
Comments by joewebber (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Here we go again
    Short reviews
    this was today's reject review: Good for the money Went here to kill time before I picked up a friend at the airport. Drinks were good. Bartender was friendly. Girls were hot. Spent time with Destiny bought her a couple of drinks had a couple of dances it was chill. Didn't really feel pressured, she was good at her job felt more like hanging out with someone than paying for their time. I'd go back again when I'm in the area.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Here we go again
    Short reviews
    and this morning's submission for a club in the southeast: Whoa! You should visit! Very dope place, great atmosphere and quality dancers. If you’re looking for a good place this is it! Had a great time and great conversation.Price was right and the ladies were lovely. Would definitely go back! Jenny from the block was the best! People were chill and the drinks flowing. The DJ was on point and the mood was care free. Pool tables, tv’s, and titties who could be mad. Bartender was nice and energetic.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Here we go again
    Short reviews
    today's review: Friday evening visit I went there on Friday night with my friend. There was no cover fee before 7pm. We had to buy a water bottle for $7.00. Only two girls working that evening. One girl was on the stage and one girl was sitting. The girl on the stage was below average and chubby. I have to go back on Saturday to see more talent.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Hot girls, all air in the main
    "Wish they close this place down it stinks." bad attitude to have. we need more clubs in the city, not less. if they (the city) is successful at closing this place down, they'll most likely go after one of your favorite clubs next.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Gulf Coast. I’m not your boss.
    Best review comments
    if the review is not specific enough to distinguish it from any other club, it's no good. ex: the club was slow last night. there were 10 dancers working. some were pretty. i got some table dances. i bought a drink. after an hour, i left. or sometimes too specific about one dancer. ex: i was really eager to see Monica. she always treats me right. she certainly knows her way around a stage. she sat at my table for 45 minutes before she even asked if i wanted a dance. i bought her a drink. Monica knows some of the other dancers here. Monica drives 30 minutes to get to work.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Standard dances are air dances
    the dances are $10. the girls will try to charge you $20.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Doubt it's a strip club.
    thanks for the summary Shadowcat. Galardi went thru years of turmoil after opening PPS. it seems the forest park city council went thru some changes and the widow or ex-wife of one of the city council members went on a tirade and the council drafted an ordinance at the time to shut down liquor and nudity in the same club. Galardi had the only strip clubs in forest park. while in litigation, the forest park police would set up traffic stops on frontage road for alcohol breathalyzer tests, and they would frequently come into the club with the premise that they were doing permit checks. the managers at PPS doomed their own club by featuring an hourly 'shooter review' forcing the dancers onto the stage with test tube watered-down shooters to sell with two table dances. the dancers were required to sell the shooters/dances and if not, pay the club the $12 for the unsold shooter. this disrupted the clubs flow the entire night, and forced the dancers into paying the club $12 each every hour there was a shooter review. also, the club didn't do any advertising, even when it was still open and pouring during the litigation. the dancers were not making any money and most decided to quit. years later, when the economy was in the toilet, Forest Park needed the money and invited these clubs to re-open. none of the ordinances and attention to the clubs would have happened had the former manager of the crazy horse not betrayed galardi by attempting to open his own club nearby.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    GA/FL PAWG Hunter
    Quick 1st Visit
    "When talking about VIP to a dancer, one is often better off if one states the prices they wanna pay vs ask a dancer an open-ended questions like "how much for VIP" " I disagree here. oftentimes, it's better to have the dancer name the first number. I have been surprised sometimes, especially last year, when I asked some dancers how much they charged for VIP, and it was below the going rate of $150. they were charging $100. if she says a high figure, you can always shoot it down. 'too steep for me'. 'not what i can spend today', etc. you can also reply "jane and a couple of other girls told me that ____ is the going price" just my .02
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Here we go again
    Short reviews
    and this gem was up for review this a.m. : Come here! amazing time!!!! love it. And it's by the water! Only outside seating. Cash and credit accepted!And it's by the water! Only outside seating. Cash and credit accepted!And it's by the water! Only outside seating. Cash and credit accepted! And it's by the water! Only outside seating. Cash and credit accepted!And it's by the water! Only outside seating. Cash and credit accepted!And it's by the water! Only outside seating. Cash and credit accepted!And it's by the water! Only outside seating. Cash and credit accepted!And it's by the water! Only outside seating. Cash and credit accepted!And it's by the water! Only outside seating. Cash and credit accepted!And it's by the water! Only outside seating. Cash and credit accepted!And it's by the water! Only outside seating. Cash and credit accepted!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Here we go again
    Short reviews
    another recent review for approval: Not too impressive No beers on tap but the women were beautiful. Went in on Saturday night and was hardly approached by any of women working. Drinks were Al title overpriced and as stated previously nothing on tap. Will try it again to see if assessement was fair. Also why do I have to type such a detailed message?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Met a new friend
    I must be going to the wrong club. Just left O. Nothing but 5s and 6s. Definitely no girl with ass-length blonde hair. At least 3 shamus today.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    New Years day fun
    LDs are always $10. sometimes the girls will persuade you or upcharge you. they will claim the booth dances are $20. management maintains that the cost of a LD is $10
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rhode Island
    If you're curious to see what an actual club ad looks like...
    "I went to the lap dance room with her and had no problem spending about $200 there at $20 a song." pretty much sums it up
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Chris Wallace retiring from Fox News Sunday
    Chris Wallace did not hide his political status. he was a liberal democrat.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The Power of the Suit
    agree with most comments here. wearing a suit inside a strip club only attracts the wrong kind of attention and invites gold diggers to you. as most have said, you will also be written off if it's a cheap suit of a funeral suit--they notice and know. at least the ones that keep up with fashion will know. there's a PL that frequents Atlanta clubs. he wears a crisp white button-down shirt, black slacks and shoes. he has olive skin and dark black hair. a few dancers have asked me to run interference (by taking them to a different area of the club) in the past because he's a 'possessive dick' (their words). i would never have noticed him on my own because i'm not looking at men in the clubs. during certain conventions, I used to see the parade of 'businessmen' flow into the club like their bus just landed. they all were dressed in their bright white shirts and their suit pants. the girls would make the rounds and find the closest matches to whales, and they'd waste a few hours with them. during the summer, the same type of PLs will wear khaki's, golf shirts, and loafers without socks into the clubs. many dancers avoid these guys like the plague. dancers also notice your shoes. if you're wearing cheap or unkempt shoes, don't expect them to approach you. finally, if you want the right kind of attention, stay away from wearing overly nice clothes into the nightclub/strip club. between the cigarette smoke and burns, liquor spills, bodily fluids, and higher prices, it's not worth it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Writing a Detailed Review
    i reject a lot of reviews especially if they are three sentences or less. a good review stands out if it can only describe the club being reviewed. if the review says "stopped by PL's" girls were hot. bought a drink. got a dance. left." we need details. demographic makeup of the dancers and clientele. music. cost of dances. cost of drinks. is vip private? rate the dancers' looks? was it slow? did you have to wait a long time before you got a dance? there's just a number of different pieces of information that a reader wants to know about a club, and a generic three sentences doesn't cut it.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Out of the blue decision turns into a great time
    you hassled with the girl about a $300 vip, so she drops the price to $200 only to up-charge you to MORE THAN TWICE AS MUCH when you get there. every one of us PLs knows that $150 wasn't a 'tip', it was extortion once she got you back there. you should out this ROB.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    It Is Getting There
    this is a real short review for THREE DAYS worth of visits. very little new information either.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Go Early, Go Often
    "I visited the club on a Monday afternoon of a major holiday weekend " so this review is over 2 months old?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Follies guys *sigh* I miss seeing…
    who are the griffin girls that are pregnant now?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Tattletale Lounge Friday October 22nd
    table dances are always $10. getting nude on stage does not necessarily correlate with the dancer charging more or mileage being better. each dancer has their own schtick. if they persuade you into believing you'll get higher mileage by paying $20 a dance, that's their win. there is usually no difference in VIP rooms for 15 vs 30. at night the club will usually only put 60 min VIPs in rooms with doors. your mileage 'might' be higher with a dancer that you do 30 or 60 min with rather than just 15. that's more of a dancer's prerogative.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    North Carolina
    A lot of potential, will be back
    "the food is terrible"...."yeah, and such small portions"
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Looks like the final blow for Follies
    it doesn't make good business sense to annex the strip club for the revenue then legislate them out of business. both doraville and brookhaven have done the same thing
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Great time beautiful girls
    "It wasn't but 15 or so minutes after entering me and my 3 friends were approached by 2 girls for vip" what did they look like? i'm surprised this review got approved. no details about the club, esepecially with the remodel. no details about the girls, drinks, music. the prices are vague.