
Comments by Subraman (page 118)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    I think there's a few things to keep in mind: - That $150, and the overall worse deal as far as fee cuts, gets all the girls annoyed. And the girls with lots of options -- that is, the hottest girls -- leave disproportionately. We've seen this through several waves in SF: when things go to shit, girls of all attractiveness levels leave the area (to go to places like Reno or Vegas) or the business entirely (to try hooters, to be a bottle service girl, etc), not just the ugly girls - In real clubs, it feels to me like things work more like what DC is describes: guys going to strip clubs have different tastes, and the girls I think are 5s and 6s, are often taken up by guys who now aren't competing with me for the 7s&up. The way it is now, the last few shifts have had just 5 girls total -- I'd say Jefftuscl's prediction that the shift overall will be prettier is true, but now there's just 5 girls instead of usual 12 (literally, the change is this stark). The customers almost always outnumber the girls, when it used to be the reverse. Things were way better when the 6s were keeping guys busy, so my 8.5 had no other options in the club but me Overall, the experience is worse (which is saying something), at least for my 3-4 trips I've done since the change
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    I'm guessing she had to make her salary no matter what... But a girl who missed that 150 too often probably gets fired
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    -->"That means if you are planning multiple VIP dances with a girl, she may have to stop in the middle and go to lunch. Their lunch time has to be off the floor or out of the building." This happened to me. Well, not stopping in the middle of multiple VIPs, but she dipped for 30 minutes. I had forgotten to add: because the clubs do not want to pay overtime, nor have the girls considered full time employees, there are limits on how many hours a week they can work (I think it's 32, could be wrong) and at least in the clubs I went to, the common practice of doing double shifts (dayshift & nightshift on the same day) is now verboten (again, could be wrong about that, this is all from hazy alcohol-fueled memory)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    The Deal Breaker
    For me, the lockscreen with her boyfriend would not be a deal killer. I'd wonder about her judgement, although balancing that off, strippers who make poor choices sometimes work out very well for me :) But definitely not a deal killer Among the things that are deal killers for me: Ghetto attitude or affects Some piercings: eyebrow, face, and septum are examples of instant deal-killers for me Some tattoos: many neck or face tattoos, and sometimes full sleeves Fake ass Doesn't drink alcohol
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Keeping it in the club
    -->"I don’t think it was intentional on her part just not thought out very well, " That was always my fear, and one of the reasons I started using a fake name in the club. I didn't think any of "my" girls would out me on purpose, but once I realized that many strippers partied in the same clubs that I went to with my gf (eventually my wife), I figured the chances of a drunk stripper screaming my name from across the street or whatever was a real possibility. In retrospect, paranoia running away with me a bit, but the "just not thought out very well" part rings true
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    I bought 6 months of VIP for the first time, just to show support for founder for putting in so much work to improve the place (even if it's not the improvements I would have wanted). So perhaps I'll be verified soon. Or not. Wildcard, bitches!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Do the girls work together?
    -->"Then later in the same visit a different girl I was talking to recognized my scent and guessed the brand. Coincidence or did the first girl pass intel to the second girl?" No way to know. I've never experienced this, but it IS a brilliant hustle -- the girls know that if a guy goes through the trouble of putting on cologne for them, they'll love girls making a fuss over it. So one girl telling her friend "it's Sauvage" is pretty smart. It could be that. On the other hand, a few times when I've worn very recognizable scents, I've had a stripper recognize it. One didn't know the name but said, "my ex boyfriend wore that", and she described the shape and color of the bottle!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Keeping it in the club
    Crazy. I thought the unspoken rule was "don't acknowledge each other", which really reckless people sometimes break if they're certain the coast is clear. To approach you in front of your family and friends is crazy!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Membership Cards
    tuscl challenge coin would be good, but too many of these old ladies don't drink in the club
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Membership Cards
    MackTruck: did you not get your tuscl VIP t-shirt and liquid lapdance underwear??
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Whats your favorite sc perfume
    -->"If you wear ANY cologne, the strippers will compliment you. Its probably all ss." Agree. And it's smart -- if a guy goes through the trouble of putting on cologne for a stripper, he's going to love if she notices. I don't think it's smart to use stripper compliments as a guide to which colognes women like. Although the slight disconnect in that argument is: if that were strictly true, I'd basically get equally complimented on every cologne at the strip club. Instead, I tend to get way more complimented on some rather than others, and frankly, the ones that get complimented more are pretty much aligned with the ones that get complimented more in vanilla dating. Sweet "sexy" scents like Rochas Man and Givenchy Play Intense, and freshies and aquatics (e.g., CH 212 Men) are always a hit at the strip club, and strippers particularly like the more department-store-style synthetic vibes. Some of the ones that I think are amazing, like Xerjoff Nio, Zegna Sicilian Mandarin, etc., don't always get as much notice.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Is it $52 to be in here?
    I can get us this one. Lightly used. https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/014/040/theporncouch.jpg
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    A dancer told me she was a "sub." How should I treat her in a VIP dance?
    Consent is a key concept in bdsm as it is in anything else. You might be fine if you spank her or choke her or pull her hair or order her around, but why not see what she's into first, just to make sure you're not stepping over her lines, since "I'm a sub" could mean anything? I've been doing bdsm in the VIP room for decades, and if we didn't discuss what she l likes out on the floor, then I: very lightly spank her, "can I spank you?", she says "yes" (or more typically, "harder!"), I spank her harder. Repeat exercise for nipple pinching, pussy spanking, hair pulling, etc. (although for these things, I'll ask before I even touch). IMO, don't do things without asking until you and she know what's what. You also get to be forward in what she should be doing -- move your ass over here, grind your pussy on my hand, call me sir, faster, slower, etc. Some strippers are crazy into it, others just want light play It's super super fun, but double down on clear consent, and your follow-up dances can be mind-blowing
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified PL
    Founder thought it was your thumb
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Verified members
    I'm unverified as fuck. Just like Tupac.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Proud to be unverified as fuck. Just like Tupac
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "moderated by the discussion makers."
    I'm strongly for a moderator, but founder has ruled that out. In the absence of a moderator, I don't think a per-thread OP-moderated feature is a good idea, that seems particularly rife for abuse and bad feelings.