Comments by NoOtherAlternatives
discussion comment
11 years ago

Forgot to mention...supposedly, once you get over the hurdle of the first one, you are supposed to be "in" and you bounce the girls off each other as references (they call each other to verify you are who you say you are). But I never stayed in the game beyond the one time to see if that worked.
discussion comment
11 years ago

Did this once a couple years ago...girl required verification just like she told you. I signed up for preferred411, which was supposed to bypass verification by girl, but the few I contacted still wanted ID and job description to verify (so P411 turned out to be less than useful, but maybe she was less invasive than she would have been without it). I finally got the nerve to send one girl my info and we set up a meeting time. She bailed on me last minute and wanted to reschedule. Though thinking back, I'm thinking she got turned by LE by the way she was acting strange. She had lots of reviews by lots of people that have written lots of reviews (a technique to hopefully insure she is legit) but doesn't mean she got busted and is being used in a sting.
So I set up a meeting with another girl, which required sending my info again. I was scared shitless in both instances, but luckily nothing bad came out of it. Interesting experience (I don't take part in the SC experience often, and the escort was a one time deal). It's such an unnerving process that it has led me to say that I won't take stupid chances like that again and just suffer through no sex (I'm single). Better safe than ruin my life. I don't think she ever called my employer though (without going into detail, it would be hard to verify my employment via calling the number I gave her); I think she just looked up the company on the web.
As londonguy mentioned, there seems to be no protection from guys seeking out escorts. They want all this information from us, but its not like we can ask for their "Certified Escort" membership card (boy, wouldn't that be nice?).
This is something I'll never understand. Millions of people die from lung cancer, millions die from drunk driving/liver cancer, but how many people have died from a good BJ/FS experience (assuming safe practices)? Which one out of those three is illegal? Hmmm...
discussion comment
12 years ago

Why are you even asking the question? You are the drummer in Iron-fucking-Maiden!!! Only the best band ever... You should be able to get any groupie you want, and furthermore, money shouldn't even be an object for you with all the money you guys have made!
discussion comment
12 years ago

North Carolina
I would actually much prefer the escorts over SC, because that's really the end result that I want, but I am just too worried about LE.
discussion comment
12 years ago

North Carolina
TER = theeroticreview.com - website for escort reviews. Similar to this site but for escorts.
P411 = preferred411.com - a screening site to assist in connecting escorts and hobbyists. These people are based in Canada I believe. They advertised that if I got screened through them that it would be much easier to see any of the providers listed on their site. However, I found that the providers I tried contacting asked for the same info that I gave the website. But it was probably just for confirmation rather than them verifying it themselves. I would guess that if you had P411, they would be more comfortable that you are who you say you are. Unfortunately, there is nothing that gives you the same confidence about them, besides reviews, but there is always the potential they got caught and are being used in a sting.
discussion comment
12 years ago

North Carolina
I did it once a couple years ago...I was freaking out the entire time from the initial contact right up until the point the action started. I am an extremely pessimistic/paranoid person though. Everything turned out alright though, in the end. I used TER and P411. Would I do it again? I highly doubt it unless I go years without getting laid again, as it happened when it lead me to TER the first time. I have too much to lose that it doesn't balance out the risk. That being said, I am seriously considering a detour to Tijuana when I am in Northern Cali in the summer. I don't have a problem with P4P when it is legal (though it is depressing that its the only way I can seem to get it with my ultra-shy personality). But Tijuana brings in its own risks such as life, limb, kidnapping, robbery, etc, though people swear that it is safe if you follow the "rules" of visiting correctly.
What you are supposed to do is pay for VIP on TER, then get cleared on P411 or similar. And you only contact providers that have multiple reviews (5+) by people who have submitted multiple reviews of different girls. That was the advice given on the boards. Let everybody else "take one for the team" (being the first one to see a provider with no reviews and taking the risks of things going wrong). You then build out your network from there with references from your past providers.
discussion comment
12 years ago

I don't drink alcohol at all, but prefer to see the pink, so that is why Tampa clubs are perfect for me! And being Tampa, I think most of the times you can find attractive dancers almost anywhere...almost. I'm still new at this, but when I go to clubs in other locations, it is almost a double-whammy: drunk dancers and g-strings. I guess if I go to places in south Florida it will only be one whammy because they still can go nude in the alcohol locations.
discussion comment
12 years ago

Okay, one last post then I'm done...just thought of a good way to approach it.
If the next girl asks for VIP, I'll just tell her something along the lines of "I don't know...I did that last time I was here and was disappointed. I don't want to pay extra money just for you to dance for me in a private area." Maybe that would give an indication of what SHE thinks should happen back there. Either that or I'm too soft/scared and this game isn't for me HAHA.
Papi: I am always respectful. I would never be mean or insulting to a dancer...that's no way to treat someone that is kind enough to dangle their naked body in my face or lap. :-)
discussion comment
12 years ago

I did test her out with a 3 dance session before she mentioned VIP and based on what I got in the LD area I thought I would at least get more of the same, but like I said, it kind of went down hill. There were a couple minor improvements, but they did not outweigh everything else going downhill. I did find out later that I apparently picked the wrong girl based on past reviews (wish I remembered names when I went that night).
There are supposedly no monitoring equipment in this club's VIP.
I think when I go back in a couple weeks, I'll try the same MO but with a different girl: test out at 3/50, see what she says about VIP and if it sounds good try it again. If the same thing happens, I'll learn my lesson (some times it takes getting beat upside the head twice for it to sink in!) and just stick to LDs for a while. The LD areas in this place are the most private I've ever seen (but I've only been to about 5 different places in my life time.
Thanks guys! I'll probably stop posting unnecessarily on this thread unless something important comes up but will continue to listen intently!
discussion comment
12 years ago

I didn't pay "upfront" but she told me the cost, so the $ amount was known. To be more specific, it was $50 to the house and $200 to the dancer.
I would think that it would be hard to discuss with the dancer what is going to go on in there before things actually happen. Obviously, the dancer isn't going to be a cop, but how does she know I am not one that is going to say "hey, are you going to finish me off in there?" and she says yes and then gets busted. Kind of like setting up an escort: you aren't supposed to say anything related to sex and/or money (I did that once and was scared shitless that I was going to get busted).
discussion comment
12 years ago

Oh yeah...if I did the 12 dances, I would most likely split it up between two dancers (6 and 6).