Dancers I Have Known

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I have just returned from a memorable vacation in Hawaii with a dancer from Toronto. Back at work in an exceedingly mellow mood I have been looking back in fondness and humour at some of the memorable ladies that I have encountered in my short time in this hobby.

I entered the hobby late in my life; my early 60s during a brief retirement after selling my first company. I discovered what is available in hard core SCs with a chance stop at Honeys in Everett, WA literally days before that club was shuttered forever. Slack-jawed and wide-eyed after that incredible awakening I quickly discovered tuscl on the internet and had my eyes opened even wider. With my new tuscl awareness I planned a cross continent bi-national strip club tour.

My second stop on this tour was Arnies Idle Hour in Harvey, Il. Arnies is a black club in the sketchy southern suburbs of Chicago. It is also a SC where FS is available from all dancers at a very reasonable price. Up to that point in my life I had not had even a social conversation with a black lady. My upbringing, the area of the world where I was raised and where I live now, my industry; all this was as lily white as lily white can be. Now, here I am in a SC where black ladies are aggressively pitching FS to me for $80-$100! I succumb to the entreaties of the most beautiful girl in the club and off to the VIP she drags me.

Arnies is also the first club where I experienced the delights of the wide open, 'anything goes' VIP. I was doomed right from the start. I was rubbing elbows with another guy who had a fat girl bouncing up and down on his dick. Across the small room from me were two other guys getting vigourous BJs from their dancers. I hadn't a hope in hell of getting wood under those circumstances and I sheepishly retreated to the bar.

Another dancer sat down beside me and started her pitch for VIP. We had a conversation that, for me, was utterly fascinating. I learned of the world of a 30ish black woman who worked as a stripper/whore. This lady (I will call her C.) had no illusions about her world and her life but also no bitterness or despair. C. had what I would call true wisdom about herself. She knew what she was. She knew what her future would be. She accepted her lot in life and was just making the best of things. She was moderately attractive and much slimmer than is the norm in Arnies. She had a grand sense of humour. She claimed (and I believed her) to be saving money for her post-stripper life. C. sold me on a VIP but again, Mr. Wood was unable to perform. At the end of her shift I took C. out for dinner where our conversation continued. I have never seen that lady again but I remember our encounter with laughter and joy.

My second memorable encounter occurred later on this cross continent trip in a suburban Toronto SC. By this time I had visited several Detroit clubs and several other Toronto clubs with the same VIP arrangement as Arnies in Chicago. Mr. Wood was now very comfortable with public VIPs.

The young lady starring in this encounter is an early 20s hottie with no shyness in the VIP at Million Dollar. In the VIP this lady (let's call her V.) got down to business by giving me an extreme close up as she started to rub one out. Minutes later my shirt is drenched with what I am sure is piss. Not so! V. is the first (and only) squirter that I have ever seen. While V. is giving me a sweet BBBJ I attempt the same thing that she had done to herself. Holy shit! Same result! BBBJ stops and I warily attempt DATY on V. She grinds her pubic area against my mouth and Bingo!.....she squirts again. I can't get enough of this. On goes the condom and the old in-and-out is underway. Double Holy Shit! V. has the tightest pussy Mr. Wood has ever entered. V. is also an energetic participant in the old in-and-out. Mr. Wood gives it up readily but V. doesn't squirt.

I am instantly infatuated with this exotic creature. Even after I return to Alberta I can't get V. out of my mind. I fly back and forth across the continent three times between Alberta and Toronto just for a hotel sex weekend with V. Finally, I bring V. out to Rancho farmerart for a long weekend of sex. Not the best idea of my life. I learn that V. is an absolute moron. She spent all the non-sex time at my place watching cartoons on my various satellite systems. I cut her loose and have not seen her since that unfortunate weekend. What a waste of a supremely talented pussy!

I started hitting the Alberta SCs after I returned home from my big trip. Alberta clubs are definitely NOT clubs where the dancers eagerly peddle FS in the VIP. In fact, private dances are usually 100% air. In addition dancers in Alberta clubs get their gigs through agencies; there are no house dancers in Alberta clubs. Even so, a wily customer can often winkle out an OTC encounter with a dancer.

On one of my visits to the old French Maid in Calgary I met a touring dancer from British Columbia. I spent a fair amount of cash on private dances with her where K. let me get a little bit 'handsy' and I broached the subject of OTC at the nearby Westin Hotel with her. I put on the hard sell and tipped her generously all throughout the session of $30 private dances. K. finally agreed and, to my great surprise, she was still there when I went to collect her when the club closed.

As we walked the short two blocks to the Westin, K. says to me - "I've never done this before. Please don't be nasty with me." 'Yeah, right,' I think to myself. When we get to my room, K.'s nervousness is evident. Even more so when we do the deed for the first time. Second jump is marginally better. I can't say with absolute metaphysical certitude BUT I think that it is entirely possible that I was K.'s first P4P customer.

K. sends me an e-mail when does her next Alberta tour. I meet her in the club, do some naughty private dances with her, take her for OTC again. Later the following winter when I am vacationing in southern France I get another e-mail from K. telling me that she has been black-balled from Alberta clubs for six months for what she did with me in the VIP on our last meeting (cameras had been installed, unbeknownst to either of us). I felt really guilty, and after having her story checked out, I sent her a cheque to make up for her lost income.

Big mistake! I turned myself into the worst kind of PL. K. used my money wisely, however. She left stripping and moved to Calgary where she went to a technical school, taking an instrumentation technology course. I did two more OTC episodes with K., one of them a party at my farm where K. acquitted herself marvelously as my hostess. OTC with K. has been finished for almost 18 months but I seem to be still in her clutches. K. asked me for a character reference as she attempted to enter the straight world. I declined but I did ease her into her first oil patch job and she seems to be doing well. K. is getting married in the summer of 2013. She asked me to be the emcee at her wedding reception. I declined the invitation.

When I got back in business I initially had to make several trips to Toronto as I was attempting to raise money for my new venture. On one of those trips I met P. at Club Pro. P. is 42 now, well educated, speaks 5 languages, claims a university degree from Hungary. She is gorgeous and has maintained her terrific figure. She also provided me with my most exciting ITC sex. In fact, the second best sex of my entire life, behind only V. the moronic squirter.

I usually see P. for hotel happiness whenever I am in Toronto for business. I brought her out to Rancho farmerart for a weekend last summer (problems between my dog and P. made that weekend a little tense). I took her to Hawaii for a week last winter. That was one sweet week but I succumbed to a bareback moment so I sweated six months of testing. Nothing nasty happened, thank heavens! I have just returned from another sweet week in Hawaii with P. She is after me to invest in a goofy business idea of hers. She put the big press on me during our time in Hawaii. She showed me her investment statements, the business plan she has drawn up for this silly idea, anything she could think of to give herself credibility. I will not be investing any money in her silly idea. I countered with an investment plan that would give her an excellent income stream and a fair chance at capital appreciation. She has no interest in that idea. I don't think that this will be a deal-breaker between us.

As I work again up here in northern Canada at my exploration camp I have visions of P.'s glorious breasts bobbling free as we walked the beach and trails of the resort we stayed at in Hawaii. Sex on the beach is cool. Licking fresh pineapple juice from P.'s pussy is WAY cool!

These are the most memorable girls of my time in this hobby. I am ashamed to admit that there are other FS dancers whose names have now fled from my elderly memory. I have no regrets about the money that I have spent on these dancers. K. was more expensive than was rational. I won't be falling into a similar pit. V. showed me the dangers of infatuation. P., I think, will be a longer term purely mercenary arrangement. Those weeks in Hawaii with her set me up nicely with sexy memories to combat the misery of life in an oil patch frontier exploration camp.


last comment
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
Great post, Art. I always enjoy your take on our hobby.
avatar for Corvus
12 years ago
Love your writing Art. When you retire from the oilpatch, you have a future in literature I'm sure.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Great article Art, enjoyed the adventures.
avatar for stripclubroamer
12 years ago
Experiences like these keep me motivated to work hard and save for my retirement. Great experiences Art.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Hey Art, I could match your stories but not your story telling ability. Good job.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"I have no regrets about the money that I have spent on these dancers."

Interesting read. You've HAD the money to spend certainly.
avatar for cnyknight
12 years ago
good read art, I have to say i'm jealous of your escapades, I hope one day I have the resources you do to spend on this hobby because it sounds like a blast.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
"the moronic squirter"

Why the fuck is that phrase making me giggle like a school girl. Good thing nobody is home.

Good read, Art.
avatar for TxVegas
12 years ago
I enjoyed the recap. I appreciate the need to reflect and I like that you don't regret any of the money spent. Happy continued hunting.
avatar for deltapete
12 years ago
Great post! I know many of the places you mention but I'm surprised that you found success in Alberta clubs. I had basically written them off as a desert compared to various US locations.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Great writing as others have mentioned Art.

But perhaps a better title may have been Willie Nelson’s and Julio Iglesias’ duet song “To All the Girls I’ve Loved Before” :)
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
Why did you stop hooking up with V, how it is a problem that she's dumb?

If I were in your shoes I'd be proud of having helped K. PLs give money to dancers with the foolish idea the the dancer will become "theirs", you just showed a little sympathy.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
To bad about V, but dumb girls tend to become very dependent very quickly. Good narrative and lessons.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
Great story, Art. I was afraid you were going to say you sent K. a ticket to join you in France. I don't know how much money you sent but it doesn't sound like such a big mistake.
avatar for batuk
12 years ago
Great post Mr farmerart. My respects!
avatar for stanlee
12 years ago
very good read. Can't believe you actually tried ITC at Arnies. wow. brave soul. living in the chicago area i would rank that club pretty darn near the bottom of the barrel. kudos to you on your clubbing escapades!
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
farmerart is the man
avatar for Maximiliano
12 years ago
Good job Farmer art! You have a lot of good things to share with aficionados of SCs As well as with newcomers. Great Hobby For retirement life if you can afford it! You lucky so and so! LOL
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