
Comments by JGoose

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I guess that makes me a racist too. :)
    Cosmo, being the bastion of journalistic integrity that it is, and that they can be counted on to stand by their writers to the bitter end, has deleted the article.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    I guess I'll have to see what happens on the 15th? Posted by a manager on the Kittens fb page" "How many of my friends would like free entry to Kittens Cabaret Grand Opening Party on Saturday February 15th? Also the location and date of the All State Pole Contest! (Rumored to be $1000 1st Place Prize!)"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: "Was It Over When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor"
    I miss John Belushi! I still want that bitch to hang!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Reply to Art - re: Reading
    georgmicrodong, it's all good until they go to Oz, then I think it goes down hill from there. Especially the last chapter that is all conversation with new characters so you have no idea who is saying what! Then again, I also loved SiaSL. What I mostly love about Heinlein is the follow of his prose. I can't think of any other writers that I've read that can use words in the manner in which he did.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    I'll be! It looks like management is responding to customers comments and implementing changes as we squeak!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Reply to Art - re: Reading
    Alucard, you have to remember that Heinlein wrote two types of speculative fiction. He started with his juveniles which were stories sold to the youth market, and are pretty straight forward. Then he started writing his adult stories, which got really weird. I would certianly avoid Number of the Beast though.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    I spent some time there this evening after work. It has potential, and it could be a great place if it gets to reach critical mass. It sounds like the owner really wants a place for dancers to be happy with working there. I would get dances from the brunette waitress in a heartbeat! --- Anyways, the cover is $10, and you have to buy a drink every hour. $5 for soft drinks, and $6 for energy drinks and NA beer. I bought my $5 coke, and the waitresses never pushed me to buy another after the first hour. No lady drinks! If you are familiar the local DV clubs, you know what a couch is. Dances in the couch dance area are $15, and dances that are in the VIP(booths) are $30. Of course some dancers offer more for more. Song length looks to be a very constant 3 minutes. I've got a request in for the club to be added to the list of reviewable clubs so I'll get a proper review up when it gets listed.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Reply to Art - re: Reading
    Loving that avatar Alucard! I've been reading Heinlein's Cat Who Walks Through Walls book for the last couple of months. I've also had Dawkins God Delusion on the nightstand.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    A review on their fb page says dances are $15, and VIP is $30. I'm guessing that's like Ricks with regular dances being in the main room on a couch, and VIP being in a booth. No mention yet of Champagne Room prices.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Looks like it did open last night. Fuckers! This is there website for now. No real information. Not even what the cover is... https://www.facebook.com/KittensCabaret Someone finally answered the phone! Cover is $10, and you have to buy a $5 drink every hour. Dancer prices are not a standard rate like DV clubs, as the dancers set their own prices.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    new game !!!
    Are we in kindergarten? Talk about childish bullshit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Thanks man! The sign is looking great though. No where near as obnoxious as Dreamgirls Sodo. It does fit in well with the vintage of the neighborhood.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Rumor has it, that it's opening today, but I can't find any info from Google. Last time I drove by (05 Jan) they just had a banner on the side of the building, saying they were opening soon. Still no website, and nobody answers the phone number listed in the waitress ads, so who knows?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Easy way to pull a stripper from a PL who wants to chat her up?
    Ask a waitress to let her know someone wants to spend money on her. Sometimes that PL is a regular that she might not want to piss off, so YMMV.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    It's looking pretty good outside(they took down the chainlink fence), and there is a banner indicating it's opening soon, but I have no idea how it looks inside.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    I'm on vacation right now, so I don't know how it's progressing, but the sign is pretty nice. Maybe I'll get to see it during daylight to see how it's progressing sometime this week. Last time I saw it, it did look nice. Even nicer without all those fucking trucks parked there, and with all the tags painted over!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strippers and their Names
    Hotstuff69babi - It's regrettable that such behavior exists. However, when a dancer comes up to me, and says "I'm DancerName$, but my real name is RealFakeName$." it just seems rather stupid to me. If an ass was pushing for a real name, then sure, give the dick a fake name.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strippers and their Names
    Like Jackslash said, I had one dancer introduce herself as her stage name, then tell me her "real" name, but she was a friend of my exATF on facebook, so I knew her real name. I don't see the point in telling someone a fake real name. Either keep it the stage name, or tell them the real name.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How Can You Tell When A Stripper Is Lying? Her Lips Are Moving
    tumblingdice, if you met her, you would also agree. She is very straight forward and doesn't really try to sell a dance. She doesn't tell you how handsome/sexy you are. Also, she is very strict about the rules, and she still has guys buying two hour blocks in the champagne room. So, no reason for her to lie. But like I said, she's the only one.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    College Cheerleaders
    Pleated skirts do it to me every time! SC
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    The S is now outlined and the building looks to have been given a coat of primer.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How Can You Tell When A Stripper Is Lying? Her Lips Are Moving
    I know one stripper that I would trust, and that's Red at Little Darlings Seattle. Since she doesn't do extras at all, there's nothing for her to lie about. My exATF on the other hand? Despite claiming to be entirely honest, she doesn't cover her lies very well.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Describe a dancer to one of your buddies so that he can cash in on a treasure.
    No! I'm a selfish bastard!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Oddly, when I found out about this and searched here a few weeks back, this didn't turn up. However, I work around the corner and it would be very convenient for me! It looks like Kettells is been getting the make over and the neon is gone from the sign, which has been painted black and KITTEN is painted on it. The windows are still boarded up, and from the outside it doesn't look like anything is being done. I imagine the owl will be a wide eyed kitten. While there won't be alcohol in the club, it's just about across the street from a bar (The Marco Polo), and few blocks away from the Georgetown bars on Airport Way. More links(Kettells is miss-spelled in each URL): http://www.emeraldcityjournal.com/2013/03/kittens-strip-club-in-georgetown-old-kettels-restaurant/ http://georgetownsea.wordpress.com/2013/05/28/kettles-becomes-kittens/ Hopefully the dance pricing will be competitive with Dreamgirls Sodo up the street.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Will $100 Do It?
    Easy. Go see my ATF and use a pass for admission: -$10 Tip two dancers: -$10 (2 x $5 tips) Get four LDs from my ATF: -$80 If I can't use the pass, then no stage tips, and my ATF still gets $80, and I'm on cloud 9. Even more so since I didn't have to pay for it!