Do the girls work together?

avatar for BoringLoser
One time I got a dance from a girl who thought I smelled great and asked all about what I was wearing. Then later in the same visit a different girl I was talking to recognized my scent and guessed the brand. Coincidence or did the first girl pass intel to the second girl?


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A mix of both. Girls will have a few lines rehearsed and rehash them. They might learn them from another girl. If its a popular scent though they might just recognize it.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Yes they can do this shit. It’s as easy as watching who they hang out with when they are just BSing.
It was probably a nice cologne - but it really doesn't mean anything more than that - nothing to hang your hat on IMO
Custies often get compliments, it's part of the salesmanship ("wow you have a big dick")
Some strippers know their fragrances. But more likely they talked.

Of the few clubs I've gotten to know girls from, theres groups of girls that are close friends . Then theres always that one girl that none of the girls like!
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
One of the clubs I go to, I’ll reject one of the uglier friends in the group. And that riles up the whole crew of dancers. Then they give me the business when I want a dance from one the hotties in the group. “No he doesn’t want a dance he’s not interested right now” They throw that shit right back at me.

It’s actually kind of funny. Are they working, or are they in middle school.
@papi. Do you mean I DON'T have a big dick when all the girls say I do? Sob :(
I'm not much of a cologne wearer - but I have a cologne an ex-gf gave me and it seems dancers often compliment me on it when I wear it
There's a club I get to once a month or so. Sometimes I go in stay a hour or so and leave without getting a back room dance. Some of the regulars I would never get a dance from, but I kindly say no when asked. One time I saw one of the dancers I always turn down talking to another lady looking at me. I assumed she told her I was a wall flower. After the newer lady got off stage she stopped by and we chatted. I went in the back for some better entertainment. While there I asked her if she was told I wouldn't go and the answer was yes.

So yeah it happens.
@muddy9 that's messed up. I've never had a dancer turn down money because I've turned down her friend.

Most girls like money more than they like their friends.
There's no doubt they share intel with each other, but I don't think it goes beyond that very far under normal circumstances.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
@Papi: “Custies often get compliments, it's part of the salesmanship ("wow you have a big dick")”

This one cracks me up every time due to the SS nature of it. And by far majority of times its been said to me has been by AA dancers.
avatar for rossl
New Mexico
6 years ago
Once a stripper said I smelled good and asked what I had on.
I told her “Thanks, I do have a hard-on, but I never expected that you could smell it.”
-->"Then later in the same visit a different girl I was talking to recognized my scent and guessed the brand. Coincidence or did the first girl pass intel to the second girl?"

No way to know. I've never experienced this, but it IS a brilliant hustle -- the girls know that if a guy goes through the trouble of putting on cologne for them, they'll love girls making a fuss over it. So one girl telling her friend "it's Sauvage" is pretty smart. It could be that. On the other hand, a few times when I've worn very recognizable scents, I've had a stripper recognize it. One didn't know the name but said, "my ex boyfriend wore that", and she described the shape and color of the bottle!
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Sometimes. Depends on the club. If I were to guess, more likely in a smaller club.

There is one club where a whole clique of friends will sit together for a good chunk of their shift. Another where there can be a bunch of dancers sitting in the same area, but not talking to each other. Just staring at the entrance waiting for a customer.
That would be collusion and our president doesn’t believe there’s any collusion, so to answer the OPs question NO
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