Crazy to get caught via perfume. I always brought a change of clothes, and usually tried to stop off at the gym to shower before changing, or even just head to a restroom and soap up my arms and neck. Worst case, I had some wet-wipes to wipe myself down. Typically the change of clothes gets rid of most of the smell -- fabric can hold onto perfume for days or weeks -- and a shower with soap or just soaping up arms and neck gets rid of the rest.
I never got caught any other way either, but I also managed the finances completely and she never looked so wouldn't see any patterns anyway.
^ @Subra My wife has the nose of a bloodhound dog. I have thought I cleaned up well but she still smells it. Also sometimess these strippers wear scented lotion and that doesn't just come off with washing like the smell of perfume.
My only time was after my 2nd visit to a club after my discovery of lap dances. I knew I had a trace of perfume on me, so I came home, took a hot tub (bromine scented), even held my nose and went under, then a full shower.
Hours later - feeling hornier than usual, engaged in marital bliss. After, as we're still hugging, she sniffs and goes "how'd you get perfume in your nose "?
I had been married about six months. Buddy said let's go to a club after work. Houston clubs had a really good happy hour back then and I went often before I was married. This may have been the first time I had been to a club since being married. I was Pure back then. :-) I don't even think I got very many dances, maybe 2-3. I did not do Extras back then. But the stripper planted some pretty good kisses on me during those few dances. And she was wearing lipstick.
My buddy said nothing. I wanted to kill him the next day. I go home and am met in the driveway by my wife and next door neighbors. All of them stared at me while I got out of my car. I had no idea why. The male neighbor suggested I go look in the mirror to see why. It really was kind of lame, but I was BUSTED. My wife actually laughed when I told her.
"... My only time was after my 2nd visit to a club after my discovery of lap dances. I knew I had a trace of perfume on me, so I came home, took a hot tub (bromine scented), even held my nose and went under, then a full shower ... Hours later - feeling hornier than usual, engaged in marital bliss. After, as we're still hugging, she sniffs and goes "how'd you get perfume in your nose? ..."
Need to add a nasal-spray to the cover-up system 😄
"... I don't even think I got very many dances, maybe 2-3. I did not do Extras back then. But the stripper planted some pretty good kisses on me during those few dances. And she was wearing lipstick ... My buddy said nothing. I wanted to kill him the next day. I go home and am met in the driveway by my wife and next door neighbors. All of them stared at me while I got out of my car. I had no idea why. The male neighbor suggested I go look in the mirror to see why. It really was kind of lame, but I was BUSTED ..."
+1 SirLapdancealot "...scented lotion and that doesn't just come off with washing like the smell of perfume"
After spending many LDs up close and personal with a dancer it took THREE trips through the washing machine to get rid of her scented lotion smell on my clothes, at least so I couldn't smell it*. It also took several showers and use of wipes to get the smell off ME.
*but "Women's finer sense of smell may be due to more brain cells"
@sirlap - so, did you get through your recent spice binge without being scented? (If you don't mind)
My wife sniffed me (a few hours) out after my last visit, but since I got (limited) permissions it wasn't a big deal. Part of our deal is I tell her within a few days anyway.
I had gotten lap dances when I was still early in my marriage. As my friend was driving us home, I realized that I had the smell of nasty dancer perfume on my clothes. Since my friend was a smoker - I asked for a match. I lit the match and ran it over my clothes. But I accidentally started a small fire as my shirt caught the flame of the match.
2009. Stupid fucking Nextel that somehow called the last number dialed if you pressed a button on the top of the closed flip phone, which is exactly what accidentally happened while fishing singles out of my pocket.
I had to do some fancy fucking explaining at 4am. Said I was the DD for a group of reps from out of town, which was partially true. Still got makeup sex right afterwards, LOL.
@gammanu good one! So to be clear, you pocket dialed your SO whilst grabbing ones in your pocket? Did she overhear everything going on in the background and then call you back?
Glitter body spray is the worst. That shit can stick to your skin even after a couple of showers. My wife never called me on it, but friends and business associates have asked me why I have glitter on my face.
She overheard a conversation I was having with a dancer, yes, with all the background commotion of a Bourbon Street strip club. She did not call me back on the phone, she waited until I got home at 4am to let me know what she had heard. Luckily, had seen my damn phone had dialed out, so I was able to concoct my excuse. "Baby, they wanted to go, so I had to take them. They were all off getting dances, so I just had to sit there and talk to dancers while waiting for them." Hell, that wasn't even the craziest part od the night!
-->"2009. Stupid fucking Nextel that somehow called the last number dialed if you pressed a button on the top of the closed flip phone, which is exactly what accidentally happened while fishing singles out of my pocket."
I vaguely remember from the early 00s for about 10 years or so, phones were designed so it was incredibly easy to accidentally call out or answer an incoming call -- would have been a disaster for me. For some reason, this only ever happened at the strip club -- maybe the fact that the phone was in my jacket pocket, and often my jacket was getting moved around, it made it more likely? After a couple of accidental "pocket dials" and pocket-call-pickups (that did not get me in trouble), I started turning my phone off completely at the club. Then one day I look at my phone after I get out of the club, and it was on! The phones were designed so you could hit that power button easily, and of course from there, easily accidentally hit the button to answer when someone was calling in. I took even more drastic action after that.
On a business trip I went to a club one night and the following day I was at lunch with a couple of female coworkers. When it came time to pay I used cash, and one of my coworkers saw me using a bunch of ones, leftovers from the night before, to which she jokingly asked "So, have you been dancing for those tips?" She wasn't an SO but she made me blush for a second and pause before I used some lame excuse and then quickly changed the subject.
Easy: SO never leaves the house SO doesn’t have access to bank records SO doesn’t get up before noon My phone is locked, private browsing leaves no traces, I sleep with it under my pillow, I smoke. I travel for work, she knows I keep alcohol in my office.
This wasn't me (honest!), but a buddy of mine would get busted by his SO because of what he wore. The stripper scent (perfume, lotion, whatever) lingers on clothes and body parts for a looong time, and if he didn't change before he went home, he would get busted. Also, random strands of hair that are not the hair color of his SO would also out him. Now, he's does what Subra does and always has a change of clothes. Also, he only clubs on business trips or when he's out of town (or if his SO is out of town), and never gets dances if he's within a couple hours of going home/being around his SO. He's got more will power than I do.
^ @gSteph that was my first bust from my wife. Back in the 90s. I am getting out of my car going to AJs, a bikini bar in San Jose, and as I'm locking my car door I look up at a van driving by and my wife is glaring at me. I ended up telling her I'll see her at home and when we get there, I just fall on my own sword and cop to everything. It was a cold busted moment and at that point only the truth mattered.
My ex wife's best friend's husband got busted big time. He got a DUI on Christmas Eve driving home from a strip club and to make matters worse put $1,000+ on their credit card.
The 2 of them asked me if it was possible to spend that much money in a strip club. He was not a close friend of mine but I did my best to defend him with the possibility of buying a lot of drinks for his buddies, etc. They still weren't happy and wanted me to take the 2 of them to the club so that they could see first hand what goes on ITC. I didn't want to do that and thankfully it blew over and I didn't have to.
@shadowcat way to stick with the "bro code". Since I have clubbed and had lapdances with my wife she would definitely know $1000 spent is more than excessive.
I had plans to meet my ATF at a Super 8 hotel. I would get the room and she would call me for the room number. As I was checking in I realized I had left my cell phone at home and I was a 90 minute drive away. I got to my room, used the hotel room phone, called my wife (who had been led to believe I was playing poker), told her to not answer my phone if it rang and then reached my ATF giving her the room #. The following morning my wife asked how I had made out. Won some, lost some - no major damage, says I. Then, “why’d you call me from a Super 8 last night if you were playing poker?” Damned caller ID! She knew but just shook her head.
I didn't go to a club until the end of my marriage when it was over and I didn't care. She never said anything so I don't know if she knew or not.
I worked late and could get home anywhere between 130-3am. A couple of times when I was done early I went to a club on the way home that closed at 2 so I still got home at a normal hour.
If she had found out, I don't know what I would have said as we hadn't had sex in over a year. So as I said, I didn't care.
I have not been busted yet, but I have many years of practice at covering my tracks and compartmentalizing my SC hobby from my real life. Clearly it helps to have an SO that is not fundamentally suspicious of what you are doing whenever you are not with her. A couple of obvious strategies - combine playtime with work travel. Get a burner phone! Find ways to accumulate cash separate from household funds. A huge help in my favorite clubs has been the elimination of smoking. Perfume is an issue, but most veteran dayshift dancers I know wear very little perfume because they know the drill. One of the things to be cautious about is to suppress your extensive knowledge about SCs when they come up in a casual conversation with SO, friends, or co-workers. You may want to impress them with your club-smarts, but they will want to know, how do you know that???
It wasn't a problem when I was younger and the wife was more confident. As we got older and she started to feel threatened, it became an issue. I used to get caught because I smelled like smoke. When they stopped smoking in the clubs, I got busted a couple times because of perfume. Latest solution...I gave my regular and my wife the same fragrance every Christmas and birthday.
If I give my SO word that I won't go to SCs, I just don't go. Never so much as kissed another woman when in a relationship. Because my word means something.
Not busted (yet) but SO was suspicious of my texting recently - my ATF sent me a happy birthday message that I wanted to reply to - oops.
Unfortunately I have a weak sense of smell & sinus issues - so always make sure to use odor eliminators - luckily we have a cat so 1 tip is to make sure to change your cats litter after coming home. ;) Urine smell masks a lot of other odours and also explains odor begone products.
last commentI never got caught any other way either, but I also managed the finances completely and she never looked so wouldn't see any patterns anyway.
Also sometimess these strippers wear scented lotion and that doesn't just come off with washing like the smell of perfume.
My only time was after my 2nd visit to a club after my discovery of lap dances. I knew I had a trace of perfume on me, so I came home, took a hot tub (bromine scented), even held my nose and went under, then a full shower.
Hours later - feeling hornier than usual, engaged in marital bliss. After, as we're still hugging, she sniffs and goes "how'd you get perfume in your nose "?
That there is a boner shrinker.
My buddy said nothing. I wanted to kill him the next day. I go home and am met in the driveway by my wife and next door neighbors. All of them stared at me while I got out of my car. I had no idea why. The male neighbor suggested I go look in the mirror to see why. It really was kind of lame, but I was BUSTED. My wife actually laughed when I told her.
Need to add a nasal-spray to the cover-up system
After spending many LDs up close and personal with a dancer it took THREE trips through the washing machine to get rid of her scented lotion smell on my clothes, at least so I couldn't smell it*. It also took several showers and use of wipes to get the smell off ME.
*but "Women's finer sense of smell may be due to more brain cells"
My wife sniffed me (a few hours) out after my last visit, but since I got (limited) permissions it wasn't a big deal. Part of our deal is I tell her within a few days anyway.
Not one of my best ideas.
Poor man set himself on fire trying to maintain his innocence
I had to do some fancy fucking explaining at 4am. Said I was the DD for a group of reps from out of town, which was partially true. Still got makeup sex right afterwards, LOL.
I vaguely remember from the early 00s for about 10 years or so, phones were designed so it was incredibly easy to accidentally call out or answer an incoming call -- would have been a disaster for me. For some reason, this only ever happened at the strip club -- maybe the fact that the phone was in my jacket pocket, and often my jacket was getting moved around, it made it more likely? After a couple of accidental "pocket dials" and pocket-call-pickups (that did not get me in trouble), I started turning my phone off completely at the club. Then one day I look at my phone after I get out of the club, and it was on! The phones were designed so you could hit that power button easily, and of course from there, easily accidentally hit the button to answer when someone was calling in. I took even more drastic action after that.
SO never leaves the house
SO doesn’t have access to bank records
SO doesn’t get up before noon
My phone is locked, private browsing leaves no traces, I sleep with it under my pillow, I smoke. I travel for work, she knows I keep alcohol in my office.
^ @gSteph that was my first bust from my wife. Back in the 90s. I am getting out of my car going to AJs, a bikini bar in San Jose, and as I'm locking my car door I look up at a van driving by and my wife is glaring at me. I ended up telling her I'll see her at home and when we get there, I just fall on my own sword and cop to everything. It was a cold busted moment and at that point only the truth mattered.
The 2 of them asked me if it was possible to spend that much money in a strip club. He was not a close friend of mine but I did my best to defend him with the possibility of buying a lot of drinks for his buddies, etc. They still weren't happy and wanted me to take the 2 of them to the club so that they could see first hand what goes on ITC. I didn't want to do that and thankfully it blew over and I didn't have to.
As I was checking in I realized I had left my cell phone at home and I was a 90 minute drive away.
I got to my room, used the hotel room phone, called my wife (who had been led to believe I was playing poker), told her to not answer my phone if it rang and then reached my ATF giving her the room #.
The following morning my wife asked how I had made out. Won some, lost some - no major damage, says I. Then, “why’d you call me from a Super 8 last night if you were playing poker?” Damned caller ID! She knew but just shook her head.
No it isn't. Have you never heard of a pet rock?
I worked late and could get home anywhere between 130-3am. A couple of times when I was done early I went to a club on the way home that closed at 2 so I still got home at a normal hour.
If she had found out, I don't know what I would have said as we hadn't had sex in over a year. So as I said, I didn't care.
Of course, I'm single now.
I find it on Christmas day passenger side between seat and rocker panel. Sitting there for all to see. Little too close for comfort
Unfortunately I have a weak sense of smell & sinus issues - so always make sure to use odor eliminators - luckily we have a cat so 1 tip is to make sure to change your cats litter after coming home. ;) Urine smell masks a lot of other odours and also explains odor begone products.