
Your reason for going to the club...

Since I'm new to this forum, but not necessarily new to the industry, a question has crossed my mind, not just out of curiosity, but in an effort to provide the best service that I can to my clients as an entertainer. Besides the obvious reason of viewing boobies and bottoms, what's your reason for frequenting your favorite club(s)?
I've spoken to many patrons (males, females, & couples) and the answer to that question has come out in the course of conversation in various detail and for many different reasons. Would anybody care to share?


  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I like seeing a bunch of hot naked bodies all in one place.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I go to clubs to discuss the Federal Reserve's monetary policy with strippers. This always leads to stimulating the economy.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    To meet some nice whores to fuck.
  • CaraDevine
    10 years ago
    JACKSLASH - it's not so much the Federal Reserve that we would need to concern ourselves with as the Internal Revinue Service. Great comment though. Love the quick whit!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I used to be a missionary in Africa until I contracted a nasty case of Ebola. Luckily it proved to be non-fatal, but I'm was forced to stay at home. Now I spend every free moment proselytizing to heathen strippers.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    It's all about the fantasy. Except when my fantasy becomes a reality.
  • bvino
    10 years ago
    I am enough of an old timer that I appreciate witty repartee almost as much as the raw sex. It really is the complete package when I am attracted to personality, awed by the physicality and touched by the availability. Drunks, skanks and girls with no game rarely get my time or my money. Federal reserve Policy is not my field but charm, double entendres, beautiful smiles and a kind ear go a long way. If the girl has read a book or a newspaper in the last year this can only help.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Strip clubs are the place to be for guys who travel or on assignment. Also good for lonely guys who need to have a companion.

    They show up to pass the time, chat with ladies.

    And if chemistry is there, why not move it forward with some intense sexual activity.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I think in my case the stripclub gets me all of the girl/girl action that I missed out on when I was dating guys. Sounds weird but there is truth to it.
  • kingcripple
    10 years ago
    i like beautiful women. i like drinking.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    It gets me outta the house.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Too many reasons to easily list. Naked women; great atmosphere to chill out in; opportunities for OTC and/or ITC p4p; interactions with entertaining girls; great places to visit during road trips; every night can be a different adventure; drink with attractive young women; etc.
  • BlueLion
    10 years ago
    I must agree with dougsters empeckable answer
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    CaraDevine, it's good of you to at least care about being good at your job. I respect that. Not many strippers give a damn.

    Now, to answer your question...

    Men are different from women. Very different. That's why you almost never see strip clubs for women with dancing men. Yeah, they exist, but usually only for bachelorette parties where a bunch of girls go to have some fun.

    For men it's different. For men, sex is one of the most important things in their lives. And hot women are equally important. And sex with a hot woman is one of our primary goals in life.

    We are also very visual creatures. We love looking at hot, sexy women. And many men will also go to the club looking to have some sort of sexual encounter.

    We also are different in that, in general, we don't need an emotional connection with the hot girl to have fun or to have sex. We're just as happy to look at her, and have sex with her, and then leave. That's how god made us. We are very shallow creatures.

    Now, the point of this is that if you can accept men for who they are, and give them what they want, you will be successful. If you want to make money, be the woman they want you to be, and they'll be falling all over themselves to tip you. Which means be different from most women in the world.

    Accept that you are there to entertain men, and accept them as they are, and not judge them, but treat them with respect. And all that means is "do unto others".

    Look good. Show an interest in your customers, and treat them like kings. Don't sit in a corner texting all shift and leave the customers sitting alone bored. Don't spend all shift in the dressing room BS'ing with your friends. If you really care about doing a good job, then go out on the floor, and be nice to your customers.

    Also accept the fact that not everyone is going to want to spend time with you. You're not everyone's type. Nobody here is everyone's type. So deal with it, and don't think you're being rejected. Just move on to the next guy.

    Also accept that you're in the customer service business. Which means you need to accept customers for who they are, and recognize they come to the club with different attitudes and backgrounds. One of them may have recently lost a parent, and is feeling like shit. Another might have just lost a job and just needs some cheering up. Another one might have broken up with a girlfriend. And another might have just won the lottery. But don't expect them to entertain YOU. Don't look at them from a distance and do what most strippers do...."oh, he didn't smile at me, so he must be an asshole so I'll ignore him", or "oh wow, he's cute, I'll sit with him". You're not there to get married, you're there to entertain customers and make them feel good.

    If you can get the attitude that you're there to accept customers for who they are, with a goal to make them feel better than when they arrived, you'll be far ahead of 90% of the strippers out there.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Lmao jerkoffson posting like he actually knows what he's talking about! What you think you know about idiosyncrasies between the sexes is downright embarrassing. The OP said that she was new to the forum, NOT the industry. The last thing she needs is a dissertation about something she is keenly familiar with already from a long winded Mr.know-it-all air bag like you.
  • goonster
    10 years ago
    I go because I'm a guy. I like tits and ass. Strip clubs have a lot of tits and ass. The ladies are generally nice and treat you well.

    This ain't rocket science
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Jerikson, I think from what she's stated about herself in her short tenure on TUSCL, I sense she's cognizant of all the points you mentioned. Cara seems like a very-well-put-together person, particularly a dancer.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "Cara seems like a very-well-put-together person, particularly a dance"

    I dunno man

    I dunno

    She sounds like she's going to go for that wild super hot thing called...

    "Intelligently designed conversation."

  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Seriously, I have come across dancers that are smart and super intelligent.

    My take is Cara is on with this group I'm talking about.

  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Go to exotic strip clubs, meet and grope beautiful naked women, and have sex with them. Crude, but true. Whether it's to do it there, or arrange for takeout, I primarily go to clubs to meet women who don't mind having sex with creepy, old, ugly, fat guys. For money, if necessary.
  • eyeamlong
    10 years ago
    The other day, I had sex with a stripper born on .. 6/6/1996... fresh out of High School. This is the only place I know of, that a 60 year old perverted sex freak can easily make this happen.

    Now I'm up to date with the 90's... Because I've also had sex with strippers born in 1990, 91,92,93,94,95...

    In a few months the 1997 models, will be legal for me to stick my erected Jonson in ...Oh yea.. I love the strip club..

  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    The journey is meeting fun girls, getting drunk with them, having them wiggle around on my lap, and sometimes a bit more. Love this part.

    The end goal is sex outside the club ... I might take many trips getting to know a dancer, but eventually I pop the question, and if she declines, well, I'm back on the journey again, and loving every second. If she says yes to OTC, now we start partying and having sex outside the club. I usually OTC only one girl at a time, so for however many months it's working for us, we party ITC and then go party and have sex OTC
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I like drinking beer on occassion and looking at and feeling pretty and naked girls. Strip clubs seem like a good place to make it happen. On occassion I find a dancer that matches what I'm looking for and even seems to hang around and listen to all my crazy stories. I may not even remember whatever I said after a week or two but she seems as friendly as ever the next time I see her. Dancers who remember my name years after I first met them, mysteries surround us.

    If I ever see one dancer working in a club and she talks to me for a bit, I might ask her remember when I told you I was all charged up and you didn't believe me? She got zapped big time when she touched my head, lol. Haven't had any electrical problems since a whole year or two, I think.

    If I see another dancer who has stayed in contact with me every so often, I might ask her if she had any paranormal activity recently. She claims she had activity that went on for a long time until I sent something over to cut it out. I haven't experimented with all the weird paranormal stuff beyond that. I'm afraid messing with the paranormal might cause trouble. If the last dancer isn't full of crap, then what is listening to me and able to get rid of poltergeist in an instant? It's probably just a story. Just like I told another dancer about a dust devil formed around me one time years ago and she told me the same thing happened to her before too. On the other hand, maybe I'm friends with succubi and dancers from hell and I just don't know it. It's just another night at the strip club.
  • Thekingof32
    10 years ago
    I go to the club for variety. I'm not sure my current relationship could survive without the variety clubs offer.
    I need variety or 1 woman than can provide me with the variety I seek. And until I find the latter, I will continue to enjoy the variety and freedom clubs provide. Monogamy isn't for everyone, yet society continues to reinforce the narrative.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Since moat all my visits are afternoons and relatively short, I go to relax a bit, have a drink or a cold one and watch sometimes lovely women "dance". The ones I pay for a dance are few and far between since I am very particular on who receives my money. If I find a CF, she will be that until something changes. Usually, they move on.
  • joeybanana
    10 years ago
    Hi Cara,

    I'm married, and I don't want to have an affair, but I missed out on dating lots of different women when I was younger and am now finding I'm a very sexual person. Getting to see, touch and kiss beautiful women's bodies is incredible.

    I also really enjoy a good conversation, and the illusion that a woman might want to dance for me partly because she finds me interesting after such a conversation makes the dance even better.

    But I'm pretty new to this hobby, so maybe I'm still figuring out what I'm doing in the clubs. The other day, I was high and taking my wife from behind, and I imagined she was a stripper I met recently...that was a good orgasm!
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… I go to clubs to discuss the Federal Reserve's monetary policy with strippers. This always leads to stimulating the economy. …”

    LOL – that was golden
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    It’s like live porn.

    Just as many/most men have enjoyed looking at beautiful naked women on magazines since at least the 1950s when Playboy came around; it should not be surprising that looking at beautiful naked women in the flesh; and being able to touch/feel them; is something most men would enjoy.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Perhaps a “rule of thumb” w.r.t. how to treat custies would be to “sorta” treat them like you would treat your man/S.O.

    Of course – there are certain things a dancer would do w/ her S.O. that she would not do w/ custies – that is the obvious part.

    What I mean is - as a dancer you know what turns on your man as “a man” and not necessarily just b/c he’s your S.O. Would you as a woman get your man all aroused and then now allow him to touch/feel you – you know that would frustrate him as man and would probably piss him off. If you know what to do to turn on “your man” as a man – then those are pretty much the same things that would turn on a custy as man.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    To begin with, while T&A are great, there is more to a woman looking hot. Hair: I prefer it long, and I tend to think people who don't want to spend much time fussing with their hair are probably smarter/more interesting. Lots of women can turn my head just with their pretty face, although I can't really explain myself what it is that makes a face attractive to me, not any single type. But knowing what makeup suits you is important.

    I don't get many other chances to talk to people under 35, and people who aren't trapped in the rat race.
  • bird64
    10 years ago
    The reason I went to a Strip club in the 1st place was because of a recent divorce. Without going into details, the last few years of the marriage were not good and a year after the divorce I had not dated anyone and not had sex for years, so I wanted to see a live naked woman. I've kept going back mostly because of the people I've met and the friends I've made. Now, some of my closest and dearest friends are people I met at the clubs. Being single, Yes it is very nice to get the attention of an attractive young lady AND get to see her naked. But I think I go more for the companionship.
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