My First Real Night Stripping

avatar for slimbaby
So as my journey continues in this stripping "career"(see previous article), I decided to try for this go-go club in Paterson, NJ. I got in contact with the owner and he said I could come in that very night. I already had my dancewear, hair, and make-up ready of course. I was very nervous initially as I pulled up to the club. I got the strength, walked in the club, and asked one of the girls sitting down to point me to the manager on duty. I met the manager who was very nice (and handsome I might add). He showed me around the place and tried to calm my nerves. He finally led me to the dressing room area where it was packed with girls.

First off, these girls were very rude and don't even speak when spoken to nor do they even look at you. They are also dirty looking and nasty. I was literally one of the cleanest looking there. Not to brag or anything, but I look like I belong in Manhattan. So anyway, I got changed in the small dressing room and got on stage for my set. I was a wee bit nervous but I pulled through for the 15 min set. I got off stage and a man called me over to his table. He talked with me, flirted with me and touched me a lot. He wanted to go to VIP. We went into VIP and he immediately began to take off my top and stuck his fingers in my private area. I was immediately grossed out and felt violated. I told him I had to go to the bathroom and ran out the VIP. I didn't come back out until he left. Soon after, I asked the manager how much do I get for the VIP and he said i get $0. I was supposed to ask for a tip from the customer. ARE YOU SERIOUS? The VIP was $65 by the way. I was royally pissed.

Later I was propositioned from a guy who wanted sex/bj. I proudly declined. Come to find out from talking to another dancer (who actually spoke) that a lot of regulars come to that club and they expect to have sex because that's what the girls do. I even heard conversations from the girls in the dressing room about their sexual encounters with the customers. So basically there was no money in that club unless I was having sex. I couldn't wait to get out of that club and go home and take the longest, hottest, shower of my life.

Will keep you updated on the next part of my journey.


last comment
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Yeah. Sounds like an extras club. Anywhere the girls rely 100% on tips is likely to involve sex.

Since you wrote this article you have VIP tuscl status and can read the reviews of possible clubs.
avatar for Ugluck75
9 years ago
Unless you want to be an extras girl, which it sounds like you don't then that club is not for you. Find another more normal club to work in. At all the clubs I visit I pay the dancers directly for dances and then they tip out at the end of the night giving the club a cut of what they earned. So find a normal club to work at like that and ask about the tip out fee. I would imagine even most extras clubs are like that and the girls can just earn extra $ for those services.
avatar for K
9 years ago
slimbaby, research the club here before auditioning. it looks like you are looking for clubs in my area. I am happy to share my opinion or what I've heard about a club
avatar for Maximiliano
9 years ago
Sounds like SC biz could be a little further down the road for your reality. The name of the game is interest in sex not demanding the right attitude from some guy who walks in off the street hungry for pussy. You can make money off of their interest or if they disgust you then you are most likely not open-minded enough to make this kind job work out for you. Have you ever tried working at Walmart? While you may find that kind public contact to be equally unappealing, most of those people don't go there because they want to fuck you.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
“… First off, these girls were very rude and don't even speak when spoken to nor do they even look at you …”

Now you know why many custies are at-times defensive when dealing w/ dancers – many dancers can be serious bitches = and of-course in an extras-clubs one will not find the “nice girls”.

For various reasons not every custy is looking for sex even in an extras-club – a good/fair dance is the dancer grinding on the custy and he grabbing titties and ass – anything else is beyond the scope of a decent basic dance and many customers will abide by that.

Most custies *will* want/expect sex in VIP (that’s why they wanna go in there and pay the extra-$$$); so if a custy wants VIP you tell him your rules ahead of time and if he’s fine w/ it then do the VIP and if not then don’t.

In many clubs it seems dancers have more drama w/ other dancers than w/ custies – so as a newbie def watch your back, belongings, and $$$’ other girls particularly in dive-clubs will steal anything you have.

Not all clubs are the same – there are well-managed clubs that dancers enjoy dancing at – you just have to do your research and do some trial and error.

Good luck – give it a chance for a while b/f you decide it’s not for you based on some bad experiences early-on.
avatar for Chanel
9 years ago
I would also say to definitely scope out potential clubs by visiting first as a patron.

Since most clubs don't allow unescorted females as customers, maybe you could have a guy friend go around to clubs with you.

Pay attention to the appearance of the other dancers. Is there a lot of variety? Or is there a "look" that most adhere to? And do you you fit that particular style? I mention this because management at my club hired a girl recently how only worked one day and never came back. She was nice, and everyone was nice to her (fortunately, because that's not always the case), but she didn't "fit" physically.

Also, larger clubs in metropolis or tourist areas have less drama and attitude between the girls. There are so many other things going on that there isn't time. Many of the dancers are travelling and rotate through, so there isn't as much opportunity for cliques to form.

Conversely, in small local clubs, you'll get a group who is so used to their routine, that they won't welcome new dancers at all. In fact, some of them will haze new girls. I've worked at places like this too.

It sounds as if you've decided that your last club wasn't going to work, but if the money was great, that could compensate for a lot and you could work around the negatives.

Good luck with everything.

avatar for skibum609
9 years ago
You went t oa club in Patterson NJ and expected it to be similar to clubs in Manhatten, or other places in normal America? Seriously?
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
I'd recommend going to other clubs in your area as a customer to see if the contact level is suitable for you. Nothing will make you more miserable than being a clean girl working in an extras club.
avatar for FalconLord1979
9 years ago
I'm more impressed by the 15min set.. Around COI I think the average is 5 min
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
The COI sets are around 4-5 minutes (about 2 songs worth) and are pretty typical of the general LA/OC area. I have never been to a club that had girls on stage for 15 minute sets. Was that a typo? If not that seems ridiculously long.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
15 min is a throw back to the old days in the early '90s. I miss the longer stage sets, personally. When I started the standard was 5 song - 20 minute set. It was a very slow striptease and she usually made at least $100 in singles from stage tips if not more for her 20 minute show.

Nowadays a stage set is just the preview to sell LDs or VIP rooms.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
In some dive-clubs w/ not a lot of dancers I’ve seen dancers be on stage for 5 or 6 songs in a row sometimes over two stages with that many dances per statge.

Baby Dolls Dallas has a 7-stage rotation which AFAIK dancers dance from beginning to end so that can be close to 25 mins or a bit more.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
'Wow' about a 15 minute+ stage set. I really thought that it was a typo! I honestly think that our attention span in SoCal is so bad that none of us could handle a stage set longer than 5 or 6 minutes. I have never seen anything like that here, even during super slow dayshifts.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
What is the name is the club? I wanna go.
avatar for bigman226
9 years ago
It's Paterson NJ. You can get extras in every Paterson club and it's expected. If you're a slender tender like you say and not down for extras, try Lookers in Elizabeth, Taboo & Cheeques in Linden, Breathless in Rahway. But you need moxie and a few curves to win because the competition gives zero fucks
avatar for TaraChristine
9 years ago
Honestly, you should have done a bit more research HOWEVER sometimes the internet isn't so helpful in your search. I often search the clubs hashtag on ig to see what the dancers look like to try and gauge if i'll fit in. The being said you did the right thing to run out of that club. However, the VIP was $65.... i've traveled quite a few places and even the smallest clubs had their vip set at $250 minimum....if I were you I'd look for a club more up to your level (as you mentioned you looked cleaner and more attractive than the girls working there)
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
hello. india movers and escort service. 100$ hour 10$ mile. call please gandie.

i would imagine that the courage it took to do your first stage has to be huge. me as a pl/custy enjoys watching a brand new stripper. and amateur nite is so fun. and when the waitresses have their strip competition. luv it!!!!!!
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
butt what you went through had to be quite a shock to you... the school of hard knocks. consider it a lesson in stripper life. do more research. good lapping girl.
avatar for Musterd21
6 years ago
Hope you found a place to work. Some times new dancers don’t have any idea of what it is all about. First time in a club can be a wake up call!
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