
Comments by former_stripper

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Stripper Web
    I was a long time poster there and like many others got myself banned. It's funny, I talk to several also banned members of SW and there was a pattern: most of us were either retired or older and different mentality than the so called dancers of today. We also have different views on a variety of things, such as economics. I haven't been there since I was banned, but I don't miss it at all except some of the saner posters. I once got an infraction because I and another dancer (who was also banned) told a would be dancer she needed to lose weight if she wanted to make money. The mod insisted she could make money because "some men like heavier women" Sure, some do, but most don't. The mods there are insane. I remember when cool mods were there but many of them were banned. Instead there was a guy who admitted he used SW to pick up women, yet bashed The Other owner, there was the mod who is a black woman and always brought up racism, and an assorted of oddballs. Extras have always occurred, the difference is many years ago you could make money without them if you worked at a nice club. Many dancers wanted even more money so they did them, especially if they had kids or supporting a loser boyfriend.
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    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Will women voters go for Trump?
    Women won't vote for Trump because he has proven himself to be a misogynist jerk. Not that I like Hillary either but women will vote for her because for all her faults (and there are many)she isn't a misogynist. Clinton in the end will get women and minorities because of Trump's views. He's a very evil and mean person and people see right through him.
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    8 years ago
    I think I'd sleep with a male stripper
    Dominic, true. A hot person because less hot with bad attitudes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    from a brainiac stripper -- "WHY PRINCE WAS A HERO TO STRIPPERS"
    He had good music to dance to. I don't think I ever danced to his songs though.
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    8 years ago
    I think I'd sleep with a male stripper
    I figured that wouldn't be your thing (or most here for that matter). I don't even know if there is a club like this near me anymore. I used to live down the street from one but think it's strictly female dancers now.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Would you consider taking this?
    This is a good idea for men who won't use condoms (though you should be using for STD prevention). That way men have proof weren't trying to have unwanted babies. However, I am leery of many pills because of the chemicals and not everyone can take them. They do a number on many women because of the hormones.
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    8 years ago
    Dancers as wives.
    Okay there is no set answer really, but it depends on if we re talking current or former dancers. A former dancer may have been a dancer during a time where she had no sexual experiences with customer or if she did had reformed. A current dancer may or may not be having sex with customers but assuming she is, then no I can't see why someone would marry her. If she isn't and keeps the job professional I see no problem. However this is where ages come into play. If the guy is older and she is young (think Anna Nicole Smith)then it's probably about money. Dancers are individuals and I wouldn't stereotype. Personally I don't think I could marry a current male stripper because I know he's been ogled by many women and has an even likelier chance of having sex with customers than a female dancer has.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Could you fuck a blue hair?
    Funny, because it seems most of the men I met in their 40's and 50's look older than my father. The single 40ish women I know look younger than their age but don't even have kids. I suspect having kids makes someone look much older.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Palin made a fool out of McCain
    Does he hide his grades? Let me guess, it's with his birth certificate. Yes, I'd like to see his grades but once again when did he brag about being stupid?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Donald Trump
    The problem is there are third candidates but to vote for them is to basically throw away votes. Last time I voted for Gary Johnson from the Libertarian Party but most won't.
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    8 years ago
    Palin made a fool out of McCain
    I don't know why Obama hides his college records. That doesn't make me a liberal but someone who doesn't care. I wouldn't care about Bush either except he kept talking about being a C student. That's how I know Bush was a moron because C grades aren't to brag about.
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    8 years ago
    Palin made a fool out of McCain
    "Excuse me libs, but has Obama not released his college grades or papers? Sounds pretty fishy Not very transparent is he?". I'm not a liberal, just someone who despises morons. That people would equate intelligence to how they swing politically proves my point that many of those endorsing Trump are racist and uneducated. I don't know or care if Obama released his transcripts but he never made jokes about being an average student. Bush did and he never mentions he got into college due to being rich and that his family attended these schools. (affirmative action for white men). Personally I wish all candidates released their college transcripts so I could vote on that. I figure, if I have to submit my college and grad school transcripts even today for jobs they should as well.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Donald Trump
    I've asked people why they are supporting Trump and they either say "because he hates Muslims, Mexicans etc (insert group)" or because "he's a businessman" (not realizing he has gone bankrupt many times) or because they hate Obama (usually because he's biracial, or born in Kenya or a Muslim or the other things said about Obama). Some have even said because they liked him on the Apprentice. Do these sound like intelligent people? At least with the other candidates one can point to their accomplishments or views.
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    8 years ago
    Palin made a fool out of McCain
    Bush did make comments about being a C student and he said a lot of moronic things so I am inclined to believe he was dumb. Maybe Obama is dumb too and got into school due to affirmative action but I believe he got good grades. A C average is not something to brag about. Okay Obama didn't have much political experience, but then why would people want to vote for someone with NO political experience? That makes no sense "I don't like Obama because he had little political experience so I'll vote for someone with NO experience". Does that sound like an intelligent person? not to me. Also makes them a hypocrite. Makes me wonder if they are racist too because Trump is appealing to that segment.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Palin made a fool out of McCain
    The reason Obama was elected is because people were tired of the usual politicians and let's face it George W "i was a C student" was an embarrassment. While I don't like many of the things Obama does (or for that matter the Democrats), Bush would make me cringe. I couldn't believe people voted for a complete moron because he was likable. Then comes Obama who is just as bad in a different way. I'm not a liberal but I don't like Palin for many reasons, including the fact she doesn't appear to be too bright. See, I hate stupid people and I expect those in power to have high IQ's. The problem is too many don't. And actually Trump is the worst person imaginable because he says some horrific things about people, including other Republicans. The reason Trump is winning the primaries is because he is appealing to the uneducated and the racists. He has no experience, he's ruined many companies, he doesn't even reveal his plans for the economy. I mean when KKK members are showing up at his rallies that tells me all I need to know. Not that this matters, I've never liked him.He's a crook who has used his money (which he inherited)to abuse power and get his way. Just look at what he has attempted to do with eminent domain. I'd consider voting for other Republican candidates but never Trump because he would make Bush and Obama look like fantastic presidents. Hillary Clinton might too but she does have more political power than Trump who has none.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Palin made a fool out of McCain
    I've always like McCain because he seemed a very decent guy. However when he chose Palin he lost his chances because she was an insane bigot. The GOP wanted more women and thought she would do it. However her policies are very anti woman. If they wanted women they should have gotten a moderate like Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins (both from Maine)or Connie Morella from Maryland (not sure if she is still in politics).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    God bless America OT
    Depends on the area actually. I know a lot of religious people but I live in a majority rural/suburban area. Many people claim to be religious then practice activities to the contrary of that religion. There are many churches here and ironically there was a swingers group so it's safe to assume many of those attended the swing parties on Saturday and church on Sunday. The thing that sets the USA apart with religion is we have hundreds of religions. Most of the countries in Europe have one official one. We also seem to have more fundamentalist religious people too.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Donald Trump
    I'd normally agree but I think Trump is the worst of the bunch. I just hope the Republicans can figure out something this late in the game to prevent that. They should have taken him more seriously early on and had less nominees.
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    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Not only do I watch but I took the test and passed. I turned it down because at the time (this was about 15 years ago)there was a 5 day limit and you had to pay for room, board and transportation. This may have changed though.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Donald Trump
    He's dangerous. He's a big mouth and a full blown racist/sexist. It's not just his comments about Mexicans and Muslims, he's said nasty things about women and black people too and many comments go back years. He's an entitled jerk who never worked for anything yet expects to receive the best. He claims to bring more jobs back but he's mostly hired immigrants and has outsourced. He would be worse than Jerry Springer who actually was in politics and is likable. I've never liked Trump, he's always had a better than thou attitude. He has no political experience of diplomatic experience or anything that would help, just being a businessman who went bankrupt several times (and rich because of his dad). Anyone who would vote for him needs to have his head examined and is either uneducated or racist. This doesn't mean I like any of the other candidates either. I just hate Trump and it goes back years. I never watched the Apprentice because of him. I'm debating whether to vote as a Republican (I am independent who has leaned Democratic)and vote against him or vote Democratic (I like Sanders better but I don't like many of his ideas) or not vote either one and vote non partisan. In the general election if it's Clinton vs Trump I'll vote Clinton because while I don't like her and think she is corrupt I HATE Trump. If it's another Republican vs Clinton I may vote for the Republican. Anyone is more experienced than Trump, including me (I am actually an elected official on a local board).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Attn. liberal swine-give me all your money. You know you want to...
    quote: SJG People like Meat72 and former_stripper, who want to advance this parental language of denigration, will have to find something else to do, as no one is going to listen to them. What does this even mean? Most taxpayers knows this is a problem and bashing middle class married parents? they are the ones we should be looking to, not a welfare hood rat with a bunch of kids by different baby daddies. Child abuse is a form of oppression? for kids it's horrible or are you defending the parents sating they are oppressed. All classes abuse their kids.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Y do young hot girls love old ugly, fat, balding men ?
    Money. I guarantee if these guys are poor they don't get hot women.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Attn. liberal swine-give me all your money. You know you want to...
    SJG have you actually known people on welfare? I have and most of them look at it as free money. The ones who fall on hard times don't use it long and seek employment. The rest do use it for free money and many do have kids for welfare. You may want to visit a ghetto and see this in person.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Attn. liberal swine-give me all your money. You know you want to...
    SJG, I have known many who did have kids for welfare. Many people who receive welfare also receive money under the table or live with someone helping them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is it proper etiquette for a dancer to take tiny sucks on your dick during a tab
    I read this as is it fine to suck tiny dicks.