Help with Stripper Logic

avatar for ujay
Danielle is beautiful as hell! She is supposed to be getting married in three months, according to her stripper friends. She is dancing to "pay for the wedding". She dances daytime and gives HJ for total $225. She normally refuses anything more than a HJ. I was very lucky midweek and entered the club with pockets full of money. There was hardly any customers in the club. I immediately approached her for sex. She refused, but returned a few minutes later, and agreed for sex. She says that she has made only $6 the entire day, and can not go home with only $6. I fucked the living daylights out of her for keeping me waiting so long. She, however, refused to kiss saying that kissing is too personal. What kind of logic is this? Sex but no kiss. Have you guys experienced same?

Also, other girls give BBBJ but refuse sex in VIP. What kind of reasoning is this? Are they going to progress to sex over time?


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avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
I had one tell me that kissing caused her pregnancy.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
Strippers do things for money they'd rather not do. This is called a "job".
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
Not kissing is common with some sex workers because they claim that its too personal and something that they will only do with their SO's. But who would want to kiss an area where a bunch of dicks have previously been anyway?
avatar for Subraman
11 years ago
"have you guys experienced same?" No, providers that don't kiss are totally unheard of in the sex industry. Must be some newfangled trend that started centuries ago :)
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
At least 95% of the ones who do BJs will do sex.

Not kissing could be do to concerns about HSV-1. Can't put a condom on your lips can you? Kissing is becoming increasingly common these days though. The majority who do extras will do it now. And the other way around is especially true. If they kiss FS is about guarenteed.

If you consider HSV-1 and other sTD risk (FS being much higher risk than BJ) I disagree that there is any broken logic here.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Btw, $225 is astronomical for a HJ unless did like a half hour's worth of dances with it.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
None of that surprises me. She doesn't normally fuck but you caught her when she was extremely desperate.

I've met several who offered BJ but not sex. Hell I know civilian women who will make you wait a month for sex but blow you 6 hours after meeting you (slight exaggeration). Everybody has their own mentality about what is appropriate and what's over the line. I don't call that faulty logic.
avatar for joker44
11 years ago

"Relationships with a dancer.
ujay Prop ujay Ignore ujay Send Private Message to ujay

Commented June 19, 2014

I know of a stripper who I heard from other strippers that she is planning on getting married in three months. She is still dancing to "pay for the wedding". She is pretty as hell and largely gives HJ. A week ago, I was extremely lucky. She had made only six dollars all day, and I walked in the club with pockets full of money. We had a sensual lapdance and I proposed sex in the VIP. She initially refused, but came back a few minutes later, and informed me that she can not go home after working all day with only six dollars. Well, we had great sex 90 days from her wedding. She did not allow me to kiss her because "that would be too personal". Stripper logic! How can such a person be trusted in the hurdles of life with its ups and downs. She will always escape out the back door, whether to the club or with her employers. I can not place my life in the hands of a stripper with her roller coaster of a life. I believe that when a lady takes off her clothing and exposes her vagina to strangers, she has crossed the path of no return. She has tasted the golden apple and will return from time to time to bite at the apple.

She, however, appears to be a good mother and leaves the club faithfully at 5pm each day to pick up her son from daycare, even if the club is full of customers."

Bored but not creative enough to make up a new discussion topic. Deja vu all over again:-[

avatar for londonguy
11 years ago
I agree some sex workers don't kiss. Not as common as it used to be that a girl doesn't do it though. They like to keep something back for their SO.

Whatever the reasons we should respect their boundaries.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
There is a movement that is promoting kissing over handshaking when greeting someone. This was discussed the other morning on ESPN's "Mike & Mike" show. Apparently some studies have shown that hands carry more germs than mouths.

I'm all for kissing. Can anyone introduce me to Kate Upton?
avatar for JohnSmith69
11 years ago
BBBJ is easier to get than kissing. Never made any sense to me. But I try not to figure out SS and just live with it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
FWIW – a SW thread on the subject:…

avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
These were quotes from the same dancer...all in the same paragraph even:

"That's really gross to me and I wouldn't do it."

"However, I would only object to other dancers doing it if they did it for cheap/the same price as a normal dance."

"On the other hand, Tourdefranzia, I want to high five you for getting paid while enjoying yourself with a hot dude. I call that a win."

So here's the stripper logic:

"EEEWWWW !!! It's totally gross. But it's not gross if you charge enough for it, or if the guy is hot. Then it's a win"

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
Two hundred and twenty five dollars for a hand job? What the effervescent fuck, over?

Are you insane, or do you club in Virginia? Wait, same question.

No offence to those those of you unfortunate enough to live in VA.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
You need to go back and take your critical thinking 101 course over again, jerkoffson. There is no contradiction.

a) she finds it gross so doesn't do it
b) she acknowledges that others either may not find it gross OR if a customer is hot enough that don't, which, presumably is so rare to her that it doesn't validate a) OR although they find it gross as well some money can get the others to do the gross thing

So does jerkoffson logic means seeing contradictions where there are none? Got a predetermined agenda clouding your agenda and giving you a confirmation bias by any chance?

avatar for Vin66
11 years ago
I had a regular I hung out with and I got laughing one day "it's funny some girls will blow me but wont kiss" we laughed. Next time I saw her she greeted me with a warm kiss on the lips.
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
There is no logic there, you just go with what you have or what she gave you.

She throws BS like that, fine I can deal with that.
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
Every woman is a prostitute. Every woman has her price. Reminds me of the funny saying attributed to Churchill, when he's talking to some socialite:

"Madam, would you have sex with me for 5 million pounds?"

"Mr. Churchill !!! Well...umm....I don't know...I suppose it's possible...of course we'd have to discuss terms..."

"Madam, would you have sex with me for five pounds?"


"Madam, we have already determined that. Now we are merely haggling about price."
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ wow, you are so original, jerkoffson. We've only seen that exchange quoted, what? Maybe 1,000 times here?

Next you're going to dazzle us by rolling out the Charlie Sheen quote.

avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
It's funny when you start considering what a woman's price would be for sex. Or for doing something that is considered so very "personal" as kissing.

Now, most women will tell you that kissing some stranger is "EWWW !!! That's GROSS !!!" Because it's too personal an act to do with a stranger.

Now, if a Brad Pitt, a complete stranger to most women, were to walk up to the average woman, how soon would it be before she was ready to kiss him? Minutes? Seconds?

So it's not about someone being a stranger, it's about something less noble. It's about how he makes her feel. If he makes her pussy wet, then game on. If she "feels" right about him, all that other stuff dissolves away.

What women say, and what they actually feel inside, are often two very different things.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
jerkoffson: " What women say, and what they actually feel inside, are often two very different things. "

Maybe your brain is has some aspie'ness in it and you just interpret things too literally as a basis to think you are more clever than them?

Here's a clue to help you out: Often when people say something, they mean that it is generally the case the large majority of the time, but understanding that there are exceptions. Only guys like you would think they literally meant "every single stranger in the world".

I'm sure if we interpreted everything you said literally, and gave you no crediting for thinking there could be exceptions, we could have some fun with your posts

avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
Lol sounds like jerkoffson is such s bitter loser that no woman would accommodate him for anything, regardless of price offered.
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
I just ignore the BS they throw at me that I just simply backpedal slowly.

Then pick someone else, it's not me who lost a transaction, though.
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
Face it, total lost cause. Logic with women in general is complicated and cutting out a smaller niche (girls that are strippers) just makes it more complicated. People are responding how cool their CF or ATF are on this thread, and those are the lucky guys being able to find a girl with logic or one that will just agree to do whatever these gents say as long as they receive what they want.

I mean I have had plenty moments of logic which I am grateful for with strippers, but sadly the illogic out numbers the logic.

Examples: dancer willing to do bbfs and kiss but not give a bbbj.

Dancer willing to do bbbjtc with swallow but will only do cfs with an extreme up charge.

Dancer willing to do anal sex but will not kiss.

Every girl has their view to justify their own reasoning no matter how wacky, but my favorite is the dancer who complains they're not making any money but won't agree to meet you OTC for p4p! Lol
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
"^^^ wow, you are so original, jerkoffson. We've only seen that exchange quoted, what? Maybe 1,000 times here?"

LOL! Dugly complaining about a lack of originality. Funniest post of the week.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ oops! Forgot what zippy and rickdugan himself said about "RickyBoyDugan" (who jestie claims is me) i.e. creative.

Looks like 100% of those who have commented on it, other than jestie himself, disagreed with him.

The art history major tangles himself up on logic again. Funniest post of the week! Stick to art history, shoes, and Abercrombie and Fitch, jestie. Logic definitely not your strong suit.
avatar for ujay
11 years ago
Thanks guys and girls for all of the comments! The best conclusion I can reach from all the comments is that Timing Is Everything! You have to meet the stripper at the right time: less customers in the club, daytime, week days. With the lining of the stars, Cash is King!

At the end of the day, a girl who takes out her clothing and exposes her vagina, is also the girl who will fuck for money when personal expenses begin to line up usually at the end of the month.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
Dugly uses the same tired insults over and over again for years, then bitches when someone reuses a quote.

Gets called on the hypocrisy? Out comes the circuitous bullshit in a pathetic attempt to deflect. Reminds me a bit of Alucard.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
jestie214: "Dugly uses the same tired insults over and over again for years"

Oh? You mean like same tired insults of me you've used over and over again for years?

"Gets called on the hypocrisy?"

You mean like I'm calling you out on hyprocisy here?

"Reminds me a bit of Alucard"

As you remind me of him.

avatar for DoctorPhil
11 years ago
“Reminds me a bit of Alucard.”

woe be it that i should step into a Dougster/jester214 maelstrom but using alucard as an insult is a line that should never be crossed.

alucard was a real life mentally ill lunatic and that fact should not be trivialized.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
Lol. You know you tripped up Dugly when he starts trying to turn the exact same things around on you. Next he'll start shouting that he "won". Never changes, which just goes to prove my original point.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
jestie: "Lol. You know you tripped up Dugly when he starts trying to turn the exact same things around on you. "

Lol! And you know you've tripped up jestie when he claims you've tired to turn the same things he said back on him. (Perfect accurate in this case, so why not?)

Face it, jestie! There is no "originality" in anything you post and you are as big a hypocrite as anyone else. Oh, but if we point that your hypocrisy it's trying to turn things you've said back on you. Not allowed!

Your hypocrisy - Claiming you are more original than anyone here. I believe it when I see it. Spending as big a % of your posting "insulting" people as anyone else then complaining that others do.

Now spazz out and grasp for straws like you always do. Will just prove my point.

Too funny.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
Some sex workers kiss, some will not. And I agree that $225 is way too much for a HJ. WTF??
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
And to think that I always though that HJ stood for Hymen Juice. That shit is delicious.
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
"FWIW – a SW thread on the subject:…"

I actually went over and read the responses to that. Hilarious most of those strippers who say kissing is awful probably give bjs all day!

Interesting to see their prospective but I know in my job if a co-worker is doing something minor that I don't agree with I duality mind my own business, I suggest they do the same.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
The first time I kissed my ATF she actually asked if I would like to kiss her. Um...yeah!!! She's the only dancer I've ever kissed in the club. Or otherwise now that I think about it! But P4P girls kiss about half the time.
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