
Vegas - Sapphire vs. Rhino

Avatar for bear1515

I need some info on Sapphire in Vegas. I am a regular at the Rhino but my last few trips have been pretty uneventful. I know Rhino can be a bit expensive but I have always found the girls to be very hot and I have always managed to find girls that are fun and willing to do plenty in the VIP. I'm heading back to Vegas soon and wanted to know what the Sapphire experience is like and if i should skip the Rhino and try something new. My worry is that the girls simply won't be as good looking. anyone have experiences at Sapphire or dancers they can recommend?


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Avatar for Bananafish

Sapphires is just as expensive and the girls are less attractive. No reason to go anywhere but SR if eyecandy is your top priority.

Avatar for luckyone

Agree with Bananafish here. Sapphires seems like even more of a hustle and no better selection of girls than the Rhino.

Avatar for CTQWERTY

Advice: Don't let "something new" turn into The Pussycat Lounge.

Not to say the gals at The Rhino don't gather by the door (indeed there is bench seating for that very purpose), but at Sapphire they stand in a crowd at the entrance, waiting for the red meat to enter. Probably overkill for most guys.

Avatar for HottieHeidi

I've worked at both. But now I'm strictly at the Rhino. I like it better because even if I just get into town at 3am and decide I want to work that night, there is still a line out the door and around the corner at 4am!

Sapphire is big, well decorated, has a nice entrance, ample seating, has a cool glass walkway stage that you can stand under for the up-skirt shot, has a VIP karaoke room, and the VIP skyboxes are really awesome if you want to spend one on one time with your girl. Lastly, they do bachelor/birthday specials where a few dancers will take the guy up on the walkway and embarrass him (Note to dancers- the locker rooms are soooo nice compared to Rhino lockers but the shift fee is higher and the stages are a waste of time). On the down side, there are a ton of girls but not all of them are quality. I would say most are 6's with only a handful above 8. The club is massive so you can easily lose your friends. There are only two tiny stages (aka Martini 1 and Martini 2) so if you like sitting at the rail you're SOL. And you may think the super expensive skyboxes are private, but they have more cameras in those rooms than in the rest of the club combined! I"m sure you can get away with whatever you want if you grease the right pockets, but if you're on a budget, those rooms are definaetly not in the cards.

I personally like Spearmint Rhino because, right now, it's the place to be. It's classy, well run, and they treat their VIP right. There is always good energy and lots of beautiful girls. John, the night manager, is very picky (not to mention an asshole) and puts all girls through a rigorous and nerve racking audition. However, that translates to him only hiring the hottest dancers in town and he writes down which shifts you can work. Meaning, if you're a 10 he will let you work the Sat night 9pm-2am shift (and any other shift you want) but if you're a 7 (and you make it through the audition) he will only let you work Sun-Thurs or the Sat 3am-8am shift. Also, at Rhino there are 4 different stages with multiple girls on them at once. So lots of titties all the time! There are a lot of little hidden VIP areas that are easy to access from where ever you are in the club. Lastly, it's easy to bypass the entrance fee if you take advantage of their free limo service. If you come at the right time, you might even get to see all of us girls waiting around the back entrance for the shift change.

Avatar for londonguy

Forget Sapphire and head to Rhino, if you go to Sapphire you will regret it and you can't get that time back. Life is too short, if you want the best get to the Rhino. Even with my Vegas visits limited to one per year I didn't even go to Sapphire last time.

Avatar for TcVegas

As others have said - no contest. Better girls at the rhino (looks and attitude), I find that it even costs a bit less, better atmosphere, awesome vip treatment.

Avatar for gatorfan

Sapphire kicked Rhinos ass in 12 rounds

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