Barebacked Against My Will

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
The following occurred in early 2012 a week or 2 after I joined TUSCL in January 2012. I had meant to write an article about it back then but “my writings” tend to be very laborious and I kept putting it off – also; being new to TUSCL at the time and not being as SC knowledgeable at the time; back then I thought my story would have been sorta off-the-hook but after spending as much time on TUSCL as I have over the last almost 4 years; w/ time I realized/thought my story was not really that off-the-hook nor necessarily super-uncommon and thus I had a bit less incentive to write it – nevertheless I will go ahead and finally write about it.

Being the long-winded type of PL that I am; the story will have extra-info – the story will be broken-up into 2 sections named “Thursday” and “Monday” since the events of the 2 days correlate – but the event leading to the title of the thread did not happen until the 2nd part (Monday) – I put the other part in there as contextual background.

NOTE – This is another encyclopedic length style Papi Chulo writing – thus the usual disclaimer applies – i.e. don't read this if short on time or patience.

I grew up in Miami but lived in Dallas from about 2000 - ~2010 since I was working there and had a very good paying job there. It was in Dallas where I picked-up the SC hobby but my job was very demanding and time-consuming and although I SCed quite a bit in Dallas I never really put too much thought into it (I also used to date back then and was in relationships at times). End of 2009 I lost my job and moved back down to Miami – did not work all of 2010 and got back on my feet in early 2011 although in an unrelated field to my previous job/career and unrelated to what I had studied in school. My new job paid much less but it was sufficient for me being a single-guy w/ no kids and having low-expenses (I still was making decent $$$; but less in relation to my previous job which was close but below 6 figures).

Although my new job was less $$$; it afforded me 2 things – much less stress; and more free time. It was around this time that I had more time in my hands that I started pursing the sex biz with more interest.

It was now late January 2012 soon after I had joined TUSCL and TUSCL helped intensify my interest in the SC-game and overall sex biz.

During these days I was very horny and had time on my hands – so along w/ joining TUSCL I had started looking at escort sites and webcam sites (since I really had not done much of that b/f).

I was not really too familiar with Backpage (BP) and it's possible issues but somehow BP was kinda the first escort site I stumbled onto.

I recall seeing a BP ad which featured multiple very hot ebonies (all thick with big tits and asses; right up my PL-alley) and decided to call – it turned-out to be a bust. A girl made contact w/ me but she was kinda of “gimmicky” about meeting up w/ me – I don't recall the exact play-by-play details but the way it worked out is that she asked me to go to a certain motel; get the room, then asked me to call her from the room – I did all that and then waited in the room close to an hour and she never showed although we texted 2 or 3 times in that time and she said she'd be there – after an hour I was not feeling the meet and decided to call it quits – as I was getting in my car to leave the motel; she calls me all pissed about me leaving; I guess she may have been watching me (since I had told her which room # I had rented) – I told her I got tired of waiting and was leaving to which she got ghetto on me and pissed – so obviously there was something fishy or at least odd in the situation; not necessarily that I was being set-up for something bad although that could have been the case; but perhaps she was worried I was LE and thus all her maneuvers per se – anyway – as l looked at BP over the next few months; I kept seeing the same ad but w/ different pics of really-fine ebonies – I sorta concluded the ad was fake and the pics were not real b/c first of all; each ad always had multiple ebonies (4 or 5) which is not the norm for a BP ad; and the girls were much better looking than the average BP ebony and the pics sorta seemed to have been gotten off the web.

Anyway – after this I was not really in the mood to try BP again but I was still horny and tried another BP meet a couple of weeks later. I was kinda curious since I had rarely done this in the past and sorta wanted to satisfy my curiosity; plus I was horny and was not really aware of FS in SCs at the time b/c FS in Dallas SCs where I had done most of my SCing up to this time is a rare exception.

So a couple of weeks later I see a BP ad for a voluptuous ebony BBW – she was BBW but not fat; she seemed in her early 20s and was hard and thick; she was def big-boned but not that big a stomach; her stomach was relatively flat for a girl her size.

I make contact with the ebony BBW in the ad and she tells me she's staying in a motel and I can come see her.

I arrive at the motel and it's pretty seedy but having grown-up in Miami I'm used to seedy – I was not going in w/ high expectations based on it being a BP hook-up. I knock on her door and she invites me in – she is wearing a short-dress just passed her ass and she is THICK – thick legs like Earl Campbell; BIG round natural ass; and HUGE natural tits – def a brickhouse+ - she engages me in some small talk seemingly kinda of feeling me out I guess to mainly make sure that my clean-cut looking white-ass was not LE; I kinda get to it and tell her how much I'm willing to pay for 30 minutes to which she agrees (I think it was ~$120 but can't remember).

We start getting down to biz and we start taking our clothes off as we stand near each other and facing each other in the small room – she gets nude and OMG – WHAT A PAIR OF TITS – may have been the biggest I've ever seen in person – not only were they BIG; but firm (not droopy); and very full in every direction (full on the top; bottom; inside; and outside); titties in every direction – and she had some HUGE AREOLAS which are a big turn-on for me (her areolas alone seemed like what would be the entire breast of a B-cup woman; DAMN what a beast).

We get in the bed side by side and she does some light GFE (kissing my cheek, neck and licking and sucking my nips); while she is simultaneously stroking my at-full-attention johnson – we were side-by-side; I was laying on my back; and she was beside me but sorta on her side – she was to the right of me and her tits were so huge that to accommodate them she had to put one of them huge funbags on my leg/pelvic-area as she was playing with my body.

She then proceeded to give me some good BBBJ but I didn't let her go on too long b/c I didn't want to cum too quick - she then sat over me with her huge melons in my face while I stared at those not-often-seen type assets and groped them and played with them and sucked them for a good while – she then starts fucking me FCG and was pretty good but she was a lot of woman to handle and I don't necessarily like fucking in bed b/c it kinda restricts my movement.

After some FCG fucking I tell her I wanna fuck her doggy – we get up and she bends over a chair and I start pounding that huge chocolate booty – she was a big girl but in good shape and young and she could move really well for her size – as mentioned; although she was BBW she was not necessarily fat but more very big-boned which huge, thick, dense, muscular thighs – i.e. she seemed built and had the frame and muscularity to carry all that she was working with (e.g. huge tits and booty) – and her being built vs fat meant she could move well and did not just lay or stand there; she fucked me as much as I fucked her (or more).

I pounded her with all I had (which is probably nowhere close to the kind of pounding she probably gets from black guys; but nevertheless I gave it the old-PL-try) – as I was pounding her doggy style and holding/squeezing/grabbing her huge melons I busted w/ everything I had and I was done – I cleaned up; we said some pleasantries – and I was out the door feeling like I was well taken care off.

This all occurred on a Thursday afternoon around 4:30 pm – me being the horny PL that I am and loving variety as I do; I felt it was too early to call it a day and thus decided to hit a nearby black SC that I was not very familiar w/ at the time and had been meaning to check out.

The small black SC down here in Miami was called Angels (which those in the black-SC Miami game would probably know it) which has now being closed for over a year.

This was early 2012 and around the time when I had started to take the SC game more seriously so I was still not familiar w/ many SCs in South FL and Angels was one I was not very familiar w/ in part b/c it was in a part of town I hardly, if ever, had been to and not being a TUSCLer b/f this time I was not really aware of the club.

Anyway – at this time I had actually visited Angels one time b/f but it was on a very busy weeknight (and the club was kinda small) and I had not felt comfortable in that visit – the club was too packed in that eve visit to where there was hardly room to sit and even hard to find a place to even stand – and also back then I was not as comfortable w/ hitting all-black SCs as I am now. Anyway; after that first eve visit at least I was aware of the club; so a couple of weeks after that initial Angels eve visit I was driving somewhat near the club on a late weekday afternoon and decided to make a detour and just drive by the club although I had no intention of going-in – at this time in early-2012 I did not SC as much as I do now and I rarely went to SCs on dayshift (I had it in mind SCing something one only did at night and particularly Fr/Sat nights) – but anyway – I was still curious about the club and thus the reason I drove by – I noticed a good # of cars in the parking-lot and made a mental-note to come check out the club on a dayshift since my previous nightshift visit was not what I had hoped it would be due to the crowds (at the time I was kinda surprised I saw a good # of cars in the parking-lot during the day since I was not used to SCing on dayshift I assumed most clubs would be totally dead in the afternoons).

Anyway – after I was done with the ebony BBW it was still early (around 5 pm) and I had nothing to-do for the rest of the day so I thought it would be a good-time to check-out Angels for a 2nd time – the club was fairly lively when I arrived but def not packed but there were a good # of dancers (maybe 15 + which was a good # for the size club and dayshift crowd and the fact most custies chose to hang-out and not buy-dances thus making the ebonies available).

I sat at the bar and then a table by the back-wall and spent about about 2 hours getting lots of dances from lots of willing ebonies and had a very good time being a big-fish in a small-pond and getting lots of attention (and lots of grinding and groping).

After my BP encounter and subsequent SC-visit on the previous Thursday; I laid-low over the weekend – but by Monday and not having SCed over the weekend; I had Angles on my mind b/c of the good time I'd had there the previous Thursday (I had left that Thursday wanting to return b/c the club; and its dancers; were new to me (me likes variety) and I'd had a good time on Thursday) – so by Monday I had the SC-itch and decided to pay Angels a visit on Monday eve and went not too late (~9:00 pm) in case it would get busy later in the eve as my previous eve visit.

The club was fairly slow but not dead and seemed to be about a 1-to-1 ratio of dancers to custies so the talent was available if one wanted attention since most custies were just hanging-out.

I sat at the bar and was approached by a fairly-tall (~5”6+) light brown-skinned ebony – she was well put-together – her boobs were Bs but very very nicely shaped and firm; flat stomach; nice round thighs and nice round-hips; and an incredible natural AZZ (BIG and firm and nicely shaped like a big-ole apple-bottom).

She had a very chill and laid-back personality and gently put her hand on my right-shoulder and softly asked me if I wanted a dance – I said sure (don't I like curvy ebonies?) and she proceeded to get in b/w me and the bar-top and started grinding her beautiful meaty/curvy ass on me – and I effing loved the way she danced – slow and methodical and would really press down on my torpedo; I was commando and wearing thin soft cotton sweatpants and it felt as if she had me partially inside of her over my thin sweats (dances at this club; like most Miami black clubs; are on the floor; full-nude/full-contact; and $5). I got several dances from her and it felt as if she enjoyed them as much as I did.

While Big-Brown (as I shall refer to her from now on) was dancing for me at the bar; there was a dancer sitting by herself 2 barstools over and she would be constantly looking at our dances b/c Big-Brown was really giving me the business (in a good-way) – after Big-Brown gave me my dances the other dancer that had been watching us came right over to me and asked me if I wanted dances – I said sure (I don't turn down the chocolate too often especially at $5/dance) – this other dancer didn't turn me on as much as sexy Big-Brown; this other dancer was short and kinda square with smallish boobs; i.e. not as curvy as many an ebony dancer (kinda had more of a white chick's bod); but she had sexy dark-skin which I like so a few dances would not hurt.

This other dancer was on the short side (~5”1) and usually dancers this height are not as good at giving barside dances b/c their butt does not reach your junk for the most-part – Shorty (as I shall call this other dancer) kinda rubbed/bumped her butt again my junk whereas Big-Brown being taller was actually able to sit her booty/cuchie on my junk.

Shorty saw that she was not having the same success w/ me dance-wise at the bar as Big-Brown had so she took me by the hand to a wall near the entrance and proceeded to give me some wall-dances which were better but still not Big-Brown good.
[after the fact as I was thinking about that day; it appears to me that Shorty was kinda a newbie and perhaps not very experienced and thus why she was staring at the dances Big-Brown was giving me almost like in awe and perhaps she was trying to replicate what Big-Brown was doing]

Anyway – as Shorty was giving me some wall-dances it just so happens that Big-Brown was walking past us making her way from one side of the club to the other – and damn – she was butt-ass naked and just walking around like that (just wearing her stripper-shoes) – damn I love that look - anyway as Shorty was giving me a wall-dance Big-Brown playfully comes and starts rubbing on my side while Shorty is griding on me with her back to me – Big-Brown was rubbing her big-ole bootay against my side and right-arm and I just could not resist her bod, curves, and azz – Shorty was dancing for me but I had my eyes and attention/lust on Big-Brown – I kept looking at her voluminous ass and those beautiful light-brown big-ole butt-cheeks – I actually went ahead and stuck my forearm in b/w her big-ole butt-cheeks to feel all dat azz.

When the song that was playing stopped; I wanted Big-Brown – I payed Shorty for the couple of dances she gave me at the bar and against the wall and then grabbed butt-naked Big-Brown around the waist and turned her around and put her in front of me so that big-ole booty would be against my raging torpedo (i.e. we were still standing against the wall).

Big-Brown started grinding on me in her slow, sensual, and methodical style and pressing her butt firmly against me using her powerful ebony thighs and hips – man I was feeling that shit – then Big-Brown; as she was grinding on me w/ her back to me; reaches over the elastic waistband of my sweats and starts having her way with little-Papi – I was liking that but this is not the first time a dancer has done that to me – many a dancer will do that more often than not to turn you on and keep you turned-on and buying more-dances.

But what happened next took me off-guard – when Big-Brown was playing w/ little-Papi; she was not doing-it inside my sweats by reaching into them; she had reached into my sweats and taken out little-Papi while she played with-it in her hand (discretely as she had her back to me and had her bod pressed against me – and she was a well-built girl that could kinda use her well-built bod to sorta block the view).

Anyway – what caught me off-guard was that all of a sudden; w/o me expecting nor suspecting it; Big-Brown put me inside of her bareback from behind b/f I even knew what happened (mind you; we were on the floor; both standing against the wall, and by the entrance and the whole club was basically one big-square room where pretty much every piece of the floor could be seen from anywhere on the floor).

Anyway (yeah I use this word a lot) – anyway I FREAKED when I realized I was inside Big-Brown – I; as most people; are preprogrammed/hardwired that this is a big no-no and very dangerous (especially with someone you don't know and a stripper at that). I'd actually had this happen once or twice b/f on different occasions in the past w/ ebony dancers and I had blocked them and not allowed them to put me inside of them – but since we were on the floor and the club was pretty well-lit and I kinda was looking-around to see if anyone was checking us out while she initially had little-Papi out and playing w/ it; I was kinda distracted making sure no-one was watching us out and didn't really notice when she parked the moped in the garage.

Anyway – I freaked and my immediate thought was I need to pull out now if not sooner – but I was so f'ing horny by this time and Big-Brown just turned me on so much and that pussy felt sooooooo good and was soooooo wet and slippery; that my dick looked at me and said “no way dude; I ain't leaving”; I told my dick - “bro; you're crazy; get out of there”; my dick looked at me again and said; “dude; look – we are already in here; let's just enjoy it for 2 or 3 minutes and then we pull out; I mean; if we're only in there 2 or 3 minutes that probably minimizes the chances of catching anything b/c we were only in there a very short time” - my dick seems to always have a knack for winning the argument and making sense (at least under the extenuating circumstances) and I agreed w/ my dick and said “ok dude; just 2 or 3 minutes and we pull the fuck out” - my dick said “cool”.

Big-Brown was reaaaaaly working me now – her slow and methodical grinding was now being done with her super-wet pussy wrapped around my bare dick and I was seeing stars – we do this for about 3 songs and then all of a sudden Big-Brown grabs my dick and tucks back in my sweats.

I figured Big-Brown had temporarily lost her senses when she barebacked me and had now come to her senses and that's why she tucked me back-in – but nope – Big-Brown is cut from a different cloth.

Big-Brown grabs me by the wrist and takes me to a table by the corner – I figure she just wants to give me some more conventional lap-dances so I'll spend more $$$ on her – but nope – while Big-Brown is sitting on top of me RCG on the low-chair by the table; she again reaches around and takes out little-Papi and puts him in-her once again.

This time she really has me – she has me in a position where she can really fuck me using that big fine ass and thick powerful legs – she really starts grinding on me up and down and I'm fucking seeing stars trying not to bust a Miami-sized nut – we go for about 2 songs w/ her really giving me the business and I'm holding-on with all I can not to cum – by the middle of the 3rd song I'm about to shoot a load that could land halfway across the room; as she is bouncing her pussy up and down on me I knew I could not take one more thrust – on the upward motion and b/f she could come down again as in almost a reflex action I hit the small of her back with my elbow to get her off of my dick b/c if she would have come down on little-Papi w/ one more thrust I would have cummed big-time – so as she was on her way up in the thrust I hit her w/ my elbow to the small of her back so the momentum would be enough for her to keep going up and me be able to free little-Papi from the clutches of her pussy – it was bad enough that all-along I was concerned w/ barebacking a stripper and possibly ending up catching something – but just as much I did not want to cum inside her and thus possibly become a stripper's baby-daddy.

I tuck little-Papi into the safety of my sweatpants – reach in my pocket and give her $120 to which she smiles w/ a seemingly approval (we had done about 6 dances) - she leaves for the dressing-room to freshen-up and I sat there regaining my composure and enough energy to be able to get up and walk out of the club and be able to drive home.

I was kind of in disbelieve at what had happened – and thought “man – I gotta write an article about this b/c I don't think this happens in strip-clubs” - as I mentioned way earlier in the article; this event happened just a week or two after I had joined TUSCL and at the time I didn't really have a full grasp of all that could go on in strip-clubs; and in addition most of my previous SCing had been in Dallas where FS is pretty rare in most of the clubs there although good dance-mileage is common – I'm also not a devoted extras-guy and most-likely if Big-Brown had asked me to do VIP good chance I would have said no (alhtough I don't say no all the time but do VIP more as the exception than the norm with my very numerous SC visits).

Anyway – boys and girls – that is how I was “Barebacked Against My Will” – I just went in there that night looking to do what I normally do – get lots of VHM dances from lost of ebonies – but Big-Brown was too much for me and I was thus in a sense “Barebacked Against My Will” since I had no intentions of doing such!!!

For me – part of the disbelieve – was not only the barebacking – but the fact of how it happened – i.e. in the main-room – against the wall (at least half of it) – with other dancers and custies around – at the very least the club was only about 25% full it being a Monday eve and not too late (may have been around 10 pm when the barebacking festivities started and Miami clubs usually close at 5 a.m. thus they often get-going late and particularly the black-clubs; IME) – so the fact we did it on the floor – and it was spontaneous – and I did not even have to ask for it – and she took it upon herself and was proactive (I effing love-it when a woman takes the lead sexually; f'ing love it; makes me feel as if they want-it themselves although of course she may have *just* been looking to get paid but it sure felt as she enjoyed it as much as I did) – and part of the kicker is that I think the manager was sitting over like two tables from us when we went to the table in the corner – there was a 30-something AA guy sitting at a table by himself shuffling thru a whole bunch of papers that had his full attention and he never looked-up from his papers during the 3 dances I had on the table near him – I assume he was the manager; but not sure – and this kinda added to the whole “what the hell just happened” feeling – and I also liked that she was not a talker – she never said a word the whole time we were knocking-boots and she let her gorgeous bod and her pussy do all the talking; which is how I like it – I don't want no chick yapping and saying “yeah daddy – you like that” - or SS like “oooh baby you're so big for a whiteguy”; LOL - she just went down to business and let her actions do the talking.

Editorial Comments:
+ I did not write this article to brag and I certainly do not condone barebacking nor do I practice it regularly (although I *have* slipped a few times since then; you know what they say about a wild-animal once it tastes blood)

+ I also had not written about it till now b/c 1) as you can tell; the article was pretty long and detailed and I knew it was going to take time and effort to write it so I kept putting it off 2) I was really concerned I may have caught something and I wanted to make sure I was in the clear after the customary 6 month incubating period – did not want to write the article a week after the fact and a month later find out I had something (thankfully I'm clear as Juice's mind).

Da End!!!


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Good grief. Did you user name used to be Kyle1111?
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Great story !! You,da man !!
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Give those White Hispanics an inch and they take a mile.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

  • sflguy123
    9 years ago
    She probably works at Vic's Place now!
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Good read
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    Wow, great article!
  • clubdude
    9 years ago
    I sit in awe of your experience!!!
  • luvemthick93
    9 years ago
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    [slow clap]
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Good story. We need more sex stories!

    This has never happened to me. The first time I fucked DS I and II it was bareback. And still is. But not with others.

    But I can see how I could allow this ITC. If I was extremely horny, and if I was high, I might risk it.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Papi, you are just lucky that your dick didn't fall off after that.
  • sshrfrsky
    9 years ago
    Good read,
  • bobofdoom159
    9 years ago
    gotta love black girls !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • billyba
    9 years ago
    Had a few similar experiences and this is alwAys how it goes "that pussy felt sooooooo good and was soooooo wet and slippery; that my dick looked at me and said “no way dude; I ain't leaving”; I told my dick - “bro; you're crazy; get out of there”; my dick looked at me again and said; “dude; look – we are already in here; let's just enjoy it for 2 or 3 minutes and then we pull out; I mean; if we're only in there 2 or 3 minutes that probably minimizes the chances of catching anything b/c we were only in there a very short time” - my dick seems to always have a knack for winning the argument"

    Except for I'm never so disciplined as you were to not finish the game .... LoL game me blue balls just reading it. Whether it in her mouth or else where I just let her know it's coming and she can use that knowledge how she sees fit.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Papi, my man, this was long and I wanted to give it a proper read so I had to download it and take it home. MAN I wish I had some popcorn for that read. Because golly you can paint a picture. What an exciting adventure you had. You sir sounded stupider than I because no matter how fine i would NEVER go raw until I'm married not with ANY person. But that sounds like a damn good time. That sounds like THE perfect way to have sex in the club and now you made it a fantasy I must turn to reality. Good job. Did you ever go back to shorty in the future or was she a one hitter quitter? And did you ever keep in contact with Big-Brown? sounds like someone you would want to keep on speed dial as I know very few women would be interested in doing such a thing, and such a magical experience to boot. Ah the beauty of a woman who doesn't need to be told what to do. Good job PC ol' boy, tip of the hat, tip o' D' hat!
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    on a side related note, if I'm black [and break bitches backs], but visit the strip clubs, and I do pay for play, am I giving girls the "old PL-try" or am I in the BBC league?
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    What ?
  • hassenpfeffer65
    9 years ago
    Excellent article! You're a shoe-in for the 2015 TUSCL award for Fine PL Literature!

    "(I effing love-it when a woman takes the lead sexually; f'ing love it; makes me feel as if they want-it themselves...)".
    Amen, brother!
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    ^ this guy
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... And did you ever keep in contact with Big-Brown? sounds like someone you would want to keep on speed dial ...”

    Most SCers probably follow this route – but I'm a “niche” SCer both in my taste for dancers and SCing M.O.

    As I've often mentioned in the discussion board; I'm huge on variety and once I'm w/ a dancer I'm more often than not looking forward to the next adventure after that (i.e. a different dancer) – that's just my SC M.O; - can't really explain why; it just what it is.

    Me often being sorta a big-fish in a small-pond in the small black SCs I visit; I get LOTS of dancer #s wanting to hook-up; but with my M.O. of really really liking variety; I hardly ever call/hook-up w/ a dancer that's given me her # after I've been w/ her and whom is obviously interested in P4P.

    Additionally – it's actually not that hard in the small black MIA clubs to find dancers similar to Big-Brown that are willing *and* able and I've def found them and def enjoyed them – so she was def not a unicorn although I did admire her skillz.

    “... Did you ever go back to shorty in the future ...”

    Nah – as I mentioned in my “brief” article; I wasn't really that into her and she was not that good at dancing – def lots of more and better options for me to partake/enjoy in.

    Thanks for your comments.
  • gammanu95
    9 years ago
    Bravo! It's nothing to be ashamed of when little head takes over the while body. It happens to us all (like me- I don't even trust CFS or CBJ, but I let it happen). I'm glad you came out okay on the other side.
  • funtimepete
    9 years ago
    A similar thing happened to me once as well a few years ago. I remember the inside voices. Take it out quick, no leave it in for a minute, no take it out, no just a minute more, then it all turns into a blur. The only difference was she popped just before me and then right before I blew she jumped off me and swallowed every last drop. I was scared shitless for quite a while think that probably caught something terrible. It was a one time experience that I never want to happen again.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    9 years ago
    Loved the story. I believe safe sex is the best plan and know the risk, but to be honest I found this to be a major turn on because my biggest unfilled fantasy is to shoot my load BBFS creampie in a hot curvy black girl- of course I'm more the big tit guy so I guess I would prefer cowboy so I could play with those juggs! Yeah, the Jungle fever thing. Thanks for sharing Papi Chulo- you've been an inspiration!
  • Maximiliano
    9 years ago
    Great fuck stories you tell! You must have a thing for writing about pussy cause you do it well. I too am partial to getting my pleasure in SCs from black chicks. When at look at those beautiful pink vaginas all I can think about is watering that glorious hole. Fortunately I keep a raincoat handy to keep some of the anxiety down, knowing you can actually catch something from just sucking her super nipples... especially if they have metal piercings where some AH left his germs just before you started sucking as I once did and came down with a serious case of bacterial pneumonia that almost sent me out of this world. But let's face it...if you chase pussy in $5 a dance SCs, you may increase your odds of contamination when you bareback one of those beauties. Fun shit you write. Thanks!
  • SteveSutton
    8 years ago
    I think this story had me captivated against my will. But seriously, very nicely written and an enjoyable read, thanks!
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Check out big bad PC with da phat assery. I need to come to floriduh more often
  • Dlee305
    8 years ago
    Dope! If anything you inspired me to start trying to save $25 on VIP at The Body. Get there early and find a lil cut and have the coat on and do the deed out on the main floor. Could have did it with one but no condom.
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