
Comments by Subraman (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New York
    Pizza/Sand-which Parties at Strip Clubs?
    I'm intrigued that you're so unfamiliar with these exotic sandwich things that you think they're sand-whiches. Fascinating! Neither a change in entry fee nor the presence of sand-whiches has any bearing on my SC decisions, but I'm a grizzled veteran PL. I suspect "let's head to panochas over lunchbreak, they serve pizza and these 'sand-which' thingies so we can just grab a bite to eat there" is an appealing proposition to blue collar and even some white collar guys.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Sick Again.
    I'm with Papi. If being exposed to germs revs up your immune system, going to the strip club is like training for olympic weightlifting. Just surviving sitting on those filthy chairs is a level of immune system prowess
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do you mean a gown? A bodycon dress? Not really interested in dresses, but I suppose if she wore a bodycon or slutty clubwear for a while to get my curiosity up (she looks amazing, I wonder what's under there) and then later changes into standard stripper lingerie, that could be a pretty exciting reveal
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    Yahtz, I think it's the credit card (and associated name) rather than the phone that's critical. OFten people Get a Visa gift card of some sort. The problem is, many of these reloadable or gift cards do not support foreign processors, and SA's processor is offshore, so the card will fail. Worse yet, sometimes a particular card works for a while, then all of a sudden payments stop failing. Vanilla Visa cards worked for a while, then they didn't, then they did, then it works for some people but not others. But doing some research and shooting for a reloadable visa or mastercard is one way.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Safe words
    That's actually an interesting question I'd never considered. Why not just have a certain word everyone uses? There's an extent to which there's commonalities -- many, many people have adopted the "stoplight" protocol, where yellow means "slow down, you're approaching my limit" and red means "stop the scene right now" (and some people invite a "green" that means all good, you can continue or increase intensity). But many people in the scene don't like that protocol, so not everyone uses green/yellow/red. It's supposed to be personal to you and something easily remembered, but if everyone was all using the same safeword, all the time, well that would be pretty easy to remember
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    Keep imagining post histories, pretending to threaten to commit suicide, pretending to beat and drug women, pretending to by the white knight protector of women; it's not going to make you any less miserable or the object of everyone's contempt, but maybe it's an important escape buddy!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    It's good that your existence doesn't depend on that, because none of that describes me -- I'm not right wing, I've never in my life claimed strippers are "conservatives like me" (putting quotes around it doesn't make it true lol), and even my hookers are extremely expensive. You're not fake -- that lonely, miserable man behind your various conflicting personas is very real. The vile advice about being a pimp, beating women, psychologically abusing them, getting them hooked on drugs -- a real person wrote that, that real person was pretending to be a pimp. And sometimes, pretends to be an SJW who protect women, instead of a pimp who beats them, and someone who protects trans rights while using gay insults. And sometimes, pretends to be a sensitive snowflake who might commit suicide because his make-believe girlfriend said something mean. You're absolutely not fake, you're a perfect example of what every study on trolls finds; that part is real.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    And you go pretend you're a pimp, and an SJW, and a sensitive snowflake with a girlfriend who did something mean and now he wants to kill himself, rather than a miserable lonely troll whose existence is so bleak that being the object of contempt by an entire forum is the only way he can get any attention besides pity. If you hurry, that Panic at the Disco song isn't over yet!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    And I called back out, and you're hurt again. Let me ask you again: is the SJW white knight persona who protects women from tuscl, and who recently started a thread about what pronouns people use and protects trans rights, approving of the miserable troll persona who bashes gays by using the term as an insult? I'm just confused that the great trans protector and correct pronoun user is anti gay, that's all.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    And you, icee, are a miserable lonely troll who has mixed up his pretend personas. Answer the question: does the pretend SJW/intersectional feminist who is the white knight to protect women against tuscl, approve of using "gay" as an insult? Or did you mix up with the pretend pimp persona who pushes beating women, getting them hooked on drugs, and abusing them emotionally? Or is the sensitive little emo who wants to commit suicide because his makebelieve girlfriend went away? Don't worry, we all know you're none of these things, not a SJW, certainly no pimp, and not someone who has a girlfriend. Research on trolls is very consistent: they are miserable, lonely, terrible people right down to their bones, who is incapable of making any human connections so settles for being an object of contempt by everyone around them. The real person behind the personas is the angry "you're a little bitch" guy. Now go have a cry, put on some panic at the disco, and cut yourself
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    Is calling someone gay as an insult allowed by the social justice warrior handbook? Or back to cringey Street mode instead lol. You should keep pretending you have friends!Or that you have ever had a girl, much less one who left you and made you on want to commit suicide LOL
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    Icee, yes! I brought my bitch into the bathhouse, and once everyone saw how I got her hooked on drugs, beat her, isolated her from her friends, and abused her emotionally, they got upset that I was a miserable friendless troll pretending to be a pimp on the internet. Weird, right?? When I go back I'll pretend to be a social justice warrior, y'know, see how that goes
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    Seeking is an enormous pain in the ass. If you're just there looking for an escort or one-time sex, it's not that bad. But finding an actual SB is a pain in the ass. If you're getting what you want at the strip club already, no reason to change
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    " The savvier hounds on the site have learned not to do any negotiating of any type using SA messaging, instead moving direct to text/phone ASAP. They also just generally avoid popping their heads up in any other way, like reporting scammers or getting into arguments over SA messaging." 100% correct. Keep your head down, don't get noticed. Someone says something obnoxious to you, block them without responding. Someone wants to discuss allowance or PPM in any way shape or form? Don't respond other than to say let's move to text. If she refuses, block her and move on. People who report others sometimes get banned themselves.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    Warrior: Using the term "PPM" is a guaranteed ban, so that was it. All the other sites are worthless, so you'll need to tighten your shit up and find a way back to SA, in a way that they don't re-ban you. Remove the app, wipe all the cookies, find a different way to pay, new pics, new profile text, don't use a VPN.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    Okay, here's some facts about Seeking: - They ban people capriciously, and almost never explain themselves or reverse the ban. Your experience is the norm: they repeat themselves, and tell you they won't respond to your inquiries any further. - Once you're banned they'll auto-detect any attempts to create a new account under another name. To be able to create another account, you'll want to change everything: name, email, profile text, profile photos, remove all cookies from your browser, do NOT use a VPN because they detect that. It can be difficult to sneak your new profile past them. - They often won't offer a pro-rated refund after a capricious ban, but many people have luck challenging it with their bank or credit card. - Typically, you get banned because someone reported you. You haven't been interacting with anyone, but perhaps someone just got around to reporting you recently. Very small things can get you banned: don't mention the term PPM, don't discuss money at all, don't even hint at wanting to have sex, don't be a smartass to scammers or escorts, etc., all of these can result in bans
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    dam zaddy got all my lips smiling
    SW vs SIW
    Right. Hell, even bikini baristas consider themselves sexworkers. Their primary service is to titillate the customer, with the secondary service being mediocre espresso drinks
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    dam zaddy got all my lips smiling
    Can You Come See Me Tonight?
    I am perhaps not a romantic 🤣 I tell my CF outright -- I love spending lots of time without other customers there, feel free to text me any time the club is dead. So there's no opportunity to get aa gushy, and there's no "I miss you and want to see youuuuu" texts. Just "club is dead, come save my shift" texts, which is like my mating call. No customers, I'll have you all to myself? In!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    Using the Same SN on Various Sites
    *rushes to remove all my content from balls selfies*
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    Using the Same SN on Various Sites
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Places to retire to
    azdd, two questions! What's the summer temperatures like compared to Phoenix, seems like maybe just a few degrees cooler but still brutally hot? It takes what, 90 minutes to get to Phoenix?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Places to retire to
    Mate, that all seems okay... 1 million+ is cheap compared to the bay area, traffic is just as bad here, taxes etc all about the same. If I could get away with $1.5 or less, I'd be in good shape. I don't need much house -- I'd be thrilled w/ 2000 sq feet in a nice area, which all seems do-able
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Places to retire to
    LW: when you say Phoenix, do you mean the surrounding cities also (Tempe, Scottsdale, etc)? When I say "move to Phoenix", what I mean is "find an upscale community within 30-45 minutes of downtown Phoenix".
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    If you're a regular, get to know the staff
    "But yes, tipping can produce rewards. " True, but note I didn't really discuss tipping -- the only place I mentioned tips is for the manager to let me bring in my own bottle, which as you point out, is really more of an illegal bribe than a tip 🤣 When I say "get to know that staff", that's not a fancy way to say tip everyone. I do always tip the waitress and bartender. I'll tip managers and bouncers if they send a girl to me who shows me a killer time, but I mostly don't tip these guys.
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    What makes a good strip-club review
    "When judging a review to approve or reject it, I don't know if previous reviews listed all the important details such as prices" That's okay, I'm proposing the standard of "if there's fundamentally interesting information in this review, approve it, even if it doesn't include every detail". "Imagine you're in town, you'd like to hit up a club but you want to know what it will cost. " On the other hand, imagine you're in town and you want some insider knowledge on which girls to avoid or which to definitely get dances from if she happens to be there. Especially if there's 20 other reviews saying what drinks cost, and even if there aren't, as scrub pointed out, it's right there in the club description. Different people are looking for different things in reviews. The notion that everyone is making their decision based on drink prices is very misguided "You have to read 5 reviews before you find out" That's okay -- EVERYONE reads multiple reviews anyway. I mean, they have a tuscl VIP membership, they pick out ONE review, read it, and are like "the drinks are $5? Sold!" without scrolling down the page to see a single other review? No one does that. EVERYONE reads multiple reviews on a club they're interested in. There is absolutely no value in trying to force every single review to be complete IMO (although oddly, details about the girls are not considered part of completeness??) You're right, you never know which girls will be at the club. But if the review culture was to include details on girls, including a basic description so that you know that slim Asian Jade that I liked is not thicc white Jade, you'd at least have some important g-2 if a girl mentioned in a review DOES show up. Versus every single review mentioning drink prices -- useless waste of pixels. Anyway, if the description of the club is interesting, whether it's the girls or the drink prices or both, it's a valuable review IMO. Your view is the dominant view on tuscl though, I admit I'm in the minority.