
Comments by Mate27 (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is LDK sexual assault
    Dude Dugan, anyone who has been on this site remember your escapades written with otc adventures, especially with said stripper yiu drove around finding her drug dealer and she passed out on you, then yiu claimed higher morality by saying yiu couldn’t finish the deed because it was against your better judgment. I don’t have the time to sift through countless comical threads by you, but it’s documented in tuscl history. Also, there are other fucked uo otc exploits documented by you and yiur brethren otc imbibbers which is ok be my, it’s great seeing the drama unfold safely from behind the computer. But to say an LDK is prematurely ejacukating when clearly the dancer is saying stuff in my ears and grabbing me in places that simulate sex with clothes on, and then asking me if I’ve finished is hardly the straw man argument that I have not provided consent or upset the dancer. This is the game being played, and yiu play yiur game, pony boy. Yet the argument that your game is better than mine means you don’t know how to play my game. I’ve done the otc game, it’s an inefficient use of my time and results in too many pity hustles from strippers wanting to juice me for cash instead of performing. ITC LDK allows a quick screening process and should never be shamed in the game. Play safely everyone!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is LDK sexual assault
    I believe there is consent given when a stripper providing LDK services funds repeat business with me for years, not just once. I believe she is happy to see me again and give me a hug and peck on the cheek after said services, and I believe consent is given when she continues to position her assets on me to accomdate repeat business, but you do you pony boy! You’re not spending my money or time, and I the same. Again, I’m nay once in 20 years has there been a surprise with a dancer, which from the accounts from members who have done otc (or ITC) the odds are way less of any problems occurring ITC LDK than otc endeavors. That’s a fact, and consent has been implied in both scenarios. Use all the circular logic yiu want, but I have sex safely. Your mode has too many unsafe variables as documented by your exploits recorded on the discussion board. #truth
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is LDK sexual assault
    It’s simply bringing up a valid point of those who are anti LDK are constantly assuming their position as a higher moral authority. Tye counter is that LDK option is more available and just as same as the otc options, and the truth is there are more LDK service related activities centered around the clubs. Get off your high horse, and troll for drugged out addicted strippers on a backslide to fulfill your needs. LDK is the more manageable option for time and $$. That’s all, of course there are those who love to use circular logic to pound their chests.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Tuscl wish list
    I’m in board with creating regional/local boards as a subsection of this website. Not every region would be represented in bumble fuck USA, but some areas that have a concentration of clubs it makes sense. Looks like some people use the club comments section, it’s just not utilized much.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Live from Sugar44, it’s Saturday night!
    That’s a clever headline. I bet heellover was head over heels when raven showed.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Tuscl wish list
    On second thought founder, I can see why you’d want to limit your liability with this site, however I think you were asking for ideas.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is LDK sexual assault
    How cute, Rickyboi believes his driving an otc junkie stripper around town trying find her dealer to catch a fix before riding Dugan Dick is way more justifiably righteous than one mishap in my 20+ year career enjoying ITC LDK lap dances. One mishap out of hundreds of encounters can never out hit the damage done from Rick’s drinking and driving adventures with drug addicted strippers on their backslide to their demons. Anyway, that’s cute how the pure odds play out that there’s a lot more shit to navigate those otc waters…and time. An ITC jizz juicer who squeezes out a couple LDKs in an hour can make easily 500-$600 a shift. And only invest her time for 4 hours without ever getting naked, or pretending she enjoys the act for which she is being paid for. There are a lot of fast and fun women who can have fun at the club happily giving a few LDKs a shift and think nothing of it other than an OTP massage, then they go home on their own time doing things they want to do, not what their otc partner wants to do. They’re more efficient witt their time management than a drug addicted stripper needing a fix before she has sex with Dugan, the biggest anti LDK fag this site has. He thinks his way is superior to an LDK?. Rotflmfao!! For those of you who think the LDK leads to assault are rong, anyseasoned club goer knows how to contain those accidents from happening, both in the patron and provider point of view. It takes common sense physics to figure it out, not some over dramatic assumption that w wry odd has this huge load shooting out of their pants. Most of mine land away far away from their intended target, and she knows where to place it. Totally harmless fun, unless you’re a righteous faggit who needs constant affirmation of his(or her) feelings. That’s cuter Drewcareypnw, how well you can master a standardized test. It only shows yiu can pay attention, but can’t pay attention to the more valuable material. I get it, I felt empowered too when I passed my CFA, one of the most challenging designations professionals can attain. I also got high and almighty when I graduated high school, college, and other levels of higher learning, but that’s all in the past now and I tend to lean mostly in common sense these days. You know, experience is the best teacher, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, yiu really should t be commenting about it. Stay in your lane. There are way more LDK providers than otc providers. Diffeeent game but different players, too.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Tuscl wish list
    I wish there will be a tuscl meet up room where like minded mongerers could meet up at a local club, verified via the website as an Authenticator for tuscl members. Then I can spout my brilliance face 2 face that resonates more than these keyboard cowboys who think they know it all from behind their QWERTY board.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    OT:Weather Prediction: La Niña, ENSO Neutral, or El Niño ?
    https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/nevada/a-nice-sign-big-rockies-snowpack-may-boost-lake-mead-2736300/amp/ I’m not sure anyone would have predicted during the fall we would be seeing this kind of snowpack built up in the Colorado river basin this winter, except one person. Me!! Kachinga, kachinga, kachinga!! Lake Powell and mead will see over 117% of normal run off into the reservoirs this spring, and that’s if it quits snowing! There still is over 5 weeks to go before peak snow season ends. It’s been a banner year for the west. Oh, I told you so!!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    The US Shrinking Money Supply!
    October, November, and December ppe #s came in well below the latest 0.6% reading yiu quote fro January. In fact November and December declined or was at 0.1%. Lump that together with the cumulative aspect and you will see reports coming in much lower, and this isn’t even reporting the lagging shelter costs that take 12-18 months to enter the equation. Alas, the future is bright on the inflation front, becaise real time data shows significant drops in the rate since, yiu heard it from me 1st, the summer of ‘22!!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    The US Shrinking Money Supply!
    Mark, congrats on warming up your arm in time for spring training throwing from the peanut gallery. Since my claim in august, the inflation rate is definitely not 7%. Your 7% is accurate from January ‘22 to January ‘23. My genius is calling it over at its peak of summer 2022, and yiu can claim I was rong when summer of ‘23 comes around. In fact, we only have to wait until April, when the treasury department will declare their new rate of return on i bonds. That will be the most accurate report from the October ‘22 through April ‘23 cpi #s. That will be the earliest you can tell me to go pound sand, but with each and every month of inflation #s being reported on a monthly basis, it looks like the rate will fall to around 3% max. Inflation still? Yes, but as I recall accurately my prediction was that inflation is dropping like a rock, from 9.62% as reported in April of ‘22 to what we will see on another month. Then I will restate “I told you so!”
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    The US Shrinking Money Supply!
    https://apple.news/Anwg0CvTZRt-dfnEGvUCzZA This is Barron’s report not mine! Some points considered… -money supply continues to fall -money supply is still 30% above pre-pandemic -likely too much liquidity money supply in system -historical drop in supply and effects are unknown, but will be a pervasive factor in inflation and goods and services pricing (or repricing) Bottom line, I was rong and I was right. Inflation is dropping like a rock, and it’s taking its time showing up in the # reported by the fed. Difficult times are ahead for personal households, and those who have assets to spend will reap the rewards if intended on spending it with your favorite dancer. Invest in treasury bills, you won’t go rong unless the government decides to shut down on us come June/July.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is LDK sexual assault
    Drewcareypnw, I already prequalified my statement with my experience, so not sure what part of your reading comprehension is failing you, because yiu added to the redundancy by quoting “my experience” in your response. Therefore I never stated all dancers which makes me wonder why you brought it up? I was specifically commenting not on all dancers, just mine. Maybe slow down and breathe in the words first before firing away a response? Anyway, the righteous uppity crowd who think the way they’re having fun with strip clubs is running high I see. The ones who mostly oppose the LDK are also the ones bragging about how they can coerce a dancer outside of the working confines of the club to take care of their physical needs at some discreet location off grounds, and that mode is more manly than on site in your pants. Doesn’t matter where you nut, in her mouth off site (or in her pussy) your means are still way more morally and disgusting of an activity than a more harmless jizzed underwear seeker. Jizzing in the pants I can easily venture to say happens way more often in clubs than the otc trysts, and I can easily venture to say there is less emotional damage done to the provider giving LDK than compared to the emotional damage done to a dancer that has to stoop herself to the level of accepting a cash infusion by taking a naked pl to a hotel doing an act she would rather not go through if she could just do a handful of LDKs in exchange. Why all the hate for LDK, it’s not like the dude is jozzing on you, or the dancer, as long as it’s contained. You’ll never get an accurate consensus from the dancing community, but guaranteed that there are more LDK providers out there than there are otc supplemented dancer incomes. Take that to the bank!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Close encounters of the TUSCL kind (at Desire)
    I’ve passed tuscl members during my visits and only knew it was them after the fact, from reading the discussions and reviews. Chili Palmer was balling in the back corner of Hiliter over 5 years ago taking back a couple girls to vip. I knew because he had my preferred seat and I couldn’t get it back because he was spending $$ for that spot. I ran into a tuscl meet up back when JohnSmith69 was an active member and he got azdd, lone wolf and a member that starts with hr and ends in rh (he’s not active). Anyway after the fact I saw the group of guys but they were really low key being a tuscl meet up. I’d never have known if I didn’t read the discussion boards afterward. I have also been at the club with the famous Desertscrub a few times after I found out from this board, but I can’t finger him yet (lol!) meaning I couldn’t pick him out in a lineup. The other guys I can, but don’t think I’ve seen their faces repeated at the club the same time I was there. These guys are average modest looking and very unassuming people who tend to fly under the radar, much like myself. I wouldn’t ever go up to someone and say “you’re on tuscl, right?” I like how everyone respects each others private space, and why we don’t finger each other, figuratively speaking.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New York
    This is a gray area because there are no fault states, where you aren’t entitled to take the cheating spouse to the cleaners just because of cheating. There is the possibility that both could be getting action outside the marriage, or one of the spouses are not putting out and therefore not engaging in sex. If my daughter is being taken care of financially, I think it’s fine to let her know what you saw and let her decide. That’s what I would do, but I would also tend to confront the son in law first to gauge his reaction and let him know the score.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is LDK sexual assault
    Only once in 20+ years of LDK experiences has there been a dancer object to it. That means 99% of dancers are dedicating their efforts to accomplish the LDK in my experience, with no fuss and a hug and a peck on the cheek after services rendered. Some of you act like going to the strip club is like going on a date where you’re trying to woo a woman into your special graces. No, these girls are looking to set up repeat business to keep you spending, and the #1 way is to provide a good experience topped off with an LDK. As long as you tip appropriately, the dancer will be happy to continue repeat business and service you with an LDK in the future, with no strings attached. She is proud of her accomplishment and doesn’t see it as gross or demeaning. She sees it as an OTP massage, where the mess is on the PL, and gross for the pl, not the dancer. Such prudes on this site, more prudish than stripperweb was at times.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Desertscrub: do you think he really wears a kilt in the club?
    https://app.tuscl.net/review/393388 They’re out there! I documented it.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    The partial reuniting of the gang of 5.5 and even owner Ryan in the picture
    Yeah, which dancers like to rock out with some cock out?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    The US Shrinking Money Supply!
    https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/us-inflation-roller-coaster-prompts-fresh-look-long-ignored-money-supply-2023-01-26/ Again, it’s not me saying this, it’s Reuters. Of Course if you’re part of the curmudgeon crew you’ll say otherwise. The fed is ready to toy with creating a deeper recession than necessary by continuing with their rate hikes. They will have to drop rates as soon as they’re done raising them, and then tuscl can tell them “we told you so!”
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    The US Shrinking Money Supply!
    Home values take their biggest plunge since 2008 from June-Dec 2022! Of course are these values reflected yet in the pce or cpi indices being reported? Answer: Hell no, but they’re coming! It’s not me saying this, it’s others. You’re welcome. https://apple.news/A8_vs4CFbQli-NfBqvsoNNA
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    The US Shrinking Money Supply!
    I gotta ask again, even if rhetorically, did we all become renters this past year? If so then you’d have felt the full brunt of the PCE (or cpi), because shelter makes up such a large component of those indices, even more so for the cpe. Again, with the lag of commercial and residential leases turning over from 12-18 months, we have yet to see that variable make its weight known on the averages. It’s coming!!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    OT:Weather Prediction: La Niña, ENSO Neutral, or El Niño ?
    Snowpack over 200-300% this winter on the home front according to This most recent map, and more storms adding to it! When I drive around I see that our reservoirs will be 100% and flooding all the way down stream to Yuma this spring. Who could have predicted this during a La Niña? Oh that’s right, me! https://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/ftpref/data/water/wcs/gis/maps/az_swepctnormal_update.pdf
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    What are the best kind of pants for lap dance pleasure?
    https://app.tuscl.net/review/393388 In case you missed it, I witnessed it with my own two eyes. Shit you not!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    What are the best kind of pants for lap dance pleasure?
    ^^ Cashman, did you read my latest review regarding the kilt wearing PL?