
Bringing gf to club at her request, clothing and other Qs

Thursday, December 1, 2011 6:49 PM
Girlfriend has requested to join me at a strip club. We have an open relationship, she's bi-curious, and she's hoping for some mileage (!). What would be appropriate clothing for her to wear that wouldn't turn dancers off (like sweatpanters and no underwear can)? She was thinking a bloud with a built in bra and a skirt with no panties, but I don't know if that would be too far or not. Also, what can we do to find a good female-friendly dancer and make it clear that she's there for herself as much if not more than for me? Yea, I know I'm a lucky guy.


  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Shee-yat, watching two hot girls getting frisky and knowing that it is not just the feaux kind of girl-on-girl action, but is the genuine deal? That's hot. And then you get to take her home and burn off the tension. Even hotter. I'd vote for the skirt without the panties, but I don't know what a bloud is. ;)
  • Fenster
    13 years ago
    Lessons learned from going to clubs with a buddy and his wife (and other experiences): 1) It's all about her. You will not get a dance, or enjoy the sight of women, except for your girlfriend. 2) Your girlfriend will get horny as hell, but if she drinks too much, you'll be carrying her from the car to bed, and waking up with the bluest of balls. Let her start with some shots, but feed her, too, and cut off the alcohol at some point. She won't want to be sober, but you may want to point out to her that you don't want to have to bang her unconscious body later, and then post the video online. Her Daddy might see it. You're going to spend a lot of money, and she should understand that you'll need some relief afterwards. Or, you could just hope for the best. Which means, gatorade in the morning to rehydrate her, then wait a while for her to get over her hangover before banging her. 3) Access. Built-in bra? Only if it presents no impediment. 4) In the V.I.P., or if you take a girl home with you: ask your girlfriend how much she'd like some reverse cowgirl from you, with a talented, naked, hot stripper licking her business. (If you can't pull this off, please post an article lying about it. Thank you. In advance. From us all.) 5) Dancers will string you along. Once I heard a dancer say she could talk the manager into letting her leave early with us, so that she could get home at the regular time, so that her boyfriend wouldn’t catch on. This was intendend to get us to keep buying additional hours in the V.I.P. while she negotiated. Then, later, I helped my buddy pick his naked wife up off the bedroom floor (where she ended up, after undressing and passing out) and put her in bed. NOBODY got laid, except for the douche the stripper went home to. 6) Put a stripper pole in the bedroom. This could also be 1).
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    It might help if you know the club and dancers. Some dancers would love to dance for a female and a few might not. I think the hotter she is, the easier it will be to find lots of friendly dancers.
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    Sweatpants and no undies can turn them off? If a dancer is turned off by this, she's not what I'm looking for anyway. Your girl wearing a skirt with no panties could be very hot, but if it's the kinda place that frowns on sweats/commando, skirt/commando might not be the right move.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Do not bring a girlfriend that is going commando. Trust me, dancers HATE that.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Sounds like fun, as long as she doesn't discover that she's more than just bi-curious, lol. [view link]
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Based on comments from a few dancers when I've taken my wife, I'll back up lopaw's contention.
  • uscue13
    13 years ago
    lkrist, no such thing as a couples dance. If the woman is involved, the woman gets the show unless you two specify it's strictly for the guy. If you say both of you want to be involved, the dancer will feign interest in you and focus on the woman. The dancer knows, keep the woman happy and the dances will keep coming because you'll feel like "a lucky guy" and your girl will be having fun and keep going for more. Me personally, I enjoy going with female friends that are interested in strip clubs, but never a girlfriend. Female friends aren't attached to you and in the interest of having fun will buy you dances. You go with a girlfriend (even your bi-curious one) and you need to toe the line of making sure she knows you're not interested in anyone else outside the club. The girlfriend isn't really going for you, she's going for herself. Think it's not true, suggest both of you get separate dancers and private dances at the exact same time. She won't go for it. You must do it together.
  • HottieHeidi
    13 years ago
    BLEH!!! I hate it when I go to dance for chicks and they have a skirt and no panties on! I don't wanna see that shit. It doesn't turn me on and only makes my job harder! Even worse is all of the above plus they didn't bother shaving their legs. I have to continue my sensual dance touching and rubbing all over their scruff and pretend not to be disgusted. Um... hello, hunny, you're the one going home wiht him, not me. Maybe if you shaved you shit next time, he wouldn't secretly be thinking about me. My suggestion, have her wear something like leggings. She can still dress 'em up and look hot with some heels and the right jacket. This gives us dancers the luxury of actually being able to give her a decent dance because we can spread her legs like we do with the guys. Plus, leggings feel good for us dancers. Whatever you do, don't let her dress like she's trying to be the sluttiest chick in the room (we make fun of those girls). I can't tell you how many female customers bust into the club like they're trying to prove something. This is usually because they're completely insecure, desperate, and think they're better than us. Those "types" are usually avoided like the plague because they don't spend money and always give attitude.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Wait, you mean there are girls out there who don't shave their legs? Shocking!
  • HottieHeidi
    13 years ago
    I think it's important to take pride in your appearance and put forth the extra effort if you're going out (especially if you're doing something where touch is involved). I take that the time to do those little things and so should you! If a male customer comes in all scruffy and thinks I'm going to rub my soft, delicate breasts all over his scratchy face, sorry buddy, it leaves marks.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    @Heidi: My post was my attempt at humour. If you tak a closer look at my current profile picture, you'll see what I mean. :)
  • lkrist
    13 years ago
    Thanks all for the advice, this is exactly the kind of information we needed. Will see if I can post a followup once it's all done with ;-). Don't worry, she wasn't planning to go with unshaved legs, ha!
  • HottieHeidi
    13 years ago
    how did it work out for ya, Ikrist?
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