
Comments by HottieHeidi

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    13 years ago
    Octomom on Celebridate
    OH . MY. FUCKING. GOD! Trainwreck. THank you so much for that! Pepper!?! PEPPER!?! How dare he!?!? That alcoholic pedophile! ROFL! I've seen/worked with some crazy bitches but she takes the cake. I see 14 reasons to sterilize that basketcase right now.
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    13 years ago
    Bringing gf to club at her request, clothing and other Qs
    how did it work out for ya, Ikrist?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    When did strippers become prostitues?
    When the demand for it became unbearable and when the stereotype became the expectation! That's when. Strippers are women who chose to dance, entertain, and play into your fantasies by showing you skin, stroking your ego, then sending you back off to your wife. Hookers are women who will suck your dick for a dollar and don't give a shit about the repercussions it has on your life or theirs (not to mention the club). Unfortunately, those skanky hoes seem to be infiltrating our clubs more and more these days. And due to the demand and absolute expectations for it, even "nice" girls are giving in. Personally, I think we should legalize prostitution and then stripclubs will return to being a place where gentlemen go for fun and entertainment. (and don't even try to give me the retarded argument stating stripclubs will go out of business if there were legal brothels. there are still plenty of men our there who want the stripclub experience like luv_women) And all of you horn dogs, on here, are a perfect example of why "the traditional stripper" is a dying breed. Point in case, a dancer posts an article about how she doesn't do extras and there are 140 comments giving her shit about it! Ummmmm... guess what? I"ve been dancing for 7 years now and I have NEVER, I repeat, NEVER done extras. Before you shake your head, let me say that I've had some very satisfied customers. Yes, there are other ways in which I can make you happy other than playing with your little wee wee. I've recieved some pretty extravagant gifts to prove it. Obviously, I have to remind you that it's fucking ILLEGAL to do half of the shit you guys do in strip clubs. We're legally not allowed, nor do we want to, fuck you in the VIP. By posting your conquests on sites like these, you're poising the minds of the next generation of strip club goers. Example- Last Saturday night, this first-timer came into my club and got a dance from me. After the dance was over he looked me straight in the eyes and said, "that was great, now how much to fuck".
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Vegas - Sapphire vs. Rhino
    I've worked at both. But now I'm strictly at the Rhino. I like it better because even if I just get into town at 3am and decide I want to work that night, there is still a line out the door and around the corner at 4am! Sapphire is big, well decorated, has a nice entrance, ample seating, has a cool glass walkway stage that you can stand under for the up-skirt shot, has a VIP karaoke room, and the VIP skyboxes are really awesome if you want to spend one on one time with your girl. Lastly, they do bachelor/birthday specials where a few dancers will take the guy up on the walkway and embarrass him (Note to dancers- the locker rooms are soooo nice compared to Rhino lockers but the shift fee is higher and the stages are a waste of time). On the down side, there are a ton of girls but not all of them are quality. I would say most are 6's with only a handful above 8. The club is massive so you can easily lose your friends. There are only two tiny stages (aka Martini 1 and Martini 2) so if you like sitting at the rail you're SOL. And you may think the super expensive skyboxes are private, but they have more cameras in those rooms than in the rest of the club combined! I"m sure you can get away with whatever you want if you grease the right pockets, but if you're on a budget, those rooms are definaetly not in the cards. I personally like Spearmint Rhino because, right now, it's the place to be. It's classy, well run, and they treat their VIP right. There is always good energy and lots of beautiful girls. John, the night manager, is very picky (not to mention an asshole) and puts all girls through a rigorous and nerve racking audition. However, that translates to him only hiring the hottest dancers in town and he writes down which shifts you can work. Meaning, if you're a 10 he will let you work the Sat night 9pm-2am shift (and any other shift you want) but if you're a 7 (and you make it through the audition) he will only let you work Sun-Thurs or the Sat 3am-8am shift. Also, at Rhino there are 4 different stages with multiple girls on them at once. So lots of titties all the time! There are a lot of little hidden VIP areas that are easy to access from where ever you are in the club. Lastly, it's easy to bypass the entrance fee if you take advantage of their free limo service. If you come at the right time, you might even get to see all of us girls waiting around the back entrance for the shift change.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    a dirty trick
    Congratulations, Bang69 and juicebox69. You're now on my ignore list. Fuckin idiots! I swear! Gentlemen are a dying breed.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    priorities for choosing a stripper
    Motorhead, you just described me, lol
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Bringing gf to club at her request, clothing and other Qs
    I think it's important to take pride in your appearance and put forth the extra effort if you're going out (especially if you're doing something where touch is involved). I take that the time to do those little things and so should you! If a male customer comes in all scruffy and thinks I'm going to rub my soft, delicate breasts all over his scratchy face, sorry buddy, it leaves marks.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Bringing gf to club at her request, clothing and other Qs
    BLEH!!! I hate it when I go to dance for chicks and they have a skirt and no panties on! I don't wanna see that shit. It doesn't turn me on and only makes my job harder! Even worse is all of the above plus they didn't bother shaving their legs. I have to continue my sensual dance touching and rubbing all over their scruff and pretend not to be disgusted. Um... hello, hunny, you're the one going home wiht him, not me. Maybe if you shaved you shit next time, he wouldn't secretly be thinking about me. My suggestion, have her wear something like leggings. She can still dress 'em up and look hot with some heels and the right jacket. This gives us dancers the luxury of actually being able to give her a decent dance because we can spread her legs like we do with the guys. Plus, leggings feel good for us dancers. Whatever you do, don't let her dress like she's trying to be the sluttiest chick in the room (we make fun of those girls). I can't tell you how many female customers bust into the club like they're trying to prove something. This is usually because they're completely insecure, desperate, and think they're better than us. Those "types" are usually avoided like the plague because they don't spend money and always give attitude.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    it's too no to
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Booty Slap
    on top of that, my friends and I play grab ass all night! Whenever we walk by one another, we give a quick squeeze and wink. It's fun, playful, and I feel that it increases tips because the customers are pleasantly surprised to see the girls getting along vs. whatever stereotype they have in their head of all strippers hating each other.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Booty Slap
    @Rell, my thoughts exactly. Being a dancer, I'm actually surprised by all of the comments on here from men who say they don't enjoy it. Because in my experience, that's probably the most requested thing I hear (second only to "will you go home with me"). Personally, I like it (in the club and in bed). Probably because I have an awesomely spankable ass but also because it's fun, flirtatious, and interactive. Now, do I go around smacking myself on the ass all night? No. In fact, it's technically against the rules in my CA club. But if I'm dancing for someone and I realize that they are an ass man, I will definitely throw in a little jiggle and squeeze and, if they behaved, end the dance with letting them give it a good spank.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Titty Sucking Technique
    Dancer here- I can only speak for myself but yuck! I hate licking of any kind from a customer. You know what turns a stripper on? Big, fat tips (and I do mean money). Maybe it feels good but she's not going to cum from you sucking on her nipples. period! But she'll tell you that if she thinks you'll believe it and it will lead to more $ in her pocket. Nipple sucking is purely for YOU, the customer. I personally don't let guys suck on my nipples here at my club in Cali for three reasons:1. I think it's disgusting and therefor it doesn't turn me on 2. My club won't allow it. 3. I reserve that for the bedroom. However, I will allow it when I go VIP in Vegas because I helps me keep them there longer and I think they deserve a little extra with how much they spend. However, i still think it's disgusting. When I work a 6 hour shift at SR, I"ll go VIP with (on avg.) 5 customers a night. When I tell guys I'm going to "freshen up" I fix my makeup, wipe off my sweat, and spray on some perfume. I have NEVER, in the 6+ years I have stripped, washed off my nipples in between dances. And guess what, I've never seen anyone else do it either. THink about it Mr.VIP #5. Dis-gus-ting! Follow the strip club rules- unless it's a straw, don't put it in your mouth!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ever seen this?
    Improbable, yes. Impossible, no. I'm a dancer and from my perspective... she's either a terrible hustler and won't last long or she is satisfied with what she is getting out of you. She has probably weighed the benefits of sitting with you-drinks, easy conversation, a couple hundred bucks, and dancing for someone that doesn't repulse her, plus the added fun of making you perplexed with her little "no, I can't dance for you" game- vs.- the regular, "how are you, I'm so-n-so, would you like a dance" bullshit, over and over again. If you only see her once every three weeks, it's probably not that much of a salary cut for her. I"m assuming she doesn't sit with you for the entire time, either. At the very least, she has to go on stage. So, she IS still making money on the side in addition to your tips. Plus, you say she's the top earner, but you really don't know; it's all part of your fantasy of her. You assume, because she's beautiful in your eyes , that she MUST be raking in the dough, but that's not always the case. If she's a skilled dancer, she will make you think that she is a "top earner" by giving you the illusion that she's always busy/wanted but nobody knows how much each girl makes a night. Not the managers, not the bouncers, not even the other dancers. And it varies greatly from night to night (I'm one of the more popular girls at my club and some nights I make $1000 when the next night I can only make $100). My advice, if you like her and you can afford it, keep it up. But, don't come in too often and don't ever leave without giving her at least $100. Those are both game changers. Lastly, it's not going to last forever, nothing in a strip club does, so enjoy it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    ... and full nude places are the biggest rip off of all. The frist place I danced at (when I was a naive little 19 y/o) made us do $50 nude dances and only keep $25 of it. Plus we had to get guys to buys us "drinks" all night to cover our stage fee.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    sorry guys. I'm new at this. I tried to delete my post but I guess I pressed ignore. Woops
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    SC's are a business and they are there to make money. Dancers are "independent contractors" and that comes with a lot of perks (like not having to wipe down tables or marry ketchups at the end of our shifts). When we get there we have to "rent the stage" which is called our stage fee. This fee depends on the club and depends on the day and time you decide to work. It ranges from club to club but at some places it can be free (first 10 girls on a sunday opening shift) all the way up to $70 (Saturday 10pm-2am shift). In Vegas it's as high as $150/shift. ON top of this fee, we have to tip out at the end of the shift (and this is where the real scam is IMO). This is pretty much the same at all clubs: Deejay gets 10%, bouncers get %5 (or more depending on how many bouncers there are), house mom $5-$10, valet/bouncer that walks you out at night $3-$5. I always suggest that customers tip on top of lapdances because you never know how much of that $20 the girl really gets to keep.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    bahahahahaha! Oh silly boys. I use that line constantly.... but I never thought you actually bought it! I almost don't want to ruin the fantasy but you should know the truth. It's not juices... it's sweat, plain and simple. I work at a club with a 4 stages. That means for I'm moving nonstop for about 16 minutes, under bright lights, constantly spinning around, pointing my toes, arching my back, flexing my abs, legs, arms, etc. It's a major workout and I always have to towel off after I come down. However, that's when I get the busiest. I usually have a dozen or so LDs lined up and by the time I get to LD # 3 I'm soaked in sweat again. Let me remind you that the crotch is the hottest part of the body. My crotch + your crotch = soaked panties every time. Instead of apologizing for leaving a sweat stain on my customers pants I turn it into a business opportunity and tell them how hot and wet they just made me.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    bahahahahaha! Oh silly boys. I use that line constantly.... but I never thought you actually bought it! I almost don't want to ruin the fantasy but you should know the truth. It's not juices... it's sweat, plain and simple. I work at a club with 4 stages. That means for I'm moving nonstop for about 16 minutes, under bright lights, constantly spinning around, pointing my toes, arching my back, flexing my abs, legs, arms, etc. It's a major workout and I always have to towel off after I come down. However, that's when I get the busiest. I usually have a dozen or so LDs lined up and by the time I get to LD # 3 I'm soaked in sweat again. Let me remind you that the crotch is the hottest part of the body. My crotch + your crotch = soaked panties every time. Instead of apologizing for leaving a sweat stain on my customers pants I turn it into a business opportunity and tell them how hot and wet they just made me.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    why is my post not showing up!?!?!?!?!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    bahahahahaha! Oh silly boys. I use that line constantly.... but I never thought you actually bought it! I almost don't want to ruin the fantasy but you should know the truth. It's not juices... it's sweat, plain and simple. I work at a club with 4 stages. That means for I'm moving nonstop for about 16 minutes, under bright lights, constantly spinning around, pointing my toes, arching my back, flexing my abs, legs, arms, etc. It's a major workout and I always have to towel off after I come down. However, that's when I get the busiest. I usually have a dozen or so LDs lined up and by the time I get to LD # 3 I'm soaked in sweat again. Let me remind you that the crotch is the hottest part of the body. My crotch + your crotch = soaked panties every time. Instead of apologizing for leaving a sweat stain on my customers pants I turn it into a business opportunity and tell them how hot and wet they just made me. Never forget, this is what we do for a living. We will say whatever it takes to get you to give us your money and keep coming back for more.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    bahahahahaha! Oh silly boys. I use that line constantly.... but I never thought you actually bought it! I almost don't want to ruin the fantasy but you should know the truth. It's not juices... it's sweat, plain and simple. I work at a club with 4 stages. That means for I'm moving nonstop for about 16 minutes, under bright lights, constantly spinning around, pointing my toes, arching my back, flexing my abs, legs, arms, etc. It's a major workout and I always have to towel off after I come down. However, that's when I get the busiest. I usually have a dozen or so LDs lined up and by the time I get to LD # 3 I'm soaked in sweat again. Let me remind you that the crotch is the hottest part of the body. My crotch + your crotch = soaked panties every time. Instead of apologizing for leaving a sweat stain on my customers pants I turn it into a business opportunity and tell them how hot and wet they just made me.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    bahahahahaha! Oh silly boys. I use that line constantly.... but I never thought you actually bought it! I almost don't want to ruin the fantasy but you should know the truth. It's not juices... it's sweat, plain and simple. I work at a club with 4 stages. That means for I'm moving nonstop for about 16 minutes, under bright lights, constantly spinning around, pointing my toes, arching my back, flexing my abs, legs, arms, etc. It's a major workout and I always have to towel off after I come down. However, that's when I get the busiest. I usually have a dozen or so LDs lined up and by the time I get to LD # 3 I'm soaked in sweat again. Let me remind you that the crotch is the hottest part of the body. My crotch + your crotch = soaked panties every time. Instead of apologizing for leaving a sweat stain on my customers pants I turn it into a business opportunity and tell them how hot and wet they just made me.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    bahahahahaha! Oh silly boys. I use that line constantly.... but I never thought you actually bought it! I almost don't want to ruin the fantasy but you should know the truth. It's not juices... it's sweat, plain and simple. I work at a club with 4 stages. That means for I'm moving nonstop for about 16 minutes, under bright lights, constantly spinning around, pointing my toes, arching my back, flexing my abs, legs, arms, etc. It's a major workout and I always have to towel off after I come down. However, that's when I get the busiest. I usually have a dozen or so LDs lined up and by the time I get to LD # 3 I'm soaked in sweat again. Let me remind you that the crotch is the hottest part of the body. My crotch + your crotch = soaked panties every time. Instead of apologizing for leaving a sweat stain on my customers pants I turn it into a busine$$ opportunity and tell them how hot and wet they just made me.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    bahahahahaha! Oh silly boys. I use that line constantly.... but I never thought you actually bought it! I almost don't want to ruin the fantasy but you should know the truth. It's not juices... it's sweat, plain and simple. I work at a club with a 4 stages. That means for I'm moving nonstop for about 16 minutes, under bright lights, constantly spinning around, pointing my toes, arching my back, flexing my abs, legs, arms, etc. It's a major workout and I always have to towel off after I come down. However, that's when I get the busiest. I usually have a dozen or so LDs lined up and by the time I get to LD # 3 I'm soaked in sweat again. Let me remind you that the crotch is the hottest part of the body. My crotch + your crotch = soaked panties every time. Instead of apologizing for leaving a sweat stain on my customers pants I turn it into a business opportunity and tell them how hot and wet they just made me.