has. The red side wants to control your mind, and the blue side wants to control your body. The most you can do at this point is to thwart them at every opportunity.
A VPN will do that. For now.
PornHub is voluntarily restricting access in protest. XHamster is better anyways.
Xhamster has the same policy. I'm not sure if it's every state with an ID law for porn, but Alabama has it as well.
VPNs fix the issue and their are other non traditional sites with porn. Hentai in particular and most comic based porn is unaffected.
Those are all red states, and these trends reflect the Republican religious, family-values agenda.
The issue with your last paragraph is that these laws stop absolutely nothing. They really aren't even making it even slightly harder for kids to find porn.
There are thousands of websites out there that have porn and not all of them reside in the US or abide by US laws. It would take several, large countries implementing similar verification laws nation-wide to have any real effect on the availability of porn. And even then, that still would be a small dent.
Additionally, VPNs are a thing. These laws are to "protect the children", but like most laws with the same intentions, they miss the mark. All they really do is inconvenience adults who do not want porn sites of all things knowing who exactly who they are.
This is probably one case where "doing nothing" is better than "at least trying". And that's because they have the same results here.
Florida exotic dancer minimum age also raised from 18 to 21 this Summer.
Imma start this with my obligatory “let’s have fun in the front room and post political shit in the politics room” followed by a simple explanation about Gamma.
What you have to understand is that Gamma is what we lions call an “insano obsessed dingus”. For some reason he loves Republicans. He’ll say it's about policy and whatnot, but he doesn’t really care about that. He has just fixated on loving Republicans and hating Democrats.
Imagine this scenario. Politician comes into Gamma’s house and proceeds to take a shit in his sink. What does he do?
If it is a Republican, Gamma says “thank you sir, you’re brilliant! Would you like to fuck my wife?” Republican politician says “fuck no, I wouldn’t fuck a mutant that would marry you…but I would enjoy seeing you pick up my shit and fling it at her.” The encounter would then end with Gamma flinging politician shit at his wife.
If it is a Democrat, Gamma would go get his gun. If you’re worried that blood will be spilled you shouldn’t be worried because Gamma is insane so he has a squirt gun. The politician would easily disarm the Gamma and then would proceed to give him a swirly or two in the toilet. I mean really…the politician in this scenario is douchebag regardless of party. He entered a house and took a shit in the sink after all!
I hope this illustrates the difference between Gamma and, you know, non-insano normal creatures. ROAR!!!
Joke answer aside (though this lion emphasizes that the joke illustrates the warped and twisted nature of the Gamma) there is a germ of a point in Gamma’s second post. Really sick porno is way too accessible to kids and it warps their minds.
My problem with Gamma is the fact that he pointed this out in his second post. His first post was all “wah wah wah this is both a red state and a blue state thing wah wah wah”. So I don’t think he actually gives a shit about protecting kids. If these laws were common in blue states he’d be all “wah wah wah nanny state wah wah wah feminists wah wah wah!”
But here’s the thing…this lion jokes about some twisted shit. But kids aren’t looking at harmless Playboy pictorials any more. They’re watching some 19-year old Ukrainian girl get gangbanged by fat disgusting weirdos that look like…well, they probably look like Gamma.
And all the frickin’ incest porn is just weird. Every sexy girl is fucking her step dad, step grandpa, step brother, and step uncle. Sometimes they get gangbanged by five step dads and a step uncle. Hell, sometimes they even do threesomes with their step dad and step twin. Don’t know how you get step twins, but I do know that porno likes putting “step” in front of every frickin’ relationship. Also, eating ass may be all fun and games, but trends like choking aren’t healthy when you’re a teen. And, frankly, some of the sick shit isn’t good for adults either. Maybe Gamma is so warped because somebody pulled a clockwork orange session on him but made him watch sick porno!
Perhaps this lion is just being conservative in his own way. I don’t know how to fix this issue. I doubt the current set of laws will do much. But I think our society needs to step back and take a think about all the frickin’ step porn and other crazy shit and then fix some of the extreme shit. Err…I mean ROAR!!!
Several posters have talked about using a VPN to get around the ban. Can't 12-year-olds use a VPN, too? (Asking for my grandson... 😁 )
maybe 12-year olds can, but the OP is an 82-year old bitch who can't even find a light switch without help.
^ OP is 70 years old and could kick your ass without help Fixed it for you scumball
How many decades have you been 70 for? You are such a fucking girl. You already told us how you got your ass kicked by a low table in a dark club. Give us another joke, weirdo, LOL!
^ You’re welcome to try me any time you think you’re man enough. You little pussy.
You have already said you would get me on an elder abuse case, because you are a coward. Is that why you stay in Florida? Otherwise, the way you hate it so much you should move back to NY with the highest income taxes that pay for entitlements to illegal immigrants while their citizens are prosecuted by DAs for defending themselves against the scum that make you wet your bed at night. You are tough guy behind a keyboard, but everyone knows that you're just a whiny little bitch. A lonely, bitter old dick with a chip on his shoulder and no one who loves him.
^ shut your pie hole already, any time you think you're man enough, step to me and I'll shut your mouth easily.
You have already said you would get me on an elder abuse case, because you are a coward. I am not as stupid as you are, that has been repeatedly proven. You are tough guy behind a keyboard, but everyone knows that you're just a whiny little bitch. A lonely, bitter old dick with a chip on his shoulder and no one who loves him.
Touch grass.
^ don’t go away mad, just go away, you’re boring everybody here.
You don't have an original or meaningful thought in your empty little skull, do you? I have all the room I want to run your retirement and own your worthless, empty life You don't even see how pathetic you are making threats and screaming behind a keyboard. We're all laughing at you and how impotent you are, you're just not in on the joke.
Aw fuck
Well there are ways around it and others items. I fear it will lead to an increase in simping at the SC"s and that sucks. ( not in a good way)
The OP is too broke and dickless to even simp at a strip club, he has to just pretend that he can even remember what sex is. As fat and blind as he is, he can't even get a girl to give him the time of day.
^ Sounds like a damning insult ‘til you realize it is coming from a weirdo ape that flings feces at his own wife. I’d end with a hearty roar if I wasn’t so busy going eww…
@ Elitist
Thank you for giving what is basically giving the most practical answer. VPNs basically make the entire law a moot point.
As I hinted already, there are several sites that have porn that most people wouldn't even bother to look up because it's not mainstream. So factor in that most countries don't bother with porn restriction laws, VPNs still exist, thousands of porn sites that aren't even US domestic, and porn that is domestic but most politicians are ignorant about.
You can even skip the restrictions in some sites by simply turning off your home Internet and watching on your Mobile data. They are relying on ISP to do the heavy lifting.
@ East coaster, yes a 12 year old can use VPN. The only limiting factor is that they typically charge monthly fees (think Netflix Subscription). The free ones can be unreliable.
If this is simply because porn will made God mad then GTFO! That’s making America great again? You same “true patriots” would be tearing the left to shreds with this kind of canceling and censorship. You have to see the hypocrisy.