
avatar for chukko
I do not engage in extras beyond great 2
way contact, but I do wonder how do you who do engage in further activities avoid getting "caught with your pants down" by LE? Are there tells in your environment that you look for such as two suspicious people who are not touching the dancers? Do you choose a particular location in the club to partake? Do you listen for noises? Do you only get extras at a certain time such as immediately after raids as that might be the safest time? Can the prod chime in on your raid planning if you even have one?


last comment
avatar for dtek
10 years ago
Most of the time LE presence is very rare at the clubs I frequent. When LE is present, most of the time it's the Liquor Control Commission trying to catch the club in a violation. I only know of one or two times where undercover cops have been in a club the same time I was and looking for prostitution violations. They were so obvious I can't imagine even the dumbest stripper getting caught.

That said, there was one time I was in the dance booth with a fav and a couple of uniformed cops came into the club investigating a fight in the parking lot or something. The dancer immediately started trying to pull my dick out, telling me she thought it would be hot to fuck while the cops were wandering around. I don't think anything got that girl hotter than risky situations.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
In general LE is more interested in harassing clubs than customers. Honestly you never know who that guy you bust might be or be friends with.

I also have a feeling very few guys do extras openly in the middle of a club. I assume even in Detroit there's a certain degree of discretion expected. It's the reason guys here talk about how OTC is usually better than ITC.

Ideally no one should be watching you get your freak on too closely. Even if he's not LE, that's still creepy if a guy is staring.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
If the female cop is hot ask her for a bj
avatar for dtek
10 years ago
@JamesSD Honestly you never know who that guy you bust might be or be friends with.

Good point. At the first hearing during my divorce I realized I'd see the judge at my favorite club.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
If I even give it a thought, I just tell myself it's only a misdemeanor.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
Raids? We don't care about no stinking raids!
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Actually the first time I ever got a BBBJ in a club was 90 minutes after the vice squad raided the place and cited 50 dancers and customers. The good ole Memphis Platinum Plus.

But I'm like chandler. What's the worst that could happen. A night in jail and/or a $500 fine?
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

I've never been in a club when it was raided.

I don't think they happen that often. When they do happen, people talk about it and I'm sure it settles down for a while. But then it's right back to business as usual... At least that's been my experience here in Detroit.
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
CrazyJoe "if the female cop is hot ask her for a bj" that's fucking brilliant! LOL!
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Only once did someone walking into VIP on me. Turned out the AC control was in our booth. She didn't miss a beat, but when he left she told me something about the AC, but she couldn't talk well with her mouth full.
avatar for naytch88
10 years ago
Mugshot and name showing up on Google search would suck
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. (and running out of bacon)
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Depending upon the club, I might worry about the bouncer walking in during VIP extras. But worrying about a LE raid is right up there with worrying about Ebola outbreaks.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
I figured you'd only find the most dedicated cops on perv row, waiting to bust dancers for exposing their butt cracks.
avatar for how
10 years ago
Private areas with locking door.
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
Following up on how's comment, most of my extras occur behind a locked door in one of several Washington Park (ESL) dive bars. On my list of things to worry about, a vice raid ranks below catching herpes from a handjob, or getting shot by a thug wielding an AK-47 in the parking lot of Club 390.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Yeah, SmokeyBear's watching out for us, y'know.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
"On my list of things to worry about, a vice raid ranks below catching herpes from a handjob, or getting shot by a thug wielding an AK-47 in the parking lot of Club 390."

Ats funny. But aren't the AK47s at Atlantis? I want to make sure that I've got all of my delusional fear scenarios in order.
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