Beware of Strippers Outside the Club

avatar for st33h
I'm not politically correct. I'm not a dick, but I'm not politically correct. I know what I know, I try and be a good guy, but in the end, I know what I know.

Strippers seem to be like stray cats to me. Let me rephrase that, the strippers I've had contact with outside the club seem to be like stray cats. Those inside the clubs operate from what is usually a strictly mercenary viewpoint, which is fine. You're going to a club to see some skin, hopefully more. You want a service and it's fair for the strippers to charge for their service.

If they get possessive, or provide shitty service, you can always leave and go somewhere else. I'm sure there will be a line of guys to take your place.

It's the outside the club stuff that things get fucked up.

On occasion I used to tell the dancers what I did for a living when they'd ask. Sometimes there'd be some conversation about their experiences, sometimes, they'd ask questions. Once in a while I'd get a client out of it.

The last stripper I told what I did wanted to hire me. She was hot and I said sure. I agreed to do it for a good down payment and payment over time. She was off heroin for six months she said, and she was trying to keep clean. She paid the initial fee, no reservation, and I did the work, and then she called me up and said she was desperate for cash and could I refund some of the money to her. I agreed. I shouldn't have, but again, she was hot. Getting paid turned out to be a god damn nightmare after that. I eventually got enough to cover my costs and a little extra and decided the headache from the additional fighting just wasn't worth it.

I saw her at the club occasionally after that. Occasionally she'd text me and want to chit chat. That's fine. I can be nice. I She lost her job at the club but she continued to text me on occasion looking for advice.

She called me up desperate, the other day. She said she was homeless, sleeping in her car, contemplating suicide, hadn't eaten in days, and could I spare $40. It was cold and I had some extra cash so I said fine. When I went to see her, she shows up with someone I can only presume was a pimp and tells me that he's letting her sleep in his house. She's haggard, she's got scabs on her face and she smells like urine. I know she's back on heroin but I give her the money and walk away.

Last night the bitch calls me at midnight and when didn't answer she texts me telling me she's stranded in one of the bad areas in Detroit.

I blocked her.

Strippers out of the club are like stray cats. You try and be nice, feed them once, and they keep coming back for more. You're nothing more than a source.


last comment
avatar for divanime13
9 years ago
Damn bro. Take a Shot for me and go listen to that J-Cole song No Role Modelz. Most strippers don't wanna be saved homie, but life happens. Your intent was good that's all that matters. Enjoy life my friend peace.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
If you treat them no differently than you would treat any other woman, then you'll find that some of them really are girls you'd like to have making your breakfast for you in the mornings.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago

Yeah dude – normal guys that are responsible and have jobs often don’t mix well with strippers, their drama; their greediness; and overall stripper lifestyle – even less if one is a “nice guy” that has a hard time saying “no” – for these kind of people it’s best to keep-it ITC and not get personal at all beyond services rendered.

I have a hard-time saying no and not helping people that tell me they need help and that’s why after a bad OTC experience about 8 years ago I don’t bother getting personal w/ strippers and just have my fun at the club and an occasional OTC and if they contact me after the OTC I often don’t respond their calls/texts till they give up.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Drugs can ruin lives.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
"Drugs can ruin lives."

So can Born Again Christianity

Capitalism Plus Dope Equals Genocide…

Alcohol and Drugs Plus Born Again Christianity Equals Total Subjugation

In strip clubs look for girls who refuse drugs, hopefully alcohol and tobacco, and born again Christianity and psychiatric medication. If you can find one, your prospects should be good.

avatar for Maximiliano
9 years ago
It's the heroin addiction that makes trusting some of these beauties a lost cause! If you can find out that the Big H is their motivation for stripping then moving on to someone else will keep you from trying to believe a "junkie" about anything. They are so sadly addicted that you are only a possible source for the desperation they face daily.
avatar for dtek
9 years ago
One of my ATFs is addicted to heroin. She once told me that after having been addicted for a while (years) the high isn't even particularly good, but that *needing* the next high is like needing air. Based on some of the things I've seen her do to make sure she had money for the next score, I believe her.
avatar for gawker
9 years ago
My ATF is a perfect example. I've finally had to block her number and hang up and block that number when she calls me from someone else's phone. She's been through detox and rehab more than 20 times. I've been her #1 enabler, but when I don't "help" her, she resorts to really fucked up behavior to feed her habit. The attention (and $$) being paid to the opioid problem now that it's affecting white middle class kids is eye-opening, but I no longer can hope that my ATF can make it out alive. What a fucking waste.
avatar for Timex345
9 years ago
If you hang around bitches, you are going to get fleas.
I have changed my number on several occasions and given up my favorite clubs on numerous
occasions to escape stage 5 clinger dancers. I keep to myself now when I go to a club.
I rarely interact with the other customers. I keep to myself and talk about the weather with the girls who I tip.
I rarely visit the same club repeatedly in a short time frame. I don't ask any personal questions.
I just assume the worst. Being nice has it's place, but I have learned the hard way that these so called "angels" who dutifully dance for you rarely have your best interest at heart.
avatar for s88
9 years ago
SJG, if they are making breakfast for you, who is making breakfast for their kid since they have to have one if they are acting all "old country grandma covers the table with food"? Strippers under 30 dont want to ever be married and love the freedom, strippers over 30 wish they were married.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Lots of PL's want to save the world, one dancer at a time, and this story is typical of why you can't unless you check her into rehab. Between the drugs, pimps, depression, alcoholism...nothing you can you will change her. Especially $40. She probably owes that to the pimp for her last hit.

You can bang your head against her walls (thanks Roger!) but in the end all you're doing is facilitating her downward spiral. Cruel as it may sound, I run away from these types of dancers because I'm not a social worker or drug dealer and there's nothing I can do for them unless they ask me to take them to a rehab place. No one has ever asked.
avatar for pensionking
9 years ago
No PL, however caring or generous, can defeat the power of heroin. They always relapse.
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
The next time you take a stripper for a client, you might want to consider doing the work Pro Boner. ;)
avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 years ago
Have you noticed that the vast majority of strippers don't want to have anything to do with us outside the club? And you're forming an opinion of them based on just one of them that did?
avatar for K
9 years ago
Lessons learned the hard way. Nothing new and has been said hundreds of times on this site. I was warned and did not take the advice until it was too late.
I no longer provide services to dancers. It gets ugly. Not always but often enough. They think I ripped them off. They expect superior service for a discount because they are hot and they know you want sex with them.
Bailing them out of trouble? Don't. If you give them money it should be for a service rendered. Gifts and loans just lead to more requests for gifts or loans. And when you stop giving, they just ramp up the pressure. She needs money for rent? You need something as well. Loans are never repaid. if I was lucky I got a "free" dance or session. It never was free. i still had to pay the house fee or the hotel room or for lunch and they still expected at least something of a tip..
avatar for Ugluck75
9 years ago
drug addicts - strippers or otherwise certainly can be trouble. However most strippers are not addicts so I would not put them in that basket. I do give my OTC stripper honey some financial assistance and she gives me physical gratification along with plenty of nice dates so I hardly place her in the same category as the druggy you unfortunately happened upon. Also I agree that strippers tend to be like stray cats but personally I like cats and making them purr....
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Papi kind of echoes my experiences. I used to want to know a dancer's real name, what's up in their personal lives and basically be part of their universe. But treating them like a regular civvi is a bad way to go. The vast majority of dancers will lie, cheat, steal, break dates, and string you along for as long as they can get away with. It's no wonder their live in b/f's are the losers they are; these are the only people who can put up with them.

So now, I don't care about their real names, where they live etc. In fact, my longest running regular dancer is an almost 20 year relationship (we started young!), and just last year she decided she wanted to tell me her name and give me her cell # which I traced to her address and confirmed her name. Her attitude was almost one of feeling guilty that I didn't have this info years ago! LOL So she's the one exception that proves the rule, and no, she doesn't do OTC with me or anyone else. I have no interest in dating her even so as I have a g/f, but she's about the most 'normal' dancer I've ever met.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
damn. my otc girl has an opimun (sp) habit. she is faithful for our otc butt just can't hold a job. even at a strip club. i hope some day soon she does better.
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