Richmond VA
Comments by Maximiliano
review comment
3 months ago
Richmond VA
Well as a lifetime writer, I guess I can become a bit overboard with compliments when a sweet young thing has just made my nearly 80 year old johnson stand to attention while she stroked the old guy with a handshake that looks several hundred times better than the gross Donald Duck Hand Dance we saw in the recent political campaigns where he looked like he was jerking off 2 giraffes at once!. What an Ahole! Say hi to PAUL the head consierge in the Gentlemans room for me. I have never worked for any strip club!
review comment
3 years ago
Richmond VA
Yea I guess it does sound a bit like a marketing ad but I assure anyone that I received nothing for writing it other than a 30 day membership on TUSCL. Just giving a few of my favorite dancers well deserved kudos instead of just complaints is the main purpose for the review. max
review comment
4 years ago
I have danced with aloha in the past and I find her to be a professional stripper with all of the good things that go with that and of course all of the bad things that sometimes bum out customers who feel they're being played a bit on the tip game. Cheap or not customers a few of the girls in there take out very large cash rewards. So sometimes it is hard to fall for the poor little me tip request that some of the more professional girls want. You can't blame them but sometimes you should look out for them. A couple that I found to be almost sinister in their trap games are the dancers Celine & JuJu. I honestly think that they sometimes work in tandem with their really non-producing for the customer trap enticements. But they are both beautiful and irresistible so watch out!
discussion comment
9 years ago
Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
I dont like VIPs or Champagne Room, but I will normally shell out 60-100 in lap dance situations with only a few of my favorite stripper/dancers. I can't imagine any of my girls taking me for the kind of money Nina mentions here without at least making sure there is a OTC in the offering. Even then however, the price I pay is a mere fraction of the thousands category mentioned here, but I do live in a poorer smaller town where the dancers are happy that even poor guys like me come in to support them on a regular basis, and believe me when I say they are happy with my smallish contribution because they know I remain a gentleman throughout our encounters and I will continue to come back as often as possible and pursue ITC & OTC activity unless I feel I am being played by some greedy chick who sees me only as a dollar sign and not as someone who understands that I need them also. They appear to understand that I can afford only so much to satisfy this insatiable need to be close to beautiful pussy. Usually (not always) I find that a little respect and appreciation for any beauty who has chosen to work in the sex trade gets me better results than trying to pretend I love throwing money around just to impress them and to make me look important. Unfortunately, I also have found that I sometimes fall all to easily head over heels in love with someone that I should NOT go nuts over in strip clubs, and then the real problems begin. I love strippers, I hate strippers but for some stupid reason, I mostly love them and those wonderful feelings they bring out in me. Guess I'm just a real pussy lover...but unfortunately one who has very little money! Such is life!
discussion comment
9 years ago
Thanks Nina! I'm probably stoned right now but I can't take my eyes off of your pink bra avitar wondering how nice it would be to snuggle up with those lovely breasts tonight after a toke or two of dynamite kush! Oh yeah, did I mention that marijuana can really make your horny also? lol
discussion comment
9 years ago
Pot consumption and its benefits vs negatives are a lot different than it has been in years past in this country. The arrival of medical marijuana has taken away the need to score from unscrupulous lowlife dealers and now you can choose your medical benefits from this amazing weed instead of just getting fucking wasted! Indica helps most of us calm down and sleep well at night and sativa when used in moderation is a hell of a lot better way to face bummer issues than getting all soused up on alcohol and doing things you cant't even remember when the drunkenness wears off. I know of no one who suffers total memory loss from weed the way you can from a night of tequila bombs that can be lethal to already overtaxed brain cells. Pot is also a real plus when you mix it with sex. Should you do it everyday? I do, and I have for the last forty years or more. I've learned to do it in moderation. It is a hell of a lot better than doing zannies, oxycotin or heroin, smack, meth and blow. Pot IS manageable when you control your usage and find out what positives your head and body can benefit from when used properly. Once you understand your limits use it accordingly. Certainly it is better than the mood elevators and endorphin control drugs shrinks and doctors in general are happy to prescribe you to make you a happier and more pleasant person. Miserable unhappy people are terrible to be around as are hard-assed, straight laced goody goody two shoes types who hate all so called drug users even though theyoften have a medicine cabinet full of legal addictions. My advice, is give it a serious look for a few months. If you find that the "herb" works for you, use it but keep in mind you don't need to toke up non-stop bongs or suck down joints and edibles to enjoy the real benefits. Mary Jane like most stimulants and relaxants is best when you learn what moderation means and how it helps your well being.
discussion comment
9 years ago
layin low but staying high
Hard to distinguish if women of color (other than white) are sexier... but when I compare pussy, I really feel you need to take petty race prejudice out of the equation or you are going to miss some of the finest women in the strip club scene. Maybe you should just stay home and jerk off!
discussion comment
12 years ago
" I almost always give her the money and let her go to the bar and buy it." I agree w is the best way 2 buy the lady a drink or 2. But her buying me one...that never seems 2 happen 2 me but I love the concept.
review comment
7 years ago
Hellooo Nurse
From Bali to Cali
Good update! Thanks. The black dancer sounds worth the visit!!
review comment
9 years ago
The review you give is so typical of this dive. I think the Asian mama san may be the proprietor. I mean this place probably has no business being on TUSCL but they must have some kind of strip club license. The backdoor regulars must know something nobody else does about whatever the dump is a front for... On a scale on 1 to 10 for a strip club, I'd have to give them a minus 6.
review comment
9 years ago
I believe you may be confused with this review. it is supposed to be for the Club Eden but you appear to be talking about Curves which is a totally different cup of tea.
article comment
7 years ago
Richmond VA
Amazing! I wrote this story over three years ago thinking my SC affair with Jennifer was unusual and possibly unique with a handful of heroin addicts in the SC business. Was I ever dumb and naive? Of course we've all now become aware of being in the midst of one of the worst drug addictions this country has ever seen. It certainly is not restricted to strippers, prostitutes and desperate women in the sex industry. It everywhere and everyone. The pill docs and drug companies were the culprits who helped get it all started in this country with their indiscriminate prescribing of pain pills that once the addicted patient's scripts ran out they had to take to the streets to buy the oxy pills at incredible per pill prices that they could not afford unless they had a gig like the better dancers had with their astounding cash jobs. But when the pills got to be too expensive for even their large incomes to afford, it was easy to start smoking the cheap Mexican Brown Tar that has been brought into states all along the border for decades at a much cheaper price satisfying the ever growing epidemic of addicted people but creating real junkies. Then the transition to shooting the drug most always progressed with these poor addicts. The rest of the heroin story is now history and evident to everybody! With overdose deaths reaching proportions not seen since the horrible AIDS death crisis of the 70s & 80s that killed hundreds of thousands in the United States alone. As far as my DS "rental fantasy" Jennifer - she got out of the SC business and I'm told finally may have gotten clean and had a baby with her addict scum boyfriend. We all worry that the baby must have been born addicted...but that is another sad story that goes along with the thousands of young women who did not think that far ahead when they were shooting junk. As far as my addiction to beautiful strippers: at least two (maybe three) of the exotic dancers I have fallen in love with since Jennifer were also heroin addicts seeking cash via the sexual pleasures sold to old men enablers like me to continue their search for that super rush they found the first time they shot up, but can never duplicate again. My most recent love was the most beautiful ebony mix I have ever dreamed of and certainly someone who gave me the finest sex I ever experienced in my sixty some years of fucking beautiful women. I finally had to break it off with her because it got to the point that I was required to actually help her find clean veins anywhere she could locate one before we could engage in the incredible sex she sold me to support her ugly habit and sick lifestyle. Sometimes though I find myself wondering what is sicker...her terrible addiction to her drugs or my sick addiction to her fabulous sex? Kicking her as my addiction has certainly given me incredible withdrawals in needing her and wanting her back? Is Rome really falling again?
article comment
9 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Great fuck stories you tell! You must have a thing for writing about pussy cause you do it well. I too am partial to getting my pleasure in SCs from black chicks. When at look at those beautiful pink vaginas all I can think about is watering that glorious hole. Fortunately I keep a raincoat handy to keep some of the anxiety down, knowing you can actually catch something from just sucking her super nipples... especially if they have metal piercings where some AH left his germs just before you started sucking as I once did and came down with a serious case of bacterial pneumonia that almost sent me out of this world. But let's face it...if you chase pussy in $5 a dance SCs, you may increase your odds of contamination when you bareback one of those beauties. Fun shit you write. Thanks!
article comment
9 years ago
Sounds like SC biz could be a little further down the road for your reality. The name of the game is interest in sex not demanding the right attitude from some guy who walks in off the street hungry for pussy. You can make money off of their interest or if they disgust you then you are most likely not open-minded enough to make this kind job work out for you. Have you ever tried working at Walmart? While you may find that kind public contact to be equally unappealing, most of those people don't go there because they want to fuck you.
article comment
9 years ago
It's the heroin addiction that makes trusting some of these beauties a lost cause! If you can find out that the Big H is their motivation for stripping then moving on to someone else will keep you from trying to believe a "junkie" about anything. They are so sadly addicted that you are only a possible source for the desperation they face daily.
article comment
10 years ago
Carlos - I usually enjoy your posts and articles because you have a writer's technique of giving really humorous reviews of the SC scene and keeping things basically light! Some of the shit you say cracks me up like the review here when you say "....I got a whiff of nasty vagina that I still believe, if just the slightest bit stronger, would have turned me into a raging homosexual on the spot. "
While the humor has a lot of truth to the way many of us experience this wild life of pussy chasing in the clubs - there remains an element of wisdom from you that we can all learn from. Keep up the good work and feedback! Hopefully TUSCL keeps you on their payroll to provide some of the chuckles you continue to get from a lot of us regular viewers!
article comment
12 years ago
Good job Farmer art! You have a lot of good things to share with aficionados of SCs As well as with newcomers. Great Hobby For retirement life if you can afford it! You lucky so and so! LOL