
Strippers and their Names

Friday, October 25, 2013 5:06 PM
I know one stripper who has one name that she uses at the club and at home. Most have two. And now I know one girl who seems to have a new name every time I talk to her. So far she's got her birth name, name her family and friends call her, stage name (she's a singer in a band), and at least two club names for two different clubs. Is that extreme?


  • TABB
    11 years ago
    I think that's a bit extreme. I understand having a different name in her band. It creates that rock image like blonde and others. I only came across a few girls that actually use there birth name as there stage name. 1 dancer spells her stage name different from her real name by one letter.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Multiple names aren't extreme. In fact, it's mandatory if you're a member of the Wu-Tang Clan.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I know several that use 3 names. Their given name, stage name & TUSCL name. The only problem with multiple names is knowing when to use which. For instance if you are in the club and talking with another dancer. Does the other dancer know her real name?
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    My name is joe...
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    Hell, nearly all of us use two names. Our real name and our TUSCL name.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I like it & prefer it when a dancer uses her real 1st name. It personalizes the experience a bit more.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I have only known one dancer for sure who actually danced to her real name, plus one who used her real middle name for her stripper name. There are possibly others, but most of them do not use anything closely resembling their real name, and possibly for good reason. I know one of my current faves has the real name of Josephine, which simply doesn't work as a stripper name.
  • jestrite50
    11 years ago
    My ATF uses her real name on stage. She says its too hard for her to keep it straight otherwise.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I've had dances from a variety of Spice Girls-Cinnamon, Sugar, Vanilla, Pepper, and a Saffron. I always wanted to meet a Nutmeg named Megan who begged for my nut.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "I have only known one dancer for sure who actually danced to her real name" My Ex-ATF from last year used her real 1st name on stage. I knew her last name also. I saw proof, so she wasn't telling me a tale.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Most dancers have 3 names. 1. Stage name--"Tiffany" 2. Real name--"Amy" 3. Fake real name--"Jessica" Dancers give the fake real name to customers who pester them about their real name. I've learned never to ask a dancer for her real name. If she starts seeing me OTC, she'll tell me her real name on her own.
  • grand1511
    11 years ago
    ATF told me her real name in the club when I started moaning her stage name in her ear when we'd be in the heat of long good grinds. When ?i started using her real name, those grinds got even better. Recent name phenomenon at my regular club: dancers changing their stage name to throw off the scent of their babies' daddies. I was confused at first, but had it explained that the guys paying child support would call the club and ask if "Tiffany" (their baby mama) was dancing. They'd continually do this to estimate how much unreported income the women were making and would then try to reduce their child support payments. "Tiffany" changes her name to "Mercedes" or such and the club can honestly keep saying "Tiffany" isn't dancing there any more.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    They call me Mr. Tibbs
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I have used two or three different names in clubs but that is usually because on a few rare occassions, a dancer wanted to use a different name. I didn't care. I almost always use one name. I have had some dancers feel a bit irked if I do not remember their name. I hear so many names, sometimes I do not remember and don't bother trying if I think I'm only going to see her once or twice in a club. I have had some favorites whom I could not remember their club names. I probably only heard it once or twice when I first met them and then never heard it again because they didn't dance on stage and the DJ never said their name. If she has been giving me dances off and on for months, that is kind of embarrassing to ask for her name at that point. Of course I have had multiple favorites and they come and go and I do not remember all the names if I rarely hear it.
  • Dolfan
    11 years ago
    Stage names changing or having them at different clubs doesn't seem extreme to me. I know a few who've danced to their real names then eventually decided they wanted a stage name and then moved clubs or taken a break and had to chose a new name since their stage name was taken. I've seen some come in with a certain stage name in mind, but have to chose an alternate since it was taken, later switch when it became available. I knew a girl when I was in school who danced (girl I became friendly with, then later learned she danced) who danced at one club during season, another off season, also tended bar at a regular bar and had a two day a week job in an art gallery. She used a different fake name at each place. I don't know how long she kept it up, we lost touch. I've also seen a lot of what jackslash said, in fact I recently ran into a girl who had used two out of the three of those names - Stage name Jessica, fake Tiffany, and real Britnee. I only recently found out the true real name and I've been giving her shit saying she should just use Britnee as her stage name since is much more stripperish than Jessica. While not on the same level as these girls, I do it a bit myself. At work I use my full name or often just my last name. With casual friends I've got a nickname that's just a shortened version of my full name. Old friends/close friends refer to me with a nickname I picked up in my early teens. With strippers, I've been known to just mumble something and then just agree with whatever they repeat back to me.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I have a harder time remembering fake names and some dancers come up to me and tell me both their club name and supposedly their real name which is just more information than I want when I first meet someone. I will not even try to remember all that when I first meet someone. I have wondered if some dancers tell me their name just so they can act upset when I don't remember. Most do not and don't care fortunately. I have had people get upset at not remembering their name so I'm glad in strip clubs, most do not care. I have found it is easier to remember a real sounding female name than one of the really fake club names. A car name associated with a girl or some other odd name isn't something I want to remember. I don't really like car names in clubs. If a dancer has become one of my favorites, I will be interested in remembering her names. Club name, club nick names, casual friends name, maybe even real name. Dancers don't want you getting confused in the club and speaking their real name in front of everyone.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I know of one guy who got introduced to a girl with a name that wasn't right. He didn't correct her because he figured he probably wouldn't see her too much more after they first met. He told me before they got married she still wanted to call him by John or whatever name she had been using. Funny but true. Names aren't always that important to everyone.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "I think it's an inappropriate question that should not be asked" Ma'am every instance of my knowing a dancer's real 1st &/or last names - the dancer offered the info & I was able to see proof of her being straight about it. If you truly believe that a patron asking you for "personal" information is INAPPROPRIATE, then I hope you aren't asking the patron for any "personal" info of any sort. What's sauce for the goose [is sauce for the gander]. ;)
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I haven't had goose in a good ten years. Now, I eat duck once a month. Chinese style. At the Duck House in Monterey Park,CA. Delicious.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    Dan, Josephine is a perfectly fine stripper name. Look up Josephine Baker.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    "What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;"
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Look up Josephine Baker" Indeed!!
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    I had a dancer introduce herself as "Sabbath" once. Then I told her my club name was "Sunday". Hey, at least she pretended to laugh...
  • JGoose
    11 years ago
    Like Jackslash said, I had one dancer introduce herself as her stage name, then tell me her "real" name, but she was a friend of my exATF on facebook, so I knew her real name. I don't see the point in telling someone a fake real name. Either keep it the stage name, or tell them the real name.
  • ButterMan
    11 years ago
    I find that when a dancer uses a common name like jessica,chelsea,brooke...etc it is often their real name. Not always but a lot of times.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Dancers don't want you getting confused in the club and speaking their real name in front of everyone" When I know a dancer's real name & she's using a stage name, I never use the real name in any out loud speaking. Her real name is ONLY whispered in her ear. If a guy says a dancer's real name when in a club when she's using a stage name he IMO is either stupid, high or drunk. Or possibly being an ASSHOLE to the dancer.
  • rl27
    11 years ago
    Most dancers have a stage name, although I have known a few who used their stage name. I recall one dancer named Amber who actually took the middle name of another dancer's who went by Tiffany, which was Amber as her stage name. Dancers with common names often have to change their name when moving to a new club. One of my favorites started out named Cristy, then had to change it Scarlett at a another club because another Cristy was already dancing there, and then became Siren at a third club. Some clubs such as Kahoots have allowed two dancers to dance with the same name, and once had the following case of lack of originality all working at once: two dancers named Alex, and one each of Alexis, Alexia and Alexandra. A few have changed their names in the club. One of my past favorites started dancing under the Dee then a few years later changed it to Reese. Another started out with one name then when X-Files came out she changed it to Dana, because she looked a bit like Gillian Anderson. Another changed her name to Tyra because she looked a bit like Tyra banks. In both cases it was the club who changed her name.
  • JGoose
    11 years ago
    Hotstuff69babi - It's regrettable that such behavior exists. However, when a dancer comes up to me, and says "I'm DancerName$, but my real name is RealFakeName$." it just seems rather stupid to me. If an ass was pushing for a real name, then sure, give the dick a fake name.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    One thing that hasn't been said is the fact that some girls use a last name as part of their stage name. One of my old faves went by Barbie Banks. And yes, she looked like Barbie and she banked. Last names absolutely are fake.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Good one, Dan.
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