
Comments by naytch88

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Pope Francis
    Ski bum, sorry but you are wrong all the studies factor in deductions and the like. unlike you I don't care about taxes Cuz I'm happy and very well off. Hell give me your PayPal account and ill throw you some money because I'm all about helping out chumps like you who aren't as successful as me. I'll also give you some Spanish lesson and maybe Chinese so you dont fall behind in 5-10 years. Sucks to be a bitter old man like you perpetually angry and complaining. Maybe you dinosaurs should stop bringing up politics on a SC board, or prepare to deal with the response. So tell me a civilized, stable, high standard of living country with what you call an acceptable tax rate, then we can debate.
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    9 years ago
    Pope Francis
    Extra money on strippers is what I meant to say
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    9 years ago
    Pope Francis
    How did our country become so great and dominant during a time when taxes were so much higher than they are now? What are some civilized, first world, stable, prosperous countries that have what you call acceptable tax rates? I know you wish you paid no tax so you could spend that extra money on a, but that not how it works. Of the country is crumbling around you there are severe downstream effects which will impact your quality of life and ability to earn the income you currently do. Yes there's a lot of waste let's start with fake wars
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    9 years ago
    Pope Francis
    I'm not worried I make good money and have lots of investments properties etc. I don't even think twice before spending money. Last thing I want is to be worried about getting attacked or robbed or kidnapped by poor people. I'd rather throw some money at them to keep them at bay rather than to barricade myself in my house behind guns. Plus I can always pull up my bootstraps and go earn more money if prices go up. Cuz its just that easy. Republicans may call them taxes but they still perpetuate them. Money is no good if can't breathe the air, but then again if your going down on nasty strippers then you don't care about clean anything, or your old as shit and won't be around when shit hits the fan
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    9 years ago
    Pope Francis
    all those Mexican babies are american hahah sux for you
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    9 years ago
    Pope Francis
    Strip club forum here. Take your tax bitching elsewhere and go learn Spanish
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    9 years ago
    Pope Francis
    Republitards crying about taxes again lol!! I love it!! Love seeing republitards in a perpetual state of anger about taxes till the day they die brings a smile to my face knowing it will never change and these old white losers will vote republican and taxes never change. Haha. Can't wait till Mexicans out breed and send these old white angry republitards to the museums where they bbelong
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    9 years ago
    OT the biggest threat to the US is what does it matter?
    I read an article about Somalia and other countries with no taxes or rules and they are all falling apart
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    This is why I carry a gun
    Gun nuts call other people cowards and sissies and think they are so macho. Who is the coward - the guy living his life without a gun not always looking over his shoulder, or the guy constantly clutching his gun in fear? I don't have a problem with people who have guns or with having a gun, just the losers who go home and LDK to the thought of guns
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    9 years ago
    Obama to hit 50 on state visit scoreboard
    I don't mean to come off as an a-hole, but every where I go on the internet where there are discussion boards or comments posted under video or articles, no matter what the subject it, all I see is people complaining about the same stuff - presidnt, liberals, freeloaders, etc. talk to people at a bar same shit. Primarily white males. Dont mind a civil debate but Sometimes get tired of it and just resort to their troll techniques
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    9 years ago
    Obama to hit 50 on state visit scoreboard
    Many of the so called achievers free load the shit out of the government . you would be simple minded to ignore that. Getting filthy rich off fake wars designed to make someone and their friends richer is one of many examples. And all of the so called free loaders aren't the bums you think they are, nor are they all non white as many people assume (not implying you do) Finally if you are one of those achievers you claim to be and are doing well and can go to the strip club so often, etc, then I feel sorry for you that you can't enjoy it and instead piss your life away being bitter. But if these relatively low tax rates (compared to the golden years) you pay are putting a significant enough dent in your economic condition to prevent you from being happy, then you aren't the achiever that you think you are.
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    9 years ago
    Obama to hit 50 on state visit scoreboard
    Clubber the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. Not sure what economic shift you are talking about. The so called free loaders put all that money back into the economy. Take advantage of it and start a business . I've been to many countries , the ones where the masses are hung out to dry are all shit holes where guys like us can't go out without worrying about being targeted. You have to throw some money at the masses to keep them at bay from revolting. Price of a civilized society. You may not like it but that's how a first world country operates.
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    9 years ago
    Obama to hit 50 on state visit scoreboard
    Teach your kids Spanish and Chinese and every other language and prepare your daughters for some ethnic dong LOL sucks for yall
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Obama to hit 50 on state visit scoreboard
    Most on this board are bitter old white racists who can't stand to see the demographic shift this country is seeing, and they can't do shit about it LOL
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Georgia House passes Strip Club Bill
    Tumbling dice, how does the republican masters nutsack taste? Keep ignoring the facts and vote the wrong way then wonder why shit gets worse lol.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Georgia House passes Strip Club Bill
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Georgia House passes Strip Club Bill
    FYI it is a REPUBLICAN sponsored bill to take money from club owners and hand it out to a straw man. Get your facts first, then distort them as you please. http://americanvision.org/11676/georgia-republicans-welfare-strip-club-establishment-act-yes-bad/
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    I think we need to give Rick Dugan another chance
    SJG, by definition this type of board will attract brain dead degenerates. Don't think too much into it
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Georgia House passes Strip Club Bill
    Diva you probably barely pay taxes if any. You are very likely one of those 47% who Romney said pays no federal income tax. It sure as hell isn't your money being "given away for free". Don't even get me started on the ways super rich people and companies leech the system more than anyone. Go read something maybe you'll learn about it
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Georgia House passes Strip Club Bill
    I love how conservatives are in denial and somehow think liberals are responsible for all the anti-adult entertainment stuff. It is largely family values/religious conservatives who are to blame. Lol at the idiot who thinks the state of georgia house has any liberals in it. Keep voting against your own interests with your head in the sand
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    And what is the bathroom troll?
    Never once had them demand money from me. Clubs are too cheap to hire a janitor and someone has to keep the club clean when you guys piss all over the floors. Most of them where I live are black, and its usually white guys hating the bathroom attendants just associating black with handout even though the guy is working. What do you want a hand job for you're measly one dollar? Lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Mugshot and name showing up on Google search would suck
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Barry Obama - Please Shut Up!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    50 Tips for Strip Club Managers
    Not sure why people hate on the bathroom attendant. Any place I have been to with a bathroom attendant always has clean bathrooms. The ones that don't have attendants usually have piss and paper towels and shit all over the floor. The bathroom attendant does more than hand you a towel, he keeps the place clean. If you are too cheap/broke/racist to tip him a dollar, then don't tip.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bad news for Atlanta club goers.
    Shooter alley is in doraville also. Are they affected by this?