Writing a Detailed Review

avatar for founder
I often get emails from members who have had a review rejected for lack of details.

The emails usually always say the same thing.

"I provided lots of details"
"Go Fuck Yourself and your stupid website"
"These reviewers are assholes"

Here is an actual example, and my response.

Hopefully it will help members write a more detailed review.

------ auto response from rejected review:

Hi xxxxxxxxxx

We're sorry, but your review of Club Fred was not published for the following reasons:

joewebber said: Not Enough Club Details

MrEddyG said: Shill Review or Club Ad

georgmicrodong said: Not Enough Club Details

yankeez4lif said: Not Enough Club Details

Please feel free to correct and resubmit your review.

Text of Review:

stopped in after the first day of hunting. Club Fred has added high tables along the wall and floor lighting along the wall. It was $10 entrance fee. Dancer's setup is still the same tables setup in a rectangle with the girls dancing inside of tables. You had to call to let them know you were at the door. This is a BYOB club. Some food and soda is sold.
There were 6 dancers and all were friendly. 3 of them were blondes. My 2 favorites were Ava and Cece. Ava was tall with small round nipples and pubic hair. Cece was a tall blonde with B cup tits and waxed pussy. The other 4 were a variety of tats, piercings and fake tits.
The crowd enjoyed themselves. There was 1 bachelor party there and also 1 couple. Fred's is very accommondating to female guests.
I was there for 3 hours and spent about $35. I hope when I go back again that Ava is still dancing there.

------ response from member to me:

I provided plenty of club details. These people say the same things of every review. No wander people do not supply reviews of clubs anymore. This was my second review of Club Fred for last Saturday.

------- My Response to member

Hi xxxxxxxx,

Sorry for the delayed response. Don't take it personally. Your review
lacks details. Here are some questions I have after reading it.

What were you hunting for?

What is this "wall" that they added tables along? Does this club only
have one wall?

You had to call them to let them know you're at the door? Like the
front door? Did you have to use your cell phone? Or was it an

What booze can you bring in? Do they allow hard alcohol and are
mixers provided?

Ava had round pubic hair? That's actually pretty detailed. :)

The other 4 dancers were inanimate objects? I can only assume one was
a tat, one was a piercing, and the other two were fake tits?

How do you know the crowd enjoyed themselves? Did they tell you? Or
did you observe some detail that you're not telling us?

There was a couple, and they were very accommodating to the female
guest. How so?

3 hours and only $35? Minus $10 for the entrance fee? So you spent
$25? That's about one lap dance and a tip. Is that what you spent
your money on?

I hope this criticism is taken constructively and you get your reviews
published in the future.

The Ultimate Strip Club List


last comment
avatar for ime
3 years ago
I'm intrigued about the round pubic hair.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Post a few examples of well written reviews. That will dissuade people from posting shit.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I see reviews that have very little value often, usually if the review looks like the reviewer might have put some effort into it, I will write a short note with my rejection explaining how they might improve, but lately I have been seeing a bunch of short no effort attempts to access the review section and I just check either the not enough details box or the incoherent box, my reasoning is if they put no effort into writing I dont have any reason to put any effort into my rejection.
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
That georgmmicrodong guy sure is rejecting a bunch of reviews lately. In fact, that's almost all I seem him do anymore.
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
I'd suggest two things to maybe help. The first would be to provide a link to the guidelines page in the rejection emails. The second is a little harder to do maybe, provide some links to quality reviews as examples. Or maybe the guidelines page could have a few good examples. Defining a good example is probably the though part though. Maybe just let them view the last 2-3 reviews that were unanimously approved.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Honestly I would have upvoted it.

As a dancer, the fact he mentions he stopped there after a day of hunting is VERY relevant and good information. At least in my biased opinion. Then for everything else, there was just enough info that puts it as okay as a review. Yes it could have been better.

If it was a club I was interested in, I would have followed up with more questions in the comments.

Personally, I’m all for giving some slack, because it’s a club that doesn’t get reviewed often. Vivide, Baby Dolls Dallas, Club Desire RI, Hong Kong in Tijuana— yeah absolutely demand the highest possible review standards.

I also think some slack should be given to people with a lower review count. If one digs through the reviews of some prominent posters on this board, and read their very first club review ever submitted, it likely wouldn’t pass muster today. And if they interact with enough other site members, then they tend to figure out what other people think is important and fall in line.

Like the Club Desire crowd always liking to list the entire lineup of dancers on a Tuesday afternoon, and that SpongeBob dancer was wearing a yellow bikini and had an obnoxious laugh and provides great vip service and that Squidward dancer was wearing brown and had no bottoms in and was being a bitch. I think that practice just happened organically because people decided that was important and others figure it out when they start participating.

Trade offs for quality and quantity of reviews is its own pitfall though.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I'm much more forgiving if a club is reviewed only rarely and not in a long time. As long as the review doesn't link dancers by name to extras, I'm willing to let a low-information review slide by if for no other reason than it provides "proof of life".

I'll also let a review go if it shows a good effort. Questions can be asked and pointers can be given in the comments.

Another issue is that there's no natural connection between "guy who likes strip clubs" and "guy who knows how to write". And for a lot of guys who aren't good writers, it's a lot of work to be coherent with the written word. Writing is a skill, and not everyone has that skill.

I would never expect anyone else to write reviews similar to Papi or Oldwhiteguy. It's nice when that happens, but it's an unrealistic expectation from a broad range of people.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Club Desire reviews became a contest to see who could tweak Desertscrub the hardes--I mean, provide the most info.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
One thing weird: "tables setup in a rectangle with the girls dancing inside of tables."

That's something that definitely needs more explanation. It sounds like an employee training session or a college classroom. No stage? No bar? Even BYOB spots usually have a bar where they'll keep your beer cold or whatever.

I'm usually not a stickler that needs every single box checked for a review to be approved, but I at least want to imagine what the place looks like. "Tables in a rectangle" creates more questions than answers.

And what the fuck did you do there for three hours?
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
When I write a review, in order to get it unanimously approved I need to put in what other members think is important and not what I think is important. I only do regular lap dances, not VIP rooms, but the price structure of all the lap dance options is important to a lot of members. I see reviews with detailed price information from VIP rooms down to the price of a beer which were approved but are of little use to me. Guys go to strip clubs for so many different reasons that it makes it hard to define what a good review is but if you read the approved reviews you eventually see the commonalities. I usually compromise and spend half of my reviews talking about what I want to talk about and the other half trying to think of what the other members want to hear about and then writing about that. That's usually enough to get them approved.
avatar for gSteph
3 years ago
I like round nipples.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
I need to know what he was hunting, because there is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I simply would ask reviewers to be very hesitant to thumbs down a review of a club that has few or no recent approved reviews. Unless you are very convinced it has disinformation. Some info is always better than none.
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
I'm all for lowering standards for infrequently reviewed clubs, but not so much for new reviewers. I get the point that first reviews often suck, a number of my earlier reviews likely wouldn't have been approved. My thinking is, lower quality reviews are better than no reviews. So, those reviews for infrequently reviewed clubs help people out. But there's no value in another shitty review for a club that gets multiple reviews every month.

Also, the reviewer isn't shown. I would be in favor of showing some info about the user, like their number of reviewed clubs, number of reviews, last review date, joined date, something like that. But I guess we don't want to show the actual name to avoid the cliques and trolls from getting approve or reject happy.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Thanks Founder. I too had wondered how much detail was enough. You are setting the bar quite high, but it will make things really nice when people start writing reviews which are that extensive.

avatar for datinman
3 years ago
^We are all waiting with baited breath for your first detailed club review.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
I have been rejecting 2 or 3 every day since Covid. 99.8% for lack of details. I always add a remark to "Read review guidelines". Perhaps Founder should add a box that must be checked saying that the submitter has read and understands the guidelines.

I have made exceptions to reviews of international clubs that have few if any reviews.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I think it was just the question of how much detail is detail.

avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I think Founder should start a top 40 list for members with rejected reviews. That would be fun.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
I will quite often approve well written reviews. I don't reject many. I'll leave that up to others. About the only reasons I will reject one is 1) they are naming a girl that is doing extras, 2) it's obvious the reviewer did not go there. Otherwise, I just leave the Review in cue.

avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
I'd also like to see stats and stuff on my review adjudications or even be able to see what all reviews I've approved, or even someone else has approved. I imagine rejected ones are deleted, but it would be interesting to see those too.
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
Nicespice makes an interesting point too. I never really think about customer reviews from a dancer perspective. I mean, every now and again we get a dancer review of a club from a dancer perspective and I kinda try to consider their views. But I've never before thought about what value a dancer may glean from a customer review, ie "this is the kind of club where guys who've been out hunting all day come"
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
So maybe a little box in the stats corner letting us know how often in the last year that particular club has been reviewed allowing us to calibrate our response in a way that takes that into account in our thinking, maybe a note that says this club has received 3 reviews in the past year how would that factor into the body politic ?
avatar for chimera422
3 years ago
No caps, no paragraphs, poor grammar & spelling are real caution flags for me.
If reviewer is that careless HOW he writes, what he writes is suspect as well.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
While "Not enough details" and "Incoherent" are two different reasons to reject a review, one very often accompanies the other.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
After reading the review in Founders example, I find it creates more questions (about the club) than it answers.

I’ve never been to this club. It sounds like someone’s house. You either ring a doorbell or call ahead to get in. Then when you are in, you sit at a table facing another table with more dudes in camo?

How do you spend 3 hours staring at dancers and dudes in camo - and spend $35? I understand it’s BYOB - but that’s cheap.

In case anyone wanted to know - I find dancers with horseshoe shaped nipples to be the luckiest! As long as the horseshoes are pointing up - so all the luck doesn’t run out of them.
avatar for grand1511
3 years ago
A lot of the reviews I've rejected lately lack any kind of details that reveal if the author actually went into the club. They say the same old things that you could say about 85% of clubs today.
avatar for joewebber
3 years ago
i reject a lot of reviews especially if they are three sentences or less.

a good review stands out if it can only describe the club being reviewed.

if the review says "stopped by PL's" girls were hot. bought a drink. got a dance. left."

we need details. demographic makeup of the dancers and clientele. music. cost of dances. cost of drinks. is vip private? rate the dancers' looks? was it slow? did you have to wait a long time before you got a dance?

there's just a number of different pieces of information that a reader wants to know about a club, and a generic three sentences doesn't cut it.

avatar for Michigan
3 years ago
I honestly don't post many reviews anymore. The reviewers just want the same old shit rehashed again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again....
avatar for gSteph
3 years ago
What gran1511 said. 1st thing, I gotta believe you were there. Tell me something.
Some sentences, paragraphs don't.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@Michigan please comment on existing reviews in order to tell us about things you saw in the club that were left out or different from what's in an existing review.
avatar for lurkingdog
3 years ago
I have always used the personal standard of whether or not enough information was provided to help me decide whether or not to go there. This is especially important for infrequently reviewed clubs— the clubs that have hundreds/thousands of reviews are usually more about specific dancers than about the club itself.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
There is another option for guys who can't write, don't like to write, or can't be bothered to write a decent review but want access to VIP benefits: pay the VIP fee. It's not a massive amount of money.

Or, if you just want to make a simple, short trip report about a club, go to that club's TUSCL listing page and post it to a club "Discussion". Those discussion threads have no adjudicators and now show up in "Front Room" discussion feed (and in the "My Feed" newsfeed for anyone who "follows" that club). Just don't be a dickhead and connect dancers by name to extras.

But if you want free access to benefits that would otherwise cost money, then make an effort and follow the review guidelines.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Perfectly square pubic hair would be the weirdest and least useful mutant power...
avatar for pistola
3 years ago
Upvote. This is the age of 'free shit for entitled twats' after all and a temp membership on TUSCL is no different.
avatar for 623
3 years ago
How about publishing the reject/accept ratio of the most prolific review approvers. If your reject ratio is over 80% maybe you’re too much of a perfectionist (or just an asshole).
avatar for goldmongerATL
3 years ago
Looking at the example, my main issue is no description of what goes on in the place. Are they nude? topless? Is this just a dollar parade place? Are there lap dances? What do they cost? What is the mileage? Can you take a girl to a private tree stand where she will polish your gun barrel? Was your "latex gun case" camo or blaze orange? Do they also process deer?

I just went to unpublished reviews. The first four that came up are each 3 lines long. Did not even bother to read them or vote.
avatar for WiseToo
3 years ago
Some clubs have a website which has photos of the club. A reviewer should be allowed to refer to the website rather than trying to describe the club in words. A picture is worth a 1,000 words, if the photos are accurate.

A well written review with a lot of details can read like an advertisement trying to cover all bases. And a well written review doesn't mean it is accurate; it means the reviewer writes well and may have a vivid imagination.

For infrequently reviewed clubs, it's important for me to know whether the reviewer had a good time and good time should not be code for extras.

My 2 cents.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
I wrote a 100% Guidelines Compliant Review once... perhaps this could help the new reviewers improve their approval rates?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
While folks love to complain about all the reviews that get rejected and the adjudicators that reject them, there's another side of that coin which is users who approve absolutely every single review (looking at you, dickydoo2) including those that are completely incoherent, blatant shill reviews (not desertscrub's "club ads"), and extremely explicit and name the dancers who do extras. There has also been a number of approved reviews that are clumsily cobbled together by blatant trolls who want to extend their trolling to the VIP discussion area. So, there are plenty of examples showing that getting a review approved isn't exactly like racing the Iditarod.

If a club reviewer can't write a review that crosses the finish line while those above can, then the problem isn't the judging process...
avatar for minnow
3 years ago
Slight OT : What is the cost of Tuscl VIP membership ? Monthly ? Yearly ? Lifetime ? I don't see it published anywhere. Doing search only brings up individual club VIP memberships, and a 2018 post mentioning a $7/mo. fee. If that is such a deal breaker, then maybe complainer can't afford to club anyway.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
minnow - I know a member that is currently paying $8.95/mo.
avatar for Techman
3 years ago
I want to know: nude or topless on stage, cost of LD's, cost of VIP, cost of cover charge, cost of drinks, mileage.
With inflation and Kung Flu, prices are changing weekly so I want to be able to compare the prices I get from a dancer to the previous reviews. This is a money centered hobby.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
You are a pussy Slave, sadder than sad. Classless scumbag.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
That's why San Jose Creep has never written a review!
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
The more I read your posts, the more I like SJG and Icee. You really are the dumbest fucking imbecile on this whole board.
avatar for founder
3 years ago
I can't wait till the new site goes live
avatar for EndlessSummer
3 years ago
^ How exciting! 🔆😘💋
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
The freaking suspense lmao
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@founder: can you give us a high level view of the new features?
avatar for founder
3 years ago
No new user features so to speak. Just speed and a few other enhancements
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Would you want to consider 2 levels of review approval?

1. Review Rejected
2. Review Approved and posted, gets reviews for the minor clubs which don't get many, and some reviews are important as they just tell you the place is operating. Best not to have to reject these sorts of reviews. But this does not get the author VIP Status

3. Super Review Approved, reaches to your high bar standard and gets published and gets author a month or two of VIP status. Most reviewers will probably try to write these Super Reviews.

avatar for MajorBoobage
3 years ago
Founder, thank you for the insight into what you're looking for in a review. Honestly, it's very helpful.

One humble quibble, though: I don't quite understand this site's emphasis on a club's physical details such as layout, size, etc. Those don't change very often, so you run the risk of reviews getting repetitive. And when a club does undergo a major remodel, it seems like the reviewers are all over it without prompting. That said, overall I love the site and rely on it regularly.
avatar for 623
3 years ago
Founder. You didn’t comment on my suggestion to show a review reviewers +/- score. It would help weed out the desertscrubs of the approving business.
avatar for pistola
3 years ago
@Founder - can you make it so when writing a review you have to hit two buttons to submit. I was just writing a review on a tablet on the shitter and the review submitted before I was done without letting me CONFIRM submission. This has happened multiple times and is annoying af. Why do we have confirmation for posts but not for reviews? Thx
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I just rejected a five-line review which started with "read other reviews for details about the club layout." I get it that describing the physical layout and floor plan of the club is onerous, but it reasonable to expect that each person describe their impression of the physical plant. How does it feel to you? Upscale or grubby? Utilitarian or artisan? You can even skimp on the layout of the club if you're going to write stellar details about the dancers, music, people, and staff. Nope. Four more lines. Too many people expect to get by with too little effort today.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
I can’t tell if Founder was being serious or tongue-in-cheek in this original post.
My over arching need to know: the shape of the bar!!!
Is it a rectangle? A circle? A pentagon?
That’s important shit.
What are you going to do with the minutes you spend adding putting info ? Find a cure for cancer?
avatar for dha
2 years ago
Much of the redundant information in these reviews can be added to the top header section. Like drink prices. Air or full contact or back room services. Large or small club. Parking fee. Black, white, or hispanic club, etc.

Stop rejecting reviews. There is something good in each review.

Rejecting reviews makes members not write them anymore. Not all people can write the same way. I.e. Papi Chulo summation skills are horrible. He writes articles with redundancy after redundancy. Yet some members get info out of them. Some people like to talk about their preferences like "I like red bull with vodka". Its all good. Stop the cancel bullshit culture here. Let my people free.
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