Comments by chiefwiggum (page 2)
discussion comment
22 days ago
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
I still follow some of the economic indicators, but the idea immigrants are doing the work that americans won't do is somewhat true, depending on how you look at it.
From my own personal experience:
Migrant picking (fruit, vegetables) is somewhere we actually need migrant visas and this keeps costs low.
When you get into nannies, housekeeping, landscaping, car washes, day laborer, pre-covid, there wasn't much savings in using migrant labor. Giving free money during covid made wages sticky (but it seems like people are going back to work) and workers were demanding all crazy sorts of things like 100% remote. No one talks about it, but this led to a downturn of worker productivity.
The real work that americans won't do, e.g. see Dirty Jobs type of jobs, can only be done if you have certifications, pass trade/union certification, pass federal checks (e.g. working in a chicken processing plant) or own your business which requires capital.
In the short term, i think conditions, especially inflation, are going to drive up wages. The inflation caused by the poorly named Inflation Reduction Act is baked in. My firm just had an update on the market and the quants are saying growth is promising where in the past it has been flat (but they also predicted a recession, which they were sort of right). Given the higher price of everything, firms are going to have to pay more for wages. But, with higher growth and with e.g. my aforementioned increase in energy policy, this will drive down costs so that $7 butter and $4 gas won't seem too terrible (but would suck if you're retired on a fixed income).
TLDR - inflation is what driving up costs, as wages grow to match inflation, this will ease the costs of firms producing, and efficiency and lower costs will make firms lower price to be more competitive.
discussion comment
23 days ago
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
I have an econ degree and started my career as an economist and i was writing something and it was a long giant mess. (Not so) Short answer:
1) Kicking out illegals won't necessarily drive up prices.
- a) as mentioned up thread the cost of supporting illegals has to be factored in;
- b) undocumented worker wages aren't necessarily cheaper than regular wage, often the savings comes from not doing paperwork and not giving benefits
- c) if illegals are hired in a commoditized industry, firms will be hard pressed to pass on costs to consumers; firms can write off many of these costs to offset the often slight increase in documented workers
- d) a thought experiment: when there was much less immigration during the Trump years, were prices higher or lower than now? If there is so much illegal immigration driving down wages/costs, shouldn't prices be cheaper now? If Biden/Harris is to blame for inflation (and rightly so), then recognize that sound fiscal policy can also lower costs (i.e. strong energy policy).
Tariffs: most of the sound economic policy, especially from Nobel prize wining faculty, tends to disfavor tariffs -- but then again, as my favorite econ professor says, economists have accurately predicted 9 of the last 5 recessions. Tariffs are a sound political/economic policy for any nation, but studying their effect is going to always be a backward looking process. It's also a game of whack-a-mole. Tariffs in one industry don't behave or predict the same another. A 1% change could have a deleterious effect, while 25% could have no effect. Tariffs are also a game of chicken, being a free market economy and one of the biggest markets gives the USA a distinct advantage. Personally, I think Trump had better leverage in 2020 then he does now. Economic indicators still see the rest of the world at a slow recovery, particularly slow in growth and still hampered by inflation. This could help Trump execute favorable trade agreements. Personally, I would like to see a time where government and services are funded by tariffs and sales tax and no more personal income tax.
review comment
23 days ago
For a lap dance only club, this is probably the best. I hear they're clamping down on the groping, so it loses points in my book, but the price is so hard to beat.
review comment
23 days ago
New Jersey
I always say crazy (legal) shit and I get a laugh (except during covid), but most of the time I tell them I'm gambling.
review comment
23 days ago
Great review. I don't put this much detail because I want extras to stay under the radar but now, maybe the market will drive down prices. $800 is rough, unless you got the hour. There used to be a 15 min option, but I only did that pre-Covid with my ATF and a certain bouncer or two I would work out a deal with (all options long gone).
Extras in the LDA are still verboten because cameras and girls are always cautioning not to go to too much high mileage because of reprimand from management.
discussion comment
a month ago
Changes to Treasure's LDA sounds terrible. If you got money, then keep it on the list. The same for The Men's Club -- hottest girls the last time i was there, but I found mileage to be low, like little effort in standard lap dance. I hear that maybe more money makes more things happen. I've been a ghost every damn time I go to St. James. Maybe you'll have luck, but girls pricing was all over the place last time I was there.
discussion comment
a month ago
Southern Libertine
Dictator on day one comment was in reference to closing the border.
discussion comment
a month ago
Evil Lair
He's crying because this woke schtick is coming to an end and so is his paycheck. He's got nothing left to sell out.
discussion comment
a month ago
Atlanta suburb
Nice face, needs sun and a sandwich, but that wouldn't stop me from smashing.
review comment
a month ago
Both. Of the two visits, only one girl came up to us, a common theme on this last business trip, but surprisingly at these lower end clubs.
Too explicit? Seriously...?
discussion comment
a month ago
My last trip there the girls tended slimmer, more than a handful of waifs. There were some thicker girls but breast to thickness ratio was not in their favor.
I agree that FC has better racks, but it's manmade (though a good number very well done).
discussion comment
a month ago
Southern Libertine
I like to think I'm pretty objective in my ratings and that my ratings conform to generally accepted principles of beauty in america. My one friend is all about small waist and big booty and dark skin, I get the appeal and i will try to factor that in when I review.
Girls who are 5-6s dance because they still make more money doing very little effort. Yes, they can make more money at a real job but if you're good at hanging out, you will get free drinks and probably one or two pity dances an hour which is like probably equates to $50-60k a year for much less hours actually worked.
A 5-6 in my book isn't necessarily ugly or not easy on the eyes. She could have a pretty face, just her body is out of shape and overall and stated above, you wouldn't know she was a dancer, but for the club.
In the Chicago area, it was common (when girls actually worked the room, pre-Covid) that girls did this part-time to supplement income, maybe drug habit. A legit 7+ could make really good money at a no-extras, less gropey clubs like Polekatz. But these 5/6 and under need these hotter girls around to draw the crowd in.
discussion comment
a month ago
Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
If my friends stop going with me, I'll probably stop. The girls nowadays don't bother hanging out and the ones that do I have no interest in them.
On my last trip, the scene at most places (except for Bogarts and Hanks) were literally dominated by old white guys, white hair, receding hairline, thick glasses, like a uniform. They got all the attention.
review comment
a month ago
Of all my times walking to flight club, I've gotten away with it 4 times, I'm 4 for 4. 3 of those times I was duly hassled. My one friend showed a screenshot of a Lyft drop off. When I was hassled, I responded the first time with "my friend dropped me off to go get cigs" and I got a sour look but was let in. The other two times I told them I took an Uber to Bogart's and walked here, again the sour looks. One of those times a guy asked me to see my Uber app and I told him to fuck off (I took a monster loss that day at MGM and I wasn't having it).
review comment
a month ago
I'm surprised you got OTP (albeit in the VIP) here. This place still sucks, avoid Chicago city limits.
review comment
a month ago
Well, Houston gets massively downgraded on my list. I'm of the opinion, nothing happens at Men's Club, but I would love to be proven wrong. Most of time, I'm looking for dances so these prices are crazy. Hopefully, other clubs step up their game, but Treasures was clearly top tier. Man, at these prices I will give St. James another try (who am I kidding, I will always try there).
review comment
a month ago
@lurker - lol, it was major theme on my trip to Detroit, we talked about it in the office all day; i'm not going to dye my hair white just to get a little more attention :)
discussion comment
a month ago
Southern Libertine
I've heard from reliable people, i.e. mongers that I work with, that NOLA both sucks and is really good. The reviews on here seem to make it look like it's not good. Extras would be nice, but I would be satisfied with high mileage.
discussion comment
a month ago
If this were Chicago, I would say corruption.
Since it's Madison and Madison AFAIK is fairly liberal, I'll say that the community is very tolerant. Also, I heard talent sucks, so it's considered non-threatening.
discussion comment
a month ago
Kamala, you're FIRED!
I've heard a (conspiracy) theory that Jill and Joe are out to tank Kamala. Jill never liked her and Joe can't really focus his ire at Pelosi, so Kamala will have to do, also, he's not a big fan of her generally. Do you all think Biden's garbage comment was done on purpose?
discussion comment
a month ago
NFW, that glitter shit is everywhere
discussion comment
a month ago
I go to Hip Huggers maybe once a year, and I have never encountered pasties lol :)
I'm hesitant to make the drive now when management tells me the state is cracking down.
review comment
a month ago
Girls have been very consistent with getting nude on stage. Definitely nude by last song (sets vary between 2-3 songs depending on how many dances and how busy they are).
discussion comment
a month ago
Actually replace "somewhat" with "mostly" :)
discussion comment
a month ago
Pasties used to be "somewhat" optional. I went to Industrial Strip a while ago after getting hammered at Horseshoe (in a bad way). It was terrible. All the regulars were gone, a lot of not good looking latinas, and pasties everywhere. Management said that they were cracking down and besides the owner is a huge fan of them.