
I think we need to give Rick Dugan another chance

They never tell you what you need to know.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 9:39 AM
April Fools bitches!!!!


  • GACA
    9 years ago
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    9 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Shailynn, Do you have something against Rick Dugan? What and why? SJG
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    It's Rick Dugan who's got something against the majority of contributing members. Rickyboy got sensitive and had to get out by ignoring us. Sad times :-(
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I'm not seeing that Rick Dugan has any axe to grind. He does have his own approach to strip clubs. I think you need to find your own way, otherwise you will just keep getting you wallet sucked dry and have little to show for it. SJG
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Fuck that faggot RickyBoy!
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I really don't understand why Dougster or anyone else has anything against him. SJG
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    You're a good guy SJG and It's brilliant that you like everybody! But rickdugan rubs me the wrong way! :(
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    My issue is the cavalier joke about the poor heroin addict relapsing! He can't really do anything to help but still you don't wish that on anybody! Dougster has also alluded to him driving drunk! Not sure if it's true but if it is he's a d-bag! Both things are NOT brilliant! :( But maybe he's been misrepresented! Who knows? But he was also a bit of a d-bag with the ignore list! The only people on TUSCL that I don't like are rickdugan for that d-baggery and the guy whose obsessed with juice and zipperhead (or maybe juice is zipperhead, who knows?) That guy is SCARY obsessed! NOT brilliant! :(
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    But now a serious answer to SJG's question! Second chances are brilliant! I'd give rIckdugan a second chance if he dialed back the d-baggery! :)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I think what we should give RickyBoy is... a boot to the head!
  • naytch88
    9 years ago
    SJG, by definition this type of board will attract brain dead degenerates. Don't think too much into it
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Yo SJG - is this response directed at me? "I'm not seeing that Rick Dugan has any axe to grind. He does have his own approach to strip clubs. I think you need to find your own way, otherwise you will just keep getting you wallet sucked dry and have little to show for it." I'm surprised you have missed this in all your research but Ricky has talked about driving drunk home from clubs, this instance alone is enough for him to be on my shit list as I have lost more than one close friend at the hands of a drunk driver. As for why people like Dougster and others have an "axe to grind" with Ricky, they can explain that better than I. If you were directing it at me I do have my own way which does not drain my wallet. Even though I joke around on here a lot when in the club I am friendly, sincere to ALL dancers (with the exception of the one that tried to ROB me). Some of them have a hard job and I can sympathize with them. I do have a good income so I don't mind overspending a little in the VIP, tip a girl some extra money and the look on her face alone shows that my generosity was much appreciated. I can't tell you how many times I've met a girl in the club that isn't making any money but is nice and not whining about the slow night...She might not my type, so I'll grab a stranger next to me and buy him a lapdance from her. That's what I do, spread the love, spread the wealth, if anyone doesn't like my tactics they can suck my fucking dick - no homo.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Fuck off redjohnson. There is only 1 of me and I don't make fake accounts like that faggot Ricky and jerikson. What the fuck are you trying to say? Because I am respectful to a WOMAN that I'm a pussy? I take a cab to the club because I like to drink, I go to VIP because I like to fuck. Why don't you contribute something to this site and write some fucking reviews instead of criticizing people you don't even know. Fuckin limp dick.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Shailynn, No, about Rick Dugan, I don't condone intoxicated driving of any degree or type. I'm directing anything against you either. I think learning how to hold back on your money when you want to that is important, as also is being able to spend it when that is what you want to do. People have trouble in places like SC's when they have not learned to exercise such discretion. I do think a great many people on this board are treating various issues as personal disputes, rather than keeping it to sensible discussions about the issues themselves. SJG Herb Alpert [view link]
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Rickyboy Dugan is fun to bag on because he fits the typical douche bag you see walking into the club thinking he's chingin and all that shit. His goal is to stroke his ego and turn the joint into a brothel, while stroking the staff and greasing security. It's all about the show as I've stated before, he's a glory hound. It would be different if he shared a few amusing anecdotes about his clubbing experiences, yet it just goes beyond necessity. We love to beat up the guy that's such a douche sitting at the bar in a dive club all dressed up trying to impress everyone, right? That's just easy pickings. Who wouldn't want to beat the piss out of any guy like that, let alone being named Rick Dugan, Rickthelion, Rickyboydugan, or any of the other "juice" aliases he uses?
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    The main reason I dislike RickyBoy is "just because" he is gay.
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