Obama to hit 50 on state visit scoreboard

avatar for Clubber
A CBS headline this AM.


I find it interesting that there was no mention of one of obama's more famous, notorious, and idiotic statements.


The ostrich media still brings up "potatoe" at times. Just another example of the media bias that exists today.


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avatar for motorhead
10 years ago

He also thinks Hawaii is in Asia


Makes sense -- just look at the people
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Just a well rounded idiot!
avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 years ago
@Clubber - Idiot?

President Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School. Somehow he managed to become our first black president and is currently serving his second term.

You may not agree with his policies but he is far from being an idiot.
avatar for sinclair
10 years ago
It's pretty sad that he was in his mid to late 40's and still did not know how many states there were. I do not think we could have elected a dumber person to be our leader.

Was he thinking of the 57 OIC members states? Probably. He has spent his whole presidency sympathizing Islam and attacking Christian doctrines.
avatar for sinclair
10 years ago
Lone_Wolf, going to a certain school does not mean you are educated. It means you met the entrance requirements to some elitist institution.
avatar for tumblingdice
10 years ago
Potus is nothing more than a community organizer.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 years ago
My point is, anybody (Bush, Obama etc...) that is smart enough to graduate from a good college and go on to become president of the US is definitely not an idiot.
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
@lone wolf .....I agree with you

These guys act like they've never said something silly/had a bad moment
avatar for tumblingdice
10 years ago
Hey Adrian Peterson,those are the 57 states that you are President of.My God man where do you draw the line?
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
Fuck I think I'd take Sal the clerk at my local 711 over those guys. Sal says "don't spend money you don't have, show up to work everyday unless you're really sick and don't remove the plastic from the girlie magazines unless you've already paid for it. With that advice I think any country could be run efficiently. Expect maybe Mexico, the bad guys have too many guns.
avatar for Holdem2
10 years ago
True on the previous post. "Sal" has my vote over any of the last few morons we have elected.
avatar for Josh43
10 years ago
"I'd take Truman, who didn't finish college, over both."
@Rech: you have another chance, since Scott Walker also dropped out.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
His last residences have been in Washington DC and chicago. Neither are great SC cities from what I read
avatar for DoctorPhil
10 years ago
@Josh43 “@Rech: you have another chance, since Scott Walker also dropped out.”

anything is better than another uneducated left-wing elitist ivy leaguer. btw do you know if Scott Walker happens to speak Austrian?

avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
He was a C student while breaking bread with known communists and Marxists. No red flag there, eh?
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
"America needs a private police force of 250,000, as well equipped as the military"--Obama

"God FUCK America!"---Obama's pastor of 20 years

No red flags?
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Just how do you KNOW he graduated from Columbia University or Harvard Law School? because someone said he did. His "records" are non-existent or untouchable. "first black president"? He is more white than black!

I say he is an idiot with very good advisers and staff to handle him. Everyone has seen him without is "crutches". I'll stand by my statement and agree with you that I do NOT agree with his policies.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
I can understand the uninformed falling for his hope and change BS once, but the second time? Way to many idiots in this country. Let me rephrase that. Many that voted for him are not idiots just VERY uniformed voters.

Just the single fact he is buddies with bill ayres is all one needs to know.
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
yeah Clubber your tone in your posts is making you seem like a real asshole
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Needs to spend more time at his ranch on vacation.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Thanks for the compliment! Nothing I enjoy more than ruffling the feathers of an obama supporter.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Attacking the messenger is a typical ploy of the left when they can't refute the facts. Interesting that they can't find anyone that remembers obama in "school".
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Just once it would be nice finding someone on the left or right side who is actually objective.
avatar for naytch88
10 years ago
Most on this board are bitter old white racists who can't stand to see the demographic shift this country is seeing, and they can't do shit about it LOL
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Isn't the demographic shift, rather the economic shift. I don't give a rats ass about ethnicity. I do care about the shift being taken of stealing from the achievers and giving to the freeloaders. Just where do you fit in?
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
"Most on this board are bitter old white racists who can't stand to see the demographic shift this country"


So, what you're telling me is that Obama WASN'T born in Kenya? It was Mexico City.

Got it
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
@Snatch...way to play the race card....pay attention

avatar for naytch88
10 years ago
Teach your kids Spanish and Chinese and every other language and prepare your daughters for some ethnic dong LOL sucks for yall
avatar for naytch88
10 years ago
Clubber the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. Not sure what economic shift you are talking about. The so called free loaders put all that money back into the economy. Take advantage of it and start a business .

I've been to many countries , the ones where the masses are hung out to dry are all shit holes where guys like us can't go out without worrying about being targeted. You have to throw some money at the masses to keep them at bay from revolting. Price of a civilized society. You may not like it but that's how a first world country operates.
avatar for naytch88
10 years ago
Many of the so called achievers free load the shit out of the government . you would be simple minded to ignore that. Getting filthy rich off fake wars designed to make someone and their friends richer is one of many examples. And all of the so called free loaders aren't the bums you think they are, nor are they all non white as many people assume (not implying you do)

Finally if you are one of those achievers you claim to be and are doing well and can go to the strip club so often, etc, then I feel sorry for you that you can't enjoy it and instead piss your life away being bitter. But if these relatively low tax rates (compared to the golden years) you pay are putting a significant enough dent in your economic condition to prevent you from being happy, then you aren't the achiever that you think you are.
avatar for naytch88
10 years ago
I don't mean to come off as an a-hole, but every where I go on the internet where there are discussion boards or comments posted under video or articles, no matter what the subject it, all I see is people complaining about the same stuff - presidnt, liberals, freeloaders, etc. talk to people at a bar same shit. Primarily white males. Dont mind a civil debate but Sometimes get tired of it and just resort to their troll techniques
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