commonsence or just paln scared

North Carolina
Hey all,
I have often thought of hireing a escort. But I have decided not to do that. So am I useing commonsence or am i plain scared. What do you y'all think
Hey all,
I have often thought of hireing a escort. But I have decided not to do that. So am I useing commonsence or am i plain scared. What do you y'all think
last commentWhat made you decide that? What pros and cons did you weigh before deciding against it?
If your little voice says NO, then you're moving in the right direction.
Scared of what? Being ripped off might be the biggest risk. There are web sites where you can check the girls out ahead of time. Personally, I prefer not to hire a girl I've never met, which is (one reason) why I like the clubs.
Read this buddy.
I suppose it depends what you want an escort for. If it is love, or someone to fill the time with, or companionship - I think you will be sorely disappointed in her and in yourself (particularly the use of monetary resources.)
I did it once a couple years ago...I was freaking out the entire time from the initial contact right up until the point the action started. I am an extremely pessimistic/paranoid person though. Everything turned out alright though, in the end. I used TER and P411. Would I do it again? I highly doubt it unless I go years without getting laid again, as it happened when it lead me to TER the first time. I have too much to lose that it doesn't balance out the risk. That being said, I am seriously considering a detour to Tijuana when I am in Northern Cali in the summer. I don't have a problem with P4P when it is legal (though it is depressing that its the only way I can seem to get it with my ultra-shy personality). But Tijuana brings in its own risks such as life, limb, kidnapping, robbery, etc, though people swear that it is safe if you follow the "rules" of visiting correctly.
What you are supposed to do is pay for VIP on TER, then get cleared on P411 or similar. And you only contact providers that have multiple reviews (5+) by people who have submitted multiple reviews of different girls. That was the advice given on the boards. Let everybody else "take one for the team" (being the first one to see a provider with no reviews and taking the risks of things going wrong). You then build out your network from there with references from your past providers.
The first time I called an escort I was at a conference in Savannah, GA and hadn't gotten laid in a couple of years. I was way too familiar with my right hand. The service asked what I wanted for a woman and I said slim young & blonde. they said id get a call in my hotel room which i did. She wanted my name and address, told me the price and said she be at my hotel room in 30 minutes. When she arrived she was slim, brunette & mid 30's, but very attractive. She checked my drivers license and my luggage which had tags from the recent flight. She asked what I wanted and I told her just a blowjob. She smiled, said that was her specialty, and that the Savannah Police had voted her the best blowjob in Savannah. She was very good and I popped off in her mouth in about 2 minutes. She spit, not swallowed,but was a real hot ticket. After that I began hiring escorts much more often and saw the whole gamut from a she-male in San Diego, to catching herpes in Nashville, to getting ripped off in Las Vegas. I had a young blonde housewife in Chicago whose husband followed her and knocked on the door ( I swear she got off when he did). After a few years of this I started going to clubs in order to find someone I'm compatable with and to know what I'm getting. I found the southern cities to have the best escorts ( one gal in Atlanta & I met 5 or 6 times. However the mid range and up hot also have security on the prowl for hookers and escorts. I much prefer my ATF who I've been seeing once or twice a week for more than 3 years.
Why didn't you reject this escort? She WASN'T what you requested.
It's about the same danger as going to strip clubs. You can waste a lot of money and time, without getting a reasonable amount of satisfaction. More danger of getting into a ugly situation than going to Applebee's, but less than shopping on Black Friday. I never gotten anything more than good 2-way contact in an SC. I've declined on OTC opportunities because the girl was not so pretty and/or insisted on unnecessary drama.
ilbbaicnl, that's why ATFs are. VERY useful.
At the end of the day, do not use escorts are a substitute for having real relationships with women. Use escorts because you have a strong desire to have sex with a hot woman. Don't ever fall into the fantasy that you are in some sort of relationship with the escort outside of monetary. The good ones try to make you feel that way, at least for the hour or so you're with them, and these words are probably obvious to most people here but many people fall into the trap anyways.
N.O.A! What is TER and P411? Walk into a sc like you belong there.Get the job done and walk out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
TER = - website for escort reviews. Similar to this site but for escorts.
P411 = - a screening site to assist in connecting escorts and hobbyists. These people are based in Canada I believe. They advertised that if I got screened through them that it would be much easier to see any of the providers listed on their site. However, I found that the providers I tried contacting asked for the same info that I gave the website. But it was probably just for confirmation rather than them verifying it themselves. I would guess that if you had P411, they would be more comfortable that you are who you say you are. Unfortunately, there is nothing that gives you the same confidence about them, besides reviews, but there is always the potential they got caught and are being used in a sting.
I like to dabble in both the SC scene and the escort screen a little. I might start a discussion about this later on.
I would actually much prefer the escorts over SC, because that's really the end result that I want, but I am just too worried about LE.
Hello tuscl members been MIA for a while. Any way, personally I tried both experience and like what most of them said both comes with pros and cons. Personally research extensively on escort services because you can get ripoff by them standing you up or donating and not getting anything in return or worse LE or your life in danger. I say you made the right move without research. Check out sites like TER, naughty review,, or etc
I suspect it has more to do with nervousness than it does common sense, I also suspect most people are nervous the first time they get a pro.
Tried both. All depends on how you manage time. If you need 15 mins or less, go to a SC. If you need more or want more releases, get an escort.
If you're okay with RCG, go to a SC. If you want more positions, get an escort.
If you are okay with suprises, get an escort. If you want to know exactly what you're getting, go to a SC.
If you are paying more than $150 for FS, get an escort. If you are worried about a sting, go to a SC.