Mary Jane and stress

avatar for FTS
My job is stressing me out. Does Cannabis reduce stress levels?


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avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Yes but that can't be good for your track career. :)
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
You are going to hear all sorts of pro-cannabis stuff on a forum like this. But my view is still that it is just an escape. What is really needed is meditation, maybe yoga, and just a commitment to feeling your feelings.

And sometimes jobs are stressful because you need a different job, or some other life changes. Cannabis and other chemicals will not get you this. They are just a tune out.


Jeff Beck and Tal Wilkenfeld…
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Absolutely it relieves stress. My new car was damaged when I was extremely high (I wasn't driving, it was parked) and I honestly didn't really care. However, Mary Jane is for after work. If you get high before or at work you'll suck at your job.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
This will tell you everything you need to know.…
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Yes, especially indica strains.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I only smoke indica, and Nina is correct. We should stick to discussing weed and avoid sexual topics.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
College friend, everybody said he had a drinking problem.

This dingbat girl Dee Dee said, "*Oh* but its only on the w-e-e-kends."

It sure didn't stay that way. It was drinking as soon as the guy awoke, 7 days a week.

Learning to deal with life stresses via chemicals will always do this.


Tal Wilkenfeld…
Shows why pretty young girls should be prohibited from wearing bras.
avatar for bubba267
9 years ago
Yes...self medication is always the best way to relieve stress and make everything better. You just have to stay high
avatar for FTS
9 years ago
I did it all the time during my early years of college, but I wasn't stressed out nearly as much as I am now. Only problem is, I remember getting kinda paranoid. I didn't like that.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
A job will become intolerably stressful once it no longer supports your long term goals.

Likewise a bad marriage or other relational situation will make all aspects of life stressful.

Mood altering chemicals contribute nothing good to such situations.

avatar for FTS
9 years ago
@chessmaster, I am no longer a track athlete... but if I was, I don't think it would hurt. See Michael Phelps.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Lol. Good point.
avatar for Maximiliano
9 years ago
Pot consumption and its benefits vs negatives are a lot different than it has been in years past in this country. The arrival of medical marijuana has taken away the need to score from unscrupulous lowlife dealers and now you can choose your medical benefits from this amazing weed instead of just getting fucking wasted! Indica helps most of us calm down and sleep well at night and sativa when used in moderation is a hell of a lot better way to face bummer issues than getting all soused up on alcohol and doing things you cant't even remember when the drunkenness wears off. I know of no one who suffers total memory loss from weed the way you can from a night of tequila bombs that can be lethal to already overtaxed brain cells. Pot is also a real plus when you mix it with sex. Should you do it everyday? I do, and I have for the last forty years or more. I've learned to do it in moderation. It is a hell of a lot better than doing zannies, oxycotin or heroin, smack, meth and blow. Pot IS manageable when you control your usage and find out what positives your head and body can benefit from when used properly. Once you understand your limits use it accordingly. Certainly it is better than the mood elevators and endorphin control drugs shrinks and doctors in general are happy to prescribe you to make you a happier and more pleasant person. Miserable unhappy people are terrible to be around as are hard-assed, straight laced goody goody two shoes types who hate all so called drug users even though theyoften have a medicine cabinet full of legal addictions. My advice, is give it a serious look for a few months. If you find that the "herb" works for you, use it but keep in mind you don't need to toke up non-stop bongs or suck down joints and edibles to enjoy the real benefits. Mary Jane like most stimulants and relaxants is best when you learn what moderation means and how it helps your well being.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Maximiliano, well put.
avatar for Maximiliano
9 years ago
Thanks Nina! I'm probably stoned right now but I can't take my eyes off of your pink bra avitar wondering how nice it would be to snuggle up with those lovely breasts tonight after a toke or two of dynamite kush! Oh yeah, did I mention that marijuana can really make your horny also? lol
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I agree with everything that Maximiliano said. In both posts.

Damn that's a long name.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
+1 for Nina's pic
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I've never done illegal drugs so I can't comment on the pros & cons from firsthand experience - I would think that good quality cannabis is probably a better option than pharmaceuticals - but in the end what one is doing is perhaps dealing/addressing the symptoms & not the root of the problem, IMO, but often times one only has the choice to only be able to deal w/ the symptoms & one is unable to change their circumstances.

Hopefully your current situation is not the norm all the time, if it is the norm then IMO the stress will often only become more chronic & if this is the case then you should look to make changes in your life/work if possible rather than continue to suffer to the point you become totally burned out - the most effective way to remove stress is to remove the source - sometimes taking a chance and going to a different job or line of work may be the required solution.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Personally I go for red wine, good red wine. Occasionally champagne.

There's 5 levels:

level 1: that bullshit you find everywhere, these is called "beverages" not wine (ex: Apothic Red*)
level 2: solid wines, that won't break the bank (ex: Conundrum / Roederer Estate Brut)
level 3: costs more than a dinner for 2 at Outback (ex: Nickel & Nickel Chicken Ranch Cabernet / Clicquot Yellow Label)
level 4: car payment wine (ex: Dominus / La Grande Dame)
level 5: house payment wine (ex: Screaming Eagle, vintage Opus / Dom Perignon Rose')

* they actually use dye in the garbage to make it darker, many other wines in the price range do the same thing.
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
never tried weed or any other type of illegal drug. the only reason i'm slightly curious about weed is because i heard it makes listening to music better. but i'm not so curious that i'm willing to try weed just to get the effect of how music sounds under the influence of weed
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
Grind out an hour or two of road cycling. There's no better way to fight stress.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ yeah, often times exercise can help the mind a lot.

And sometimes one can only say "what the fuck" & just try their best & not worry about it since over-worrying *only* makes things worse - do what you can & don't worry about what you can't change no-matter how hard you try - go to the SC if you need to decompress - sitting around worrying about shit often only works to make one sick physically & mentally.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Thanks guys. I've smoked a couple blunts this evening, too. :)
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Shailynn I also LOVE red wine. And while I prefer the finer ones, I won't hesitate to drink the cheap stuff, too. Lol
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
Opiates! They kick weed's ass. No, I don't use heroin or other opiates. But if they were legal and had no bad side effects...
avatar for FTS
9 years ago
I don't want to quit my job because I make a lot of money for somebody my age. I think I might just take a couple hits with my CF the next time I see her.
avatar for skibum609
9 years ago
Track: This is my two cents. I have been an attorney since 1982. Since 1975 I have smoked weed an average of 360 days a year. It will not relieve your stress, after the buzz begins to die down. In fact, it is more likely it will make it worse. Smoke it for joy or don't smoke it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
IME many people that chose a job b/c of the $$$ end-up being unhappy and hating their job/career *if* the job is not a good-fit for them/their-skills - most people I know whom are successful choose a job they-like or is a good fit for their skills and w/ time they end up making good $$$ b/c they enjoy their job and are good at it - not saying one should take a vow of poverty but we spend a lot of our life at-work and if we don't enjoy our job it may not be worth-it just b/c of the $$$ - not saying my view is the correct one; just a view.
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