How to identify a ROB

avatar for beguiled
If you're having a discussion with a 30 year old stripper and you mention somebody else being a ROB. When the stripper you're talking to says... "what's a ROB?" Be assured she, herself, is a ROB!


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
misbeguiled - Why would you say that? The acronym ROB is probably not know outside of TUSCL. It is not even defined in urbandictionary as it is used here.
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
I must agree with shadow

ROBS are not always easy to figure out. The good ones that is. Normally you figure it out the hard way
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
Hey, good point. I'm just venting on a recent experience and thought the thread could get entertaining. I only post here when I'm hammered drunk and frustrated with a CF.
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
Are there any other bitter ways to identify a ROB?
avatar for PhantomGeek
9 years ago
If your wallet is empty and your credit card gets cut up, you've met a ROB.
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
True robs are alot like ninjas
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
" I only post here when I'm hammered drunk and frustrated with a CF."

Sure am glad we don't have anyone else like that.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
beguiled: "Are there any other bitter ways to identify a ROB?"

A Freudian slip?
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
I've never been blatantly cheated, but I used to buy into the, "Come to VIP and we can do more" line, spend the money and not get what I wanted. These days I'm more up front on what I want and what I'll pay.
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
By using your gut and doing your research. Some examples in my book

1. If she insists on payment in advance then she's probably a ROB.
2. If she promises things in the back that you know, through personal experience and by reading these pages, are unlikely to be delivered in that club, then she is probably a ROB.
3. If she tries too hard to seduce you and talks about needing a guy like you as a friend/BF, then she's probably running a romance hustle and she is a ROB.
4. If she ask for a loan, then she is probably a ROB.
5. If she uses generic and vague promises about what will happen in the back (We'll have fun; It's more intimate there; You'll be happy; etc) and ducks any reference to anything specific, then she is probably a ROB.
5. If she runs a pity hustle (perhaps in combination with a loan request), then she is probably a ROB.

For the most part, if a guy gets taken by a ROB then it is his own damned fault. Simple rules of behavior that can neutralize the vast bulk of anyone's exposure to rip-off tactics include: (1) never giving money for anything other than services rendered; (2) never seeking emotional validation from strippers; and (3) knowing where you (meaning how restrictive things are in the back) by doing research before the visit. Almost every rip-off story that we read about involves a guy who messed up on at least one of these fronts and often on two.

ROB activity can also be situational and one guy's ROB can be another guy's high performing favorite. Simply put, act like a mark and you'll be treated like one. I've had two different favorites, both 9s who I was fucking for a little over market but nothing outrageous, who each ran merciless romance hustles on guys who were too stupid to understand what they were dealing with. Over 2 years, I witnessed a few guys go broke and one who even cried while whispering "Don't break up with me." Caveat emptor baby.

I better stop there before the Customer Service Brigade starts whining about the unethical behavior displayed by these girls and starts comparing them to Jiffy Lube again. ;)
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
By using your gut

So rick exactly how big is your gut ?
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
^^ not as big as yours, juice
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
rickdugan: Excellent post. Wrought with wisdom and truth.
avatar for alabegonz
9 years ago
You guys, do you even know that talking about this shit tells more about the type of dudes you are?

Come on, man. You are looking for Hos in stripper costumes.
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