
Comments by Subraman (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Strategy for OTC
    I've been going mainly to higher-end non-extras clubs for the past 10 years. Almost no one is doing extras in the club, but OTC isn't hard to get. My experience is very solidly that it's been easier to get girls from non-extras clubs OTC, than from extras clubs. I have a buddy who likes to meet a stripper and take her OTC that same day, the girls he picks always come off more escorty to me, and they're OTCs are straight escort-like: go to hotel, bang, bye. I like seeing a girl a few times ITC first, I think it ups my chances with lower volume girls, may make her more open to the dinner/drinks/etc I like to start my OTCs with, but more than those, I'm pretty crazy for her by the time I get her to that first OTC, and it makes the whole OTC more fun.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Strategy for OTC
    "but I’m thinking you need to drop ridiculous cash on these girls to even get them to consider OTC." This is a self-defeating, baseless belief bro!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers Eating in the Club
    "In any case, companionship is a service that (to one degree or another) dancers sell. If they have a leisurely meal with you, you're getting that service without spending much. The ones most on their game will thank you with a big smile. But, it would be smart to be the one who's more so showing a grateful mindset." Yep, as I said she'll be spending an hour with me, for a $15 chicken club. Well, that's not quite true -- I'll be keeping her flush with tequila the entire time, and that will easily be triple the food bill. Still a great deal, especially in the low-touch clubs I go to, where I can touch her way more at my table, than I'd be allowed to during a lapdance (which is why I don't do lapdances, only VIPs). Regardless, the code of the SC is, follow up with enough VIPs to make it worth her time. The gratitude does not flow in only one direction.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers Eating in the Club
    Damn, you should marry that girl! IME, 5-15 minutes figuring out what we want to eat and wait for the waitress to come by, 20 minutes wait for the food to arrive, 20 minutes to eat, then chill for a bit since we're full. Obviously, keep her in drinks/shots through this, and do enough dances after that the whole thing is worth her time. But at least in the club I usually go to, the girls chill with you the whole time, way better than just staring at your fave girl eating by herself at the end of the bar
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers Eating in the Club
    "Sucks to be sitting with a group of guys and girls are eating on the other side of the bar. " NJ, ever thought of buying the stripper dinner yourself? For the price of that $15 chicken club, she'll be with you for like an hour.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers Eating in the Club
    Usually nicespice has a reason for asking this type of question. Nice, on whatever stripper sub or forum there is a debate on this, which side are you on?? 🤣
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers Eating in the Club
    The girls sometimes sit at the bar and eat at one of the clubs I go to. Honestly never hit my radar at all, didn't occur to me to think there was anything weird about it
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    How to spot an ROB by Reddit
    Yeah, I think many of the hustles discussed on SW and r/stripper are aimed at the "boys night out" crowd, and I'm sure they often work fine on them. Hard to imagine any of us going to the lap dance area and forgetting about getting a dance for 3 songs. Maybe this is a "if you're dumb enough to fall for this, you deserve it" hustle. Though I'd still claim that for many customers, the faux connection might be what they're after anyway, so mission accomplished
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The Star Garden Strip Club Strike Is Part of the History of SW Organizing
    "Equal sharing of money in a strip club might be the dumbest thing I’ve heard." You obviously haven't read any of the brainstorming on SW as to how a club should be run 🤣
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The Star Garden Strip Club Strike Is Part of the History of SW Organizing
    " But the club did not last that much longer." SJG, I had to look up how long it lasted, it seems to have lasted quite a while -- 1997 is when they unionized, years later in 2003 they bought out management and became a workers cooperative, and lasted about 10 more years until they closed in 2013. It was a very low volume affair the whole time, given the "what the customer wants doesn't matter" business model, but it ran on slim clientele for quite a while
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The Star Garden Strip Club Strike Is Part of the History of SW Organizing
    Yeah interesting article. I say this every time it's mentioned, it's always interesting that the Lusty Lady is given up as a winning example. And there is definitely a sense in which the girls won: the girls organized, and took over management and ownership of the club. But it was a bunch of very rough years after that, as the collective put into practice some fairly wacky ideas. They believed every size and shape should be hired, so the lineups were... daring. They believed they should run as a collective -- all profits were shared, which means the few attractive girls who were raking in money, got the same amount as the the girls making nothing, so you can imagine how long the very few attractive girls stayed before moving to the club right next door where they kept the money they made. The club refused any contact until out of desperation they introduced low touch lapdances in the last couple of years, too little too late. That said, huge labor organizing win. But their ideas on management and hiring practices, etc., do to a club about what you'd expect
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Will Roe V. Wade being overturned impact mngering?
    He's not (just) a pathological liar. He's a troll... as I've said many times, there have been many studies on internet trolls. The results are very consistent: they are miserable toxic antisocial people, who are desperate for connection, but are so unpleasant -- not just on the internet, in real life -- that their only way to connect is by being despised. It's the only way to get noticed. He's just making up stories and personas as he goes. Now he's a pimp, now he's not a pimp but an SJW, now he's not an SJW but someone who uses gay as an insult, now he's someone who is so sensitive he might commit suicide because his pretend girlfriend said something mean. In any case, all the stories are simply made up to get maximum reaction.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    How bad did I get dommed?
    ^ consider yourself lucky
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Will Roe V. Wade being overturned impact mngering?
    Dolf: and the states where it's still legal, are now looking at laws to refuse any records or extradition requests from anti-abortion states. It will be a fun state vs state legislation war!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    How to spot an ROB by Reddit
    Haha yes that was me
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    How to spot an ROB by Reddit
    lol it was not "until recently". He takes on whatever persona will get him a reaction. Pretend pimp when that suits. SJW who is concerned about trans pronouns, gay, and women's rights when that's what suits. Someone who uses gay as an insult when that suits. Someone who pretends to have a girlfriend, and be so sensitive that when his pretend girlfriend shurts his feelings he's going to commit suicide. The latter is closest to reality: every study on internet trolls indicates they're are miserable, toxic people who can't connect to other humans -- so being despised is their only way to connect. But that's neither here nor there lol
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    How bad did I get dommed?
    Nopalitos can be slimy depending on how it's prepared, so bold move regardless ;)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    How bad did I get dommed?
    You're playing tic tac toe, she's playing chess. Child's play for her.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Will Roe V. Wade being overturned impact mngering?
    "@subraman, I agree, not all measures are 100%. Which is why any FS provider should be taking a pill or have an IUD in addition to a condom (which is more for STDs)." Tetra, agree that defense in depth -- pill + condom -- is the way to go. Condom necessary for diseases as well. The pill, used correctly, is 99+% effective. It's 91-95% effective in practice due to mistakes by people taking them, according to various studies. Men seem to be blissfully unaware of this, but women, especially providers, are not. 91-95% if they make a small mistake, is not enough to not want a backup plan.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Will Roe V. Wade being overturned impact mngering?
    "Any FS provider who wasn't already taking every damn measure to avoid pregnancy and STDs is crazy." That's true. But birth control can fail, and many FS providers report being "stealthed". I'd view it as a legit expensive risk
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    Will Roe V. Wade being overturned impact mngering?
    I have seen discussions in sexworker forums with this starting to pop up. Risk is higher, I'm raising my rates. 90% chance it's just posing on the internet, it's the market that will decide, but it's not an unreasonable factor for a sexworker to consider. Traveling to another state for an abortion might cost hundreds or more; a lot more than that if she can't get one at all.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    How to spot an ROB by Reddit
    "Any guy who falls for that deserves to lose the money" Exactly. This is a new-guy-to-club type hustle strategy, I'm sure it works on those guys. I'd say there's 0% chance it would work on a PL, by the time someone has found tuscl, I imagine they know what they want out of a dance. I'd also mention that for many guys, that feeling of connectedness is as much of a thrill as anything else. Maybe not consciously, but subconsciously, that fantasy that he's really connected with this gorgeous stripper, may well be worth more to him than her wiggling around on his lap, even though he doesn't realize it. Maybe these are the guys who come into a stripclub forum a week later with a "help me understand, I feel like I really connected with a stripper, and she GAVE ME HER DIGITS. What does it mean?" post. Anyway, I suspect guys easily self-filter for this hustle -- they subconsciously want the connection and enjoy it, or they're a mission-oriented PL and don't do a second dance (or honestly, I would just tell her "song started, let's pick this up later" and get her dancing). Or maybe they get burned once, realize they got hustled, and never fall for it again.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Banned from Seeking
    If you're looking for an actual SD/SB kind of thing, unfortunately SA is about the only game in town -- the competitors are mostly rip off sites. If you're just looking for escorts on SA, not worth it. If you're happy with OTC, just do that. If you're looking for sugar, gotta get back on SA
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New York
    Pizza/Sand-which Parties at Strip Clubs?
    “I'm telling you, man, it would so be righteous to be in a Veronica Sawyer- Heather Chandler sand-Which” Fixed.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New York
    Pizza/Sand-which Parties at Strip Clubs?
    "Drink and dance specials will sometimes entice me to choose one club over another" I don't think any of my regular clubs have ever had dance specials, but some do occasionally have drink specials, and that does get me in the door. Food not so much -- I'll eat it if it's there, otherwise on non-free-food days I'll order lunch for myself and my stripper from the kitchen.